Northern Grasp for the Phoenix Crystals

News about the Bard's Journal and a place to post logs for processing

Moderator: Tehya

Northern Grasp for the Phoenix Crystals

Postby Tehya on Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:01 pm

Logs from the quest: Started writing this for the Bard's Memory Journal this is the beginning, and the logs.

Miyuka and Byrn ran this and had such a big turn out it had to be divided into two rooms:) Its so large it will take me some time to do, but this is for those wanting to see the SL immediately.

Northern Grasp for the Phoenix Crystals

The ships were anchored at the docks, one large ship owned by Eraelbyrn and the other ship owned by Phaing, people began to filter in a few at a time, while the water remained calm no threat of bad weather, the crystals were to open a magical portal…if all went well.

Soon enough Wade flew down, his leather duster flapping in the wind and his cloak floating around him until he landed… he walked forward the new light of the day making him aglow as it played off the mithril armor and of his weapons. He stripped off the cloak, stuffing it in the bag he carried. He found a safe place to perch using a fly spell to get there so he had an eye on the crowd.

The Moriel Eraelbyrn and those minions, the ship, her fastest enchanted with that speed, had brought out the two hoops of floating Mithril, buoyant because of the cork underneath and the magic that held it together. Placing them over days travel apart, only now had they returned, crew hers and cherished, but oh how 'wicked' they were, sitting aboard, even at the dock, the Moriel throwing dice with a one eyed goblin whose beard damn near touched the ground. Minions; those undead things, leaked their disgusting mucus down in places, created for foulness watching the dock itself with their gamey eyes. Her own sound leathers creaked, as she jerked herself upwards.

"Time for business, eh."

The next man approached Shoji`Isashi using the parchment that told him the groups involved would be meeting, by horseback. His horse pushed in an easy trot as he arrived, several noises made as he leaned over the animal and it slowed to a walk before stopping just nearby the area, somewhere he could tie the animal's leads and allow him grazing. He climbed from the steed and approached the group at the ...docks, looking over whatever ships were already present. Noting the arrival of his Lady, he grinned and moved to approach Eraelabryn, finding a place near the woman to take his place. He was dressed in black and gold silks, his kimono embroidered on the back in gold thread with the crest of House Kathahles.

The large sized carriage that belonged the hosue Estate Valentine rolled up to the portal site, inside, sat Miyuka dressed in a lovely white outfit made just for this monumental occasion. Yuka hair was in a rare style, the usual twin pig-tails but they were curled in a drill-like fashion. Miyuka was let out of the carriage by one of the two servants that drove and she stood there for a moment. She held a mithril case in her hand that had diamonds along it that were fitted to form the shape of the letter Y. Miyuka and approached the dock and ultimately Eraelabryn with a smile upon her face.

“ Is everything ready on your end, madam? I've the list of gunea pi-I mean Volunteers for the testing, and of course in just a few moments I'll be setting up the glyphs to form the protective barrier for the actual portal."

L`aquera curled her lithe frame into the taller more sculpted chest of her mate, knees pressing into the sides of her beasts neck. A simplistic enough direction and the mephos wings furled completely outwards and fanned softly, sending them down, down into a spiral landing that was for once, without screeching, talons digging into the earth or the sounds of her fist meeting the beasts nose for the trouble he'd given her. Rather, it was nice to see some maturity come into her jokster of a Mephos and he was given a firm pat by a gloved hand and a toss of an apple for him to capture and crunch on.

"He's been rather tame since the incident in St. Eva."

The way Eraelabryn’s lavender eyes near danced, oh the proof of research enacted upon -willing- volunteers. The key word being willing. Lips curved into such a broad smile, so unlike her normal solemn self, as silver curls danced around the shoulders, only half pinned upwards. No veiling, not today, gloved hands moving to reach out and jerk on the gobo's beard.

"Touch my bottle, while I am gone, with your pecker again, and I will see it infected to the point, not even a servant of Ishtar will suckle it. Mmmm?"

She lowered her head to Shoji, a brush of hand to his shoulder, as she touched down foot upon the dock.

"Keep the ship ready." murmered out to the first mate, as Yuka arrived, and then her own answer.
"Everything is laid out, merely awaiting your sweetness.”

Miyuka could only smile at Eraelabryn. Goddess that woman was so damn sexy...Miyuka would kill to get her into one of her famed outfits, but now was not the time for such.

"Very well, I Will set up the runs first, then the mages."

She looked around for a moment. "Can begin pouring their power into the foci, then a simple invoking of the spell and we'll either all die, or we'll have ourselves a portal.” Miyuka giggled and then quickly snapped her gaze to Aphielanis. "Oh? And what is your name hrmm? Have you already signed up? I've a list right here." Yuka waved the parchment around.

Aphielanis had found a nice place in a nearby building to wait until the time of the event. She came outside glancing around slowly she spotted Shoji and Eraelabryn and walked towards them carefully avoiding Miyuka's coach . She blinked a bit turning her eyes to the sky to watch L`aquera on a mephos and blinked, but soon resumed her path on quiet padded combat boots. Once she was within a few feet she bowed to them both deeply and then glanced towards a spot at their feet and then up at them quietly. When Miyuka asked for Volunteers she lifted her hand to volunteer and say quietly.

"I will go my lady."

Aphielanis nodded a bit and said in a small soft murmur "Yes My lady, my name is Aphielanis but people call me Aphie for short." She said half gazing up at Miyuka respectfully though given their difference in height Aphie's gaze was almost at her feet. She was unusually dressed in school uniform, combat boots, with an enchanted katana at her waist.

Shoji`Isashi returned the woman's nod with an incline of his head, helping her down to the dock as she used him as balance...he didn't seem to mind. He looked, seeing Wade joining them as well and nodded to the man.

"Good to see you again Wade." He then looked about, watching those others gather, noting Aphie's approach with a soft smile.

Wade_uth`Matar nods.. runes.. foci.. power.. die or dont die, got it. He would took deep breath this would be the biggest spell he had ever undertaken

Viktor`Corsarris had finished his inspection of the cave right before L showed up, the necromancer already having been dressed and ready to go it was as easy as slipping onto that great beast with her. Memory was a strange thing though. He remembered their first ride upon the creature and it brought a measure of a grin to his lips. One strong arm slipped around her waist body again adorned in what could only be called regal coat.. This time it was not Celtic knots that adorned its sleeve but instead the slithering form of a black dragon upon blood red fabric, and as she leaned against him he pressed his lips to her neck and gave a rye chuckle.

"It would seem he has gotten better since my first ride.." Amusement touching tone while arm held L's form firmly against his own solid

Alren arrived with Caitlyn and Larissa to the meeting point. "Mmm.. now.. Yuka should be around here somewhere. Have either of you ever met the woman?" He asked the other two curiously. Alren just assumed that Caitlyn and Larissa had already met.

The sweet silverwing Myra landed nearby as she tilted her head as she let her violet eyes sweep over those that were there. A little curve of her lips was given at the sight of some as the aeromancer folded those silver wings and chuckled softly. She had told Belson she would be there to see what was going on, to make sure that he was kept up to date on everything and of course to help where she was needed, if needed. Hearing Yuka she turned her gaze upon her and wiggled her fingers, letting her know she was available if she would need her help as she started to walk slowly about the area and take everything in.

L`aquera chuckled as the mephos danced to the right and caught at the apple before his rider undid all straps and slid from his back to the ground, hand held out for her mates to join her but that smile was rather sly all in all. She smelled vaguely of cinnamon and musk mixed with an alluring hint of vanilla.

"Time will tell my love. Come, I can't wait to see what Yuka has up that pink sleeve of hers as long as it’s not wandering for my ass that is."

She was quite keen to see this through. If this worked it would cut down so quickly on their ship ride across the sea. Turning, silvers slithered over the crowd that was making its way up slope and heeding the call for a soft chanting of adventure. She poured herself into the satin of oddly cut pants, diamond shapes cut out at the outside of each supple thigh to let the shine of her dark flesh be seen. Riding boots held a two inch heel to them and her vest of that same creamy satin, was perhaps far too tight over those proud breasts.

Caitlyn{Alrn} wasn’t much of a mage, the healer simply arrived with her Master to help in case of any mishaps. She glanced at him sideways before shaking her head. "No Sir." The girl still twitching her fingers along the hem of her skirt, making sure it is straight. Large green eyes peer toward Larissa curiously, the girl giving her a wide smile before letting herself fall back, trailing after her Master like a puppy for now, though she intended to simply stay on the side-lines.

Larissa was excited to go to the event. She had never seen anything quite like this before. Looking around she could see several people standing around for the event as well. Larissa was smiling brightly in anticipation, trying very hard not to bounce all over the place.

"hmmm, what? ... Sorry, no I have not!"

Phaing arrived aboard her ship, a crew of minions working the oars to ensure a smooth arrival.

"HEY GANG< WHERE CAN I PARK THIS THING?" She asked with a cheerful voice, amplified by a speaking funnel. Her Ship, the Indiscreet, was armed and in tip-top shape, and already volunteered to be the first through the Great Gate.

Thunder made her way to the place of the event. She stops looking around moving off to herself to see what might be needed of her if anything.

Wade_uth`Matar waited, ready to do as Miyuka had instructed. Nervous? not at all! It could just rip him apart in the casting or…send half of him way far away.

Sorgram waited at the y in the trails that led towards the sea. Messages had been delivered to Tehya and meadow to meet him there and they would ride down together. He rode Reaver, his smoke grey horse with a mane that seemed to drift away like smoke.

Tehya had been asked to come to record this discovery and trip in the Emperor's journal and meet Sorgram, and thought it may be very interesting tonight since she was accompanying her mate. Dressed in light clothes due to the humid weather she carried a small pack over her shoulder with a few things in it. With the quill and her familiar both with her it would make this trip easier. She walked ...towards Sorgram and his horse making sure that the one servant that had been following her wasn't with her. Tehya was very curious about the crystals, especially after last night with the ashes Sorgram experimented on. She glanced over the ship seeing who was going along and gave a smile, it was going to be an interesting journey indeed.

Meadow{wSw} gently urged her horse forward to follow Sorgram and Tehya but making sure he kept his distance so he didn’t try to bite or anything. She had not had him long enough to trust him that well yet. She looked about the area and noted all the people and wondered what this will be like as she rode along. Meadow soon appeared on the back of her blood red stallion named Chathar. She moved him towards Sorgram then halted him when close and lowered her eyes bowing her head to Sorgram. She then looked over noting Tehya and bowed her to her as well.

The 6'4" Moriel Cru stood off by himself observing what was happening. He had not seen this many mages in one place ever and wasn't sure this was a good idea

Shoji`Isashi waited, watching those gathering about and listening to the various conversations that occured. He simply stood on the dock, near the plank leading onto Eraelabryn's ship, dressed in the black silks and gold embroidered crest of House Kathahles...he simply appeared as a guard.

Viktor`Corsarris those cool blues of the necromancer shifted over L's body and then pulled away slowly there was something that he always enjoyed about that body. He couldn't quite put his finger on it... Oh... Yes but she was far to dressed at that moment for him to truly well enjoy. The grin that touched his lips with that thought was not hidden and eyes devoured her a second after that grin touched his lips. He didn't have much invested in this... Event.. It mattered very little to him if a portal could be opened or not. He slipped down from the back of his Mates Mephos and quickly let his own hand fall to her ass. "I am sure I can protect that." Baritone voice sounding a bit amused but still even if he had nothing invested in what happened with the portal there was a small touch of curiosity that he would not hide.

Alren grinned as the two women with him shared his excitement.

"She's the assistant head of Unigo. The oldest tower of magic here Larissa. Do you remember the classes I used to teach… those were all at Unigo? "

He explained as they came up to the gathering place. Caitlyn slipped behind him a bit and he turned to Larissa.

"You have met her haven't you? Caitlyn tried to steal from me you know… poor thing was out on the streets so .. I gave her a home," he said omitting a few other bits in between. The mage turned back to give a sly wink to his slave as he looked about for someone to tell him what was going on.

Miyuka nodded to Aphielanis. "Ah, then you will be the first to test! But For now stand back while we actually create this thing. Don't wan't anything bad happening to you." Miyuka takes note that L`aquera had arrived as well, and so did Alren. The waifish airmage suddenly begins floating up into the air above the crowd gathered near the dock. She giggles, thinking herself funny with her little joke.

"Some of you are just here to witness history in the making while others are here to be a part of it. For the time being, I would ask that everyone take a step back for now as we prepare to open the portal. First, I'll begin by casting a few protective runes using a bit of dragon magic’s, so pay close attention, it's not everyday you get to see such a grandiose performance!"

Caitlyn{Alrn} grinned back at Larissa with a shy little smile, her hands wandering from the edge of her skirt to her vest. The ride over had been somewhat bumpy. A dark blush suffuses the little slave's cheeks as her Master explained her circumstance, the girl trying to gloss over it as she speaks up, "D-do you wish me to take notes for you, Master?" The girl pated the bag on her hip, filled with various parchments, chalks, and even some ink, though it was easier to write with the chalk while on the move, as they are.

Turistima made her way with Auggy from their home to the meeting place, a bounce in her step despite the little sleep that she had managed. She was both nervous and excited about the testing of the new portal this evening. She had been a bit upset when her mate was first delivered home last night, broken hand and wound to the head, but as she read the note and the evening progressed, she found that she owed Bryn a great deal. Sculptors precise

06[20:14] * +Turistima thanks. She swatted at her mate's hand as they approached the others, trying to get him to control himself, the effects of the spell still not worn off as of yet. The elf dressed in black leather pants with matching boots, a tunic the color of wine adorning her top with a deep V in front to show off her mithril necklace that dangled between those full mounds. "Damn! I hope we aren't too late" she said, grabbing Auggy
06[20:14] * +Turistima hand and searching the crowd for familiar faces.
[20:14] <+Eraelabryn> The tilt of her head, the movement of eyes. "We should be proud of ourself, Miyuka.." The way of her form to move, gliding thing, as hand brushed Shoji's shoulder, and then lowered to L`aquera and Viktor as they arrived. Beautiful Flame, and her Shadowy Mate, the way of gloved hand to raise, and voice to -speak- up just a bit louder. "See to the Runes on this end, the return one shouldnt need 12†
[20:14] <+Eraelabryn> 12† the flow, charged as it is. Caitlyn, did eyes draw over that form,perhaps, the cold chill that came from Moriel's body it's own warning, as teeth set. Booted heel kicked the line of barrel and she would step upon it. "Those who are volunteering...To go through, arrange into two units. Put on the tabards with 1 and 2, please.." The way hand pointed to the tabards simple things with the 12†
[20:14] <+Eraelabryn> 12† drawn..well dont ask what it was drawn in. 4†
06[20:14] * +Phaing has her crew drop anchor at a moderate distance, to make sure the ship does not drift into anyone's way. The ladder is lowered and anyone can come over for a look around or to pass the time until their turn comes.
06[20:15] * +Thunder just stands back as told. She watches Miyuka with a tilt of her head a lick of her lips as her tail sways slowly behind her she watched quietly
04[20:16] * Saga|Alrn| ( has joined #tli-borderlands
03[20:16] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Saga|Alrn|
[20:16] <+Myra> Silver wings ruffled up a bit and then settled as she found her seat upon on of the docks posts and let her violet gaze swept over the gathering of mages. All the air mages that she knew of were there and a few fire.. of course L was there but a slight frown upon her lips at the missing Takao and a few others that she thought should be present with such an event that would happen. Shaking her head a bit she settled in to watch, already kn
[20:16] <+Myra> owing that a few things could… and most likely could go wrong and so she threw up a few of her own enchantments, making sure that she was well protected as well in case anything should happen <physical, magical armor> and then settled in to watch. Hearing Miyuka her gaze again shifted to her and watched as she drew magic to her and her lips curved. She was proud of the airmages she did know, knew that she was one of the few that we with
[20:16] <+Myra> in the empire and well practiced.
06[20:16] * +Aphielanis bowed her head to Miyuka's instructions arms at her sides she twalked to where Miyuka indicated and then glanced back to watc her rise in the air curiously an odd docile cant to her head while she watched the explination of Miyuka's magic when she was done and Eraelabryn spoke she turned her head to watch while she spoke keeping her head lowered respectfuly. When she heard
06[20:16] * +Aphielanis Eraelabryn's instructions she moved to a spot where the number one tabards were and grabbed it slipping it on soon moving to the spot she was instructed to stand for her group.
04[20:17] * +Sorgram reached down and grabbed Tehya, tossing her up onto the back of his stallion and kicked off, moving down towards teh location of things nd seeing as all was beginning, made not haste as he would see what would happen first and then decide what he was going to do. It would be interesting.
06[20:18] * +Archaon Dark wings flapped in the skies, and a resounding screech filled the skies as if its originator ruled the air. Perhaps he did. The dark mephos Wraith blotted out any sign of sunlight that sihlouetted his massive body. Atop the great mephos was his bound rider. The pair made their way toward the location of where the portal was to be erected for their trips toward the lands in
06[20:18] * +Archaon the east. It was paramount that he be there. His own missions in the future may shape the course of events to come for this campaign.
06[20:18] * +Acine|kee| had heard that history was about to be made, so she had gotten up, actually managed to wrangle her hair into a tight braid, her green practical dress fit well, her corset was tight and she had her first aid bag with her as she headed out. She had been on foot so she had left earlier in the day to make it here when others were to arrive. She looked around for familiar faces, seeing...
06[20:18] * +Acine|kee| ...Turistima there she grinned then quietly headed towards Turi and her mate.
[20:18] <+Alren> "Yes please Caitlyn. And.. I'd be willing to bet that you'd be able to find a healer here to mentor you if you looked. Be social, have fun and enjoy the night dear. Just remeber that your actions reflect upon me," he said having no reservations that she'd ever do anything to embarress him. Alren was rather proud of his slave. He moved to tossle Larissa's hair. "And.. you my dear
[20:18] <+Alren> i think should try to walk through.. move to the front of the line!" he said before giving her a playful swat. Yuka rose up and soon had the mage's attention, he wondered if he was needed for that, not having to rehearsed where to go for this, but he'd summoned these portals beofre. He decided he'd wait for now, keepign careful watch over Larissa and Caitlyn t obe sure no harm found
[20:18] <+Alren> them.
[20:18] <+Augustus> Aside from the stabbings, the fights, the touch of craziness that flitted through him from to time, the dark thoughts he had of using his mate in the name of -her-. The constant plotting, the constant need to find ways to control her exploring nature.. they really were quite a normal couple, and quite in love. The moriel was not himself, thanks to his new boss, that bitch. He thought it was quite funny thinking back on it, aside fr
[20:18] <+Augustus> om the still aching back and head, raspy voice and still swollen cock... that still throbbed in a mixture of the moons phase changing and the lingering affects... perhaps both were enough to keep him on edge, hunger still seeping into his core as his hands moved over his mates side and following that fleshy “V” down between her thighs.. trying to grasp at the very used pink slit. His smirked as she swatted him away... she wanted to
[20:18] <+Augustus> play... his arms wrapped around her in a shroud as the moved to the doubt someone would recognize him.. as a tower event.. he most likely would get yelled at for being in the back trying to molest his mate.
+L`aquera took note of the princess of garish pink lofting into air, head shaking as the girls giggle grated on already frayed nerves. It was so very close to the red moons rising. All moriel were edgy, more then just a little vindictive. She'd thought taking her time with the slave to be would have calmed her need to create a bit of chaos, to hear the screams of pain. But it only seemed to have wet < 14. 2>
[20:20] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> that appetite. Body pressed into and rolled against the touch of her mates hand, silvers flicking upwards to Viktors own cold blue. Brave little smile and coil of body to fit against his own and she brought him forward to the dock and where Bryn was so that if needed, help would be given. 14"The show at least, will be worth it, Vik, do try to smile hmm? Less lust, more < 14. 2>
[20:20] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> enthusiasm." < 4end 6>
03[20:20] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Thunder1
04[20:20] * 06[20:21] * +Fariday landed on the dock, resting against a wooden post for now. He'd heard the grand opening of this portal would be a part of history: he figured, why not see it for himself? Maybe take part? His wings folded behind him as he looked for someone he knew to pass the time.
06[20:21] * +Caitlyn{Alrn} girl bites her lip and nods, watching as orders are given. The young healer drifts from her Master as he moves to deal with his own duties. The girl deciding that it might be a good idea to experience what was going on so that her notes might be as complete as she could make them. The girl moves quietly through the crowd, looking at the various people who are picking out the tabards before
[20:21] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}> she would simply grasp one, drawing it back to herself and slipping away, little black ribbons following in her wake.
06[20:22] * +Miyuka turns her back to the croud, facing the magical construct that was already out on the water. A design crafted by Eraelabryn herself, with the help of the rumored phoenix stones that L`aquera herself had brought back from an excursion so many months ago. It was quite the master piece and Miyuka had to admit she was a bit jealous that it wasn't her that had come up with it. The
06[20:22] * +Miyuka adorable one opens that mithril case and pulls out a violin of all things. Along with it, was a small phoenix stone that had been previously enchanted with Miyuka's magics, it was there to help her focus such powerful magics. Yuka would suddenly begin playing that violin of hers, odd thing perhaps to see, but the intent was soon seen as she speaks out in the ancient language of the
06[20:22] * +Miyuka dragons and begins letting her symphonic magics flow in in a most spectacular fashion. Those below wouldn't be able to just hear the tune, but they would be able to literally see it flowing out from Miyuka and above the magical phoenix stone construct.
03[20:22] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv+v Caitlyn{Alrn}1 Caitlyn{Alrn}1 Wade-2
03[20:22] * Alren is now known as Alren1
03[20:22] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Alren1 Alren1
[20:22] <+Eraelabryn> Was there any playfullness in her voice? If fucking needed Minions would be brought out from her own ship to oversee that tabards were shoved into orifices ..and bodies rammed onto ships. Phaing, given the gesture with hand. "Permission for them to start boarding, Capt`n?" asked, ever so politely though, as shoulders rolled back. Tension a seen thing in how her muscles moved, the way jaw flexed. 12†
[20:22] <+Eraelabryn> 12† Wicked thing, that threat that hung in gaze would fliter. "Group two, feel free to board Mine.." her gesture, hand moved flicked over to the ship that waited. "Those who are watching..well. Kirva take you. " Half hearted thing that jest, blessing and curse as she laughed.
01[20:24] <+Tehya> 6 A smile tipped her lips up as Sorgram handled her like she didn't weigh anything and yet she liked how spontaneous he was. Turning to see Meadow she waved holding on Sorgram's waist as they rode along. Her familar Unknown flew above her the small yellow parrot was circling them above.
06[20:24] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 slides the tabard over her head, letting it settle in place, only then does she notice the number written down the front. The girl nods to herself, following the voices yelling orders even as she struggles to pull out the tightly-bound tome from her bag, as well as a slender stick of chalk. Her experiences are recorded even as she moves toward the Indistreet. The girl is no bard, simply
[20:24] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> writing what she sees in the most simple of terms as she moves to board Phaing's vessel.
06[20:25] * +Sorgram moves forward with his mount, and as they arrive at the location, he notes that there are two groups. One for those who are either insane or brave and one for those more wary or powerhungry. He smirked and decided today to be insane, well he was for being here anyway. Dis mounting, he took a Tabard that read 1 as well as 2 others, deciding for those with him their fates. Moving to mount the < 14next 2>
[20:25] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> plank, h elooked over at the ship and studied it and deciding any ship was not sea worthy and that he should really go home. However, he wanted the adventure and tossed the tabards to the women. 'Lets go.' he figured he could walk away into another dream.
Shoji1 moved over to the tabards, and slowly looked at the shrinking stack of those that would be serving on His Lady's did not make him happy to do so, but he would not leave the other ship under manned and so he picked up the tabard for Phaing's ship and tied it about his waist to symbolize...he would not hide his own House's Device, simply add the other to his appearance.
06[20:26] * +Aphielanis1 glanced over at Eraelabryn and heard she was going to be group two she moved to the tabard container and switched hers out. before joining Eraelabryn's group.
06[20:26] * +Thunder1 moves to the boat indistreet she the boreds as instructed. She lips her neck as she waits her next orders. Her eyes flashing as they move over the group.
+Archaon Descent began for the dark pair as the drak could see the gathering down below. Trilling, a blotting shadow spiraling overhead until the mephos landed with a resounding thud into a gallop to slow his approach on land. Wings tucked, and the two walked towards the gathering. Wraith's head tipped up, nostrils flaring as he sniffed. Momentarily, the drak looked about the gathering
06[20:26] * +Archaon while still aboard Wraith, taking a glimpse of the goings on.
06[20:27] * +Viktor`Corsarris There was a cool little chuckle that left his lips. "I have only one emotion that is shown to most L and that is cool disinterest.. It works better that way.." He gave a slight wink to his mate but then smiled. His gaze slipped to Bryn and he gave her a slight nod. Before he let L slip from him to be ready to help the others if things would go wrong. The cool blues of his
06[20:27] * +Viktor`Corsarris registering each person that began to line up and board various ships. Once again rather pleased to be able to watch and take note of who went where..
06[20:27] * +Alren1 watched Caitlyn make her way though the crowd. He wanted to see how she acted while not being under his direct supervision. "What do you think of her Larissa?" he asked the mageling he'd known far longer then his mate. "I think she'll make a good fit.. she tries hard.." he said looking about those gathered. It did the man's heart good to see so many familar faces. Still eyes
06[20:27] * +Alren1 kept to Caitlyn, it would be the first time she was truely public since her capture and subsequent collaring.
06[20:27] * +Stormwind was late ariving, something that was not usual for him, but he did finally arrive, just in time to land on the upper decks of one of the ships, though he had wished he had been able to bring his own instead.... perhaps that was the reason he had been late....
[20:28] <+Eraelabryn> The way of smile to those who would board her own vessel, the wink given to them as she would speak quietly. "Stay on the lower decks, not the upper, for now, til we know what will happen. Should you need some liquid courage, the First Mate can tap a keg or three...." her voice raised. "LIKE THE ONE he carries constantly!" the offer made, but then eyes turned, lavenders slipping to make sure 12†
[20:28] <+Eraelabryn> 12† everyone had on their numbers, her part of it, what it was, nervous not for the loss of life or limb that might happen, but more so, she knew what had taken place during those test runs. A mutter as she held out her hand " get on board here.." Just in'case' ..right? 4†
06[20:28] * +L`aquera turned to her mate pulled free of his body, but that smile was devious. 14"I'm going on the first ship. I want to see this first hand. You are.. welcome to come with me Viktor.." 6Turning, ass swaying back and forth, satin rasping over the dark flesh of the woman as if teasing her mate, she headed for Phaings ship without glancing back again, daring her mate to try something off his usual < 14. 2>
[20:28] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> beaten path. < 4end 6>
06[20:28] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 slips off the back of her horse and walks him forward them catchs the item tossed to her. She wasnt exactly sure what to do with the horse yet but she put the tabard on and walks up next to Sorgram and stops.
03[20:28] * Alren1 is now known as Alren
03[20:28] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Alren Alren
06[20:28] * +Turistima-2 smiled as she caught sight of Acine and waved as they drew nearer to the healer. "Good evening Acine. Come to be a volunteer as well or just watch the rest of us make fools of ourselves?" She gave her a hug hello after letting Auggy's hand fall from hers briefly. "Forgive me....I can't quite recall. Have you met my mate?" She turned and gave Auggy a look, letting him know that he had best behave himself or she'd ha
06[20:28] * +Turistima-2 have a talk with Bryn and have her teach him a lesson once again on the premise that he hadn't learned the first time. Turi wondered if Nai might show up or if it was best that she didn't just in case the elf and the others didn't make it that there would be someone she knew and trusted to rezz her.
03[20:28] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Alren
03[20:28] * +Fariday (webchat@14055a99.a55581.173.171.imsk) has left #tli-borderlands
06[20:29] * +Saga|Alrn| arrived dressed in a little black dress, barefoot bag over her shoulder and weapons upon her hips, sword dagger, compound bow at her back. looking around she looked a bit out of place. Wearing also a new piece of 'clothing a leather collar settled neaty over the runed tattoo about her neck.
06[20:30] * +Miyuka continues playing and as she does so, the stream of notes split into three and begin forming into a strange looking glyphs. The left and right glyphs formed to create inscriptions that were in the language of the ancient dragons, whilst the glyph in the center formed a large sized musical note. Each glyph was about 10 feet in diameter and glowed a dark purple color, pulsing
06[20:30] * +Miyuka with powerful magic...ancient magic. Possibly dangerous, but there was always such a risk when something as large as this project was going on. Finally the protective glyphs were in place. Step one was complete. Miyuka turns back to the crowd. Looking to see whom had showed up. "Lady L`aquera, Sir Alren. Lord Archaon, Lady Eraelabryn, Miss Myra...If you are willing to help with step
06[20:30] * +Miyuka 2...please let me know. I'll need your powerful magics to help power the device. Lady Eraelabryn, can explain it, if she'd like."
06[20:30] * +Aphielanis2 moved onto the ship and then glanced around at everyone around her she soon spotted Wade and joined up with him standing at his side while she half gazed up at him submissively and said in a soft quiet voice "Sir." as though reporting in for military duty.
04[20:30] * Fariday (webchat@14055a99.a55581.173.171.imsk) has joined #tli-borderlands
03[20:30] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Fariday
06[20:31] * +Shoji1 moved to climb aboard the Indiscreet, looking about it as he moved onto the boats main deck.
[20:31] <+Myra-2> Hearing to pick a ship her violet gaze shifted to watch Alren head to the first one and so the little silverwing thought it only fair to put another airmage on the second one, hoipng that she could be of help when it was needed. Her violet eyes would then pick out somebody within the crowd and her lips curved softly at the sight of Stormwind before she was moving upon that boat and towards the helm so she could watch and see what was go
[20:31] <+Myra-2> ing on near the front.
06[20:32] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 glances up in time to keep from stumbling off the edge of the dock into the water. She carefully boards the Indiscrete, the feel of the ground swaying under her a little odd, to the sheltered healer, but she manages to keep herself moving, making room for others to board as she goes to find some spot where she can watch what is happening and make notes appropriately. Green eyes find her
[20:32] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> Master, catching his glance and returning it with a bright smile and a little wave of chalk-stained hand.
06[20:32] * +L`aquera paused mid-step and turned that gaze to Miyuka. Everytime she had to open a portal, there was grumblings from the imagery she gave to the others. Cringing a bit, she turned to see if Viktor was following but nodded all the same. 14"If you wish, Miyuka." 6One complaint and she'd likely fry them all down and walk away. Her mood swings were as torrential as a rain storm upon the Isles.
06[20:33] * +Thunder1 looks over the ones there slowly taking in each one that stood there to do as need for the better or worse of this land she called home.
[20:34] <+Augustus2> The moriel would move forward at the headmistress's coaxing, slowly moving his mate with him, and her friend Acine as well. He would reach down picking up three tabbard, giving them each a tabbard from the second ship. He looked over it and shrugged, removing his robes.. the only clothing he had one, now a stark naked, mad moriel .. his girth still very hard for the aching hunger within... still cursed. He would place the tabbard
[20:34] <+Augustus2> over his head as it only went just below his waist.. his ass and cock still very much exposed. He would walk back to his mate, pressing that girthy hardness to her waist.. skin tighting wanting to use Turi another whole night and morning.. this....event... interrupted them. His voice was still raspy “Hello.” He would nod to Acine.
04[20:34] * +Sorg-1 turned to meadow and noted her dilemma, pondering for a moment, 'tie his bridle to Reaver's saddle, the stallion will lead him home and to the stables. He will be taken care of there. Reaver will see him home safely and probably less harm will come to him than to us. ' He patted her head and pinched her lobe as he slipped an arm about Tehya's waist and leaned on her to board the ship.. < 14next 2>
[20:34] <+Sorg-1> < 14more 1> hearing the list of names and noting that his was not included, he would look to the speaker and make note of her. She would know who he was so that next time, she did not fail to mention his name. < 4end 1>
06[20:35] * +Sorg-1 noted the glyphs and his interest in the woman grew tri-fold
[20:35] <+Alren> Yuka's notes wove into the spell, powering it. He gave the woman a nod as she made her request. "Of coruse Yuka," he said stepping up to her. "Hello Myra," he said nodding to his old boss. He was still a minor mage compaired to many in attendance this night after all. the airomancer kept quiet, trying to take it all in at once. It was rather challenging with the number of people
[20:35] <+Alren> moving about him at the momemnt.
06[20:35] * +Wade-2 would stand on the forecastle of the Eraelabryns' ship and draws his sword placing the tip on the deck he stood there waiting for the moment they would depart
06[20:36] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 is no sailor, so she merely finds a little perch and begins watching the others who board Phaing's ship. The girl smiles at Thunder, and Shoji, taking note of them in case something went horribly wrong. She had a couple of potions of full healing, but her own ability would only lend so much. The girl chews on her lip nervously, tapping her heel against the deck. Little notes are made in her
[20:36] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> book, though the shy healer doesn't know anyone well enough to approach them.. yet.
06[20:36] * +Saga|Alrn|1 wondered which to board but then she thought she saw alren and figured she'd take that as her clue. Walking up and givinghte ship a bit of a uncomfortable blook, before she began to board. Smiling at the other sshe encountered before she stepped fully aboard and looked around onc more.
01[20:36] * +Tehya-1 just smirked at the toss of the tabard he was behaving very adventurous and rough. She took hers and put it on and then walked aboard with Sorgram. Approaching the ship she looked at the other one curious why Sorgram chose this one instead. As he guided her onboard, she placed the pack she carried on the opposite shoulder so he could slip his arm around her waist. She gave him and Meadow a ...
01[20:36] <+Tehya-1> ... look, questioning blue eyes almost asking why this ship. Never the less she did carry her journal in that pack to record the history that would enfold.
04[20:36] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 takes her horse rein and does a told and pats his neck. She then turned back to Tehya and Sorgram and stood there listening and looking about. She was nervous that was plain to see but she was here as told and would do as told reguardless of any fear she might have.
[20:36] <+Eraelabryn> Silver curls danced as she would give wink to Turi, as she came aboard with her 'cargo' well, eventually she would. Those known to her given a light smile. She had welcomed them to, and then instructions were spoken to the dwarf who would pilot her 'baby' through the portal. "But one accident..." the threat lay itself out, in whisper, but nod of head showed -he- understood. Locate enchantment 12†
[20:36] <+Eraelabryn> 12† had been placed within the timbers, just in case it got ....well lost. Her own movement towards where Yuka glyphed. Stepping down from her ship, handing it over to those -trusted- people only after glancing over them as if to warn them not to do anything..disgusting aboard. Hands dusted off as she gathered with those called for. "I can if you would wish the explaination or need it." Head lowered 12†
[20:36] <+Eraelabryn> 12† to each of those in turn. 4†
06[20:37] * +Viktor`Corsarris had been following L yes, there was little else for him to do when he had no more then curiousity in such projects. His own place had always been either on a battlefield or behind a map dirrecting troops this to him was part of the logistics of battle, something that got his attention and he needed to know about but hardly ever took part in setting up.. Still when Yuka asked
06[20:37] * +Viktor`Corsarris L to help her he smiled a little let himself step back so she could do what she needed to..
[20:37] <+Myra-2> She heard her name and her lips curved softly before she gave a gentle nod and silver wings spread to lift her from where she was and put her near the others for the time being and letting the others to build the boat "Of course Yuka…" She turned that violet gaze upon Eraelabryn to know what she need to do when she heard Alren's voice and she gave a gentle smile to her once student and employee. Brushing by Stormwind she pressed a kis
[20:37] <+Myra-2> s to his cheek lightly and then would pay attention where she was needed.
06[20:38] * +Shoji1 moved, finding himself a quiet corner of the deck with enough space for him. He then just sunk down to his knees, resting there and waiting, slipping the katana out of the obi at his waist and resting it on the deck to his left. He left his eyes open, despite the idea that he was attempting to focus and meditate.
06[20:38] * +Larissa1 looked around watching everyone. She grabbed one the items being passed around, then followed Alren. "I like Caitlyn, I think she will be a nice addition to the house. A little meek, but I think she may have gone thru a lot recently before coming to us." Her eyes followed Caitlyn, again giving her a warm smile. Larissa did not realize she was going to be on one of the ships.
06[20:38] * +Larissa1 She had thought she would just stand under a tree and watch everything. Not used to being around this many people she clung to Alren as they boarded the ship and after, for fear of ending up over one of the railings. She did not really pay attention to much once she was on board. She was actually a little afraid of the water.
03[20:38] * Fariday is now known as Fariday-1
03[20:39] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Fariday-1 Fariday-1
06[20:39] * +Wade-2 nods to Aphielanis. "greetings.. again." he says with a smirk. "Come to cross the great sea with us" he says watching the horizon. It should be interesting
04[20:40] * DorianPrice ( has joined #tli-borderlands
03[20:40] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v DorianPrice
06[20:40] * +L`aquera sighed as he paused to let her move on her way and without an excuse now, she moved through the crowd, cursing only a few times at their difference in 'height'. She finally pushed her way through and let hues settle to crystals that would be needed to power up that portal. Slight shudder of revulsion as others came closer. This was going to be... more of a challenge then expected.
03[20:40] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Stormwind-2
06[20:40] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 starts a little as she spots another tag like her own, the girl's smile growing almost eager as she hops down from her perch and walks across the boat toward Saga. "Hello!" The small slave tucks her little tome under one arm as she addresses the much taller woman. "I don't think we've met." Her voice is a little shy, though she hoped that the woman would notice the simple leather collar
[20:40] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> around her throat, denoting that they likely lived in the same house, even if they haven't met yet.
06[20:41] * +Aphielanis2 watched Wade drawn his sword and prss it too the deck curiously. After a moment she braced low to her knees blinking curiously when a strong wave rocked the boat she glanced around curiously looking slightly surprised but calmed when Wade spoke to her she glanced up at him slowly leaveing her head half bowed so her eyes only slightly connected with Wade's and she responded in
06[20:41] * +Aphielanis2 a soft quiet voice "Yes sir."
06[20:41] * +Archaon He'd dismount from Wraith while the mephos' senses picked up the magics that were being used. He was always sensitive to magic, like any of his kind. Drak removed a gangly staff from saddle bindings. Wickedly evil looking thing. Drak would wade through the crowd while Miyuka did her thing, his mask shifting, shimmering, reforming itself to make his face look dead and desiccated.
06[20:41] * +Archaon His power was needed to bring about this portal, and thus, he'd prepare himself to stand near a chosen rune and provide his power for this.
[20:42] <+Cnu> he found a place out of the way and sat under a tree, wondering what would happen with this many mages in one place
06[20:42] * +Turistima-2 grinned at Bryn as she offered her her hand, taking it and leaning in close to whisper, "Thank you for delivering him home to me in one piece, albeit a tad broken. I'm still waiting for him to explain fully what exactly happened to invite your special attention." She shook her head as her mate stripped his robe from that dark flesh and pulled the tabbard on, leaving him only partially covered. Goddess help her, but
06[20:42] * +Turistima-2 was going to be a handful this evening even more so than usual. "Why on earth did you remove the robe Auggy?" she asked as she stepped aboard the ship with Acine. What that woman must think with the Reeve acting thusly.
06[20:42] * +Wade-2 lifts her chin.." Buck up young adventurer, this is the sort of thing that happens only once in a lifetime." he says with a soft smile, then he puts a gentle hand on her shoulder." Dont tell me you are afraid of boats or water or something.
06[20:43] * +Thunder1 moves to the very front of the ship. She turns her head looking about her hands on the rail as she looks before them her ears twitch tail flicking as she listens wait and takes in a deep relaxing breath.
06[20:44] * +Miyuka nods to Eraelabryn. "It is your device, after all, I wish for you to have such an honor. Please join me over here." Miyuka says as she moves to the end of the dock. She motions for the aforementioned mages to meet her at the edge so they could all listen to Eraelabryn's explanation. "It won't take long, I assure you lady L`aquera." Miyuka says the the flame and then waits for
06[20:44] * +Miyuka Eraelabryn to join them as well so she could give them the run of things. "It is so good to see you all here, gathere dfor such a grand cause. Ah, it's days like these that make me love this empire all the more. Here we are, ready to allow our magics to power the future of Naval combat and that a word? Merchanting? Anyway, I digress. Lady Eraelabryn...take it away."
06[20:44] * +Saga|Alrn|1 heared a voice aimed at her and turned then looked down and noted Caitlyn. Her blue eyes widene a bit seeing the leather about the other woman's neck after a moment. She then lifted her fingesr to touch her own and nods to Caitlyn in greeting. left momentarily incapable of speech. Lips parted to return the greeting before she turned to look away a moment. Clear her throat and turn again to < 14next >
[20:44] <+Saga|Alrn|1> < 14more > Caitlyn with a soft smile. "Salam.." and then she forgot to speak inthe common local language. < 4end >
06[20:44] * +Alren chuckled at Larissa as she clung to him. "And what are you nervous about dear? You're more social then I am," he said narrowing his eyes at the woman before giving her ass a quick swat. "I think i'm supposed to stay here to charge the portal Larissa. You can watch if you'd like, but think of the excitement you'd have by being one of the first to step through, "he said batting
06[20:44] * +Alren his eyes at her. Alren would neglet to mention that he'd seen seen others go though the portal that bryn had been testing weeks ago and as those thougths came to mind he frowned. "THen again.. er.. bryn would have made progress well of course she did
[20:44] <+DorianPrice> 6 He moved swiftly through the crowd as he made his way to the docks, his eyes slithering over those within the area looking for L`aquera and the others that he needed to be around. He kept himself quiet but he was their and that is all that mattered.
06[20:44] * +Acine|kee|_2 had picked up her Tabor, following Turi as she watched Augustus, raising an eye brow at Turi, but as usual with a sweet smile she said nothing. A respectful nod at Bryn, as she stayed by Turi's side thinking she may have to help her a bit this eve.
06[20:45] * +Sorg-1 looked around and beckoned meadow closer. 'they will need all our magics to open this portal. you will contribute as well and be a part of this sucess.' He stated as he watched and waited, having his theories on this and some mirrorin theirs, but other differing. He listened and began to consider the best way to channel.
06[20:46] * +Shoji1 just sat there on the deck, focusing on his breathing and listening to those about him, just in case they were to speak with him directly
06[20:46] * +Stormwind-2 did not want to be here... he hated the damned portals and had been against them from the first.... he thought them dangerous... but of course, his liege had commanded his presence, and he would no more tell her no than he would cut off his own wings.... so, here he was.... waiting for hell to open before his eyes
06[20:46] * +Phaing-ONE allows her Guests to pick their own posts, and watches the proceedings intently. "Stand by to cut that cable, I want to be ready the instant they call on us!' She gives the crew a sly grin, "Told 'ya we'd be famous.... Hey, save your magicks, you might need them to save your butts if we land in the wrong place."
[20:46] <+Phaing-ONE> "Like Land.."
06[20:46] * +Aphielanis2 had her chin lifted with ease by Wade's gentle hand her eyes met with his easily enough, she was a very calm soul. She didn't seem scared into being submissive as she gazed calmly back into Wade's eyes and listened and then nods responding in a small quiet voice "Yes sir... The ocean is not like a forest, but this boat is made out of a forest."
[20:47] <+Eraelabryn> The words that Turi' spoke, as Moriel would damn near chuckle, lavender eyes peeking over to L`aquera, a wink given as she nodded to Turi. She would explain it later, of course, and then the turn of head back, welcoming Arch over as well, then voice came from lips, "Viktor, you too, if you would be so kind to us." Miyuka spoke and she would lower head, in thoughtful regard. Breath taken in, as 12†
[20:47] <+Eraelabryn> 12† she pointed to where the Mithril and stone adorned hoop within hoop was. "Your most powerful spell, but one that you contain, it isn't the spell as much as the -energy- we want. Direct it at the stones within the circle of the Portal, stand upon one of the runes, if Yuka wishes you to. The stones are capable of absorbing large amounts of energy, the more cuts upon the gems the greater, I cut 12†
[20:47] <+Eraelabryn> 12† those myself on both sides. The Mithril absorbs acts as a current charge, with the journy, it reacts one way, only half the stones 'awake' and expending, the other half charging from the energy we are going to place within it. Should this work..and on the return, the other half are active while the others rest. " <wait>
06[20:47] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 flushes faintly at the woman's shocked look, wondering if something was out of place. She hadn't forgotten to button her shirt right? Slender fingers slide over her outfit, making sure it is all in place before she finally realizes that she looks as prim as she ever does. "Ah, how rude of me," whispered to herself before she would dip a curtsey to the other woman. "Pleased to meet you, I am
[20:47] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> caitie, property of Master Alren." The girl gives a rather proud little smile as she holds herself in that faintly lowered position.
03[20:47] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Fariday-1
04[20:47] <+Fariday-1> Withva sigh, he notices the others boarding the ships, and seeing Tehya as the only familiar face, decides to follow her onto the first ship. Wings filded behind him, he waited to see what else would happen for now.
01[20:48] <+Tehya-1> 6 The could see well enough what they were doing on the other ship and a nice little poke of her elbow went to Sorgram's side. 14"Will both ships have portals or only Byrns, why are we on this one?" 6 She gave a careful look at those that chose Phaings ship and wondered what was going to happen. Then came the time to do as Miyuka asked and she began jotting down names of those she recognized ...
01[20:48] <+Tehya-1> ... and the magical mirror would show the others once she watched this unfold again through the mirror.
06[20:49] * +Wade-2 puts an arm around her. "YEah you could say that right? Besides.. Boats can be fun I mean.. have you ever explored one? I havent.. what do you say we check it out?" he says with a wink to her to get her mind of the journey
[20:49] <+Augustus2> The moriel bunched up his robes and looked over bryn and nodded, his hand slinking about his mates lower torso as he kept trying to delve his fingers into that honey pot. His lips curled at Bryn, a sneer more than anything.. the spell had yet to worn off and all that sex.. all that stimulation.. and he still had no release.. it was driving him... crazy. He looked to Turi “Well.. I couldn't wear them both!” He would point to the ta
[20:49] <+Augustus2> bbard... oh! A dwarf with a hat! He would move over quickly while they all filed in line.. he was loose on the deck.. that hulking lithe half naked moriel plucked the first mates hat nonchalantly and when the thing furrowed his brow furiously he simply replied “back to work! Baton down the hatches and whatnot!” and moved back to turi, placing that hat atop his head and whispered in her ear “Ive always wanted to fuck a sea worthy
[20:49] <+Augustus2> elf..” He would nibble on her lower ear as his tongue slid up her cartilage.
06[20:50] * +Saga|Alrn|1 nods and looked Caitlyn over briefly before speaking. "Pleasure Caitie I'm sure. is... is Your Master here?" she had htought she'd seen him but then, he'd disappeared again. Looking around anc back at Caitlyn she hasn't paying any attention to what was being said around her.
06[20:50] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 simply bows her head to Sorgram " yes Ardwy girl shall do as she is asked and needed". She Couldnt say she understood any of this but she had magic within her to help and would use it as best she could since that is what Sorgram as told her to do.
[20:51] <+Eraelabryn> <Once the Portal is open, group 2 will be coming with me to IC in TLI-Arena so the room isn't so flooded. Rolls will still take place in #TLI-Quest however!)
06[20:52] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 grins widely and nods. "Aye, Master is supposed to be helping with, uh, the portal?" The girl waves in the general direction of where Miyuka and Alren are standing. "I think we're meant to be guinea pigs here on the boats. We'll be going through the portal summoned and.. I guess they hope we make it out the other side." The slave rocks slightly from heel to toe as she speaks to the taller
[20:52] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> woman.
[20:53] <+Miyuka> "Once the stones are powered, I'll activate the portal spell. Goddess willing, my dragon runes, and Eraelabryn's constant testin will prove fruitful and the portal will open with little to no complications. Once we see that it is stable, it will simply just be a manner of testing it. I'm quite confident in the accuracy of the spell. If anything there should only be a few minor
[20:53] <+Miyuka> misshaps and maybe an adjustment or two upon the original formulae. That's the gist of it. IF ther are no further questions, I would like to start. Everyone ready?"
06[20:53] * +Viktor`Corsarris had hoped to just quietly slip back into the crowd and disapear until this was all over.. Frowning a little when Bryn was kind enough to ask him to join..... Sarcasm was rather openly shown at least when it came to his thoughts. He nodded his head just a little and started to move to follow L, listening rather intently to the instructions he was being given by the other Moriel..
06[20:53] * +Viktor`Corsarris A small stream of obsenities were quietly whispered from his lips as if this was the last thing he wanted to do.. He rarely used his magic anymore rarely needed to call upon it but here he was being drawn in to help them. His whispering steps pulled him to a stop near those stones his blue eyes coming to rest upon L. "Well one can try to be lazy.."
06[20:54] * +Archaon Mismatched gaze meets Bryn's as she greeted him upon approach. Solemn nod of hooded head to her before she explains what was needed of him, and of the others that were to assist in erecting the portal. As instructions were being spoken out, drak listened attentively to what was necessary. Adequate power from him would most likely not prove too difficult. With the nightmarish
06[20:54] * +Archaon staff in hand, and the great artifact latched to his face, his end would be covered.
06[20:54] * +Aphielanis2 gave a small nod while she glanced around the ship area they were at curiously she shook her head and said in a small quiet voice "No sir, We need to get below decks like Miyuka suggested sir." she tried to start leading Wade below decks with her.
06[20:54] * +Fariday-1 watched and waited, trying to count the faces he recognized, be it by name or just by face. A few seemed interesting regardless, and he pondered approaching one or two after the fact. That is, iif the empire and its so-called architects could actually open a portal of this magnitude.
06[20:54] * +Larissa1 looked around seeing some ppl head to what may look like stations. She looked up at Alren, feeling that she was being dismissed. She gave a weak smile, "ummm ... nothing ... nothing has me afraid. Nothing. But I think I will go and try to make myself useful." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then darted off, before she was smacked on the ass again. She headed towards the
06[20:54] * +Larissa1 back of the boat, seeing noone on the Balistea she headed over to it. She looked at the large crossbow thinking she could manage it. Giving a shrug she decided she could handle it just fine. Standing up on her toes she tried to look around.
06[20:54] * +Turistima-2 laughed softly as she caught the wink Bryn gave L, knowing only that both women had been at the Inn when her mate was bespelled. It would appear it was an even better, more interesting story than he had led her to believe. Not that she was surprised in the least. She smiled apologetically to Acine. "I'm sorry dear. He's.....well....not himself I'm afraid." She knew it wouldn't be the first time the woman had seen a
06[20:54] * +Turistima-2 nearly naked male, the woman was a healer after all. Still....Turi had to admit it wasn't the most appropriate time for such. Her mate's hand roaming over her slender frame, fondling shamelessly before he had some new distraction and ran off to torment one of the poor dwarfs there to help sail the ship. She pulled the tabbard over her head and ran fingers through those silky golden tresses and flicked that emerald
06[20:54] * +Turistima-2 in the direction of her mate, who was now bounding back with a new hat. She smacked him on the bare ass and pulled him close. "Now is hardly the time love. need to control yourself or I shall have to have Acine her help me tie you up to the main mast."
06[20:55] * +L`aquera smirked as she heared Bryn, a hand held out to her mate to take. Otherwise he'd slink off. To many for him to deal with but this was rather what he'd signed up for when he'd asked her, or was that demanded her, to be his mate? Either way, this is exactly the life she led. He couldn't always hide and she needed a mate that was by her side. This was going to take quite a bit out of her as < 14. 2>
[20:55] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> well. Hands clapped together as Viktor came close, she rubbed them quickly and then reached out to place them only a breath, from the stone. 14"I wonder if Bryn warned them..." 6was murmured. < 4end 6>
06[20:56] * +Shoji1 noted the amounts on his ship compared to Eraelabryn's now, and blinked. He stood, retrieving his sword and slipping it back into his sash. He muttered a few words under his breath and took to the air, his Fly Spell carrying him over to the other ship...where he would switch out his tabard.
[20:57] <+Alren> "ready here Yuka," he said to the strawberry princess. The mage looked back towards Phang's ship with Saga and Caitlyn on it. He couldn't help but wonder how they were doing. It was importaint to the mage that everyone got along after all. He looked back at Larissa as she spoke and before he could reply she was off likely to get a closer look at the others that were taking part in
[20:57] <+Alren> this mad experiment. "Hmm.. seems like i'm left .. alone?" he said tilting his head before turning his attention back to yuka.
06[20:59] * +Dorian-1 had made it to where he needed to be his eyes casted over the huge crowd this was such a big event he almost wish he saw more vega but it was too soon. To soon indeed for a public appearence. everything now seemed to be getting going well in the ranks. Only a few more weeks now and he could actually start seeking out other means of druming up publicity. His eyes found L`aquera
06[20:59] * +Dorian-1 and Viktor`Corsarris moving to where they were on the ship he stood there quietly arms crossed and waiting.
06[20:59] * +Acine|kee|_2 grinned at Turi, yes that was something that she KNEW she could help her with, much of this evening she wasn't sure how much help she truly was going to be, but at Turi and Naidra's words she was getting out more and trying to meet new people and do new things. Keegan could go out and adventure well so could she, as she winked at Turi to let her know all was fine and she had her back.
06[20:59] * +Saga|Alrn|1 wasn't keen on beig an experiment. She looked around and back to the smaller female again. "I see." she sighed and shook her head. She and magic mixed as well as fire and ice. Wonderful. "hmm.. wellthen." she wanders over and leans on the side rail of the ship and sits straddling it... a foot dangling over teh side and the other just over teh deck as she walked below above and around... if < 14next >
[20:59] <+Saga|Alrn|1> < 14more > she was going to do it she'd enjoy the show. < 4end >
01[20:59] <+Tehya-1> 6 She waved to Fariday not seeing him for a long time, and then turned back to Sorgram and Meadow. So far she recognized most of the people to write down names and from what she read about crystals and the powers within them, she surmized they were all taking their lives in their hands.
06[21:00] * +L`aquera frowned and slid those silvers to Eraelabryn and held them there. That blasted bitch hadn't said a word. Not one. She raised a brow and her hand, as if asking the darkness of loveliness if she'd prefer the pyro give them that clear warning before.. they began? One never knew, she was quite certain her own mate didn't know. Alren, most definately did. This is not the first time he'd opened up < 14. 2>
[21:00] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> a portal. Especially with her. 14"Bryn.. my darling darkness. Shall I?" < 4end 6>
06[21:00] * +Aphielanis2 walks inside Bryn's cabin with Wade and glances around blinking a bit, she spotted a few books and a statue askew from the waves that had jarred the boat at one point, She moved to the shelf and carefully began to rearrage the books and place the statue back where it should be.
06[21:00] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 waves to Larissa as she boards the boat, the girl feeling rather useless for the moment. Just a small healer slave, it was unlikely that she'd be of much use unless things did go terribly wrong. "G-good luck!" is called toward Saga's back as the woman moves off to take up position along the railing. The girl, herself, takes out her little tome and flips it open, taking note of who is
[21:00] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> creating the portal, and what little she can see of that happening from the boat. The girl notes Dorian as he passes her, recognizing the man with a bit of a flush across delicate features.
[21:01] <+Eraelabryn> A bit more 'to' it, then she was explaining, leaving out the hoods, the build the way it was able to stay a float but stable. Gloved hands dusted to the sides of her leathers, as she rolled back shoulders. Viktor's gaze, had she had nipples would have frozen them off completely. Good thin she had them removed..oh..the breath in, then let out as she would the others pick their places. Meaningful 12†
[21:01] <+Eraelabryn> 12† glance, shot to L`aquera, along with that jerk of head, towards Flame's Mate as if to say -something- before she would smile to Myra and pray to Kirva that Archaon at least had a wee bit of a sense of humor..But then, L`aquera would speak and she would crinkle nose. "Only if you -really- want to, Beautiful Flame. Really, really want to.." 4†
04[21:01] <+Fariday-1> He Torian nodded to Tehya, and Sorgram in turn as he approached. "Wild night, is it not?" he commented to the bard as the white-haired, black-winged man rested against the side of the ship's railing. "A night in history... Yet so little to do for now."
[21:01] <+Myra-2> Hearing Eraelabryns explination she chuckled softly as she thought of which was her most powerful spell and a brow lofted. She needed to be careful or she'd end up taking out everybody there and well.. that wouldn't be good. She settled beside them, waiting to be told when to let that magic flow through her and to keep it close at hand and not take everybody out. Belson would at least be happy she participated instead of just watching t
[21:01] <+Myra-2> hings happen but that was the thing with the silverwing, she helped when she was asked to help instead of always offering it up.
06[21:02] * +Miyuka float sback up into the air and observes, looking down at the construct. "Alright! Everyone we are ready for you. Fire away!" Miyuka shouts out and strikes a dramatic pose as she does so. She herself wasn't going to help power the stones, instead she had made those dragon runes in order to protect everyone gathered, hopefully. 4<Alright Stage 2 mages, feel free to fire off,
06[21:02] * +Miyuka 4just one good post of you casting upon the stones is all that's needed.
[21:03] <+Wade-2> i/me trips over a rope and follows gaining his footing.." Well hell girl lead on! * he says, then follows her below.. as they head below he spots the door to Bryns cabin.." In here! he says, opening the door and puling her inside
06[21:03] * +Sorg-1 noted the instructions and moved to find the rune farthest from the others. Letting his mind fall into his element, he became the spirit of fire, embodied in the form of a dragon dreamed manifestation. His obsidian skin took on a faint glow of azure as he coalesced the very essence of his granted magics. The low chanting in the most ancient of languages began below the sounds of the waves < 14next 2>
[21:03] <+Sorg-1> < 14more 1> and rose as if amplified by the very air around him. The very temperature around him would drop in degrees as he took in the heat of the very environment around him. Flames slowly built upon him, growing as he chanted, continuing the spell longer than necessary to increase the power he channeled in to it. Focusing on the largest of faceted stones, he would lock his gaze with it and feel for its < 14next 2>
[21:03] <+Sorg-1> < 14more 1> spirit, to channel those flames into that point. His arms raised as the aura around him expanded and draped him like a cone of flame, eerily reminiscint of a volcano, it pulsed and withdrew as if the mountain was about to regurgitate its innards. Lifting his eyes, which now glowed with a pale violet hue, when he was at his most focused, he gave the command word, a draconic phrase for sortie. < 14next 2>
[21:03] <+Sorg-1> < 14more 1> Five streaks flew up from him and at the stone, all seeming winged and reminiscent of a sortie of five small dragons. < 14 more 1>
06[21:03] * +Viktor`Corsarris He took a deep breath as he stepped closer to that stone looking to his mate with something of a measure of well controled annoyance on those strong features. If he had known he was going to show more of his power then he hand since his return at least she could have warned him.. He had not touched the full extent of his powers in.. Years.. He had not delved into the depths of
06[21:03] * +Viktor`Corsarris what Kirva gave him since before he had been taken away by the leash.. His hands were bent back slowly the joints stretched out.. Fingers spreading wide and he looked at that stone with careful controled intent. "What should I know that I do not hmm"
06[21:04] * +Aphielanis2 walks inside Bryn's cabin with Wade and glances around blinking a bit, she spotted a few books and a statue askew from the waves that had jarred the boat at one point, She moved to the shelf and carefully began to rearrage the books and place the statue back where it should be.
06[21:05] * +L`aquera snorted softly and glanced to those there. 14"Lord Archaon. Alren, Viktor and Myra to Dorian and others here. Pay close attention!" 6She gave the beautiful shadow a soft little smile and winked. 4"When you begin to pour your energy into the stones, be mindful of your neighbor, for you will share all that they are as they will share with you. Thoughts, cravings, hungers, emotions felt and < 14. 2>
[21:05] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> seen. Yes, you will 'feel' them. Because our energies will become one. Its important you do not shut this out! Flow with one another and then aim all that energy and sensation towards the stone. Understand? BEGIN!" < 4end 6>
06[21:05] * +Wade-2 would shut the door behind them.. he looks around and whistles, "Lookit this loot! I wonder whose cabin this is?" he says, looking around
01[21:06] <+Tehya-1> 6 Funny that Fariday said -Wildnight- it reminded her of Wildfire...and that was what she and her mate were. She gave him a smile knowing he had a poetic sense, and words were store beautifully in his mind. A quick question to Meadow, 14"are you alright?" 6 Her attention was quickly divereted to Sorgram noting what he was doing, quill shook a bit on the paper, since sometimes she got drawn ...
01[21:06] <+Tehya-1> ... into these dreams. The flames caught her eyes, and she realized he might not even hear her now, the Sylvan stood transfixed watching.
[21:06] <+Augustus2> The moriel wasn't a stranger to the gentle scolding of his mate, it was rather sexy at the moment. Those hands moved up from trying to pressing into that slit and palms pressed against her dress and roughly grasped those full fleshy globes with his hand, his hard manhood pressed to her back. “What goods being on a boat if you can't make it rock my dear.” His mouth would engulf her ear, his hand let go for a moment, off one of thos
[21:06] <+Augustus2> e warm breasts to reach up and take the hat from her.. she didn't seem amused by it.. and placed the used dirty thing on top of his head. Rather strange sight the Reeve , half naked.. clad in just a tabbard and first mates hate. Those crimson eyes of blood and shadow moved with a brilliant life... one wanting release... one that had been built up for almost a day and a half now... and wanted so badly to keep going.. to keep sating
[21:06] <+Augustus2> that hunger... to finally release.. those predatory eyes looked over Acine and he contemplated taking her right there, he thought better of it for the moment and gently bit turi's neck playfully.
06[21:08] * +Wade-2 looks around.. seeing a partial mess he casts clean several times until things sparkle again.. shaking his head at that sort of disregard.. Oi. he looks at the picture over the bed and doesnt even smiles.. someting tells you that that image would haunt the mans nightmares for months to come.. he flops down on the bed, relaxing..
06[21:08] * +Alren chuckled at yuka's flair. That pose was enough to put a smile on his face but he knew she was a trusted ally when needed. "Of course Yuka," he said before turning towards the others. A curious look towards L`. The first time he'd ever been introduced to the woman had been at a portal creation after all. Ray had done it, calling her by some pet name. Eyes closed shut, then
06[21:08] * +Alren reopened with a uneartly blue glow. His iruses replaced by a sea of blue, sparks beginning to roll down his arms towards the crystal as he tapped into the ambiant magic around him coarsing through the air. His flesh acting and a focus, pulling upon that etherial power and pushing the raw magical engergy inside the crystal. Long blindingly bright sparks arched from his fingertips,
06[21:08] * +Alren causing a strobe effect as the wind picked up around him, buffeting his robe about his athletic form.
04[21:08] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 turned and with movement of hands she chanted softly, the words unheard by any other but her hands began to glow as she continued to chant. With the flick of her wrist she send her spell the place sorgram had sent his. She then looked at Tehya and tried to smile. " This one is abit scared but she will be fine Miss. You are ok?
06[21:08] * +Aphielanis2 motioned to the picture of Tamryn and said quietly "It is our lord and lady's. She leaned down to the things scattered on the ground and began to pick them up and set them neatly in a stack in the cornor casting clean where it was needed a few times herself.
[21:08] <+Wade-2> you know a guy could get used to this.. ife on the open sea, you know.. wind in his hair, its a pity the Killing Joke is so small.. or Id being it along with..
04[21:09] * +Fariday-1 would nod and wait as Tehya left to attend to something else. The Warrior-Mage waited, watching as all of the mages nearby cast their spells, charging the portal's stones. He really hoped they knew what they were doing: someone would have hell to pay if they all died.
06[21:09] * +Wade-2 nods.." I know. I'd bet its Lady Eraelabryns room. the clothes.. the stuff it all says beautiful Moriel bitch to me.* he says sitting up and then hopping off the bed.
06[21:09] * +Phaing-ONE watches, and takes notes. If something goes wrong, it will be good to know something about how to get back.
[21:10] <+Eraelabryn> Told on! Her nose crinkling as she gave a rougish grin to Arch, and Myra, then flat out grinned, to L`aquera, trying her damnedest not to giggle aloud. Place selected, between the two of them, then again they might want to move. Moriel once Priestess, cleric always, so close to Blood Swan. Wicked thing, the sudden flick of hand out.Darkness, it's own Mistress pouring out of energy from hand to 12†
[21:10] <+Eraelabryn> 12† circle of mithril and those gems. Her strongest spell, the green flux of sickness, illness, the plague form of posion given magical -embrace- in loving Mother's words, as if feeding something beloved to her, the very tendrils of death. Chin raised, the way eyes took on that odd coloring. 4†
[21:10] <+Myra-2> Dark lashes would fall upon her cheeks as she pulled her magic to her, feeling the sea wind start to whip around the area as she pulled her magic from the very air around her and worked with it. She was careful with the spell of chain lightening and didn't want to start striking down everybody in their way as the skies gave a beautiful little displaythat would strike down instead upon those stones, giving the power of the spell to them
[21:10] <+Myra-2> as the wind would whip around those gathered and played along their flesh. She loved pushing her magic to its extent, to feel the very air become filled with static electricity and her lips curved with delight.
06[21:10] * +Thunder1 takes deep breath letting her magic seem to flow from her to do the bidding it was to do. Her eyes flashing like mad as she stood there looking before her.
06[21:11] * +Archaon He'd listen to what L`aquera had to say before he began. An interesting piece of information. Perhaps one, maybe two present may be able to handle such things that reside within him, but that'll be left to be seen. At the cue, the drak's power manifested itself from all foci. The artifact's full strength bore its shadow spawned arms and wings, the drak's staff had come "alive"
06[21:11] * +Archaon screaming silently at the rune chosen to be his intended recipient of his power. Blackest night energies of death had been cast directly upon the rune, focused, delivered, tethered in place.
[21:12] <+Dorian-1> 6 He knew the magic that he would be tamporing with and the fact that these would be a very different type of communal experience. His hand would slowly raise and taking a moment he would clear his mind before dropping his leather gloves into that pocket of his and focusing everything he had to begin casting
[21:12] <+Dorian-1> << strike my post >>
06[21:13] * +Larissa1 watched as suddenly the boat started to spark with energy. It was trully something amazing. She was suddenly glad to be apart of it. Even if her own part was to use the balistea as a quick escape if she must. She gave a little frown as she realized there was no rope tied to the bolts. Maybe she wouldn't be able to make a quick get away if need be. Larissa saw Caitlyn wave at
06[21:13] * +Larissa1 her. She gave the woman a smile and tried to beckon her over to the end of the ship. This would be a great place for her to see everything!
[21:13] <+Cnu> recognized Dorian and wondered at his boss' role in all this.
06[21:14] * +L`aquera hissed outwards and then slowly did she inhaled, shoulders touched to Bryn and Mate, silvers tracing over favored visage of Archaon and onwards to those there. A tip of chin, a sign of respect until light as sin depths fell to the stone and suddenly all that energy she had always held in such a small body, came spinning outwards. It rippled in the air like heat over a rock baking on a hot < 14. 2>
[21:14] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> summers night. It was palpable. Sizzling, steaming away and soon that anger, chaos, rage and above all, the sudden in flux of lust so strong it was felt to the very pours of others flesh. It touched upon every one of them. How depraved this bitch could really be. Horrible and tender. The scream that reverberated but was never heard as she cast forward. Explosive rippling of < 14. 2>
[21:14] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> air. < 4end 6>
[21:14] <+Dorian-1> << okay keep my post LOL >>
06[21:15] * +Wade-2 picks up a locket.. he opens it and smiles.. then closes it setting it right where it was.. he is good at that., when he picks something up he puts it right where it was simply because in his mind thats the only space left for it
06[21:15] * +Viktor`Corsarris The warning came and he grinned just a little at that thought, still where his powers had been forged, where they had been gifted to him.. It was in death, in the embrace of the Bitch Goddess.. It had been so long since he delved into that darkness he once again that touch was so intoxicating, and as he began to delve into the deeper abyss of that dark magic he could feel the
06[21:15] * +Viktor`Corsarris embrace again the chains that bound him, the creeping touch of death itself as it wiped away all that was the priest inside him even the phantasmal collar that had been placed by the bitch goddess. Black death replaced all that was light within him and then he dove. From him rose a dark energy that cloaked around him like Kirva's embrace and then fanned out from his back turning into
06[21:15] * +Viktor`Corsarris demonic black wings of energy. Blue eyes shoowing open he thrust his hands forward and wings turned into twisting torrents that shot down his arms and into the stone before him. And within that darkness was a touch of madness, a touch of pure dark enjoyment. The absolute hunger for death and the aftermath of pure carnal need.
06[21:15] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 is busy scribbling in her little tome and almost misses Larissa beckoning; the slave glancing up just in time to catch that movement. She'd smile softly, moving across the heaving deck of the ship to stand beside the massive ballista. "The air feels weird, Miss." Is all she says as she takes in the view, the girl glancing over the various people casting there, her soft lips pursing faintly
[21:15] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> as she leans forward, resting against the railing next to Larissa. The tome flips shut for the moment, allowing the little slave to simply -watch-.
06[21:16] * +Turistima-2 's cheeks flushed a little as his hand slid over her hip and fingers sought to play along her sex, hips rolling gently forward of their own volition. The elf was finding it hard to wash away the memories of the previous evening and the early hours of this day spent in her mate's arms. She felt his seemingly ever present arousal grinding against her ass as he teased. She had to admit that it was very tempting to giv
06[21:16] * +Turistima-2 and enjoy Auggy's attentions, but this was hardly the time. Last thing she needed was to be caught in a compromising position when they slipped through the portal. She shivered at the feel of his teeth, fingers curling around his wrist to keep him from slipping them down the front of her pants. "Dear, I'm fairly certain Acine doesn't need a show and you're being quite rude to our friend. Besides, your boss is nearb
06[21:16] * +Turistima-2 no doubt watching to see how you conduct yourself." She snatched the hat off his head and handed it to Acine. "Would you mind returning this to the dwarf lest he stab my mate later and we have to heel him for the fourth time in as many days please?"
06[21:17] * +Saga|Alrn|1 watched in silence leaning forward her eyes sweeping over the mages.. though in the end it lingered upon and watched Alren with ful interest. then as things began to go her attention was caught by the magic and what seemed to be the current results and she hoped she was not on a bad trip.
06[21:18] * +Aphielanis2 walked over to the locket looking it over curiously herself and then set it back looking around the room quietly once she was done cleaning te room she glanced around and smiled moving to kneal at Wade's feet folding her arms behind her back while she droped her gaze to his feet.
[21:20] <+Fariday-1> He had to admit, it was impressive: a group of mages all working in cpnjunction to power what was possi ly one of the greatest arcane structures of the modern world: he somehow wished he cou,d study it. Perhaps he'd see what strings he could pull to get a closer look sometime.
06[21:20] * +Larissa1 nodded, "That it does my dear. But it is so amazing to watch. I am glad you came up, I didn't want to stand here all by myself. And there was no way I was going to stand in the front of the ship.... I don't want to be teleported to a destination unknown!" She grabbed the slaves hand and gave it a tight squeeze. She had no idea how the woman really felt, but she hoped her own
06[21:20] * +Larissa1 nerves where not showing.
[21:21] <+Miyuka> Such powerful magics all in one spot. The feeling was invigorating, frightening, and arousing to Miyuka. She was glad she was floating so high up above the others or someone would no doubt notice that look of pure pleasure upon her adorable face. Honestly she could watch those gathered cast their magics all day and gain joy out of it. Miyuka. Loved. Magic. Casting it, being around
[21:21] <+Miyuka> it, bending it to her will...all aspects of it. The girl watches as the phoenix stones come to life, absorbing those powerful energies within itself so as to power the main stone and with that, it was Miyuka's turn. First she'd cry out once more in that draconic language, activating the dragon runes which would cast an invisible protective barrier of massive proportions. Next she'd
[21:21] <+Miyuka> invoke the Arcane magics necssary to create the actual portal. At first it semeed as if nothing would happen and then quite suddenly with frightening explosion of magic, the Portal would rip into reality, the sound it created was deafening and all those present would be able to just feel the magics flowing against their bodies. The portal began to collapse, but then quickly stabalized
[21:21] <+Miyuka> after a few moments. Miyuka had such a shit-eating grin on her face as she got a good glimpse of the Ridiculously large sized portal.
06[21:21] * +Acine|kee|_2 took the hat with a nod to Turi, a soft chuckle as she went to seek the dwarf that was missing their hat, watching Augustus basically molest Turistima in public, she was sure there was a story with this but she'd wait till after today's special event to find out. She heard someone making sounds like cursing when she saw the dwarf, then handing him his hat, he gruffly nodded and grumbled at...
06[21:21] * +Acine|kee|_2 ...her. It was a nicer grumble then he had been making as she turned and headed back towards Turistima. She also hated to admit it but Augustus did have a nice rear, so she enjoyed the view as she walked that way.
[21:22] <+Eraelabryn> Heat, such heat, her shoulder against the one so beloved to her, cherished Flame. Her own magic chilled, but thoughts oh perhaps not wise for the two of them to stand so close. Alren and then Sorg feeling her, as well as L`aquera, one standing behind her, and the other to the other side, her own eyes locked onto target, as the magic would cast itself, would move from her out of body, like the 12†
[21:22] <+Eraelabryn> 12† Plague. Comfort in it, the sudden hiss from lips as rush of the emotions of others, the startling way of impact to -rush- the form and expose one's self. Sound left mouth, but energy poured from fount of Moriel, outwards until 'then' battle worn thing, the way her feet spread, one slightly in front of the other.
Caitlyn{Alrn}1 squeaks softly as the woman grabs her hand, the little slave squeezing back as she lets her attention be pulled from the tableau. "I am sure everything will be all right, Miss. I have healing pots!" And magic, of course, though the healing pots were far more valuable than her current skill. "Besides, if anything happens, I am sure that Master will save us both." The girl is calm, merely
[21:23] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> curious of everything that is going on. The girl's hair is pulled back in buns which are tied in black ribbon, her head tilting to rest against the other woman,t railing those ribbons down Larissa's back as she turns her eyes back to the welling magic before them. "You should be prepared to feel sick, though." The girl frowns faintly, recalling.
03[21:23] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Thunder1
06[21:25] * +Sorg-1 felt the portal take hold and let himself walk again in the mortal realm. His eyes focusing as he looked about, knowing more about a couple of the others or so he thought, though he did not knwo which one it might be. He felt the ship rocking and felt queasy, but he could blamine it on the magic. Yes, he could do that. The rocking of the ship did nothing to him. It was such and effort of < 14next 2>
[21:25] <+Sorg-1> < 14more 1> magics. < 4end 1>
03[21:25] * +Turistima-2 ( has left #tli-borderlands
01[21:25] <+Tehya-1> 6 So there it was with Miyuka above everyone looking down, a brilliant picture she would claim to draw amongst the journal's story. Along with that scene she already made note to draw the others, rays of magic floating between the text pages. She did have concern for Sorgram knowing what happened last time and hoped history would not repeat itself. She stood ship's side to see the other ship ...
01[21:25] <+Tehya-1> ... and began to jot down each thing she seen happening. Not even knowing Meadow was of magic too, Tehya learned something every day, but she was intent even through her worry that this would end up well.
03[21:26] * +Wade-2 ( has left #tli-borderlands
03[21:26] * +Acine|kee|_2 ( has left #tli-borderlands
06[21:27] * +L`aquera held her position, the way of it all, battle at first it was to take it all in. To know exactly what those around her felt, threw forward. Imagined. Yet depths never wavered and that heat was a terrible thing to endure until it was rolling out from under small feet. As she heard the last of Yukas words, the explosion of it. Gathering their energies as one and sending it forward fully. She < 14. 2>
[21:27] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> felt that pheonix stone grasp at fingers. Shake them, sizzle. Even she gasped and loudly. Staring forward. Too much. It shattered her and she nearly dropped from it. Holy.. 14"Back.. draw back.. slowly... do it now... all of you.." 6She wished to implore Yuka to be careful. These pheonix stones.... too much. < 4end 6>
03[21:27] * +Stormwind-2 ( has left #tli-borderlands
06[21:28] * +Sorg-1 looked up at Mityuka and thought she was damned proud of her self, but she had something he wanted now and would stop at nothing to obtain.
06[21:29] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 blinks and shakes her head as things began to come back into focus. She looks at Sorgram and took a step back then looks at the water and felt the boat moving. She paled slightly and reach out to take a death grip on the side of the ship. Knocks white as she gripped so hard. Fear had to gotten control of and she fought to cage it away.
06[21:30] * +Archaon He continued pouring on that dreadful death into the rune. Each arm moving, shadowed limbs and all. He was focused, steely in determination to do what was necessary. Wraith screeched at the immense amount of magic in the air. Wings flapped, but he would not interfere. The drak continued on until it seemed that everything had gone well. The drak ceased his magic slowly, slowly,
06[21:30] * +Archaon until his full power was not required to maintain it.
06[21:31] * +Phaing-ONE stnads by the tiller with a fierce grin on her face and calls on the crew to extend oars again.... which seems a better way to go than rely on whatever wind might blow us around in this weird passage.
04[21:32] * Garrit`Forster (Garrit` has joined #tli-borderlands
03[21:32] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Garrit`Forster
[21:32] <+Cnu> watched intently, focusing on the mages. Waiting for whatever was supposed to happen. The portal opening shocked him at first, but then he reconsidered the intelligence (sanity) of all these mages and the power they mmust be expending,
03[21:33] * +Garrit`Forster (Garrit` has left #tli-borderlands
[21:33] <+Miyuka> "By the goddess..." Miyuka whispers to herself and then snaps back to reality as she hears L`aquera. Well the portal had worked, but she hadn't really planned on what it may due to those who helped power it. On the bright side, that phase was over. On the not so bright side, L seemed to be having some complications. "Give her some room everyone!" Yuka shouts down from her invisable
[21:33] <+Miyuka> clowd. "That's enough, We can move on to step three!" Miyuka sure hoped L`aquera could keep it all together. She had shields to protect the people from the Portal...not L`aquera. "The portal has stabalized. Eraelabryn, send the first boat in!"
[21:35] <+Eraelabryn> There was that -part- of her, oh L`aquera could feel it that almost surged, almost did it purposefully. But her own -want- to see her design function on such a scale with the aide of that older slowly she would begin to ebb the magic from her hand. Shaking, because within, the fire, the things shared, sudden flicker of mithril lined control, her own -safety- net in ways. Body 12†
[21:35] <+Eraelabryn> 12† shuddered, the hiss of sound let loose as she fought her own battle to let the magic loosen, to let it stop burning through the very flesh cast out upon the metal. Hand would turn, slightest evidence of the want, the drop of it, only after a long instant, the jerk of head, as those eyes focused on Miyuka. "Capt'n Phaing..ahead towards the Portal.." The strain in voice heard, felt. 12†
[21:35] <+Eraelabryn> 12† " 4†
06[21:36] * +Viktor`Corsarris back? Back slowly? Sensation of others the touch of it all what he dared not believe about some and knew all to well about others fed that enjoyable curiousity of knowledge. Break away from it? That touch of death and darkness lingered until he forcibly pulled mind from the swirling and burning torrent of the black flames. Stepping back one small step at a time.. Feeling his
06[21:36] * +Viktor`Corsarris power beginning to be siphoned from him as he backed of the amount he poured into the stone.. Interesting experience to have felt, and those cold blue eyes seemed to slip over the faces of those he knew.. Those he had felt... Then slowly he pulled himself to look to his Mate, and his hand reached for her arm... He remembered what one small pheonix stone had doen to her.. His voice was
06[21:36] * +Viktor`Corsarris hard as steel as he spoke to his mate. "Let go of it love.."
06[21:37] * +Fariday-1 stared at the portal, having heard the deafening boom, seen the ripple of the portal's almost liquid-like surface. Still, someing about the beaming face of Miyuka's made him feel her to be a bit prideful. Still, as the other boat continued forward, the Torian waited on the deck to see what happened from the very spot he was in.
[21:37] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> "Oh!" The girl grins as she suddenly straightens, her small hand rummaging through the various herbs she carries in the satchel before finding the one she wants. She pulls out a small bit of folded wax paper and carefully undoes it, before offering Larissa one of the small, green candies. "It's candied mint! It should help with any upset that your stomach feels. Just put it in your cheek and
[21:37] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> suck on it." The girl pops one into her own mouth, even, knowing that the sudden urge to retch can be quite horrible, especially if one can use magic at all.
06[21:38] * +L`aquera broke as soon as Archaon set himself free. There was a barely contained sinister sensation that flowed from her to Viktor and onwards to Bryn, Alren, Dorian.. further upwards until she broke that precious contact and dropped the heat around her as if one grown cold. She'd overloaded as was the flames intent, always to consume everything in its path and these stones.. they seemed to beg more < 14. 2>
[21:38] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> and more until she felt herself burning. Loathing a pointed thing in silvers writhing away in black and ember. That strong baritone licking at will and mind and suddenly she leapt back as if scalded. All contact broken. Not just released. Holy hells. She could still feel it. Niggling around in her, whispering, power like she'd not seen in a long time. Swallowing it down certainly not easy as she < 14. 2>
[21:38] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> backed away further. She would NOT be going on the boats. < 4end 6>
06[21:38] * +Phaing-ONE gives the order to her crew- "ROW! Row for you lives, 'cause you just might be! Yeah, that's it, put on a good show for the audience we have here." and to her Guests; "Brace yourselves, especially you up front!!! We are going where nobody has dared to yet, so lets GO!"
06[21:39] * +Larissa1 watched, and jumped a little when she felt the boat move a bit. "Sick, what do you mean sick?!?" When she heard the call to send in the first boat, she looked up and prayed to the gods that they would make it thru this alive. She staired at the woman next to her. "Y Yeah, yyour right. Alren will ssave uus!" She continued to grib the womans hand and curled into her almost. She
06[21:39] * +Larissa1 looked back at the land and wished she had stayed where it was dry and safe. She looked back at the woman as she pulled out the small candied mints. Larissa gave the woman a small smile and quickly put one in her mouth.
06[21:39] * +Thunder1 kept her eyes right before her on the portal. She licks her lips watching and relaxed some How she was relaxed. Her hands upon the rail as she watched the ship she was on move to
[21:39] <+Myra-2> She looked at the others and then she was pushing off of the dock with those silverwings of hers and taking off for the boat with Stormwind upon it. She knew he hated this stuff.. often fumed about it as he paced the cottage of hers hidden well and his one place of escape and so she took off after him, making sure that he was not alone on this voyage that he didn't even want to be upon.
[21:40] <+Alren> L`'s words found him, breaking the mage from the encroaching thoughts. His mind felt oily, sullied by the minds of others, something truely terifying to the mage about loosing the purity of his thoughts if even for a moment. He had guesses of just who's mind had tasted his, but he could never be sure. Pale eyes flashed to those about him as he slowly pulled back, closing off the
[21:40] <+Alren> flow of magic throuh his arms, leaving the mage dreadfully weak. Eyes blinked several times before they resuemed their normal coloration. The hum of energy thick in the air around him, it was like sitting upon a thunder strom. Alren staggered, looking for something to lean against. Once again he was the weakest mage at the ritual, what others could do easily still took too much
[21:40] <+Alren> from the mage.
06[21:41] * +Shoji2 found a position on the deck of Eraelabryn's ship where he had a view of the Indiscreet, so he could watch as they cast off and toward the portal. "Well, its now or never." He muttered more to himself then anything before turning and moving to stand nearby Eraelabryn...afterall, they still weren't sure what they were going to come across, and he wanted to be able to be ready
06[21:41] * +Shoji2 to protect the ...
[21:41] <+Shoji2> ... Lady from whatever they might come across
[21:42] <+Eraelabryn> The way the little Necromancer turned her head, only then, towards Beloved Flame, something within the depths of eyes, something..not controlled. "" Spoken to both L`aquera and Viktor. Movement of hand to rush Alren to where he would be, Sorgram to the ship he would wish to be on. Bleed over? Perhaps, so normally subdued, normally..controlled. Body shook, it was seen as she would take 12†
[21:42] <+Eraelabryn> 12† herself and turn upon heel. Voice held tremor, pride and arrogance in what she saw, what had been done. "I knew it..' whispered underneath breath, as she flicked glove. Flight, it was enough to launch her into the air, to let her alight down upon the main deck. "EVERYONE ABOVE..Right the FUCK now.." 4†
06[21:43] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 glances up as the boat starts moving, the girl shifting closer to the other woman. "I've been to one of these before, especially new portals, it's a bit like being tossed to see after you've just ate a feast." She pats her tummy lightly and makes a little face. The boat begins to move, and the girl squirms closer to the railing, draping one arm over it in case she felt the need to hold on.
[21:43] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> "It passes after.. a little while.." Though, really, the girl hadn't felt great for the rest of that day, and this was a MUCH bigger portal.
06[21:44] * +Viktor`Corsarris He was still trying to gather his own thoughts to remember everything that he had felt it was almost a moment of perfect curiousity and want to place each thought, feeling and emotion with a face.. The measure of it all would have to be placed elsewhere though. His blue eyes setting themselves fully upon his mate. That hand which touched her arm slipped up along it to come to
06[21:44] * +Viktor`Corsarris rest upon her cheek, to caress and assure her of his pressence. To him it was still rather amazing the control he was able to provide her when near, a gift he had not expected.. All the thoughts and emotions of the others that had touched him were pushed though he made note to return to some.. For that moment he was focused on her not even caring how much others had learned about his
06[21:44] * +Viktor`Corsarris powers and where they had come from.
[21:44] <+Cnu> watching as the mages each seemed to be coming to reality, some staggering. The first boat moving slowly at first then picking up speed heading for the portal newly created.'
06[21:49] * +L`aquera staggered a moment, just that brief moment, skin so hot. Unusual even for her, even when enraged. Plush lips came together, thinning as she sought for that control and yet they too still quivered. Quivered until she could pool into her mates taller, more muscular form to be assured of his solidness and set eyes that still seemed to pulse with a life of darkness and searing life upon the < 14. 2>
[21:49] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> ships not making way. Ready to leave. Shinning portal atop them. This was going to be interesting and she called to her mephos and flicked him into the air, joining his gaze to her own.. just to watch it so closely. 14"Can.. can you take me over by dock.. Viktor. Please?" < 4end 6>
06[21:50] * +Saga|Alrn|1 gripped the boats railing as it lurched a bit and began to move... her feet dangle on either side perhaps for the best position for her. Still she watched felt the freeze and the odd shifting of the boat. Remembering her one and only adventure on a ship.. and she didn't know whhy she dared put herself through the torture of it again. yes why she was here... a mytery yet she did. Looking foen < 14next >
[21:50] <+Saga|Alrn|1> < 14more > to Alren she watched as he drew back from teh magic and she could tell he was exhausted.. but it was too late to go back as the ship was moving. < 4end >
[21:51] <+Miyuka> 6As that First boat moves in to the portal, the hum of magic would grow louder but never deafening. The first boat succesfully makes it into the portal but The portal itself fails to actually transport any of the passengers, let alone the boat itself. Those unlucky people upon the boat would simply pass through the other side of the portal, but would find themselves not the same as
[21:51] <+Miyuka> 6they had been when they went inside of it. It seemed as if this attempt was a failure.
02[21:52] * +Dorian-1 ( Quit (Quit: <+L`aquera> <..> my god, cat spittle!")
06[21:53] * +Archaon Everything that had appeared from him now gone. No shadow, no sudden life from objects. Mask receeded to reveal true face marked with faint runes that slithered across those features. An immense power felt, among many other things simultaneously. He'd take a moment to move back to Wraith and regroup.
06[21:54] * +Phaing-ONE calls out to her crew.... and gets a odd response. She shakes her head and goes to get a wax tablet and a scribe.
06[21:55] * +Viktor`Corsarris he had not touched that depth of magic in to long but fatigue and pain were both things he barely took notice of, his arms laced carefully under her and without giving her a chance to argue he had the moriels burning form up in the cradle of his arms. He carried her within that strong embrace back toward the dock without looking back.. There he turned back toward the portal so
06[21:55] * +Viktor`Corsarris that his bride could see it better. His lips coming down to whisper into her ear, and he took a small moment to tease a little. "Now you know why there are times that you killing something is seen as a good thing my me.." That deep voice trailed away while icy blues took in that swiriling mass that breeched reality in it's own way..
06[21:56] * +Fariday-1 would sit down where he was standing... He felt exhausted , each action strenuous. Resti against the side of the boat's rails, the Torian felt as if his body were fading, though even as he saw it, he still felt in place... Just not wholly. Shivering, he attempted to stand, and could, but it felt just a bit too awkward to do so.
04[21:56] * Dorian-1 ( has joined #tli-borderlands
03[21:57] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Dorian-1
06[21:57] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 tightens her grip around the rails, grasping them tightly as the boat moves closer and closer to that portal, and then the maelstrom of magic overwhelms the little healer, her stomach threatens to leap through her throat, her heart is pumping so hard that she can barely stand it. Slowly one eye opens. She can see the portal, though now from behind the ship. "What.." The girl turns her head
[21:57] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> and catches sight of something from the edge of her vision, slender fingers reach up to feel horns jutting from her features. "Larissa!" The girl squeaks as she jumps to her feet, turning only to trip over her own tail and land sprawling upon the deck. "Larissa, Miss?" The other woman, who had been seated right beside her.. is gone. "Oh no.." The girl scrambles to the edge, looking into the
[21:57] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> water in case the other woman simply fell overboard.
06[21:58] * +Alren was pale. The world spinning about him as his heart beat thudded loudly in his ears. He had no idea what had happened with the portal. Black dots formed before his vision. He shook his head, focusing on his breathing to try and maintain his consiousneess. "Fight it Al.."he said taking a knee to steady himself.
06[21:59] * +Larissa1 began to really feel the boat moving. She closed her eyes tightly gribbing the womans hand next to her. Suddenly it seemed as eerything stopped moving. "Caitie, is it over? Please tell me it is over!" Not hearing a response she slowly opened one eye, then the other. "What the ... what happened? Where am I?" She started to turn in circles, confusion written all over her face.
06[21:59] * +Larissa1 Suddenly she realized where she was and couldn't help but laugh.
01[21:59] <+Tehya-1> 6 Ocean waves ceased, the calming sound vanished like a thief into the night. She didn't hear the sharp quill as she wrote in the journal, and evrything became unearthly silent. Her hand raised to her ear, and she knew the sounds she wasn't hearing was something serious to a bard. First she attempted to hum a tune and again no sound. Accusing eyes looked at the portal, and then the others upon ...
01[21:59] <+Tehya-1> ... the ship.This didn't set well with the bard and she attempted another sound a click of her boot upon the ship, and only silence answered her. She couldn't let anyone know this weakness or who would ask her to sing or tell a tale. So she hid it and pretended nothing happened, watching the others, even Sorgram got a frown since he did like to place her into his dreams time to ...
01[21:59] <+Tehya-1> ... time.
06[22:00] * +Phaing-ONE has her boat manuver out of the way, giving orders with gestures and scribbled messages, to get it out of the path of the next Ship as quickly as possible. She gives Larissa1 a look when she laughs and wonders if people are loosing their minds already.
06[22:00] * +Sorg-1 felt the movement through the portal and looks about, nothing had changed. he felt the shift and felt even more queasy as he looked around. They were now behind the portal and he shook his head, after all that it failed. Oh well back to the drawing boards, perhaps they would listen now and move one of the crystals to his temple where it could absorb true power.
04[22:01] <+Meadow{wSw}-1> And suddnely everything went silent. Meadow blinks and shakes her head then touched her ears. Nothing...she could hear nothing and panic gripped at her with it cold hands. Eyes wide with fear look to her Master and she then to Tehya. Breath quickening and cold sweart breaking out over her face that was now very pale. She didnt know what to do or think and just gripped tighter to the side of the <mew>
[22:01] <+Meadow{wSw}-1> <meow> ship. <rawr>
06[22:04] * +Saga|Alrn|1 roiled in the movement as her stomach lurched and the world got fuzzy and hazy a buzzing and chirping of the chrystaline noice of hte magic overwhelmed her ears. Hands lifted from teh rail no longer steadying her as she covered her ears. Wincing at the pull of the noie upon her hearing. She swallowed and frowned as a buzzing silence echoed in her ears. Lookng aorund she saw plenty of people < 14next >
[22:04] <+Saga|Alrn|1> < 14more > doing and saying thins yet she heard none of it. it was disorienting. < 4end >
[22:05] <+Cnu> he had to wonder what had happened. The ship went thru the portal, actually right thru it. It didn't go anywhere.
Sorgram-1 looked around the ship and moved towards his women to speak with them and see what they felt. Approaching he would call to Tehya and meadow to get their attentions.
03[22:06] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Thunder1
06[22:07] * +L`aquera laughs despite how oddly she felt, as if body was all a'tingle. Silvers writhing with odd lava like activity held to Viktors own cold blue and she firmly placed tall tipped ear over his heart, letting its steady thumping soothe her and the rock of his motions further release oddities of frustration. 14"Where has Arch gone too? I hope he's watching." 6She was suddenly.. quite tired. As if < 14. 2>
[22:07] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> all that energy had been sucked out of her. She almost felt badly for the others that had to board ship. 14"Strange, those portals. I remember opening my first one. How damned scared I really was, and how thrilling." < 4end 6>
06[22:08] * +Thunder1 shakes her head she was much different she was all coal black other then the lightning that traced her coal black eyes or the lightning that flashed within. She licks her lips a new body it seemed not bad at all.
02[22:08] * +Dorian-1 ( Quit (Quit: <+L`aquera> <..> my god, cat spittle!")
06[22:08] * +Sorg-1 hears something strange on the ship and looks over towards Phaing. was she speaking the language of his creation? His eyes studied her and he listened to the words she spoke more closely.
[22:08] <+Miyuka> "FUCK!" It was rare to hear Miyuka curse out of pure frustration, but there it was. The girl was so sure that this was going to work, but it had not...well it kinda worked, one of the people got ported away...close, but not exactly what she was hoping for. No matter, adjusting the formula was simple, if not incredibly draining. Miyuka sighs and with a few mystiq gestures, the portal
[22:08] <+Miyuka> turns off, fading away with a loud BANG. The energies still powering the device were ready for her to issue her next command and she does, opening the portal once more, concentrating on the flow and ebb...goddess she should have gotten Takao or Twerlinger to do this. Dealing with Arcane magics was quite difficult for the child of song and wind, but thankfully most of the work was
[22:08] <+Miyuka> being done by the phoenix stone. Miyuka would re-open the portal, this time it was with a lot less gradeur than the first time as it was much more stable.
06[22:10] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 scrambles along the edge of the boat, calling over the edge. "Larissa! Miss!?" She couldn't see anyone within the water, and they were still close enough to the dock that she could almost see the bottom. The girl pushes back from the edge to land on her bottom, her thick, muscled tail shifting subconsciously to wrap around her thigh as the girl pants, unsure of what is going on. "Master.."
[22:10] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> The spell would whisper within Alren's ear, the girl's voice timid and small, almost a whisper. "Miss Larissa has disappeared.. and.. and I have a tail." Reported to the man as the girl takes a little breath, almost afraid to contact Larissa directly, what if she didn't answer..?
01[22:10] <+Tehya-1> 6 She wouldn't let this get the best of her and she looked out at the water and said a prayer that this couldn't be happening. She was told to do one thing write, so she pretended being as stubborn as she was that all was well, and wrote more. Some of these stories had tales of what happened to her while there, and she contemplated lying and leaving this part out, but knew she would be punished ...
01[22:10] <+Tehya-1> ... for it. She looked up to see Meadow and then a blame was centered on Sorgram. Those too dark lashes for such blue eyes lowered as she pretended to be just fine not hearing her mate or anything else around her.
06[22:11] * +Phaing-ONE is cursing and stomping around her ship, furious about the mis-fire,,, and sees Sorg-1 giving her the hairy eyeball. "What?! Gonna do something useful, or just wander off and play with yourself again?"
06[22:13] * +Sorg-1 looked to Phaing and hearing her words, raised an eyebrow, 'you were the one that missed the portal, can you not navigate.' He seemed to understand her but spoke in the more common language back to her. He was paying more attention to his women and he looked at them with concern and trying to figure out if they had been affected by the magics
06[22:13] * +Phaing-ONE brings her ship to dock, wondering if ship #2 will have beter luck. She scribbles a note that says that anyone who needs a way back to Nanth can stay aboard. We will be leaving once the rest of the tests are finished.
[22:14] <+Cnu> he stands and moves towrds the edge of the crowd. he was curious as to what happened.
06[22:15] * +Viktor`Corsarris let his eyes wander from her own for a moment looking for Arch and then just shrugged a small amount. "Not sure where Arch went.." He said in almost an offhanded tone there was something nagging at him a thought? Another persons feelings? He wasn't sure but he continued to let it be pushed aside when he looked at his mate again. "Opening portals seems to me like a great and
06[22:15] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 kept a death grip on the side of the ship and of course didnt hear sorgram call to her. The silence was slowly overriding her ability to not completely panic. She closed her eyes and concentarted on her training forcing control back as best she could. She noted the ship was going nowhere and wondered about this as well. But how could she hide the fact that she was deaf now.
06[22:15] * +Viktor`Corsarris foolish use of magics." He became thoughtful for a moment after saying that.. "When ripping holes in reality to transfer people through do we have any idea how many times we can do that before the rips spread?" Again his paused a moment looking down at her.. "But even with all that logical thought put into it.. It was... A rather new experience..." That was the highest praise it would
06[22:15] * +Viktor`Corsarris get from him but that smile upon his lips spoke wonders.
06[22:15] * +Phaing-ONE spins around and walks up to Sorg-1 . "Hey, YOU can understand me? Why? What is.... of fuck, this is your language? Hey, help me out here, or I'll start singing in your tongue and kill every bird for ten miles around!"
[22:16] <+Alren> Caitlyns spell burst into the air by Alren. Her sweet almost innocent voice filled with dread as she mentioned loosing Larissa, then squeeking as it was shamefully brought up that she now had a tail. "What? he asked now belving he'd heard his slave correctly. "Well.. where did she go Caitlyn.. did she say she was .. leaving, "he said in a dry and cracking voice. Yes.. he needed
[22:16] <+Alren> to rest. He sank down to rest on his rear, the action helping the spinning sensation quell down.
06[22:16] * +Archaon Moments after he had recovered well enough, he'd walk beside Wraith while the ship moved toward the portal. Whatever had happened with that was missed by him as he made his way back towards visual distance with anything going on. Wraith continued to make some noise, almost like a rumbling growl or purr type of noise due to the magic ebbing and flowing.
06[22:17] * +Saga|Alrn|1 looked around she saw Caitlyn, wandering over to teh woman now with a tail. her eyes sweep over the woman, noting her changes as she came over and tried to see if she might be alright.
[22:18] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> "She.. she was there.. then she was not.." The girl answers, though she can practically hear her Master wilting on the other end, making the girl feel a bit more nervous. "We went through the portal. She was there. Then she wasn't." The girl appears to simply be talking to herself, mumbling really, as Saga walks up, the little slave breaking out in a panicked blush as she looks up at the
[22:18] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> Concubine. "You saw? She was here, she was sitting right here." The girl points to the balista before she draws a little breath, trying to regain control of herself before she bursts into tears.
06[22:21] * +Saga|Alrn|1 watched her but not hearing her she shrugged butknew she was meaning the othe woman and she nodded. Looking like she would cry Saga reached out and gave her a hug. Looking around and seeking a sign of her and how the other aboard the ship were going.
06[22:21] * +L`aquera swept her depths from mate and around until she could spot the large dark form of Wraith. Only then did the pyro take in a breath and softly call out to Archaon to join them on the docks, despite being so ensconced within Viktors lap, she would feel better to have the dark one so close. 14"Its a taste that is.. unique. But no, the seams will never break as you think. Because one must always < 14. 2>
[22:21] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> be where the other portal spits one out as. You must know the area, plot it out, see it and then link the two portals. We have never made that kind of error because only a long Arcana popping about without first knowing the area is in trouble. ONe still must have two portals. Never just one." < 4end 6>
[22:21] <+Miyuka> The second boat would cruise within the portal, again the hum of magic growing louder but not deafening. Unlike the first boat, The second boat was transferred out of site. Those upon the boat would find themselves a bit disoriented at first, but such ws the usual that came with portal travelling. They would be out in the ocean, very far away from where they had originally began.
[22:21] <+Miyuka> The transport was a complete success! Now all they had to do was travel back.
06[22:23] * +Larissa1 looke around, unsure what to do now. "Well, I wonder what happened. If the others made it." She laughed and gave a little shrug. She looked up at the sky then started heading towards where the portal was. If she was lucky, she might be able to catch something good! She looked up the hill and wondering if it would be faster to go home instead
04[22:24] * +Sorg-1 mvoed to Tehya and meadow, looking at them both and placing a hand on each of their shoulders to get their attention. They looked alright but they did not listen to hiim and he wondered if they were mind transpoirted elsewhere.
06[22:25] * +Alren frowned. "Caitlyn.. listen to me.." he said, voice sounding stronger now that he wasn't standing upright. "YOu need to find Larissa.. we can't loose her.. Valene will flip out... angery chriots are a bad thing.." he said frowning. The mage felt that there must be a way to find where she went.. or at least recover the body for a trip to the temple. Mabey he could just convince
06[22:25] * +Alren her that she didn't die.. that it was just a bad dream?
06[22:26] * +Thunder1 watch's the other boat go by she just stands there a growl touching her black lips as she stands there
06[22:26] * +Archaon Hand gave a pat to Wraith's neck. "Easy Wraith. It's a lot of magic yes." he'd speak softly while moving toward the docks. "I take it the first attempt didn't go so well." he'd inquire once he was near the pair. "It was a lot of power. Almost too much at one point." he'd nod at that, watching what was taking place now.
06[22:26] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 takes a little breath, closing her eyes and deciding to try. She'd met Larissa, touched her, she should be able to send a message to HER. Instead of focusing on her Master, she focuses on the other woman. "Miss Larissa?" The girl's voice would sound out in the woman's ear almost too hesitantly, as if she was afraid there would be no answer from the other end. Of course, if there wasn't,
[22:26] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> she'd just have to assume that the portal ate her.
06[22:27] * +Phaing-ONE sees the sucesful launch of the gate, and asks Sorg-1 "Okay, great, here's hoping they landed somewhere wet."
06[22:27] * +Fariday-1 felt too tired to notice what else was going on for a bit, and while he was getting used to his lethargy, he waited to see what would go on. So far this was a rather disappointing venture, and the Torian stood to his feet, looking around.
06[22:28] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 jumped at the touch and spun around to face who ever had touched her. Seeing sorgram the fear doubled inside her and once again she had to pull on her training to not completely lose it. But he knew his slave well and if he got a look at her eyes he would know she was near the point of total panic. So she kept her eyes down cast franticly trying to figure a way to hide this from him.
04[22:29] * +Sorg-1 would hear Phaing, 'at this moment, I dont care if they landed in a quarry.' He was still waiting on Tehya to look to him, but he studied meadow and spoke her name. 'caeth' waiting on her to respond.
06[22:29] * +Viktor`Corsarris there was a small measure of a shake of his head listening to L as he was there was a point he would like to make but it would come up at another time, another place maybe. This was no time to speak about magics and the level of control or lack there of all mages experience at one point or another, no point in jinxing that which was already taking place. "I see.." The only
06[22:29] * +Viktor`Corsarris response that rolled from his tongue as he watched the portal watched it blink out and then back in with Miyuka at its control, Archaon approaching was given a light nod of his head.. There was a time he rivaled Archaon's power but there was no sign of regret over having lost that power compared to what he had gained. Instead a smile touched lips.. "It is... an interesting thing to
06[22:29] * +Viktor`Corsarris watch take place is it not Archaon, and a lot of power to be controled."
01[22:29] <+Tehya-1> 6 She decided to ask him, since there was no other way out of this and she couldn't exist without her hearing. 14"Patron, did you do something to me with your magic?" 6 She would not speak of how she was effected around other people, but she could tell from the expression in his eyes if he lied or was drawing her into one of those dreams. Her mood was accussing and she even looked over towards ...
01[22:29] <+Tehya-1> ... Meadow, but she seemed to be acting strange too. There was too much magic around her, and none of it being her own studied magic. When she spoke it was much louder than she usually spoke, since she couldn't hear herself.
06[22:30] * +Larissa1 quickly turned around, "Caitlyn? Did you end up here also?" She was a little confused as she continued in circles. "I must be going mad! That is the last time I let Alren talk me into trying something new!" She started to mutter some other things, shaking her head. She was sure that portal must have done something to her. After all, she was the only one to end up in Valencia!
06[22:30] * +Larissa1 Turning she headed back towards where this afternoon had begun.
06[22:31] * +Miyuka slumps down to her knees, much mroe satisfied with the results of the portal this time around, but that second boat still needed to come back. Once that happened, Miyuka cond breathe a sigh of relief. Until then, she'd have to simply just sit and wait.
06[22:32] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 just stood there since she was looking at him and so didnt know he had spoken to her. She was trying to figure out what had happened to her and what to do about it and how was she going to ever tell sorgram and what would happen when he found out and all this was going through her mind at the same time. Her silent world felt heavy and she just stood there with her eyes on the floor of the <mew>
[22:32] <+Meadow{wSw}-1> <meow> ship. <rawr>
06[22:33] * +L`aquera cleared her throat, knowing well it was the one with the most energy that must harness the others and direct it, properly. This is usually why she disliked helping open a portal but should have outright said no, considering what was used. For a change, the moriel looked contrite, almost shameful. 14"Beg pardon I.. lost a bit of that control. Too hot to handle, if you'll forgive the pun but < 14. 2>
[22:33] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> aye. The first ship.. I'm not sure. To much of a fluctuation. Bad omen." < 4end 6>
04[22:34] * +Sorg-1 notices the effect of Tehya's speech and thinks about other who are hard of hearing. Looking at meadow, he lifted her chin and took Teyha's stepping back so that they could both see his lips. 'It is not my magic, but you are affected in the hearing. Let me report to Miyuka to see if she has any solutions. Wait here' Looking around the ship, he thought he noticed other things as well. Looking < 14next 2>
[22:34] <+Sorg-1> < 14more 1> at yuka, he imagined himself standing next to her and with a step back, he popped away before their eyes. < 4end 1>
06[22:36] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 hugs back Saga warmly, taking some comfort from the taller woman. Her spell disappears into the ether, and the girl waits for a reply. And waits. And waits. She draws a deep breath before sending a message to her Master once more; "I am getting no reply, Master, and.. uh.. I think the portal might have ate her.." The girl squeezes Saga before moving to walk around Phaing's ship, stopping to
[22:36] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> ask the occasional member of the crew if they had seen a high human mage about so tall walking about. The answers seemed to be uniformely negative.
04[22:37] * +Meadow{wSw}-1 looks at Tehya with fear filled eyes and reach up placing her hands over her own ears and shakes her head. Those hands were trembling badly since she had no idea what sorgram had just said. She didnt know how to read lips.
06[22:37] * +Archaon nodded at that, while the dark mephos calmed to a burbling murr to the attention garnered. Loyal, fierce, even protective. Drak continued to stroke at the soft fine hairs upon his head. "It has been some time since I've set eyes to a portal. Never fueled one. It was different to say the least, but hopefully that won't be an issue again. There was too much distraction in the
06[22:37] * +Archaon mind to maintain it."
06[22:37] * +Saga|Alrn|1 walked with Caitlyn searching she unable to hear as well she found her situation somewhat worrisome, but felt the location of the other woman for more important.
[22:39] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> At the distance, the reply comes somewhat belated, the girl turning around as the voice suddenly pops into being by her ear, a slight little gasp coming from her as she breathes a sigh of relief. "Master.. I got a reply.. but it was weak.. Maybe you if you.." He was more powerful than the healer, and the girl was mostly just glad that the other girl turned out to be alive.
06[22:39] * +Alren frowned. There hadn't been an answer from his slave about Larissa's fate. "She better not have lost Larissa.. she's one of the few that keep Valene happy.." he grumbled. He could just imainge Valene's face at that news. A smirk. It was probably a good thing that the chirot had been taken to long exteneded trances these past months. "We can find her.. rebuild her.. make her
06[22:39] * +Alren better.." he said wonderng just how much of the mage could be recovered.
01[22:39] <+Tehya-1> 6 She wiggled out and away from the grip upon her and asked him again by touching her earring. When he said he would report to Miyuka she felt better about it and then began to calm down. It seemed Meadow was having some reaction but she couldn't hear her to ask. Watching him go off she had to wonder if he really knew what was wrong or not, there would be silent days and nights enough to drive ...
01[22:39] <+Tehya-1> ... the bard to madness. Her mood began to grow moody and she closed the journal and put the quill in her pack. Making sure it was fastened, she waved Unknown back home and the small parrot just kept circling her.
06[22:43] * +Sorg-1 stepped out of the air next to Miyuka, 'Lady, I have news to report of the first ship. It seems the dragon magic has had some affects on those a board. We have had 3 deafened, one given the dragon tongue, another two changed into the dreamed. I request healers as well as anyone that might assist with the deafness and returning the others back to their normal selves. My mate and slave are < 14next 2>
[22:43] <+Sorg-1> < 14more 1> included in those. both cannot hear it seams' He felt as if he was reporting to a general in an army. That had been a wierd time in his dreaming. < 4end 1>
06[22:43] * +Alren heard Caitlyn's reply. "Ahh thank you Caitlyn.. of course. That was some wonderful thinking on your part," he said before focusing his will one more. The spell Message woven and sent to form a link with Larissa as Alren once more rose up to his feet. "Larissa?" he asked. "Are you enjoying yourself giving my slave a heart attack?" he asked in a stern fathery voice. The kind that
06[22:43] * +Alren would send an image of a finger being shook in her direction.
06[22:44] * +Viktor`Corsarris more information and thoughts to be filed away, he would be spending much time in that study when he got home. "You did fine L, you were able to snap out of it before there was any real damage.." He let those icy orbs fix upon her features. "I am sure everything will be perfectly fine, though I still believe you and Phoenix Stones should not mix for a while.. If I had known
06[22:44] * +Viktor`Corsarris right away that was what was being used today I might have tied you to a bed somewhere.." Of course he was teasing her a little, Archaon was looked toward. "The side effects have me more interested than anything else to be honest.."
06[22:45] * +Phaing-ONE and her ship will spend the night by the Dock , and then head home. Any who are on board are welcome to stay and then hitch a ride home.... unless we are called on to preform other duties, such as a rescue. Nite!
03[22:45] * Tehya-1 is now known as Tehya
06[22:45] * +Miyuka looks up at Sorg, the girl was sitting down, though even if she was standing she'd still be smaller than him. Yuka was such a tiny thing. "Oh...slight side effect I suppose from the different magics mixing with such ancient magics. I believe I can cure the deafness...the rest will just have to wait it out, I think...I hope. I can't really say for certain but there's no way such
06[22:45] * +Miyuka effects would be so long lasting...they dragon magic itself was seperate from that of the phoenix stones
06[22:47] * +Larissa frowned. "I better just go home. If everyone ended up all over the realm they will need to go back to the house eventually!" With that she headed up the hill towards home. She gave a little stretch as she walked smiling, "mmm maybe a dip in the baths will be good! I really wonder what happened to everyone else..." suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. "Alren? What happened?
06[22:47] * +Larissa One minute I was standing on the the ship, the next I am in Valencia. I was just heading hoome, figuring if you all actually made it, that is where you would go!" Larissa tilted her head to one side, hoping her message made it thru. shrugging she started walking in the same direction. "I will be in the baths with Froggie when you all arrive. After all of this I need a good deep soak!"
06[22:47] * +Larissa She would reply back to him, Then contiuned on her way
06[22:47] * +Sorg-1 would offer his hand, in a gentemanly fashion so that she might stand up if she chose to accompany him. 'I must say that I did not know there was another within this small realm that weaved with the oldest arcanas' he spoke softly as he waited to see if she would go with hi right then and there to assist his girls.
06[22:48] * +L`aquera considered Viktors words but really, she had to agree. Frown marred her refined features but not for long, reaching up to touch briefly at mates jaw, skimming to ear and into the thickness of his hair. 14"Sinergy is showing me there are returning. Bryns ship is fine but... There seems to be an odd activity on Yukas." 6She pinched at those slanted pools and broke the connection between < 14. 2>
[22:48] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> mephos and rider. To see through their eyes was a benefit but sometimes, it gave one vertigo to fool with. < 4end 6>
03[22:48] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Augustus Augustus
06[22:49] * +Caitlyn{Alrn}1 feels a tiny bit better, the girl moving to slip off the ship as Phaing brings it back to port. The slight healer would find her Master, glad to see that he was already busy contacting the Magess. Slender fingers would soothe the few strands that had escaped her buns back.. only to bump against jutting horns. The healer would rush back to the edge of the dock, peering over into the water to
[22:49] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}1> see her own reflection. A few clusters of silvery scale frame her face, though the horns that jut from her forehead are far more distracting. "Oh my."
06[22:49] * +Fariday sighed as he flew to the dock, stretching his wings. He'd best to just head home at this point, or to the baths, some place he could relax.
06[22:49] * +Thunder makes her way around the ship and makes her way off. She takes off to leave she did as she was suppose to and makes her way back home
03[22:49] * +Fariday (webchat@14055a99.a55581.173.171.imsk) has left #tli-borderlands
03[22:49] * Caitlyn{Alrn}1 is now known as Caitlyn{Alrn}
03[22:49] * +Thunder (androirc@6ca5ed55.14055ad3.166.182.imsk) has left #tli-borderlands (AndroIRC)
03[22:49] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Caitlyn{Alrn} Caitlyn{Alrn}
[22:50] <+Alren> +
[22:50] <+Alren> +
03[22:50] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Caitlyn{Alrn}
[22:50] <+Miyuka> "You'd be surprised who's in this realm that you don't know of. Some people just like to hide, though in my case, I'm showy, I'm a bit surprised you've never heard of me...or is it that you just didn't know the magics I'm capble of..." Miyuka's eyes suddenly roll into the back of her head and as she stands up, she topples forwards, not realizing how drained she was until she tried
[22:50] <+Miyuka> to stand.
03[22:52] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Augustus
04[22:53] * +Meadow{wSw} just looks away from Tehya and sat down on something tho what it was she didnt know. She watched sorgram now and hoped he was able to get something done because this was terrible. She had no idea what she would do if her hearing was not restored. She had to be able to hear to do her jobs. To tend Sorgram, to do anything.
06[22:53] * +Archaon shook his head again. "Suppose that it would be interesting, but it better not happen when it is my time to pass through, otherwise I will not be able to do what is needed." he'd keep watching the portal. "My concerns lay with its stability. So long as it remains active, because I do not think Wraith has the endurance to fly all the way back from there if it closes down
06[22:53] * +Archaon prematurely."
04[22:53] * Acine|kee| ( has joined #tli-borderlands
03[22:53] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Acine|kee|
[22:53] <+Eraelabryn> Deaf. She couldn't hear anything, the way her brow knit, as she tightened the very line of her jaw. Refusing to speak, the smile that had danced there, now eyes had to do double time, mouths moving, her hands on that wheel tighter, as the minions rowed ship and she guided it. Handing over the wheel to the First Mate, his comment left unheard, realizing it, who was gone who was behind. Boat would 12†
[22:53] <+Eraelabryn> 12† come to rest at docks, crew given gesture to dock it, anchor it there. Suddenly absolutely silent, her head turning as if to catch some bit of 'something' But the, oh..then she would force it, those lips to smile, that lift of chin, refusing to let anyone..know..if she could get away with it.
06[22:54] * +Viktor`Corsarris that brow rose a little at the mention of seeing what Synergy saw.. He wondered what that would be like when it came to his own Mephos.. Fear was going to be an interesting creature and where that would be was going to be just as interesting. Still he nodded his head lightly.. "What do you mean... Something strange?" There were so many categories of strange to deal with.. Even
06[22:54] * +Viktor`Corsarris more so when magic was involved.. The touch of his mates hand made him smile and with that smile came an outlet to allow eyes to close for a moment so that he could release a bit of his own fatigue.. "There is always walking and swimming the rest of the way.." A small joke... "I would rather sail all the way there and back then risk something foolish happening that I can't control."
03[22:54] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Sorgram
06[22:54] * +Sorgram would catch her easily, his arms supporting her and without a thought, he connected their spirits and infused her with his blessing, driving some of his spirit into her to bolster it as he steadyied her and made sure she was ok. His fingers, hot against her neck as he cradled her head, a bit worried now his girls would linger in their state. His arm snaked around her and he grasped her about < 14next 2>
[22:54] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> the waist and lifted. < 4end 1>
06[22:55] * +Alren would be seen walking towards the dock. He wouldn't notice Caitlyn untill he got closer, and then more by the reminants of her pinstripped skirt and vest with his insinia. Upon getting closer the collar was what confirmed it. "Gods.. you DO have a tale.. now.. what happened to you dear? I want you to know that I hold you responsable for this Caitlyn.. as a healer you really
06[22:55] * +Alren should keep people from disapearing and.. from.. whatever happened to you from turn around.. slowly now.. I want to see if there's anything else that's been changed.. "he said keeping an eye out for saga as well.
[22:55] <+Augustus> The moriel would shake his head “No not bad at all.. well.. once we hit the portal anyhow..” He would run a finger over her shoulder “Though.. I think we need an hour or two alone.. still.” The moriel -really- needed an hour alone with her now the curse was gone. The ship turned, and moved back through the portal... not so bad the first time..but a disaster the second.. those twisting arcane energies moved around him and seemed to
[22:55] <+Augustus> tear at him twisting him and forming him into something more... A Drak Sen.... He was larger... tail.... scales all the color of onyx. Those Eyes were the same though and they looked over Turi in anger... in fear...
03[22:55] * Desdaemona sets mode: +o Miyuka
03[22:55] * Miyuka sets mode: -o Miyuka
06[22:56] * +Shoji`Isashi found himself landing hard upon...packed earth? He picked himself up, spitting dirt and foilage from his mouth as he drew his sword, looking around quickly, eyes darting. "What kind of trick is this..." He looked unsure, turning in every which way...and finding nothing he recognized. "This...can't be." Last thing he remembered was standing on deck beside Eraelabryn and the rest
06[22:56] * +Shoji`Isashi of Houst ...
[22:56] <+Shoji`Isashi> ... Kathahles aboard her he found himself in some unknown stretch of the forest. He called out, to anyone who might be around. "HELLO!"
04[22:56] * Stormwind-2 ( has joined #tli-borderlands
03[22:56] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Stormwind-2
06[22:56] * +Aphielanis2 shaeily got to her feed nodding a little to Wade and moved weakly to Tamryn she glanced down at her arm and blinked a bit but she had also died before and come out alright for the situation. Instead she moved towards Eraelabryn slowly and bowed her head to her waiting quietly for orders while her arms and shoulders hung tiredly.
06[22:58] * +L`aquera considered Archaons words and fingers free now moved to a heavy lock of fiery coloration. Stroking its silken length, thoughtful it was. 14"We'll be taking five ships in all. One for passengers, two for beasts, two more for supplies. Its stable, this is simply them making sure the portals will work on moving targets, such as ships. the design is brilliant to be honest. Don't worry, we'll be < 14. 2>
[22:58] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> dragging behind enough smaller sail boats to keep everyone afloat and the Mephos can float themselves and swim. I'm not so worried. I'm more worried about those whirlpools ..." 6She trailed off, rather not wishing to alarm anyone. At least.. not yet. < 4end 6>
01[22:58] <+Tehya> 6 she didn't want Miyuka to know what happened and sat down trying to figure out how to pretend she was fine. Well if Sorgram brought her friend over ...there would be no more duels of violins, for music was out of the question. Sure there were healers, and she thought Sorgram could heal this or her friend Carthad. It was like a malevolent curse had been placed upon her. Her decision was try ...
01[22:58] <+Tehya> ... and escape the ship and return to a place no one could find her. Picking up her pack she tried to get away before they got to her. Let Sorgram attend her friend, she would be revived and Tehya could hide away until this could be healed. She didn't get far though she knew Miyuka was weak maybe even injured and watched, hoping Sorgram could revive her. Not being able to speak she motioned Meadow ...
01[22:58] <+Tehya> ... by pointing to herself and then off the ship that she planned on leaving.
06[22:58] * +Caitlyn{Alrn} starts at the sound of a voice behind her, the girl jerking around to find her Master behind where she had been kneeling to look at herself in the water. Tears well up in large, green eyes as she draws a shaky little breath. "I told her it would be alright.. That we just need worry about the.. the.. the nausea.." A little hic-up breaks the girl's words in two as she throws herself at her
[22:58] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}> Master, wrapping her arms around his thighs. He'd notice other changes about her, not just the silvery tail, but horns growing from her forehead, and scales littering the visible bits of her frame. "I s-saw y-your S-aga on the b-boat, I don't know if she got off yet.." The girl didn't realize that the woman hadn't heard a word she'd said to her while they spoke.
[22:58] <+Eraelabryn> Stormwind, the panic in voice, the grip to her hand, and lavender eyes would -flick- down. Trying to read the lips, the shake of head as eyes would widen only slightly. Voice came from her own mouth, sudden and sharp. (far to loud if one 'really' listened to it.) "HEALER!" demanding in that one word, as she would pull shoulders back. Thoughts racing, First Mate handed the wheel, that way of 12†
[22:58] <+Eraelabryn> 12† jawline to tense, to loosen, tapered ears damned near twitching, as she swallowed. Not even the sound of her own heartbeat evidenced in form. "I need a healer..." comforting thing the pat of her hand to Stormwinds..not realizing how 'loud' she was being. 4†
06[22:59] * +Miyuka hadn't fully passed out, but rather close to it. She could feel herself moving as Sorgram moved to lift her. Sadly, her loss of concentration would cause her violin (which was floating next to her) to fall, thankfully whatever magics was holding it up faded slowly so it was set down surprsingly gently. "I'll need Sierra..." she says as she points at the violin, still determined
06[22:59] * +Miyuka to help those that Sorgram had wished Miyuka to.
06[23:00] * +Turistima chuckled as she heard Auggy's words. "Yes....I think at least that long. Once we get back home, we'll have the entire night if you so desire." She winked at him, then smiled at Acine who stood beside them. She began to panic as they emerged from the portal once more, that sinking feeling failing to subside for as she glanced down at her arms, she noted that her body was slowly beginning to fade away, deteriorating be
06[23:00] * +Turistima her eyes. Only making matters worse, she heard Acine speaking, but could not make out the words and her mate.....he was no longer the handsome moriel that she had been holding in her arms. His body morphing into something else entirely. It was like a nightmare come to life and she blinked, hoping to awaken from it all. She tried to calm herself and think rationally. "Auggy? Acine? What....what is happening?"
04[23:02] * +Meadow{wSw} caught movement and looks up seeing Tehya and shakes her head pointing to sorgram. She motioned Tehya back scared that sorgram would be mad if Tehya left and maybe Sorgram could fix this. She didnt know Tehya couldnt hear either but right now she didnt want Sorgram mad. She didnt want anyone to think she made Tehya mad or something and she really didnt want to be alone while sorgram was <mew>
[23:02] <+Meadow{wSw}> <meow> doing what he was doing. <rawr>
04[23:02] * +Sorgram looked to the violin and willed it to his hand as he moved to lead her to the ship, looking aboard, he would see meadow on it and Tehya trying to sneak off, she had just reached the end of the gangplank when he spat and Miyuka might recognize the word for 'secure' as he cast a quick spell. A cage of fire would try and trap Tehya, to prevent her from leaving, it was harmless, save it would < 14next 2>
[23:02] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> hold her where she was until they reached her. He would not have her running away. It was not like her. He looked to see if it caught her and if it did, he hoped it would get the atttention of meadow so that he could beckon her down. < 4end 1>
06[23:03] * +Saga|Alrn|1 had sat down the loss of hearing was disorienting.. people passed her from the side unseen and it made her startled.
06[23:04] * +Larissa finally reaching home she headed straght for the baths. After this day she never wanted to play with portals again. She just hoped everyone else had faired better then herself. She looked around and found her familair in the corner. "I hope your day was better then mine!" With that she went right into the nice warm water for a soak, not bothering to remove her dress at all.
06[23:04] * +Larissa <ftb>
06[23:05] * +Aphielanis2 blinked once with surprise when Eraelabryn called out for a healler moving back slowly with a slight stumble at her feet she moved to remain out of the way on the other side of the steering wheel, she could'nt help but try to cast mend but the sylvan's tired state made the spell fizzle and she leaned into the rest of the column of the wheel to brace herself tiredly against it.
06[23:05] * +Aphielanis2 She soon brought her hand to her eyes and sighed murmuring "I think I'm dieing." watching her hand waste away but only her being able to see it.
06[23:05] * +Stormwind-2 groaned.... "L is going to kill me...." he said, and now he did sound, not panicked, but as if he were going to wretch, not because of the portal, but because he knew that his liege would go postal if she found out something had happened to him.... that he had let himself be damaged... his hand slipped free of bryn's... and now, both hands.... finger tips as light as butterfly's
06[23:05] * +Stormwind-2 wings, were wandering over bryn's face... as if to make certain that even though he could not see her, she was still there... and that touch, would likely tell her what had gone wrong.
04[23:05] <+Meadow{wSw}> oh indeed it caught her attention and she figured sorgram was mad if he was willing to do that to Tehya. All she could do was motion towards Tehya and then herself and shake her head. No she had done nothing this time not one thing and she was afraid sorgram thought she had.
02[23:07] * +Tamryn ( Quit
03[23:07] * +Larissa ( has left #tli-borderlands
[23:07] <+Augustus> The moriel.. err.. Drak Sen? He looked over his mate and ran a rough hand over her face... she was in shock. “Its okay my love, I believe the arcane energies are playing with us... I however... don’t know if these will fade or at all...” He looked over his tail and scales... with a frown... he still felt the call to -her- though.. the pull to kirva... the moon... this couldn’t last forever... could it? He looked over toward Bryn wh
[23:07] <+Augustus> o at this point was yelling -very- loud. “What now..” Turi seemed enamored at her own form... which... looked fine.. as always. He lifted her and practically dragged her with him toward the Moriel.. his boss.. his blood flowed in her veins and hers in his... whatever he was.. perhaps it meant nothing now.. that he wasn’t moriel.
06[23:08] * +Shoji`Isashi didn't find anyone responding, and shook his head. He took a few moments to collect himself, and resheathed his blade before he began to look around. He was not the best scout or woodsman, but he knew enough to move in the right direction, setting off toward what he hoped would be home.
01[23:08] <+Tehya> 6 She couldn't hear about the violin but could see it. Wide blue eyes watched thinking first that Miyuka needed the violin to play with her, to ease the others and restore them. She gulped but thankfully she left hers home. Not hearing made the Sylvan touch her ears numerous times to see if they were injured, but not before fire rained down around her forming a cage. With a quick intake of ...
01[23:08] <+Tehya> ... breath she stood there, hoping this wasn't drawing anyone's attention, and she stood still not wanting to be burned.
06[23:10] * +Acine|kee| went to check Turistima as the Drak Sen started to drag her towards Eraelabryn and she was calling out to him in a language he may of understood that no one else seemed as she yelled to him "#$^%^$%&JERUUY$" and kept up with him as he kept moving. (*if you speak draconic let me know)
[23:11] <+Eraelabryn> Couldn't -hear- Aphielanis, her head whirling as she would close her eyes. Focus. Fucking -focus-. Scream for the healer, but it didn't come, the wandering of fingers over face, and she would take gloved hand and lash it around Stormwinds. Kiss given to palm of the hand, the light bite to let him know it was her, before her free hand would -snap- fingers infront of the eyes. As if to see 12†
[23:11] <+Eraelabryn> 12† ..realizing it slowly. Absolutely fabulous. Lips setting into thin line as the boat docked, and Moriel would be heard, calling out for Healer. For someone to remove the effects. Louder, now, near scream unable to find the 'level'. That chaos, her own loosely held control because of earlier mixing showing, as eyes widened and body leaned itself to Storm, wrapping him against her. Acine..the 12†
[23:11] <+Eraelabryn> 12† words, tongues..spell to be cast, but so loudly... 4†
06[23:11] * +Saga|Alrn|1 feeling odd unable to hear.. she found her way eventually to get home.. after keeping back from everyone. (gtg)
03[23:11] * +Saga|Alrn|1 ( has left #tli-borderlands
[23:11] <+Alren> "YOU LOST SAGA TOO!" he exclaimed scowleing down at Cailtyn. THe mage pulled the woman up to her feet by her wrist and dragged her with him up the plank. "Where is she Caitlyn.. " he said turning to look at her. "We're all part of the same household.. we have to look after one another; yes?" he asked. Eyes softening as the looked at the .. drak? .. "You are what is importiant to
[23:11] <+Alren> me.. all of you, "he said frowning before moving off to look for Saga. Caitlyn would have a quieter 'lesson' on this later in his basement.
06[23:12] * +Miyuka was slowly but surely coming back around. "Alright. This is just an initial analysis, but I can only assume the deafness was brought on by the failed attempt through the portal...obviously. But the magics involved, I'm almost certain are symphonic in nature as that is my primary source of magic, and what I used to weave most of the magical glyphs. So, assuming I am correct, I
04[23:12] * +Miyuka think I can restore the hearing with but a simple spell from that very sphere." Of course Miyuka made that sound way more complicated than was necessary. "Oh, Lady Tehya, are you trying to sneak off without even giving me a hug?" The strawberry scented Miyuka would smile at Tehya and let her eyes roam over Meadow.
[23:14] * +Meadow{wSw} took note of the eyes roaming over her and swallows hard. All she could do was shake her head. She had not said or done anything this time not a thing. She had no way of understanding what was going on but she didnt want in trouble. She didnt make their hearing go away and she didnt make Tehya want to leave. No she was not bad this time at all.
06[23:14] * +Caitlyn{Alrn} is pulled violently to her feet, her eyes wide and shocked as the man yells into her face. The girl is left standing alone, her body swaying on that dock as the man rushes past her to check on the other woman on the boat. "But.. she was on the boat.." The girl frowns faintly before she decides it would be best to simply not be there anymore. Slender fingers nervously ease against her skirt,
[23:14] <+Caitlyn{Alrn}> trying to tug it down, though every time her tail moves it just forces the little pencil skirt up to show off the edge of her bare ass, the man having already destroyed her panties. The world is a little bit blurry as the Healer-turned-Drak rushes off, intending to head somewhere quiet. <ftb>
[23:14] <+Viktor`Corsarris> (FTB)
03[23:15] * +Caitlyn{Alrn} ( has left #tli-borderlands
06[23:15] * +Aphielanis2 followed after Eraelabryn, stumbleing tiredly falling to her knees a few times and even stopping to catch her breath before making a short clumsy run of stumbled feet while they looked for a healer or atleast got Bryn healled.
04[23:15] * +Sorgram would beckon meadow closer so that she could be in range of the woman as well. 'I think Eraelabryn is affected or the Moon is here early.' He stated quietly as he looks her over and thought she might stand on her own as his hand slipped from her it moved over her rear, abesntly. His eyes looked at Tehya and mouthed wait as he did to meadow. Listening to her, he understood all that she said < 14next 2>
[23:15] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> and inmagine how dragon infused magic could over power anf corrupt intnetions. He waited to see what she could do. < 4end 1>
06[23:16] * +Stormwind-2 never moved even when she snapped her fingers before his face. she could have struck a flame in his face and he would never have moved. he felt the nip to his palm though, and that was well. also, thanks to his ear plugs, her screaming voice did not deafen him as it might have done.... "She is, gods knows where, within two days but that is an ass load of ocean to cover.... and
06[23:16] * +Stormwind-2 i will hve to litterally fly blind to find her..." he said.... and then, feeling the bboat dock, he pondered... if they were docking then, they had made it home. and that meant... "Vestaunie!" he called out, both with voice and through the bond that connected them... the mournful cry of the mephos soon answering him from somewhere above.
01[23:16] <+Tehya> 6 Wide blue eyes stared through the fire cage and she would get back at him if this showed her to be a deaf bard in front of her friend. When Miyuka spoke to her she tried very hard to read her lips, and thought she might be asking her to play her violin with Miyuka to heal, or help the others. A guilty expression was in Tehya's eyes, and she guessed, only guessed Meadow may be suffering the ...same thing. One hand went towards the flame just to see if she could pass through it. A yank of her hand back from the flames of a cage kept her there feeling quite trapped.
06[23:19] * +Turistima heard Bryns shouts for a healer and while she felt as thought she were becoming less solid by the moment, she couldn't help but feel the need to put her concerns for her own self aside and see to the others. She wasn't sure what had gone awry, but she would do her best to aid those that needed it. The elf's skin paler than normal as it reached out to touch her mate's cheek, the figure before her that of a drak rather
06[23:19] * +Turistima moriel, but at least he seemed to be alright. His words did little to comfort her though as he lifted her up and carried her towards Bryn. "I hope that it is only temporary. Otherwise, I fear there won't be much of me left" she said softly, fear filling her voice at the thought of becoming nothing. A brief moment of clarity had her using the tongues enchantment on her jewelry that she might be able to understand the
06[23:19] * +Turistima others for the words of Acine seemed to make no sense. Suddenly, the woman's words became clear. "Acine....I'm nit sure what happened, but you'll be fine. Come help tend to the others." She wanted to give the woman hope, though her own was dwindling as was her body. As they came up beside Bryn, she smiled at the moriel. "Bryn....what is the matter?" she asked, searching for signs of any wounds on her form as she awai
06[23:19] * +Turistima an answer.
02[23:20] * +Viktor`Corsarris ( Quit (Quit: Viktor`Corsarris Mmmm peach.. I can eat a peach for hours, Grace only if its ripe, Viktor Viktor`Corsarris raises a brow, Jaressa`Jinique wriggles her bottom at Vik, sees if it is true. Viktor`Corsarris Grace context, Grace you meant.. *Facepalms*)
04[23:20] * +Meadow{wSw} moved to sorgram as he motioned her to do so. It felt strange to walk when there was no sound but she was more scared of what he might do when she got to him. She dint understand why Tehya was in a cage of fire and infact didnt much like it. But what could she do about it? she was nae but a deaf slave who thought she was going to get the blame for something.
06[23:20] * +Shoji`Isashi just continued to walk...and walk...and walk. He would have to remember to buy something that could be enchanted with magics to carry a message in the future, at least then he could let someone know he was still alive.
04[23:21] * +Miyuka takes up her violin and settles down upon her feet. She'd place the bow to string and begin playing a tune that Tehya would no doubt instantly recognize. It was the same melody Miyuka had played that first night the Artists ambit had opened. Yuka weaves her magics into the song and casts purifying rhythm on Tehya. She'd continue playing, getting ready for her next casting of
06[23:21] * +Miyuka the spell.
[23:21] <+Eraelabryn> Her arms tightened around the Male. Strange sight to see, the one who shunned touch, but worry, oh indeed worry lined features. Rage then as well. Such had not happened before, bodies exploding yes but that was easily fixed..wasn't it? Lavenders swirled, the docking of ship, the call out to the mephos, all of that unheard things, as Moriel suddenly -screamed-. She saw the ones around moving, but 12†
[23:21] <+Eraelabryn> 12† sound..tremble in body showed what she would not speak. Glimmer of sweat to the upper lip, to the brow glistening, as her eyes darted flickerdanced from face to face. Hiss leaving lips, as Turi's form approached. Normally so quiet the words came out so -loud-. "Fix him." yelled. "Ten Boons, for the task. Fix him -now-. " then there it was. "L`aquera!" the scream sounded itself from lips, echoing 12†
[23:21] <+Eraelabryn> 12† outwards, as if voice would be torn from box. Shaking, the need stronger, rage 4†
06[23:22] * +Acine|kee| went to gently touch Bryn if she'd let her to discern injury at least before she did more, her soft murmers were of a language that made sense to her but anyone listening wouldn't know but she checked to see if she could figure it out.
06[23:24] * +Acine|kee| she then went to touch the male Bryn was holding to see if she could get his ailment as well, Turi was looking bad but she said to take care of the others first so she was. Again she murmured in the strange language seeking an answer.
06[23:25] * +L`aquera had rose as Viktor had left, he would use portal to go home though his private home was well hidden from others save his slaves and concubine to his mate. She'd briefly touched on Archaons arm when that scream rang across water and silvers moved to ship docking and then upwards. That was.. Bryn? She was on her feet so quickly even pyro hadn't realized ring was activated to fly upwards. < 14. 2>
[23:25] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> Moving forward until deck could be reached and heeled boots lowered too. She was actually already shoving people out of the way until little darkness was spotted and then.. 14"Stormwind." 6husked out, cracked that voice was as she moved closer, as if afraid something was very wrong. Is this.. what Sinergy had meant? < 4end 6>
01[23:25] <+Tehya> 6 First glance was Miyuka's violin, oh she loved it and wanted one like it. Then the dull sound of something buzzed in her ear and she shook her head. Slowly it began to become clearer like she was listening to that familiar song miles away. It wasnt loud and she needed to get closer, but no she was in a cage. At least she could hear even if it was compared to having the volume on level one and ...
01[23:25] <+Tehya> ... she smiled at Miyuka through the flames.
[23:28] <+Miyuka> (gotta afk)
[23:29] <+Augustus> The onyx drak moved toward Brynn, probably a stranger to her now.. save those eyes. He looked at hear sternly... the yelling was irritating and she was borderline hysterical. Blood of his Blood. His hand gently rapped against her face to get her attention, a light slap .. nothing more or less “Damnable woman.. stop your yelling we will fix what is wrong with you somehow. “ He looked over stormwind and then to the oncoming others fr
[23:29] <+Augustus> om the first ship.. The flame.. his drak sen features darkened.. a light playful thing she was.. she did like to play.. and she was rather fun to play with.. although.. they would play later.. this last bout was all he could take for a while. Instead of trying to calm her down, rather.. he would try to talk louder.. to gain the decibels she had.. why.. who knows... “ WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!” his eyes would move to turi and seemed rat
[23:29] <+Augustus> her concerned.. she did not seem herself.
Stormwind-2 winced as she called for L`. not because the voice was too loud, but because when L found this out, found out he was harmed, someone was going to die... but.. L was 2 days travel away, was she not? he felt hands touch him, and almost flenched away, but experience told him that this touch was that of a healer. "you might have saved yourself a spell. I could have told you. I cant
06[23:29] * +Stormwind-2 bloody well see? its like staring at a snow bank that never ends... " and then, he heard the voice of his liege, and snapped to attention, eyes, blind or no, coming target center on the origin of that familiar voice. "my liege!" he barked out as heels snapped together.
06[23:29] * +Acine|kee| then looking to Turistima "@#^HID&)^E L" a breath and "@$^$REUHUDH#^$#" with a nod to her as she went to try and use what she had to fix both of them gently touching Bryn she tried to fix her ailment.
06[23:29] * +Aphielanis2 followed with Eraelabryn coming to a stop with her when Turistima came to aid the situation. She fell to her knees tiredly and blinked a bit watching while Acine came close to investigate what was going on too. Aphielanis took a deep breath and moved back to her feet with some effort. As other NPC crowd members came up to invesitage what had happened to the noble woman Aphielanis
06[23:29] * +Aphielanis2 began to push them away and try to form a barrier between those attending Eraelabryn and the curious crowd.
04[23:32] * +Sorgram waved his hand and the cage would disappear the blue flames fading to nothing as he looked at Tehya and waited her wrath. His eyes moving to meadow as well to see if she understood that there was a cure and he would get it for her. His hands reached for Tehya.
06[23:33] * +Shoji`Isashi was a long walk from home, and would eventually make it there
03[23:33] * +Shoji`Isashi (blah@6ca5f09a.6ca5f0c2.69.62.imsk) has left #tli-borderlands
[23:34] <+Eraelabryn> Shaking, holding Stormwind up, eyes frantic things, near hissing at Turi, at Acine, feral in aspect, shifting and it was seen, that firey rage in stomach curving upwards, the body feeling it, snaps in nerves at ends of fingers, at toes, as if leather clad form was to explode, rain down some clouded terror. Fingers clenched to Stormwind, as she -felt- him speak, eyes wide things scanning for 12†
[23:34] <+Eraelabryn> 12† L`aquera, until that, the -rapping- however light to her face. Mouth moved, but fuck ..all she saw was a Drak, yelling in her face. Aphielanis stepped between, but to late, that whip fast motion of hand , fist balled, the motion to strike right against the larger forms windpipe under jaw and knock him to his tailed ass. "not again.." that much whispered underneath the breath, whatever part of 12†
[23:34] <+Eraelabryn> 12† her had consumed the chaos, unleashed, as she felt Stormwind stand at that attention, her arm lightly unlashing from, chin jerked upwards, shoulders back. 4†
06[23:35] * +Turistima flinched as Bryn shouted at her, voice carrying loud enough that all of Valencia and Nath combined surely heard the woman's words. At her bidding, Turi turned her attention to Stormwind, smiling as Acine sought to aid Bryn. Auggy's form nearby a comfort to her as she spoke to the chirot before her, hands glowing faintly as she cast discern ailment. "I'm Turi.....I'm going to do my best to help you." she said to Storm
06[23:35] * +Turistima soothingly. Aside from his being without sight at the moment, she detected not further injuries. She heard L's voice along with the shouts of others, but tried to push them all away for now. She wasn't sure she should trust her magic at present given the disastrous effects of traveling through the portal. She heard Auggy shouting and just prayed that Bryn didn't do worse to him than this last encounter he'd had with
06[23:35] * +Turistima as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to ficus her energy on the male before her. She cast clear the senses on Stormwind in the hopes that it would work, but had little faith as she pushed the warmth of her healing magic into his flesh.
06[23:35] * +Meadow{wSw} just lowered her head and stared at the ground in the silent world. She expected nothing different as she stood there. Spotting a near by bench she would just make her way to it and sit down out of the way. Best place for her to be right now with so much going on.
06[23:36] * +Acine|kee| Bryn had felt a warm wash through her body but she was still having the same issue as before, she looked at Bryn confused as to why she was still yelling and then turned to Turistima, saying again in the odd language "%^&*(JJYGT^&*(I" and waited for her mentor to advise her further.
[23:36] <+Miyuka> (back!)
01[23:38] <+Tehya> 6 Her prison disappeared and she could hear sounds that sounded far away, looking at Meadow she asked...thinking that whatever cured her would cure Meadow too, 14"Can you hear me?" 6 So there it was her secret was out and at least she could hear again. She was speaking much louder herself since if Meadow responded like she did the sound had to be louder. Sorgram taking her hand made her first ...
01[23:38] <+Tehya> ... want to swat it away for imprisoning her but then she grasped it tightly.
04[23:39] * +Sorgram looked to Miyuka, 'my slave and then apparently the priestess Eraelabryn is in need of your services too.' His eyes looked to Meadow to indicate of whom he spoke and then to Tehya. 'can you hear me ?' he said softly.
06[23:39] * +Miyuka continues playing and turns her attention now to Meadow, weaving her song spell around her, purifying her of the spell that was afflicting her as well. Thankfully the flux of magic wasn't incredibly harsh on either of them, and even had Miyuka not healed them, they would have regained their hearing in about a day, not that either of them could have known such. Miyuka finishes
06[23:39] * +Miyuka the song and looks back at Sorgram. "By the way, what did you say your name was, sir?" Yuka actually hadn't realized the second boat had returned until Sorgram indicated that Bryn needed help too.
06[23:41] * +Stormwind-2 felt the rush of familiar heeing magic.... something he had known intimatly for the last seven years or more, a spell he recognized... he blinked, expecting vision to at least begin returning, but no.... "nothing ma'am. thank you though." he said... and failed spell or no, he reached to his belt and snapped a coin purse from his belt, offering it to her.
[23:41] <+Stormwind-2> !money give Turistima 50 mhl
[23:41] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* StormWind subtracted 50 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Turistima
06[23:42] * +Sorgram smirked at Miyuka and stated, 'you shall never forget me. I am Sorgram, Grand Mallus of the Temple to Fire and Mountain, Chaos dreamt, Dream traveler, mate to the cornflower bard, owner of elegance and downright nice guy.' Not much of an embellishment, he was not always nice, but he was Sorgram.
06[23:42] * +Aphielanis2 was nearly at an athletic pace of breath trying to stay on her feet and push people back, her sword glowed with the power ready to kill many around her, but she would never consider killing any of them without an order. She turned to Stormwind and Bryn behind her quickly to catch sight of what was going on.
06[23:43] * +L`aquera could only see chaos and then Augustus.. slapping.. Bryn and shouting at 'her' to stop shouting? Stormwind standing at attention, heels clicking. The whole thing suddenly made madness seem sane. She heard Turi and oddly that soothed her. She reached out and gently took Bryn by right arm, holding there. Letting silvers spell out the message needed. She got it now. Bryn was deaf. Why was one < 14. 2>
[23:43] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> thing.. And Storm? She wasn't sure. She seen no injuries but his words had rather halted her, seething anger holding too. 14"Augustus. Control yourself or I'll do it for you. Step back, let the healer work. Find those that seemed.. off.. wrong, need a healer and bring them all RIGHT here. RIGHT HERE! And one by one the healers can do their jobs. Do you understand me?
Tehya> 6 Magic,. something her and Sorgram delved into last night, and here again today...such a part of their world but she had her own. Music the sweet notes reviving her became clearer and slowly that elven hearing came back and those delicate elf ears twitched through her long blonde hair. 14"Miyuka my friend thank you. Yes Sorgram I can hear." 6 Her hand so tight in his she squeezed tight and ...
01[23:44] <+Tehya> ... then let out a long relieved sigh. This experiment would soon appear in the Emperor's journal as she promised Miyuka.
04[23:44] * +Meadow{wSw} didnt look up showing she had not heard a word that was spoken. Then suddenly she could heard the water, the people and even the wind. She slowly lifed her head and looks at sorgram and Tehya but didnt move from the bench. Still confused by it all and not sure if somehow she would take blame. But she heard sorgram speak and he didnt seem to sound angry. So her attention went to Tehya. She <mew>
04[23:44] <+Meadow{wSw}> <meow> stood up and moved to them and she stops before Tehya. " girl didnt do anything. She swears she didnt "> <rawr>

03[21:15] * Topic is ' 4 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The combat and sex-match arena close to The Lonely Inn. 2Visit #Lonely_Inn_OOC or the website at index.php for more details. '
03[21:15] * Set by ChanServ! on Wed May 23 06:49:33
03[21:15] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Tehya-1
[21:24] <+Aphielanis2> ( missing team two people Augustus 2 Myra -2 Shoji 2 Stormwind -2 Turistima -2 Wade -2 )
06[21:28] * +Wade-2 moves looking at picturs and stuff.. he begins to see what his Lords' life was like before all this.. he wondered how it all came to be.. he would sit and motion to Aphielanis. " Come take a look at this." he says picking up a picture
06[21:31] * +Turistima-2 was glad to Acine here, taking part in such a historic event and branching out to meet others. It was just a shame her mate was even less sane and controlled than usual. She turned and nipped Auggy's bottom lip as she kissed him, letting her tongue play over his lips before pulling away, eyes meeting his. "If you behave yourself and keep it together for this little adventure, I promise to speak to Bryn about borrowing he
06[21:31] * +Turistima-2 boat for a little joy ride of our own another day. Deal?" The elf chuckled as she caught sight of Acine's eyes lingering upon her mate's firm backside that was there for all aboard the ship to see. It was a lovely view and she'd not blame her in the least for drinking it it. "You should give it a nice smack Acine" she teased as the woman rejoined them.
06[21:31] * +Aphielanis2 was knealt at Wade's feet submissively in Eraelabryn's private cabin below decks when the sound of thunderous magic riped a hole from one space to another outside and squeeked ducking for a moment low to her knees. She blinked and got to her feet slowly moveing to a cabin window to try and see outside and watch what was going on unfortunately the portal was in the front of the boat
06[21:31] * +Aphielanis2 and these windows faced rear.
[21:33] <+Augustus2> The moriel growled a little as that prized possession was snatched from him.. and he would punish Turi now... greatly.... but this type of punishment had been going on for a while now... and it wasn’t any type she didn't like. His bite growing deeper as he groaned out “Mine” that throbbing cock pressing deeper into her flesh almost moving into her flesh if it could. As she turned to kiss him, he kissed back he tried to pull her close an
[21:33] <+Augustus2> d deepen it, but was thwarted again. His breaking point was near.. where he would either break down sobbing, begging for death... or release.. the point of holding him to that point for nearly a day and a half always hard, nearly always fucking her... just held at that cusp.. the point just before the euphoria and explosion. Badly... he just wanted to bend her over the railing of the ship and roughly take her from behind.. he moved her
[21:33] <+Augustus2> , pushing her forward over the rail.. her torso pressed against that hardy wood... both of them the railing and him. He whispered in her ear as his hands moved around the waist band of those leather pants. Whispering in her ear “I could fuck you over the railing.. … perhaps we can get you into the triple digit climaxes...” His tongue played over her lobe. Hunger.. Bryn was right.. was the cruelest of all things.
06[21:33] * +Wade-2 would start at that rending sound and shudder gripping the desk.. he.. -FELT- it tear, and he lets out a grunt of pain. " Damn." he says, then adds.." YOur lookin the wrong way girl.
06[21:35] * +Stormwind-2 threw his hands up to cover his ears and groaned at the thunderous sounds of the portal. two fingers dipped into his pouch and fished out a pair of ear plugs, figiting and fighting to get them into place, though that may have been a case of fixing the barn door affter the horse had escaped.
[21:37] <@Eraelabryn> Those on Bryn's Boat. Crew members seem startled near frightened by how large that Portal has grown. How deep it seems to be. The sea itself rocking as Phaings boat was given order (only after the Mages stopped their casting, slowing it down, the swelling of the Portal had for an instant appeared to be enough to rip hole in fabric that seperated things left unsaid). Gutteral tongue that the Crew 12†
[21:37] <@Eraelabryn> 12† spoke heard it, as they would be pushed a bit from the dock, letting the ones rowing below, large things, perhaps undead from the wet sounds heard..would take ship out just a bit..turning it to -watch- what happened to Phaing's ship and its passengers. 4†
06[21:42] * +Aphielanis2 wasn't prepared for a solid bit of land to heave and then yaw she wobbled on her feet shakeily and when Wade offered his arms she held onto him quickly while she curiously and calmly shifted her legs under herself to try and figure out the rules of balanceing on a ship.
[21:42] <+Myra-2> THe silverwing that helped in opening that portal had other plans then to sit and watch the others go through and hope that it worked. Instead she used those powerful silver wings of hers and took off over the sea, landing upon the deck and her violet eyes searched for Stormwind as her lips curved and she was moving for him "Did you think that I would be letting you go on this alone?" She knew his hatred for such and so she was coming to be a
[21:42] <+Myra-2> t his side, curling herself into it gently as she trailed her fingers along the chirots wing. "We need to talk soon.." She whispered softly as her violet gaze watched the portal come closer.
04[21:42] * Shoji2 (blah@6ca5f09a.6ca5f0c2.69.62.imsk) has joined #TLI-arena
03[21:42] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Shoji2
[21:43] <@Eraelabryn> *Repost to here cause Bryn is *Here* now* The way the little Necromancer turned her head, only then, towards Beloved Flame, something within the depths of eyes, something..not controlled. "" Spoken to both L`aquera and Viktor. Movement of hand to rush Alren to where he would be, Sorgram to the ship he would wish to be on. Bleed over? Perhaps, so normally subdued, normally..controlled. 12†
[21:43] <@Eraelabryn> 12† Body shook, it was seen as she would take herself and turn upon heel. Voice held tremor, pride and arrogance in what she saw, what had been done. "I knew it..' whispered underneath breath, as she flicked glove. Flight, it was enough to launch her into the air, to let her alight down upon the main deck. "EVERYONE ABOVE..Right the FUCK now.." 4†
06[21:45] * +Wade-2 smiles at her and hangs onto her a moment stroking her arm.." are you okay?" he says then he hears Bryns roaring shout and looks at her." get above, now." he says and moves to the window and opens it.. then he begins to spider out and up.." HEad up topside!" he shouts to Aphielanis
06[21:46] * +Stormwind-2 whispered a soft prayer to his goddess.... he part of him wished that L had been smart enough to get her ass on the bote with him, rather than needing to always be in the thick of danger. at the sound of that command, bottle greens turned violet, and he sought her out. there were only two aboard who would know that storm was no longer preciesly in control, and that only if they
06[21:46] * +Stormwind-2 bothered to notice, but either way, niether would give away his secret....
06[21:47] * +Shoji2 strode up onto deck, looking to E as she shouted her order. He would position himself nearby, and settle into a comfortable stance, left hand holding onto the sheath at his left hip, right hand gripping the hilt ready to draw at a moments notice if steel was needed.
[21:48] <@Eraelabryn> The minions underneath the boat, given order to -row- and -row- they would, taking them out, just a bit more. Moriel's hands twisting up her own curls, pinning them in that updo, as she stepped quickly to the upper decks, to where she could navigate and steer, hands taking wheel from First Mate. "Everything of import, besides the things in my Cabin were removed.." Second guessing it as she would 12†
[21:48] <@Eraelabryn> 12† speak to those gathered on that upper deck. Larger ship, capable of carrying several hundred pounds of cargo with ease, and fast, her little baby so adored by her. She spoke nothing, her hand moving to point to the side of ship, where over railing it could be seen Phaings own and her cargo. Gesture to the spyglasses laid out, should a few want to 'see' up close, and recant what was seen. Grin 12†
[21:48] <@Eraelabryn> 12† given to Shoji, as she then cast smile to Stormwind, and Myra beside him. 4†
06[21:48] * +Aphielanis2 blinked and nodded moving as quick as she could carry herself hearing Bryn's angered voice call them above decks. She moves to close the window Wade left through and then to the door to exit and lock it behind herself before finding a spot to line up on the deck infront of Eraelabryn lowering her head and shoulders respectfuly while she kpt a submissive half gaze up at Bryn.
06[21:48] * +Wade-2 comes up the aft sectionand flips up onto the helm quarter walking down to the main deck to come up beside Bryn
03[21:48] * Eraelabryn sets mode: -o Eraelabryn
[21:49] <+Aphielanis2> !races by race
06[21:51] * +Turistima-2 jerked in his arms as the deafening sound of the portal being brought forth filled the air and she felt the prickling energy of magic in the air playing over her flesh. How could she have been so distracted at a time like this? She blamed Auggy naturally. The male was incorrigible at best and with Bryn's special brand of magic cast upon him, he was nearly impossible. "For the love of the Goddess Auggy.....we're missing
06[21:51] * +Turistima-2 everything. Please....put your robe on and quit trying to show everyone the size of your cock." She tried to get him to refocus as the other ship was preparing to go through the portal, but it was no easy feat. She loved the way his body felt pressed against hers and she would be lying if she said that she didn't enjoy his attentions, but they were here for a purpose and he as Reeve should be behaving himself. She wasn't
06[21:51] * +Turistima-2 what the others aboard the ship were doing nor what skills, if any, they possessed, but they needed to be prepared. The elf had been through too many dangerous situations to end up dead all because she was busy getting a piece of moriel ass. His wicked words not helping matters any. "As much as I would love nothing more under normal circumstances my love, this in hardly the time." She understood the magic he was under, b
06[21:51] * +Turistima-2 she needed him to focus, They all did. Her feet shuffling as she fought to regain her balance as the boat shifted and rocked, the waves suddenly much larger than before. The elf loved being at sea, though the thought of her last adventure there had her shuddering, recalling the necro nearly killing one of their own aboard ship for ruining the corpse she was in the middle of rotting. Those emerald eyes drifted over to Aci
06[21:51] * +Turistima-2 see that she was ok, fingers clutching to Auggy's arms as she sturdied herself. Head tilting to look at Bryn who was there at the helm, waiting for directions and to see what transpired with the other ship.
06[21:54] * +Stormwind-2 nodded. hearing myra. in a voice that was.... both storms, and not quite his at the same time, he whispered.... "thank you, for not making me do this alone.... and yes.... we will speak... very soon..." he felt fingers teasing his wings, and he clung to her, nails nearly breaking flesh, restraint only barely enough.... to keep from hurting her.
[21:54] <+Eraelabryn> <hitting post order Bryn on top! then Aci/Aph/Aug/My/Sho/Stor/Turi/Wade/Bryn>
[21:56] <+Eraelabryn> It was then, she could sense it, feel it, and that recklessness, that sudden rush as grin would over take the lips. Possible Stormwind knew it, the laugh that busted from her mouth, Shoji had heard it before when he served her house, sounded like her old self, half mad and lost to the whims of something far more dark. Wheel was turned, the wood underneath gloved hands. Moriel called out in dark 12†
[21:56] <+Eraelabryn> 12† elf, in her native tongue to her abominations below. *ROW*. Voice bellowed it, as she would aim them right for the fucking portal, the rush of it, enchantment laid to the wood of her ship ,made them faster, far faster then most, the cutting rutting of the thin ship racing forwards, each stroke of the undead below jolting them forwards, the call out to Aeromancer to give a bit more wind to fuel 12†
[21:56] <+Eraelabryn> 12† the sails unfurled as they sliced their way right towards that magical opening. 4†
[21:57] <+Eraelabryn> (going to take one post round before we are there!)
06[21:58] * +Aphielanis2 remained in her submissive low pose prepared to take order from Eraelabryn otherwise she remained silent but rocked on her heels and legs to keep her balance oddly with the boat.
06[21:58] * +Acine|kee|_2 tried to not watch as August had Turiistma pinned, but this was an event of a life time, as the boat started to rock more she bent her knees to flow with it, glancing at Turi as she yelled at Auggy, but then watching Bryn and Stormwind as they were doing things, trying to remember what was all afoot as she kept watching it all in silence awe.
[21:59] <+Eraelabryn> <You would -see- the other boat is still there..btw. :P Just on the otherside of the opening, like all Pysche! >
[22:01] <+Augustus2> It was fruitless... the begging.. the scolding.. there was only one thing on his mind.. the slapping of wet flesh against wet flesh, fucking, sucking and licking, touching kissing and penetrating. He was so far gone he had no place on this ship.. wanting release so badly he would gladly let everyone die on this ship to be lost inside his mate. He whispered a whining groan “I cant help it... “ those eyes held two things .. pain and the e
[22:01] <+Augustus2> ver propelling desire to sate that hunger.. that release. He felt the release of powerful magic, the once necromancer affinity and mage affinity of another lifetime could easily feel it.. but.. in the back of his mind her knew.. he knew what he -should- be doing.. he simply could not do it.. he pulled his mate close and kissed her, his lips moving against hers passionately, mouth opening and tongue sliding along hers.. they had never go
[22:01] <+Augustus2> ne below.. he never listened.. they were still on the top deck. He heard Bryn, but was simply too enthralled to care... half naked in just a tabbard.
[22:05] <+Myra-2> She watched Bryn take to the helm, her position up there to make sure that we were going to go through and her violet gaze swept over those that were upon the boat with them and hoped they made it through. She wanted to be a part of something that worked and knew that the others were feeling that need to. Frowning as she heard Storm's voice and then her lips curved softly "I would never let the two of you go through this alone.. you should kn
[22:05] <+Myra-2> ow better then that Storm…" She knew they had a lot to catch up but there was a time and place for things, just as there was a time and place.. not to see Augustus naked. A wrinkle of her nose and then a shake of her head as they came upon the portal.
06[22:05] * +Wade-2 crouched, poised as she moved under his feet he seemed to rock and pulse.. like a born in set of sea legs.. or maybe he'd practiced on his skiff. not much practice until a big merchant ship rips by! Anyways he stood next to Eraelabryn, watching.. waiting..
06[22:05] * +Shoji2 glanced sidelong up to the wheel house, where Eraelabryn stood at the helm. As she laughed, that maniacal sound, he could not help but bring a smirk to his lips. "Its good to be by your side again Lady Eraelabryn, lets hope its not for the last time." And with that, he turned to face the portal, ready for whatever would lie on the other side for them.
[22:06] <+Wade-2> lets do this shit
06[22:06] * +Turistima-2 heard the shout just before the boat began to pick up speed. The elf's heart was racing with excitement as it was now there turn, uncertainty of what was to come filling the air as well, but she was never one to shy away from adventure. After all, new experiences were what made life worthwhile. Her brow arching as she looked more carefully and noted that the other ship still lingered there in the waters on the other side
06[22:06] * +Turistima-2 the portal. She smiled reassuringly to Acine as she caught that wary glance from her. Surely the woman was uncomfortable thanks to Auggy's insatiable desire, but she was a kind woman and understood that it was more to do with the spell that had been cast upon him than his own reckless nature....or so she hoped. She fought to keep her attention on the portal to which they were headed, but her mate made it rather challengi
06[22:06] * +Turistima-2 That painful note in his voice made her heart ache and she wished that she could ease it without putting them all at risk.
[22:06] <+Eraelabryn> <Waiting for Yukas Post before Bryn charges us through>
[22:07] <+Turistima-2> (Sorry Storm...hit enter on accident. Didn't mean to skip ya.)
[22:08] <+Eraelabryn> >I luv you guys, just wanted you to know, and secretly am going "go go ship 2>
[22:08] <+Eraelabryn> <+Miyuka> "FUCK!" It was rare to hear Miyuka curse out of pure frustration, but there it was. The girl was so sure that this was going to work, but it had not...well it kinda worked, one of the people got ported away...close, but not exactly what she was hoping for. No matter, adjusting the formula was simple, if not incredibly draining. Miyuka sighs and with a few mystiq gestures, the portal
[22:09] <+Eraelabryn> <+Miyuka> turns off, fading away with a loud BANG. The energies still powering the device were ready for her to issue her next command and she does, opening the portal once more, concentrating on the flow and ebb...goddess she should have gotten Takao or Twerlinger to do this. Dealing with Arcane magics was quite difficult for the child of song and wind, but thankfully most of the work was
[22:09] <+Eraelabryn> <+Miyuka> being done by the phoenix stone. Miyuka would re-open the portal, this time it was with a lot less gradeur than the first time as it was much more stable.
06[22:09] * +Stormwind-2 forced his hand to release its grip on the silver wing, then he gestured to her, and moved, closer to bryn, and the rail beside, violent violet eys on the portal, a prayer to the goddess on his lips..... hand again gesturing myra closer, wings flaired to keep balance
[22:10] <+Eraelabryn> There it was, the sound, the 'fixing' of portal that had not worked. The other ship on the side still here, moving around. Bryn's hand shooting out to take Stormwinds, the tightness of squeeze a given thing before she would jerk herself back to wheel, bidding him to brace Myra, with the way her throat let loose a lower growl. Breath pulled in and held as they would be launched faster, faster, no 12†
[22:10] <+Eraelabryn> 12† care or concern, as if fucking flying right towards the magical essence that rippled, churning, leading to -somewhere- or nowhere, to the abyss, perhaps.. 4†
06[22:18] * +Acine|kee|_2 hearing the words from Yuka, she turned looking towards the portal, keeping alert in case anyone seem to get hurt as they continued to surge forward, with an oddly steady wobble as she went with the ships surges pretty well, not to graceful but not on her rear either she watched the spectacle before them in awe.
[22:19] <+Eraelabryn> <post in order guys>
[22:19] <+Eraelabryn> <and go! of us hitting the portal itself......>
06[22:19] * +Aphielanis2 seemed to come up with a few strategies on how to balance on the boat properply pretty quickly. When she heard the bang of the portal she shifted her head slowly and calmly to the sound and blinked watching the old portal vanish and the new one come to existance she blinked and as the rocking of the boat increased she fell onto the deck and sighed laying on her back for a moment
06[22:19] * +Aphielanis2 until she began to climb towards some ropes and hold onto them carefuly.
[22:24] <+Eraelabryn> It was, what it was. Moriel held no fear, no concern for it, if they ended up where lost one's went, so the point. Better to not have design be failure, be ruptured thing, that spent itself out. Into the Portal, the essence of it, making one queasy, making ship fuck creak as if kraken had it by the ass. Underneath, the rumbling of the undead, sundering sounds, from further away, the vortex that 12†
[22:24] <+Eraelabryn> 12† then -spat- them out, on the other side, only when forms would feel they could not take another instant of it, not another second. Like drowning in power, in strange altered place, that when spat out through the circle on the other end, bodies would feel it, trembles and the realization that as far as they could see...there was nothing but ocean, waves so calm they rolled, rumbled like visual 12†
[22:24] <+Eraelabryn> 12† thunder across the foamy crests. (BAM free post it up darlings) 4†
[22:25] <+Augustus2> The moriel felt the boat hit that ripple, that pure essence of magic flowing over him. That bottomless pit subsiding as they went through... that embrace of his mate and everything relaxed.. his body, his muscles loosened and he sighed... He looked around, and quickly threw the robe over his form.. clad in darkness on darkness on darkness... save for those crimson eyes. He grinned a bit, giving Turi a knowing look and a kiss “I love you
[22:25] <+Augustus2> .” His hand would move over her face as the moved through the portal. He quickly moved tightly, and was at the ready for anything that might be there. He would look over Bryn.. she was his teacher now. She had taken on that roll perhaps knowingly.. or unknowing. His eyes looked out into the vastness of nothingness.. and his brow furrowed
06[22:25] * +Shoji2 braced himself, spreading his stance out, widening the placement of his feet as he crouched, keeping himself low to the deck, increasing his balance as they were dead set on that course, the ship crashing through what would hopefully be a portal to some other land...and not just a sparkly, magical tunnel into the Indiscreet's hull. As the ship successfully passed through and were in
06[22:25] * +Shoji2 another ...
[22:25] <+Shoji2> ... part of the sea. He practically jumped up, moving up toward where Bryn stood on the deck. "Success Lady Eraelabryn, but now what?" He was ready to recieve whatever orders she would give.
[22:27] <+Myra-2> She let Stormwind brace upon her, and then closed her eyes as they hit the portal. She knew there was a chance of something going wrong, of things getting misplaced or even the whole boat when dealing with one of these things and so her breath was held and she waited for a few moments before hearing the zapping and sounds of being sucked in and then spit out again and those dark lashes opened to find them elsewhere. Spending the time she look
[22:27] <+Myra-2> ed down her body, making sure every piece was in place and patted herself down before glancing to look for Stormwind. Seeing him with all his pieces she laughed "Thank gods…" She muttered.. not wanting to have to explain that one to him or gwyneth later why he was missing anything
[22:31] <+Eraelabryn> Laughter pealed out like a bell, once that need to vomit passed and eyes could focus again. Bliss, because the design had worked, the way hand flicked out towards Auggie, the words spoken, Stormwind would know them as her recalling her own curse. For now. Shoji, near cursed with the embrace, the little Moriel gave, for an instant one could see emotions that flickered, unmasked, the radiance in 12†
[22:31] <+Eraelabryn> 12† lavender eyes as she danced with the minion to her left! Then, as quickly as it was -seen- it was gone, once more composed, as she smoothed leathers and acted as if she had done nothing at all. "Now. Should we let them know we made it through alive, or scare the fuck out of them..." 4†
06[22:31] * +Stormwind-2 gritted his teeth, feeling as though he had been caught in a lightning storm. caught -by- a lightning storm. in fact, for a few moments he looked as though that were exactly what had happened, his body glowing with violet light, the tattoo on his back seeming to light up, to come to life, lightning bolts glowing with that infernal light. he heard the voice of his goddess in his head,
06[22:31] * +Stormwind-2 so loud and clear that he might have been standing at her right hand... one hand lashed out and cauught myra, pulled her against him.. and then, when they reached the other side, still holding myra, other hand clutched in bryn's, he whispered in moriel.... "beldroin, vel'klar ph' l' byrren"
[22:31] <+Turistima-2> "Hold on tight to the railing Acine" she called out to the other healer, worrying about her friend as they drew ever closer to the portal. The magical energy thick and crackling in the air around them as they sped through the choppy waters. Arms snaking around her mate ever tighter, clinging to him as she whispered a silent prayer that they make it through safely. They had been told to expect anything, including death, and while
[22:31] <+Turistima-2> wasn't frightened of that possibility, she didn't relish the thought either. She didn't have much of a chance to say anything more to her mate as they were drawn through the portal. She clung to him, her stomach turning as the pressure engulfed them, insides feeling as though they were being squeezed and twisted, something that she was never sure she would completely become used to. She held her breath, letting it out in a sigh
[22:31] <+Turistima-2> relief as they made it through. Her body slowly relaxing as she held her mate's gaze. " I love you too dearest" she purred, lips pressing to his firmly for a moment. She broke the kiss and glanced around, searching the ship to see that Acine, Bryn and the others had all made it through in one piece. She wasn't what she had anticipated that they might find on this other side, but a vast expanse of ocean with no land in sight had
[22:31] <+Turistima-2> been it. The elf had thought there would be an island at least. As she stood there, she had a moment to wonder if they would be able to make it safely back through the portal.
06[22:32] * +Wade-2 crouched, poised as she moved under his feet he seemed to rock and pulse.. like a born in set of sea legs.. or maybe he'd practiced on his skiff. not much practice until a big merchant ship rips by! Anyways he stood next to Eraelabryn, watching.. waiting..
06[22:35] * +Acine|kee|_2 had moved to the railing as Turistima had instructed her to do, she felt as if she was being pulled through her belly button to a place of now air, sound or light and then they were through. She looked around at the very calm seas, the vastness of the ocean and knowing calm seas often did not mean they necessarily had a way back. She looked back at Turi and Augustus with a warm smile at...
06[22:35] * +Acine|kee|_2 ...her friend and her mate. It was truly an amazing moment they had just shared. She reached over to gently touch Turi with a bright smile and nod to her. "Thank you for the advice." she was finally able to say.
06[22:35] * +Aphielanis2 clung tightly to the ropes feeling the boat shift and creak all around her she lifted her head to glance around curiously taking in the strange phenomenon once it had passed and they were softly rocking on the waves of the open ocean she released the ropes she clung too and got to her feet moving to stand at Eraelabryn's side with her head lowered respectfuly.
[22:36] <+Eraelabryn> "beldroin, vel'klar ph' l' byrren" spoken so sweetly to Stormwind, even after she resumed control of herself. Breath sucked in, then released, as she would squeeze the fingers of Stormwind within her own gloved hand. Lowering of head to kiss that hand before releasing it and giving a wink to Wade. "I suppose we should test it going the other way..." Barely any warning before the order to row was 12†
[22:36] <+Eraelabryn> 12† given out once more and the boat would take a sharp right, already heading back through that vortex of shimmering metal linked on this end as well. Touch of her free hand to Aphielanis's head, before it would happen, the jerk of ship around, sailing right back through. "Brace yourselfs...this might be a bit more..bumpy.." 4†
[22:37] <+Myra-2> She curled herself up close to Storm as she heard him, hopefully, praise Bryn and kept her eyes upon the water as her lips curved. She wouldn't mind a ride home if she got to spend the time with him and a few others as she glanced about the boat once again and seen the others cheer the success and everybody seemed to be there and in one piece. "See.. nothing to worry about Storm.. everything works when I'm around.." She teased him a bit and t
[22:37] <+Myra-2> hen curled into his side gently. She was tired from casting that spell and didn't mind curling herself into him and the warmth he provided.
06[22:38] * +Shoji2 grinned at her words, just giving a deep nod as he looked to Wade. "Seems we did it, success for House and Empire eh?" He Nods once more at her words and moved to help Aphie up to her feet. "Be ready little one, we're going to be going back through the other way next."
06[22:38] * +Wade-2 would feel the ship punch through.. he would brace low to the deck, trying not to be thrown from the ship.. he looked kind of like a spider
[22:39] <+Eraelabryn> "draa tangin travel rathrea udossa, Ussta Cherished" Is what the words to Stormwind should have said!))
[22:40] <+Stormwind-2> what did she say
06[22:42] * +Stormwind-2 nodded and relaxed, his mind for some reason taking longer to translate the words than it ought to have done... but if they were only two days behind, that meant he could find her if needed. he smiled to myra and nodded, annd then his gut clenched, as he realized they were going back through again already...
06[22:43] * +Turistima-2 smiled and hugged Acine, glad that Auggy now had the sense to put his robes back on. "Well....that wasn't so bad now was it?" she said, giving a wink to her friend and her mate. It would seem that the elf had spoken too soon for Bryn's voice carried as she turned the wheel, taking them back to the very direction from whence they came. With any luck they would make it through unscathed once more. She held onto both Acine
06[22:43] * +Turistima-2 Auggy, as though by sheer will she could keep them safe and with her as they moved quickly through the calm waters, quickly approaching the portal.
[22:43] <+Eraelabryn> <Ok. For those on THIS SHIP heading back through. If -you- want to, roll a !r 1d6 in Quest...for the fun stuff since we are doubling our travel through the flux!)
[22:49] <+Eraelabryn> It was the movement -back- within that swirling vortex. Her eyes gazing upwards, even then to make sure the stones were firing as they should. Every other, gem her hands had cut and polished, bled upon. Tapered ears, the elegant line of them, the way lips parted to take in breath and then..somewhere within it, the whooshing sounds only a loud -pop- then..absolute stillness. Sensative thing, the 12†
[22:49] <+Eraelabryn> 12† sudden shock upon features, the need to throw up, oh she -needed- to, ashen skin darkening as she would tighten hands down upon the wheel, as if to shatter it, their own forms coming back through the portal..on the other side.. 4†
06[22:49] * +Aphielanis2 took Shoji's aid to her feet and while she had her head lowered to Bryn and was gentley carressed on the forehead she lifted her eyes to gaze up at Bryn a little more fully exchange an apreciateive smile and then move to crouch lower to the deck this time prepared to go through the portal. Her small center of height and the expereince allowing her some grace to stay on her feet
06[22:49] * +Aphielanis2 through the rough ride. While she passed through the vortex she got zapped by a spark of energy and blinked a bit wobbleing a little on her knees tiredly. once they were through she came to sit onthe deck slumping tiredly onto her side.
03[22:54] * +Augustus ( has left #TLI-arena (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is)
03[22:54] * +Eraelabryn ( has left #TLI-arena
03[22:54] * +Aphielanis2 ( has left #TLI-arena
06[22:55] * +Stormwind-2 for once. did not feel as though he needed to wretch, and yet.... something was still quite wrong.. the chirot saw nothing.... not the wood of the boat, not the sky and sea above and below..... nothing but a field of white... and yet, he did not seem panicked when he spoke, but..... instead, deadly calm, icely so, as he whispered.... "beldroin? Folbol... uriu alus xusst. Ves xusst."
06[22:55] * +Stormwind-2 and gripped bryn's hand tighter still.
Session Close: Wed May 23 23:28:49 2012
Add the later part not on here
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