March 5th Topic Pretty is as Pretty Does

Weekly projects with absolutely no chance of either fortune or fame. Open to all.

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March 5th Topic Pretty is as Pretty Does

Postby Tehya on Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:45 pm

This weeks topic is Pretty is as Pretty Does Feel free to take off with this topic and it can be portrayed in many ways.

Art, Photography, Stories, and Poems are welcome and everyone is invited to participate.

If you are curious to see entries... stop back and comment. I am sure they enjoy feedback on their work.
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Re: March 5th Topic Pretty is as Pretty Does

Postby Stormbringer on Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:49 am

Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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Re: March 5th Topic Pretty is as Pretty Does

Postby Tehya on Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:52 pm

Wow she is pretty and what's prettier than a dancer. Love the reflection and costume.
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Re: March 5th Topic Pretty is as Pretty Does

Postby Balard on Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:20 pm

There was once a princess who was very pretty she was known by all but not for her beauty, she was known for her attitude and way she was, she ate like a horse and treated everyone like they were nothing she was vile but nearly all who met her fell for her beauty till they found her true side and then they fled the king told her to change her way's or be disowned, she refused to changed so banished she was, she met a knight to which she fell in-love with and he fell in love with her, the next day she was found without her head and a note upon her body it was from the knight who wrote that he was shocked beyond belief that a woman of beauty could act like a troll
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Re: March 5th Topic Pretty is as Pretty Does

Postby Tehya on Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:28 pm

hehe there are some very pretty women that are trollish. Made me laugh thanks for the uplifting read.
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Re: March 5th Topic Pretty is as Pretty Does

Postby Tehya on Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:14 pm

"Beauty, you are so beautiful!"

He stood there looking at her hair the color of sunset. People walked to just be near her, and by the gods her voice sounded like a choir of angels. It was time for her to leave these people and with the steps from her village tears rained upon the earth leaving footprints of her lovely feet. She left muddy footsteps that hardened into statues, showing the direction of where she walked.

They were sorry to see her leave, and swore there would never be another one like her. That beauty was young, and had a lot to learn in her journey to Never Land. She was told of the evil that lurked there, and the tumbles and falls she would have when climbing the never ending mountain named Patience.

Patience was a beautiful mountainous area where there were flowers of every exotic nature, and wild fruits that one could sustain themselves when hunger struck. The foliage was that of a jungle even though it was in a mountain, and the creatures just loved her. Birds sang their most beautiful songs, and wild parrots decorated the trees.

Beauty had a long way to go, and every day she would travel at least ten miles but the peak of the mountain was nowhere in sight. Warm fires of the villagers she would pass through kept her protected at night, and yet every day when she left to travel up the mountain those very people would cry tears in her loss. Those tears didn't leave statues in her footprints but instead left streams and rivers that flowed with wicked abandon.

Beauty's days were full of sunshine and the plants loved her passing through for she brought the sunlight they devoured to stay alive.

One day on her journey she met a shadowy form; it was rounded but not a perfect circle. There were no eyes upon it, but it had arms that swept her into the billowy being and it touched her where she had never been touched before. A fire came from her very form scorching the cloud of shadows and it ignited.

Flames burst forth and lightning bolts hit the ground where the very creatures that loved her found them self fleeing to get to safe ground below. The very mountain she was trying to climb burst and spewed a lovely white cream. The consummation of Beauty and the Shadow brought the birth of...

Mother Nature!
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