Looking for Roleplay

Looking for some specific roleplay, or a character to enslave, rape, share knitting patterns? This forum is for requests for IC interaction, NOT OOC.

Moderators: Tehya, Kerianna

Looking for Roleplay

Postby Rynar on Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:48 pm

Yes i am seeking roleplay, moslty for my new char Kyubon, he is a Sheyka/Sylvan elf. First thing as being part of Sheyka he wears a mask and he will not remove it for anyone who is not a part of his tribe, meaning only slaves, concubines and mate if he ever finds any. However i am mostly seeking to Just have some fun, create some possible Story lines with him. If your interested in possibly being a slave, concubine, or mate let me know we can work something out, if you seek to maybe befriend him or to create some sort of rivalry, i am also good with that. If you have any questions or are interested you can message me in OOC, Private message or even here on the boards.
Last bumped by Rynar on Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:48 pm.
Posts: 30
Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:40 pm

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