Conigara, the Nomadic Rabbit Folk

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Conigara, the Nomadic Rabbit Folk

Postby Aeoles on Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:10 pm

Conigara, a Rabbit like humanoid species found around the outskirts of the continent, usually nomadic in nature.

Primary Race

Starting Classes: Ranger, Thief, Warrior, Healer, Druid, Bard, Mage, Shaman, Artisan, Entertainer, Layman

Advanced Classes: All Elemental Mages, Warrior Mage, Warlord, Hierophant, Mistraider, Monk, Seductress

Basic Stats:

Appearance: The Conigara are a distinct species of people, they have fine coats of fur on their arms, legs, and backs with humanoid faces. These coats range in coloration from a simple white to a mixture of various natural colors. The males are usually taller than the female by at most a foot, though taller females are not unheard of, they range from four feet at the top of the head (five at tip of ear), all the way to seven foot at the highest(At eight by the tip of ear). They have regular humanoid feet, thought they are usually larger in size than the regular humans. The males are known to grow a set of antlers from time to time that resemble deer antlers, this is usually seen as a calling from Gaia, these antlers are not strong enough for combat use, they are able to be broken by a strong enough strike. They resemble humans by most standards, though they are known to have stronger legs than the average human. The ears of the Conigara are known to either be standing straight up, but some of the race have flopping ears that hang down or fold over. These minor differences in the ears have split the race into two distinct tribes, Lagras, and Lepros.

Mannerisms: The Conigara are a nomadic tribe, usually moving around as the seasons change for a better land to farm on. Whilst they are two tribes they live in a conjoined community, though they separate the tribes by living in different tracts of the same community. Lagra's are usually more combat oriented, known to take on the calling of physical combat to defend the tribes, whilst Lepros are more magically inclined, choosing to follow the path of the spell than physical combat. When a male is chosen by Gaia and grow antlers they usually become a druid, though it is not unheard of them becoming a warrior to show the strength of Gaia herself.

The Conigara are known to be headstrong, refusing to backdown from any confrontation but they are wise enough to know when it is time to run away. There is tale of their luck being better than any other races, though none know if this is true, or if it is just propaganda to keep people away from the tribes.

Life Span: The average Conigara lives from between 50-80 years, usually coming to age at about 18

Coming of Age: When a Conigara comes of age they are sent on a journey by the tribal elders to find themselves in the wild. Should they be Chosen by Gaia this will be the time to grow their antlers if they are male. The time spent in the wild will open them up to new experiences, either the calling of the wild will task them with taking a select few members from the communities and make out to choose new land to start a new tribe with, or they will return to the tribe to work to better the cohesion of the unit. Should none of these options be in their calling they will head out and find new land away from their peoples.

Religion: The vast majority of Conigara follow the teachings of Gaia, allowing for more natural connection to the lands. This connection is what stops them from being necromancers.

Taboo: There are few taboo's in the society that they follow, but they must first and foremost be willing to sacrifice themselves for the betterment of Gaia and the land itself. Their main taboo is their feet, the are very protective of their feet, refusing to let anyone touch them or take them.

Slavery: While they do not practice slavery themselves, they are agreeable to the other races, seeing no real downside to it unless it is an abusive relationship.

Hybrid: They are able to hybridize with any of the races that are allowable.


Rabbit Leap: This grants them the ability to leap up to ten feet forward or vertical with the full strength of their legs.

Heightened Senses: They are able to smell and hear better than the average human.

Fast Feet: The Conigara are fleet of foot, allowing them to run away faster or sprint for longer distances.


Heightened Senses: The heightened senses they have are also a disadvantage, strong scents or loud sounds are known to drop or debilitate the Conigara.

Innate Terror: The Conigara are known for running away when faced with a threat to big for them to handle, not even trying to face it down.
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Re: Conigara, the Nomadic Rabbit Folk

Postby Sarmani on Mon Jul 26, 2021 8:35 pm

I'm a hundred percent on board with this. A good addition to the races and it fills a niche not shown elsewhere.
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Re: Conigara, the Nomadic Rabbit Folk

Postby Elise`whitepaw on Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:28 am

do they have tiny little cotton tails too..... i would love to play one of these if it was oked
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Re: Conigara, the Nomadic Rabbit Folk

Postby Menhir on Mon Sep 12, 2022 8:29 am

Do they taste like rabbit? Prey race, should be killable and butcherable for meat resources.
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Re: Conigara, the Nomadic Rabbit Folk

Postby Odette on Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:18 pm

Oeh! Definitly liking this one! Would love to play one as well if this would be approved! :3
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Re: Conigara, the Nomadic Rabbit Folk

Postby Adonai on Mon Sep 12, 2022 7:56 pm

Menhir wrote:Do they taste like rabbit? Prey race, should be killable and butcherable for meat resources.

No, they are there so we can use iops to turn Adrienne and L into bunny girls legitimately..
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