Southern Part of the World with a large Ancient City


Postby Vexademus on Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:59 am

As it usually begins...one happy, joyous, and sunny day...

As Callie and Mae had answered the same posting to visit an open market on the Guzzler's Job Board; who knew it would lead many on a strange spiral into Dethsiris's odd annals? Begun with the call to an open market, the visitation was immediately upended with an explosion from inside a tented pavilion - elsewise a large amount of magical items either flew out, were blown free, or had seriously walked away. A pair of boots were mentioned sauntering in a sassy way to get away from the pair's peddler. The day was merrily saved by both Callie and Mae! The story of the chaos actually reached the gossipy aunt who thought it was funny, but useful, that everything was caught; deciding that since the Job Board attracted those who could help at such an inopportune time; she should advertise in a similar fashion. She contacted her nephew to post on the board about a chaperoning gig where her darling niece would be taken to her prosperous nephew. And he'd been so missing her too! So, abiding by his own nostalgic love for his sister, he posted on the Job Board to look for some merciful assistance.

Funny thing though, most all peoples have secrets. Who knew that the sweet old and half-blind auntie was a former participant from the Cave of Delirium? And oh! Who would have guessed how easy it was to escort the ogress princess doll with the frilly dresses, heavy makeup, and adorable giant bonnets complete with ringlet curls and collection of lacy fans? Zully, that's who! She frothed and grinned and squeaked like a lovesick fan over his title earned just a few weeks prior; "Zully the Liberator!". More on that later though...as he is loathed to talk of it.

Now, if you asked the auntie about her time at the Cave of Delirium, there was little that she would claim to remember. But the one thing that still haunts her nightmares was the living zombie wolven hybrid. He was quite monstrous and she still shivers remembering that creature; a guardian put there to make sure that those who joined the constant ongoing orgy never left. They would always remain - being a part of quite the sex-filled, body-gyrating mass of flesh. This unfortunate poor wolven had been the perfect hero of a tribe of nomadic wolven that had previously used to tour the ground of the land that is known recently as "Guilded Green". That tribe, full of proud and brave warriors, had been rumored to be the perpetrators of murders that continued happening over the course of several months. The main accuser had been a druid named Jess'lia Arborsin, who insisted she was attacked by one of the tribe, backing up the rumors. Once investigated, it was found that she herself was actually the murderer! A shapechanger of the most violent kind. She was brought to justice to the tribe, and Mae was hailed as Chief for a Day while Malekith proved his mettle to the entirety of the clan by winning against a young upstart and Chief Two Toes.

Ah, the town city of "Guild Green"; such a quaint place and so beautiful too! Though gorgeous, it harbored a terrible secret that Zully and Jaescin were to discover when they parlayed with the accused bandits harassing "Guilded Green". Finding out that the village had spent years kicking out those with disabilities to "make their town much kinder to look upon by outsiders", both Jaescin and Zully got to work giving the town back to those who deserved it. And, as Jaescin found it quite lucrative - a comment was written into the history of "Guilded Green": "Because fuck if House Deth doesn't get it's full due." Due to Zully's heroism; THIS is how he was titled "The Liberator!"

Since hearing some of the successes of the Job Board, Lady Vexademus decided to advertise her need for an escort of a particular bard that would be staying for a short time at The Dome...for teaching purposes, of course. He had become very ill from taking the Portal and could not be teleported; only to be transferred and guarded by horseback or cart. His name was Virgil Tanwen and he seemed to be afflicted with the strangest ability; which was discovered when he fell asleep. Whilst dreaming, the bard would speak or sing aloud, accompanied by the shiver of bells that absolutely covered his entire outfit. All manners of things would happen to those that guarded him! And some of the things he said...
"I've tried to take my own life 17 times. Every time was a failure. And messy."
"Razor daggers have so many interesting uses."

Fortunately, Syn was able to deliver him to The Dome in one piece; and was able to keep their pieces too - though much glitter-covered!

When Virgil arrived, he presented Vexademus with a strange map. Which she gave to the Guzzler after copying it for her library collection. The map seemed to coincide with many rumors already circulating about sunken ships off the coast of southern Dethsiris. Some brave adventurers decided to take that bet and the map; investigating on how to actually get to where 'X' marked the spot. A combination of good swimming skills and underwater breathing helped the group that included Allivia, Coralia, and Calixa. Once they were able to get past the dark waters, glowing jellyfish, and into the sunken ship itself; there was a bit of a slimy slippery maze to contend with. And suddenly, there was the rescue of Syn! How the fuck did they get in there?

Taking the initiative in exploration, they came upon a statue of a regal-looking human man, in flagrante with a spherical creature with multiple eye stalks and one huge main orb; partially broken. Surrounding the weird statue was a pile of treasure. But time was limited once a colossal octopus decided that the group was food to be squished and slurped! Out they swam, a solitary ring the only thing swiped. And that ring had quite the history...as it belonged to another collection before being left as tribute aboard the dowager ship sunk because of a miscalculation of a surrounding reed that was an important merfolk vacation spot.

Though, reminded of "Guilded Green" once more; Zully wasn't always known as "The Liberator!" In fact, the title probably helped him avoid being called "The Detonator!" He and two others: Jaescin and Ulf Ivarsson had found rumors inside Gaea's Guzzler puzzling. The gossip was about a village that worshipped ducks religiously. Finding time to travel to the village, they found it was a hovel. Surrounding clergy forbade any to go there to seek out why the village was famous in its own way; citing that it was sacrilegious to be curious about the place - as it seemed to draw people away from providing donations to their coffers. Instead, some donations went strictly to the village. But it's so hard to upkeep one hundred ducks!

While Jaescin and Ulf was greeted and invited into the leader's main shack to partake of some drink; Zully had decided to explore the town as well as the main Dethsirian lake's edge. Jaescin and Ulf learned that the town venerated a female paladin that had championed the village in defense against the harsh creatures and weather of Dethsiris. She happened to venerate ducks. So, believing that she would be reincarnated into one after dying for their colony, the townsfolk had set up their own exaltation to honor her.

Meanwhile, during Zully's visit to the water, he began to feel a calm wash over him as he saw the ducks swimming around and waddling along the shoreline. Feeling betrayed and not wanting to be controlled in any way, he brashly let loose a horrendous explosion of Ice Shards - killing a good portion of the ducks and ducklings. Then, as they gathered round him moreso, he let loose another spell; Blizzard; destroying a divine sacred place and some of the village. When Jaescin and Ulf had come out of the somewhat damaged shack, they had seen what he'd done. Quickly, Jaescin and Ulf were quick to defend, validate, and smooth over the merman's act - citing that regardless of all that had happened, the Lord would support them and send help. Even in this, the people were greatly angered but still forgiving. Ulf received a duck to take care of, one of the last remaining in the village; as a sign of peace. And explicit askance that Zully never appears again.

The now-defensive small clergy selling false beliefs were hurting. Before, they had been burgeoning with funds provided by the Von GrinMalum family; a wealthy barony that had made its riches by dealing in the trade of the land's crops and tying itself to the 'snake-oil priests'. By way of rumor and intimidation, they had grown some power and had 'donated' several places to be built and used by the locals. Usually, the motive was the fact that - every day, those places would donate their own taxation or swear allegiance to the self-nobled Von GrinMalum family. One such village had received one of those gifts but it had long since been left unkempt; a dilapidated old school - of which one of the Von GrinMalum family members attended. Upon the board of the Guzzler, there read an offer for a group to investigate their HISTORIC schoolhouse to clear it and make way for renovations. Come to the call was Silevrien, Tennibrook Balmossie, and Jaed`Tenassa.

Once they investigated, most of the building was simply eerie and hard to move through. Slippery, slimy, and spooky. When they were almost finished, there was a sudden attack by what the building had been infested by: a slime mimic! Something of a student wizard's old trick gone wrong and mutated. Made of glue paste mixed with a wooden chest, they battled the yucky creature. Jaed made many wounds on the thing, dancing gracefully around it. Tennibrook was beneficent with rejuvenation and Silevrien took the creature's life with a final blow of a shadow bolt to dispatch it. Poor Tenni needed a bath afterward, for it's wicked hard to get glue out of fur.

The Von GrinMalum family has shadow-tendrils throughout Dethsiris but has remained mostly out of sight for some two generations. They have been rumored to trade in everything; crops, black market products, and slaves. In their dealings, they have been privy to trade with Jilsyksa Apportiore, Ufennelholeson StrangeCock, and the underground rat city of Flaka.

Jilsyksa Apportiore had posted an ad in the Guzzler for someone, anyone, to bring her a husband. The stipulation being: "No magical potions allowed to be used on said future spouse nor any magical means of pursuing him either. The male has to be willing and there is only that he cannot be too small; like a fairy or sprite."

Varis answered the call and set out to seek a proper creature. The dark elf had found many groups near the Lord's Stronghold; many workers rebuilding after the hurricanes. One, in particular, had caught his eye and he began to inquire about the man's character. Finding he had many who admired him, Varis decided to meet him and talk with him while the man took a break. Learning that the man, Tric - with all his talents and kindness - is blind, he decides this is the perfect candidate and invites him straightforwardly to come with him. Tric took some savvy convincing from the moriel and decided to go.

As they ventured through the jungle to find the home location of the bride-to-be, they bested an assault from a raucous mating-season beetle. Varis webbed it and ran with Tric into what they thought was a giant tree; turning out to be the home of Jilsyksa Apportiore, the one who posted about finding a husband. When the creature revealed herself, Tric asked what she looked like. In response, Varis described her, "She has eye stalks with lovely aquamarine eyes and long gray hair..." Upon their meeting, Jilsyksa asked Tric a riddle and he knew immediately the answer as if he were made to speak it just to her. She paid Varis and he was on his way. Jilsyksa is a humanoid with eyes and eye stalks lining their body, one main aquamarine eye, thickly lashed and located in the center of her torso. Each palm holds an inset glowing blue eye, a figure decorated with immodest belt straps and bracelets made of rounded jade; showing that she is the offspring of the human male and spherical creature with multiple eye'd statue from the prior sunken ship!

There is much trade that happens in Dethsiris. Many have done so to encourage biotic and abiotic incorporation. Though there has been trading from inside the humid land to the outside, the population still depends on this barter system. Hence, this explains the connection throughout; namely, how in-depth and tangled the domain'd nation actually is. How all of the ripples from within effect everything spiraling out.

So, it is without surprise that we find ourselves back once more at Gaea's Guzzler. It is during this time that Silevrien, Droyn, and Yewakai find themselves at the establishment - agreed to meet there to examine one of the rumors. The observation is that the field is cursed or haunted - because it doesn't provide like its sibling fields do. Almost nothing at all. Small births of vegetables come harvest-time.

After introducing themselves, the group made a quick trip to the affected field and began investigating; Yew's wolf accompanied them. Finding a field full of scarecrows and half-trampled stalks, they continue. After walking through the scent of rotting garbage for a while, they meet the land-owner; with old and yellowed teeth and spewing observation. Further, into the crops they go, scurrying is heard. As the group rights a scarecrow or two; the next one they find is actually a 'pretend-crow': a rotted corpse dressed up as a scarecrow. The group is then accosted by the owner-turned-murderess who seeks to offer them to her ground. After the group dispatches her, they hear a moaning that never ceases. It's from the stripped bones of other scarecrows when wind blows through them and their holed clothing. The reward was in the interior of the house holding three hundred mehrial. None to say that Dethsiris didn't have its fair share of haunted lands or evil dwellers. Though, after the group had left, something scurried out from the dried tan stalks and ran off...

Because of the constant posts on the Guzzler's board of the infestation of rats in the basement - as seemingly every tavern has them - two adventurers had taken the toil to tackle the task with targeted tenacity. Both BlackDawn and Rezith had answered and down into the dusty basement, they tread. After dispatching some creatures, they found an entrance where the things had been getting in. Following through, there was quite more to be found as they fought and explored, eventually coming to be engaged with actual speaking, outfitted, and larger ratfolk that obliged parley. When both warriors met with Skez Graz, Mayor of the underground city Flaka. A comment was made about how those two particular warriors were not sent from Ufennel; odd. When all was agreed upon, both BlackDawn and Rezith made plans to shore up the entrance/exit to the tunnels beneath and likewise would be done in the reverse to protect the Below and Above from contact in that specific area. Hooray for diplomacy!

In terms of meetings sometimes, entertainment is needed. So was the time that Droyn visited Gaea's Guzzler when he heard the rumors that actually had popped up quite frequently in his travel about some performer that was involved in murders across lands; who seemed only to prey in the richest taverns and dives alike. Taking a one-in-a million chance that the former imperial guard might catch the entertainer at the Guzzler on one night, a night of all nights; he visited and retained himself as a customer. After scolding a serving wench for getting too handsy and trying to filch his monies, Droyn stayed some time to enjoy a rather talented and charming dancer. A singer accompanied the professional and while Droyn was drawn into the tones for only a moment - when he broke his own entrancement - he found that many patrons along with servers and even the manager were enthralled and giving their precious things and mehrials to the songbird. With a voice like that, one could surmise that even someone with sight like Jilsyksa would have been titillated.

After stuffing his sack full of all the tribute and ending his song, he waved and began to make tracks toward the exit. By which, Droyn stopped the grifter. When approached, the singer was all-to-ready and released a song to cover the human with pixies! Once Droyn drew a throwing dagger, the murder-bard was assaulting the entire establishment with a screech unlike any had ever heard. It drowned out sanity and plucked consciousness from others. Droyn's hearing was saved when the dancer from prior delightful observation had clamped his hands over Droyn's ears to save his hearing. After missing his target with the dagger, the ranger went after him with swords! An illusion hit him, but Droyn easily shook it free, knowing the difference between scents and sounds of the jungle to the scents and sounds of the tavern. Through the defending forearm and into the murder bard's throat did slice the blade of the ranger, effectively ending his music. Once he'd dispatched the infamous man, a reward was given and there was a quiet celebration at the Guzzler with much medical attention given to patrons that stayed.

Now, since most taverns do share some comradery in sharing postings to further branch out their need for adventurers and mercenaries, a specific repeated flyer on both the Guzzler and The Lonely Inn will show up every once in a while. This was the case for an invitation to a large celebration. It read: "Come One, Come All! Baron Von GrinMalum throws a celebration on Lasday, Week 2 of Summerburn! The best games, animal rides, and food will be served up to those attending to pay homage to the Baron! Bring your prettiest slaves OR use the ones provided at the festival! He welcomes those with luck beyond as well as any who wish to have a great time! Don't miss out!"
How could anyone deny such an invitation?

When the group consisting of Varis, Jackal, and Jaed`Tenassa arrived at the grounds where the grand celebration was being held, it was already in full swing. Amidst the rides, games, yelling, and excited screaming of the attendants - glitter and confetti decorated the air. All was a dizzying sight. When Baron Von GrinMalum made his appearance, his fashion taste looked quite like the apprehended bard from the Guzzler (should anyone at this party have been involved in that forage)...
While Jackal endured a seven-pile: a catgirl, two full goblins with tattooed tusks, two elves, a rather impressive big-boobed dwarf with one helluva grip, and a drak sen; Jaed was leading Varis to a 'petting zoo' that showcased frogs. While Varis could see through the glamours - spying two halflings acting and bleating like goats to be pet - he had made the decision to pick up Jaed and head out of the 'zoo'. The carnival was not as it seemed. Jackal was about to have his fun when it suddenly got out of hand, forcing him to realize exactly what was going on, and thusly, he raged free of the pile. From atop his nasty putrid throne, the Baron noticed the commotion and commanded that the 'awake' ones be brought to him. Jackal decidedly approached the stage and the fat noble, figuring the charade was ended. He engaged in a sword fight with the orc and got some hits in but, in the end, cowardice won out and he escaped the seething Jackal. Once the magicks faded away to reveal the grotesque festival of rotting as it was, the only real creatures left were those that no longer had the illusional auras that made them look enticing; the slaves. They screamed and scattered, leaving behind Varis and Jaed and an angry-vowing but dangerously patient Jackal, "Well then... till next time fat man..."

The moriel Varis had been on a roll recently and it seemed that Fate would have him once again in Gaea's Guzzler. Though, his night would be shared in confusion with Jaed`Tenassa and Caolan.

The three had woken groggily, not remembering much of what had happened. But being awakened by a large tongue grooming their faces and nudging them? Oh my! As the three occupants slowly came to the realization of where they were immediately in the dark and shadowed warmth, they were struck by being surrounded by mephos eggs. Though, a majority if not all were cold to the touch. In this nest, they were surrounded by a massive body and tail; a very old mephos female. Jaed realized with sorrow what was happening and hugged the blind mephos's snout, crying for her loss. But, as the mephos decidedly didn't quite understand it, the beast began to clean her, tearing her clothes with each drag of tongue and graze of teeth. None of the group wanted to hurt the mephos but they needed to escape before they got the very skin licked off! Caolan decided to distract her, acting as if he were a pup. The other two scrambled to get out of the nest to see if there was a way to escape. Peep of light shown freedom. There were screeches as momentary shadows covered the light and then flew off.

Varis seeks to escape further, Jaed finds other empty nests and accidentally receives a cut or two from sparkling gems woven within those tangled structures. After bathing such rambunctious 'pups', the old female lays herself down to rest. The three sneak out and approach the light, finding a hole nine feet in diameter; ten stories up the side of an almost sheer cliff above an ocean that splashed and pounded slippery jagged rocks below. Just as it all seemed futile, Varis's spell misfired Dimension Door and transported them to his own home. Now, by either deed, blessing, or something strange other - they were safe. And sad. But indeed, suffered no more than some torn clothing, roughened skin from grooming, and perhaps relief.
....and a few exceptional gemstones heavier.

As much as Dethsiris is known for its heat and danger, the exotic terra firma is also quite fertile with fruits and other strange flora. It was on one of these extraordinarily hot days when Cochanka stopped inside Gaea's Guzzler to find the much-welcomed cooler air and something even colder to drink to help chill the half-cooked goblin. Once seated and served, she overheard two youths talking by the posting board about one of the advertisements for a 'grab and give'. Delivery style of 'one Tomorrow Fruit'. After chewing it over - the meal that is - the reformed swamp goblin headed off with directions inside that brain and proceeded with the journey. Halfway there and she was already soaked through with warm fat drops of rain. Then into the jungle did she go.

After slogging through the mud along the jungle's ground, darkened by the heavy canopy above, the goblin found something: a tree that was smooth-skinned and bent in the shapes of lightning, though softer in form. Very colorful leaves, rainbow in peculiarity, in fact, hung in decoration of every branch: glowing in neon colors. Beneath, there seemed to be gnarled roots pointing upwards from the actual base of it. They looked bony. In between several of these pointy twisted things, laid a strange orb; glowing in a vanilla color. Round and pulsing. When Cochanka got close enough to the orb, she crouched and poked a bit around it with her walking stick. Then the leaves began to move; to flex. They were colorful wings. The goblin fashions a sort of net on the end of her stick, like some sport-tool. Reaching out to scoop up the fruit, it deflated upon disturbance, the orb actually some kind of webbing. Snatching what was inside, the goblin quickly skedaddled from that spot with only a few of the scorpion butterflies detaching from the tree and then fluttering back to the branches. No pursuance since it was daytime. Having successfully retrieved something that looked like a glowing smooth apricot, it was tucked away and the gobbo moved on, no worse for wear.

After what seemed like forever, stomping along towards the delivery destination and suddenly into a swamp; Cochanka came upon a stilted cabin. A miniature home really, looking as though it only beheld two rooms or just one. Calling out, the goblin alerts the creature within, a beautifully tanned silent witch with mismatched eyes and platinum hair, completely nude. After a few more yells, the fruit was lobbed to the female and the bag of mehrial dropped. Cochanka got what they deserved as did the witch. Once the seeming fruit was in her hands, she slid a finger just below her navel and a pouch was revealed, the apricot thing was slipped inside and patted. Cochanka saluted a "That's fucked up, chalky! But whatever! See ya!" and went on her way, richer from the door-dash. And when the goblin was out of sight, the silent witch cooed preciously, remembering how blessed she was to have a home and not be involved as a slave serving the twisted "Von GrinMalum Carnival of Pleasures" anymore.

Now most of the inhabitants of Dethsiris will have many stories of the creatures, the locals, the myths and legends, passed down through the generations. Along with those stories are usually passed trade secrets and families that develop and evolve new trades with new generations. For example, passing down a family farm.

So goes the trade with Ufennelholeson StrangeCock.

As any good start to a Dethsirian adventure, it starts in Gaea's Guzzler.

"ATTENTION those of stalwart bravery and strong curiosity! There has recently been a hole discovered where vines have been torn away from the overhanging brush; one of the brutal storms has uncovered a hollow that looks like it was dug out from the inside! Travel to southern Dethsiris, further down from the Temple to AdenVer - just at the eastern tip of the great lake. Please explore this new and wonderful gash and bring back whatever you find. Remember, you get to eat/keep what you capture/kill!"

No one really knew who posted it but, as with any great enterprise - it could produce the best heroic story to have under one's belt! That day, Mae, Varis, and Carthellen Orcrist decided to carry along and see what riches or new discoveries they might make of the Dethsirian land. And truly, this would be something that the group would remember for a long time to come...

Setting out, all were quick to actually find the hole. The directions had been pretty thorough and thanks to some of Gabriel's mapping, they were able to follow some trails that led them close to the area to meet up. Venturing into the gaping thing, all were unable to take mounts, for really - it wasn't meant for other creatures but themselves.

Sliding inside and marching through the muck and slimy waters, though the torchlight reflected the walls and was lit more by strands of glowing spit worm webbing hanging from the ceiling. Glittered walls of blue amethyst coloring sparkled as they made their way along carefully. Traversing further, the group encountered a drop-off; which was quickly circumvented by Mae's incorporeal form. Once she was on the other side, she enacted a floating disc to help transport others across the too-deep chasm of water and further into the dark tunnel. Yet, as soon as they started once more, a slip of the first drug down the others and they were sliding along a slippery tube that eventually vomited them out into a huge room; torches doused.

When they righted themselves, there was light made from the glowing spit worms reflecting thousands of colors around the cavern and they were in what seemed like a grand room nest..the nest of Ufennel.

What could be seen as a rather slimy nude figure was laid back atop a rounded large nest of sorts; long legs of pale green dotted with a mickle of darker emerald spots on their outer thighs that traced a path upwards along slippery sides. Bony ribs stuck out sharply as if the thing was starving, skeletal arms bent at differing angles, extra elbows, and extra arms as well; four in all. An abundant neck held a head that was lined with folds where when the hag smiled to reveal rows of sharply pointed teeth for tearing flesh, the folds followed suit with the expression. Pointed but misshapen ears jutted out from either side, the shells of them cupped always to hearing. Spindly hair lay like wet sea grass, sticking to wherever it touched. Huge eyes that were white and pearlescent held tiny dots that flexed greater in the dark, but mere pinpoints in light. All of this creature was shimmering, coated in layers of slime. The nest throne that it lazed on was made of slippery moss and mold, held together by whatever mucus was sloughed off the body of the hermaphrodite. Noticeably though, were the twin pistons that hung just beneath a leaking gash between its open legs, missing the usual balls of a male. The things were impressive, entrancing in their obscene flaccid appearance.

And then it spoke.

"Ahh, what do we have here, hmmm? Tasty-looking morsels just looking to be sucked marrow dry. Yes, mm? Yes? But, hark - my ears do hear the heavy breathing of chivalry, yes, mmm? By the by, who shall I devour first, mmm, yes? Or maybe...just maybe, they are morsels with divine politeness? Yes, mm, yes? Perhaps they are interested in conversation of the most...intimate means?"

At Mae's insistence, Varis was the first to address Ufennel. After a lovely few introductions, conversation, and some jerky shared; somehow the creature had gotten hold of Varis. Though it took its time to keep hold of him, the moriel remained calm outwardly, but inwardly, his heart threatened to explode. And Mae was finding the whole situation entertaining! And Carthellen...well, he was quite interested as well.

But the group wasn't there for much longer. After much coercion and an illusion of Mae in quite the accommodating and provocative tease of dance, they were able to find a way out: a small tunnel filled with needle-like protrusions that would stab and stick those who tried to go through. Though, seeing through the ruse shortly, it suddenly climbed from its disgusting mucosal nest littered with gems and was aimed to stop Varis from tittering sneakily away. Roaming its eyes to spot Mae, it found her within it's nasty throne and grinned even wider from its sticky perch along the glittering slimy wall.

While this was taking place, Carthellen decided to use his shield to bash and break the thin stone needles to make way for them to escape! Then Ufennel was atop Mae in the nest and she was coaxing it to let her be the one to 'take the initiative'...to which it agreed wholly! Using this last bit of her own allure, she cast Spindle of Emotions and began to relax the monstrous thing, causing it to fall into a well-deserved slumber. After this, the group made their quick escape. Much hoorah to them that survived without being eaten, raped, or both simultaneously!

I would like to report that this is where it ends. I would like to say that most of what has transpired had a wonderful tie-up. But, as it is Dethsiris, there's...always...something. And Mae, being the curious being that she is, wanted to return to visit Ufennel. And so...she did.

Mae and Varis sought out the swamp hag without fail. As odd as it was, the creature Ufennel wasn't in the nest. Once the two entered, a tangle of bones fell from the ceiling with a splash and the creature let its lower body hang from the two upper arms, slowly dropping right in front of them, blocking the path to its throne. Those lanky limbs rose and began smoothing its hair as if primping, "Oh my! Why not a letter of announcement? I must look atrocious! And both of you look so delicious. Come! Come. Let us have a chat for a while...close to my seat." It struggled a little, turning and twisting, practically using all of its limbs to spider toward the very large nest. Both approached, speaking that the last time they visited, they had promised food in return. So, amiable gifts! Of to which Ufennel was very grateful! Upon asking some history questions, the hag wasn't able to give much; only vague answers.

Ufennel tires easily though. But, before he would send them on their way, he speaks to them both. Interestingly. Mysteriously. Something to remember - prophetic.

"Tell your present king...careful. The sky falls every so often and will so do again....soon. The ground is like a mouth...it will open and swallow what is on it's lips. And the sea is like a great cum from Gaea herself...it will always remain...zzz...."

Thank you to those that enjoyed the events! Everyone involved was welcome! You've made this so very fun for me and I hope to see you next time in VOLUME II!! Where questions may be answered and many more mysteries will be laid bare. Perhaps an answer as to why Ufennel -knew- about the coming hurricanes and how it knew about the calamity headed for Dethsiris? Did Mae ever warn Lord Archaon about the prophetic warnings? Where is the fat Baron Von GrinMalum now? And where is the cursed Virgil?
"In the whispers of the wind and water to the dance of the flames in the rock, behold the mystic weave of aether, for within every shimmering ember of energy lies the tale of destiny entwined and the magic that binds my soul to the arcanic tapestry eternal."
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