The Mist Raider Redux proposal

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The Mist Raider Redux proposal

Postby Dughal on Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:55 pm

(Yeah, I am posting a lot of class stuff, but I have a back-log and I don't know when I will be around again... so I thought I'd throw it up here in case the time for the class consideration came about and I wasn't around)

The Mist Raider Redux

The Mist Raider has always been a tricky class to work with, usually following it’s own set of rules and requirements that set it well apart from other classes in TLI. A lot of this comes down to the near impossibility of distilling a complicated and nuanced set of ideas down to a single power and disadvantage. Currently, the “Mist Raider” class is quite underpowered. I decided to try and re-capture the spirit of what Kaytoo had in mind, but bring it more in line with up to date class styles and power levels.

First is the addition of “Nature” magic to the class. Keep in mind that they will not have access to ANY spells that have a class requirement, so their options are still limited, but more in line with the original intent. This should also allow them to more properly re-create many of the old powers and tricks they had before they were changed, while being in line with the model of rest of TLI.

Second, the addition of new weapons will allow them to be a more well rounded fighter, with the D sphere still left for the pure physical fighters. The new armor restriction is further simplified to keep in the “spirit” of what the class seems to be, giving people who play it that dedication and “spirit” the original class tried to capture.

The addition of a class advantage that gives them extreme combat potential while at the same time costing them a stamina drain that cannot be easily counter-acted makes them into the “hit hard, hit fast and get away” type of fighter I think they were initially meant to be. Looking over all of the classes initial abilities led me to conclude that this is the best summation of what a Mist Raider is supposed to do, and how. The disadvantage has become more steep to reflect the gain in power, and along with the new armor rules to help check the bump in power.
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Re: The Mist Raider Redux proposal

Postby Dughal on Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:57 pm

The Mist Raider

An Advanced Class Modification Proposal

Basic Description: There are those who choose to cast off the rules and restrictions of society and live in a way that is closer to nature. To such people there is no other way to live. Some look at this as foolishness, but a Mist Raider calls it freedom. A Mist Raider seeks self-reliance and nothing less. They have no desire beholden to any other, be it a group or an individual. Woe be tide the person that seeks to take such freedom away, as a Mist Raider can become as savage as any animal when anyone attempts to cage or chain them.

Allowable Races: Barbarian, Dark Elf, Drak Sen (earthen), Cat Person, Goblin, Halfling, High Human, Sylvan Elf, The Tribe, Torian, Wolven, Vulpine

Can evolve from: Ranger, Warrior, Thief, Bard, Shaman, Druid, Artisan

Weapon Classes: A, B, C* (No matter what other weapons they use, a Mist Raider must always carry at least one that is both a tool and a weapon; dagger, small sickle, hand-axe, or hammer.)

Armor Classes: A,B,C *Special* The Mist Raider can theoretically use nearly any armor they desire, however a Mist Raider will only use armor they themselves have created from the world around them, without help from anyone else. A Mist Raider must possess the necessary crafting skills and own the items needed to create their armor.

Class Type: Physical

Spell Sphere Allowed: Racial, Nature, Common

Class Bonuses: Str+2 Int+4 Agi+7 Res+5

Mindset: There are few defining traits that all Mist Raiders share, not even a recognized title. Some call themselves hunters, raiders and rangers, while others prefer the more poetic terms like Fog, Night-Stalker, and so on. Contrary and stubborn nearly as a rule; one could argue that Mist Raiders are, by nature, independent to a fault. This is not to say that a Mist Raider cannot be open minded, however they are not likely to put much stock in words alone without any action behind them. To many Mist Raiders, “What is, is what is. It doesn’t matter what you say about it. It is still what it is and no amount of words can change it.” One was heard to say in reply to some Mage attempting to condescendingly explain the difference between what is and what we perceive.

Knowing how to survive is a vital component of their daily life, from how to find food to the creation of shelter and every other thing they require; no Mist Raider would survive very long without the skills and knowledge. It would be a gross underestimation to assume the Mist Raider stupid or uneducated just because they cannot read in ancient elven or run figures. They are among the most well trained scouts in the known lands, along with being well versed in stealth and evasion.

To a Mist Raider, being able to move in and out of places unnoticed is part of daily life that becomes second nature to them. In order to survive and proposer, they learn how to time walking with breathing, how to move with their weight distributed so as to make as little sound as is possible and a hundred dozen other skills. Some even go so far as to wear bells and other noise makers as a means to further train themselves. Their life is a daily testament to these skills in application.

Individual Combat Tactics - Mist Raiders are always seeking to put themselves at the tactically most advantageous spot in any given situation. Whether it’s not allowing people at their back or making sure to keep lines of sight open in all possible angles, the Mist Raider is an expert in how take full advantage of their environment at any moment. The level of effort and attention needed to maintain the vigilance takes it’s toll quickly, leaving them unable to continue to press this awesome advantage for very long without exhausting themselves.

Mist Raiders may choose to re-roll any physical attack, physical defense or initiative at the cost of 10 stamina. This ability can only be used once per roll, however the Mist Raider is free to choose between the two outcomes. This ability may be used as many times as desired in a fight, but stamina lost from this cannot be recovered from an evasion roll, and will only return through rest and out of combat recovery.

Eschewing Others- A Mist Raider will rarely be comfortable in a group, finding that they are unable to properly focus without time alone. As a result, whenever they find themselves in a situation where they cannot spend at least 6 hours a day by themselves, they lose access to all of their spells as well as their class advantage. This penalty will persist for as many days after leaving confinement as the Mist Raider found themselves confined.
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Re: The Mist Raider Redux proposal

Postby Ishtori on Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:22 pm

The advantage seams to be a little bit too big when compared to the advantages any other class or advanced class seams to gain. This is not to say that it's a huge bonus, just that if other's don't gain something that good, so shouldn't the mist raider.

The disadvantage doesn't seams to be any motive to worry, only in quests may it play a role and on such big quests that lasts for days one can always say that during the "dead times" the character is spending his time away from others... Course, this wouldn't really be much of a problem if the advantage wasn't so good.
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Re: The Mist Raider Redux proposal

Postby Kaytoo on Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:11 pm

Agree the advantage does seem rather heavy simply due to the nature of dice yet all in all is one of the better recreations of the class I have read. What I would suggest though is that you simply "keep in mind" the following as it might help better explain such stealth.

When I hunt, or when a sniper sets up, there are many things folks don't realize that go into what it takes to essentially become invisible through camouflage. Camouflage is not just some patterened garment. It entails positioning considering such aspects like wind direction considering scent (sometimes wanting scent to be noted here, yet not there). Foreground and background clutter, the more cuttered things are in front as well as behind you helps to confuse the image and distract from your form. Lighting can play a big part in breaking up your form. Full on shadow covering you from head to toe is just as bad as full on light. Lighting should be used to break up the entire form so you don't see the whole picture clearly. Motion is often a killer in that most things eyes cue in on that. In fact, you can even sometimes stand out in the open unmoving and can go un-noticed. However, if everything else is moving and you are not then you stand out like say in a crowd or when brush and trees are waving wildly from wind. Lastly it is positioning in the least obvious or expected place. If you think I'm in a room you look over the areas one would stand or walk, then where they would sit...However, what if I am laying on the floor along the edge of a wall down low tight to it?

Finally, very often it is seeming harmless that will throw off your prey. We have all seen film of wolves stalking deer. The deer are nervous, edgy, and the second the wolf postures to pounce they bolt. In contrast we have seen where a wolf will casually lope by a herd of deer, even lay down to rest. The deer look up, take note, yet go back to feeding whatever. I've used that very tactic to take deer. Walking casually through the woods, loud and seeming disinterested or un-noticing of them and as long as I'm on a natural path can even walk within 20 yards of them as they wait thinking I'll simply pass.

All of the above works great with wildlife. Wildlife that has only 3 things to do their entire lives....Eat, procreate, and keep from being eaten. If they are so focussed how much easier do you think humans are with their multitude of distractions and interests?

Just some things to keep in mind.....Nice start Dughal.

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