Layout of Solandias

This is for the House Solandias

Moderators: Naomi, Xanetia

Layout of Solandias

Postby Naomi on Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:32 am

Solandias house tag : SOL

Solandias map :

Solandias House Pin :

Solandias Keep layout :

Solandias Homes :

Northern Tribes:

The lands of this region of the northern mountains are occupied chiefly by several large of primarily Wolven but also include a fair number of Vulpani members who have adapted to the harsh cold. Their garb mainly consist of animal pelts and leathers that accentuate their own features, both as a pleasing aesthetic and due to the convenient access necessary to make them.
Each of the tribes make their home at various locations around the outskirts of the crater, the sheer scale of it affording them plenty of opportunity to keep to themselves with their own generous swathes of land, with a number of smaller, more insular tribes that live in between, but all of them have engrained it into their way of life to maintain relations with each other, tenuous as they may be at times due to either clashing ideology or lack of consensus on a given issue.
The tribe of the southern face of the crater name themselves the Tal'Zhereg and are primarily a matriarchal society; whilst the males are still respected and acknowledged as providing a valuable role in their society, primarily taking care of the homes and the general labour that is required around the large settlement that they call their home.
The females take on the role of the tribal leaders, diplomats, hunterg gatherers and make up the bulk of their warriors, their numbers bolstered by a comparatively small number of the males who have proven themselves to possess exceptional martial prowess.
Their leadership is comprised of a council of five members of the tribe, elected to their position for their demonstrated aptitude for diplomacy and for their wisom. The Mothers as they are known among the tribe, oversee the day-to-day diplomatic issues that affect the whole tribe and ultimately have the final say in such decisions, though they will take into account the opinions of those who's advice they deem necessary depending on the situation; valuing consensus and advice given by the experts at their disposal. Among the five of them, there is one who stands apart, the Mother Reverent who carries the duty of issuing the judgement of every decision made by the council and to whom the rest defer to. Her voice also counts for two in the case of a stalemate between the other four.
When acting in their official capacity, each Mother wears a ceremonial headdress unique to them, each one having a deep personal significance, whether a string of seeds, a row of animal teeth, an arragement of avian feathers and so on.
Under the purview of the council are those known as the Hands, select members of the tribe chosen for their fortitude and loyalty to the tribe; it is their duty to ensure the Mother's peace is kept among the tribesfolk, settling things from minor disputes to major clashes. Each Hand is autonomous in their authority and trusted to come to a fair and impartial decision when dealing with a dispute and regardless of said decision, the tribesfolk involved are bound by the Mothers' decree to adhere to it. They are also a point of contact for the tribesfolk to raise issues or concerns to the Mothers' council.
Each Hand is distinguished by a distinctive white, almost pearlescent woad that colours either their shoulders or the shoulder pads of the armour they wear. The recipe to create said woad is a closely guarded secret among the Mothers and to attempt to colour one's shoulders in a similar colour is forbidden.
Due to their home being between those of the Zh'oh D'olva and their aptitude for diplomacy and neutrality, the Tal'Zhereg are usually the ones requested to host moots and gatherings between the tribes.

Zh'oh D'olvha
The tribe who call themselves the Zh'oh D'olvha proclaim to be the first settlers of this region of the world, claiming dominion over the western region of the crater and holding onto it with an almost zealous fervor.
Claiming to be the first to master the harsh environment which they call their home, they pay no mind to the sex, gender or trade of their people, at least when considering positions of authority and responsibility within the tribe, but the trials for such stations are gruelling, testing the spiritual as well as the physical strength and resilience of their prospects, traits that they value almost above all else.
Unlike the Tal'Zhereg, the Zh'oh D'olvha place their trust in a single leader, the Kahl'von, to direct them in their future and, whilst they may have various advisers to inform them as to the best course of action, ultimately their word is absolute and beyond contestation.
According to their beliefs, life in the mountains is harsh, and so to must be their way if they are to continue to survive and prosper; tribe members are taught from an early age this principle, by the time their members have reached adolescence, many of them are fully capable of surviving days or even weeks amidst the bitter storms that so often befall them, whilst those who cannot are left to perish, with the appropriate rites performed by their shamans to wish their spirits better in their next incarnation.
Though reputed by the other tribes as brutish and arrogant, the Zh'oh D'olvha are in fact quite open to maintaining relations with their neighbours, acknowledging that they too have found their own ways to make their lives here in the mountains, though they will always maintain and hold themselves in the highest regard as both the first and most effective in doing so, and should an enemy ever emerge that threatens any of them, rare has it ever been recorded that they have not responded with the martial prowess of their Braves to show the threat the error of their ways.
The Braves themselves are the Kahl'von's will made manifest, distinguished by their blue flame tattoo that covers their right eye and chosen from only the finest and most stoic prospects. They pride themselves on being without equal in combat and will turn their blades on themselves with but a word from their Kahl'von, each of them undergoing many intense rites and rituals and swearing their lives to his service, pursuing no other path for the entirety of their existence.

Hailing from the eastern face of the crater, the Vohn'da are a deeply spiritual and learned people, seeking to better understand the nature of the Cradle, with some speculating that they are able to see through the immutable storm that holds dominion over it, just enough that they may behold the radiant and verdant emerald lands beneath.
Many of them dedicate themselves as scholars and priests in equal measure, though this may be quite contradictory to those outside of their way of life, but for the Vohn'da it is a simple matter of seeking to understand the will of the spirits they believe protect and preserve the Cradle, as well as the seemingly unprecedented circumstances that brought about it's very existence.
Though the Cradle itself remains largely unexplored, many of their holy scholars venture out into the lands known to them, seeking out the crystalline shards, studying their refractive properties, their effects upon the land and indeed the very material that composes them.
Some of the scholars postulate that the shards are beacons that allow communication in some way between themselves and the deity that willed the place into existence with the arrival of the comet, whilst others offer theories of the shards forming an aetheric network deep beneath the ground who's influence was in fact the catalyst for such verdant life taking hold in such an prohibitive environment.
Their hierarchy differs from that of their neighbours in that they do not elect leaders in the traditional sense, but more look to each other and draw upon the expertise of their fellow tribesfolk to reach a desired consensus, usually with one or two leading representatives at the moots and gatherings to speak for them.
With such dedication towards their pursuit of knowledge, the Vohn'da do not place much stock in what they consider to be the mundaneity of martial flair, but rather use their knowledge and experience to better enhance their mastery of the magics at their command; as such, they boast considerable magical strength, drawn from facets of many elemental spheres to protect themselves and to defend the Cradle from all who would seek to do harm to it and the creatures that call it their home.
Because I am one with the taker of life, and I love pain and suffering, misery and death as it loves me. These are things I am not willing to give up, if death is release then let it never find me so I may live long and suffer much.
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