Theres a new beast in town..

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Theres a new beast in town..

Postby L`aquera on Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:01 am

Name: Norsgon

Found where: Within the wild of Valencia

Size: 7 feet tall to 10 feet tall without the antlers

Desc: It is a strange looking breed of horse that ranges from 7 feet tall to 10 feet tall without including the antlers. It's skin typically ranges from dark hues of blue to dark hues of grey and black mixture. The scales and mane can range in a variety of dark colors like dark blue to dark red to dark greens and grays . Meanwhile under it's chin, neck, and all down it's underbelly it is covered in scales much like that of a dragon and just as hard as a dragon's scales. .It has multiple manes about it's body. Besides a regular mane that flows down its neck, it has Long hair extending across its chest of scales out over its shoulders. It also has smaller patches of long hair extending from the main joints on each leg, as well as small patch coming from it's chin giving it the appearance of having a soft silky beard. The tail of the Norsgon is like a mixture of a dragons and a horses tail. It extends out like a dragon's tail but is covered in the long flowing silk like hair like its mane. Its body isn't very muscular, but rather tone like that of a horse built for speed. Atop its head is a set unique antlers. These antlers are as hard as metal and typically keep growing throughout its life. The older the Norsgon the bigger and more pointed antlers it has. Outside of the amazing toughness of these antlers they are also have a myriad of specks all around it that glow in the light of the moon. When needed or prompted the Norsgan can cause Ethereal flames to appear at each point of its antlers that stay as long as the Norsgan wishes them too. The eyes of Norsgon are of one solid color typically a dark hue blue that glows during the night giving it an otherworldly vibe. If one was to see this creature during a full moon it would be one of the most majestic beasts within valencia if not the whole of the empire as it looks like a half dragon, half horse made from the night sky itself. Image-

Abilities: Norsgons are a fairly unqiue creature. Born from the magic of night this nocturnal creature has evaded people for so long by being the fastest land speed creature within the whole of valencia. While top speeds are unknown it has been seen to travel at speeds previously thought impossible such as 60 miles per hour on relatively flat surfaces. Outside of it's amazing speed it is very sure footed, It has been known to climb up and down the most precipitous slopes with the grace of hooved ballerinas.

Pacifying Smoke: When it feels threaten the Norsgan can produce a thick rolling smoke from it's snout that has a very calming and relaxing affect to anyone who is engulfed within the it. It has been known to quell the most bloodthirsty of men within seconds of being caught in the smoke. Once released the smoke is fast and long reaching, covering a 10 to 15 yard radius of flat land within seconds...OOB only and OOC consent needed for effects to work.

Disadvantages: This creature is extremely loyal to one person within it's lifetime. To the point it can be jealous of any other person that tries to go near the one it is bonded to.

Lunar lust...While loyal, these creatures are also called forth by the moon and it's phases. The fuller the moon the more it will want to be set free to roam the night. If set free it will always return home by daybreak.

Shiny horde...Much like dragons these creatures love shiny objects and have been known to carefully steal any shiny object it can get it's mouth on and crate a nest of various shiny gemstones, metals, and objects within it's stall creating it's treasure horde and will defend it jealously from anyone. Leaving only its bonded person able to remove anything from the nest. But even then the Norsgan might get a little upset if not handled carefully by the owner.

Special... It is possible to bond with these creatures when they are young, but the older it gets the harder it becomes to bond with it. They are incredibly intelligent creatures and will judge any who try to capture it, thus it is best to try and bond with one when it is less then a year old when they are more likely to accept someone. They typically tend to live to about 75 years old but a very few seem to be older then that but they are extremely rare. It is possible to ride these creatures but it requires someone to be a master of horse riding to handle them properly.

Tempered body... Being a native creature of valencia it is use to pretty extreme temperature conditions such as extreme colds of night and the extreme heat of the volcano with no signs of it being affected either way. It achieves this by regulating it's body temp to endure the extreme temps. This allows the rider to feel warmth during cold nights or cold during the heat of the day

In Battle Only... If used in battle after dark the Norsgan has the ability to blend into the night darkness to the point of being nearly invisible. The rider is granted a defense of +3 and a +3 to agility (only in the dark).

With this ability it is no wonder these creatures have only rarely been seen. Only recently appearing to those it deems worth of it's presence and as such has fallen into legend and myth


This write up was given by a player, Tawny. Free for Quests and RP in the Northern region. Approved for use by the Gameplay Development team.
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