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Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 6:46 pm
by Tera Ryzen
So I have come back after 4 year absence and was able to change my PW and such to be able to use DES and such. So on Sunday Aug 27 did a length rp in the Inn. Today, Monday 28th I log in and get a message stating I was promoted. I go to edit my character but keep getting message of "Mismatch Password."

So what is happening? I can get voiced by DES but can't edit my character page. I try with my Rivin Azura character cause I use the same pw yet I can not edit her either. I can sign into DES with both characters but not edit them.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:10 pm
by Elthorion
Your Des password and your Edit character password are the same. They access the same database. Maybe check capitalization? I can't be 100% sure about capitals, as i dont have access to the DB directly, but i know they are the same. Could be some case sensitivity. If that doesn't work, you're going top need Ehlanna or Amethine (i think) to get your PW reset.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:33 pm
by Tera Ryzen
I know they are the same and I swear I am doing the password the same for I just changed it Saturday night. It's just weird

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:09 pm
by Naomh
For record I already had them do a 'try another browser' check.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:50 pm
by Ehlanna
Passwords for all characters were reset last Saturday (prior to this issue), so I can, at least, breathe a sigh of relief over that - plus you are accessing the MB (which password was also reset then ...!) So I'd guess it's NOT an actual password issue. The fact you can login to Des but not the character edit page makes me think we have an errant space at the start or end of the password string which can be VERY likely if you copy/paste - the copy can often (especialy if you double-click to highlight the word) pick up a trailign space. Des ignores such spaces, but the web is a wonderful place and websites take ALL characters entered as being significant.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:04 am
by Tera Ryzen
Ok I will try adding a space either at beginning or end of the pw next time. As for me accessing the Message Boards, as you can see, this is clearly a new account cause I did not know of of a massive pw reset and even not sure what my original handles were.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:08 am
by Tera Ryzen
Just tried again with spaces before and after my pw and still nothing.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:42 pm
by Tera Ryzen
I just reset my password. It seems like I can only use the temp pw the site sends me to log into Edit Character. I do set a new password but still once I set a new password it does not work when I try it.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:26 pm
by Ehlanna
Tera Ryzen wrote:I just reset my password. It seems like I can only use the temp pw the site sends me to log into Edit Character. I do set a new password but still once I set a new password it does not work when I try it.

Again, I suspect 'extraneous' spaces - before and/or after the actual password. If you can use your new, recently manually chosen, password in Des and then NOT back at the character edit page then I would suspect an errant white space character (actual space or tab, etc.) having crept in whilst entering the new password.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:49 pm
by Tera Ryzen
I do apricate what ELh has done behind the scenes for me, truly. Now I don't think the issue was hidden spaces or anything like that, but something else going on with my computer all together, cause I am having the same issues on Twitch where I go through the process of making a new pw, for that PW not to work. So I have to figure what happened to get my computer all screwed up in first place. I apricate you all putting up with my complaining through out this last week or so.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 3:28 pm
by Ehlanna
If passwords are acting 'hinky', it may be something as 'silly' as keyboard driver - open up a plain text editor (such as Notepad, NOT a word processor like Word!) and type your password into that. If that looks ok, then try to copy/paste that into the password field.
You may wish to run a virus/trojan check, just in case something is 'hooking in' to your password entries.

Re: Can sign into DES but not onto the website

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 6:55 pm
by Joshua_Jericho
Might be worth a keyboard check too - in case your IRC client and web browser think your keyboard is from a different region/layout? US/UK being the most obvious - especially if you have any "@ type characters..