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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:29 pm
by Tehya
THIS IS A CHALLENGE TO ALL not particularly just bards. As writers which there are many in this game and original art. I offer this to all to enter. There will be four prizes which we all will vote on.

How this works is you will continue posts from the one before yours, somehow linked on a thought you get from a creation either in Art or Writing. I tried this with a friend and post it here to set the mood.

My Muse
If I were a piece of fruit I would be a purple plum. Not only is the color beautiful, no doubt I’d last awhile in the bowl before being consumed. My skin would be smooth to the touch, and I would accent the other fruits in the bowl. The peach would roll away lazily from me knowing I’d rot touching its fuzzy coating. The banana which would lay nestled into that mysterious crease in my center.

When finally I am lifted to the lips to be eaten, the touch of my skin to someone’s lips would be smooth and tart, and they would savor every bite. With abounding succulence. I’d quench their thirst and stain their lips leaving traces of me being there.

Of course my pit would be my inner core, and when thrown in the waste bin, I’d get even for being eaten. I would call upon the army of fruit flies that would annoy my taker of life while he sat by the computer trying to write and snatching them one by one in his hand.

Oh to be a purple plum. Tehya
From a Friend
A plum is a great fruit for all the reasons that you list. I have always enjoyed the way the blueish/purple hue of a plum stands out in your hand. Appears almost as a "mellow" color…strong yet chill and controlled. While it does have a pit that may be "indisposable" and cause for distress in one's trash the pit is also its center and rebirth if you will. From that seed it grew to be and from that seed others could grow from it...I always tried to plant sunflower seeds in hopes they would grow to giant stalks of sunflowery goodness. Nothing but weeds ever grew, that or I should have not tried planting them in my carpet...hmmm

On to bigger questions and things... I think it is only fair that I answer my own question as well…The other half of your plum =) If I were a fruit…I would be a tomato.. Why a tomato you ask? That is an excellent question. Firstly,...most people don’t recognize a tomato as a fruit, and therefore by its very nature it makes it unique =) Don’t we all want to feel unique and special and also treated this way by others? Also...A tomato is a delicate fruit too. It does have a protective covering, a "shell" if you will, and inside that is the true essence of a tomato...Protected yet delicate to the touch and juicy when ripe. Same as our personalities are often fragile and delicate once we get to fully explore them, the masks we wear upon initially meeting people is the outer covering and protection. Often times we feel vulnerable when we take chances, but it is during those times and new experiences that we also have the greatest potential for personal growth and exploration. The other interesting things about tomatoes' is the fact that they have relatively little distinct taste. That is what makes them so good on many things and the reason we can derive so many uses for them. You may consider them a "bland" fruit, due to their lack of apparent palatable value, but just think of all the diverse types of foods and sauces they are a part of and belong. Everything from hundreds of types of pasta, to salads, even to some deserts! Crazy I know =). The ability to be both nothing, and everything all at once.. Interesting concept in itself. To be recognized and known and make an impact on this life and that of others, yet transparent and still able to pass between many different realms without great barrier.

It seems all too many times now a days, the people we encounter in our everyday lives make such superficial impact, that we seek for more in others. We are left with unfulfilled expectations and often times adjust our own perspectives to better accommodate. From a friend let's continue from here. post your entry as a new post thanks for playing. Please pull your entry topic from the one before you.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:41 pm
by Sanjin Koukyu
Oh, to be a fruit. Were I to be a fruit, would I be akin to a clementine? So sweet for one so petite, with a skin so thin? No. I’d not be such a fruit, such thought is moot, for I’d be colorful, flamboyant, and bizarre! What is my demeanor? Brilliant, with creativity aflame, I’d stand out against the mundane and drudgery with my armor of fleshy scales, as brilliantly red as a rose, tapering off to Gaea’s blessed greenery. None could compare, for my name is that of mythic proportions, so I must look the part, of magnificence and nobility.

But what of my personality? The truth of who I am, my core? Wrapped in what looks to be layers, a lie. It is but a way protect myself from the evils that the world cast upon me. Rent asunder, one would find not brilliance within, but a stark contrast. While the evils of the world do not sit in a monochrome wonderland, shades of gray painting them across everything, that which I hide is white. Is this to denote my purity, my innocence? Tiny little seeds of black, the promise of growth renewed tainting the nigh pristine canvas of white. Seeds of wicked thought, of anger and self-destruction. But to experience me in the fullest, one must take in the seeds with the pulp of my being, savoring that which is good while discarding the little pieces of my darkness that spring up.

And should one do that, to know me and savor the flavors I impart, they’d find a something soft, something subtle and sweet. A delicate sensation that doesn’t threaten to overwhelm the tongue.
What am I? The glorious dragon fruit.



PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:17 pm
by Tehya
Absolutely lovely. Feel free to choose more subjects that you feel you can express like you did this one. Anyone can choose a subject, any subject they feel they can express. You nailed this idea and took off with it.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:08 am
by Ehlanna
Melons ...


PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:04 am
by Tehya
Wow another great animation. That's very hot ...good work Ehl.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:48 pm
by Tehya
Time for prizes. Everyone won 500 mhl and this challenge has ended. I will give you your prize online and I am on mornings. If that isn't good I will give the money to Ehl to give out.

Thanks everyone you were very creative.