Lunaescape Work Logs

Work logs for Northern Port, Virelith

Lunaescape Work Logs

Postby Sha`Ruse on Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:24 am

Language: Common
Language: wolven

Unranked skills:
Navigation: Wilderness

Ranked Skills:
Hunting/Trapping: Apprentice

August Logs

Start: [14:08] * Now talking in #TLI-Borderlands
Finish: [16:35] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-08-21 20:56:28 - please remember this is NOT game time
Hours: 2.5

Start:<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-08-28 17:04:10 - please remember this is NOT game time
Finish: <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-08-28 17:49:18 - please remember this is NOT game time
Hours: .75

Skills: 60mhl + hours: (3.25) 65 =125mhl
Mun of: Traael, Cameo, Lelay, Varis, Syn, Lyon
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Posts: 281
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:26 am
Location: NC, USA

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