Grandfathering Skills

Questions and suggestions for additions or changes to these topics

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Postby Avarwraith on Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:15 am

I figured if a character had access to said skills, they were supposed to work them into their current skill points.

I thought grandfathering was more for the skills that one couldnt get, like say, your character no longer has access to metalworking, but you've been a Master Metalcrafter for the last 10 levels, or whatever. Not just lacsadaisical trying to get skills for free cause you feel like sticking other things in their places.
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Postby Aramis on Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:47 am

Alright, I had thought as much... I just wasn't certain.
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Postby saryn on Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:34 am

Ciroth I believe, should be given Religious Ceremony, at the Master level due to her experance with AdenVer. Soldiering due to her experance with AdenVer and as a Valencinan Rider at the Master level.

Are we listing every skill we should have beyond that or what?
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Tehya Skills

Postby Tehya on Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:36 pm

Tehya has rp since creation these Skills.

Weaving, she can weave and has permission from Ehlanna to use her loom at any time.
Clothing design & Sewing(she has always bought her own supplies to make clothes)
Languages, Reading & Writing (since she writes SB Journal)
Musical instruments Violin, harp, flute, bongos, most every instrument except brass
Dancer/teacher of dance
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Postby Philana on Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:28 am

I am respectfully asking permission for my character Philana Sanjeet to be grandfathered into the skill of Horsemanship at Master level since the abilities of those with a skill level of Master Horseman I have RPed several times over the last few years.
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Postby Obsession on Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:31 pm

I would like Obsession to be grandfathered in theses two because it only makes sense for her to have them, seeing she has done both right along: that would be Resurrection, and jewelry crafting.. the pay isn't what im looking for, she has taken Alchemy for that. But she has crafted jewelry for the GS since she first started, and rezzing she does do..

Just want to edit this and skip the resurrection, seeing Obsession isn't allowed to do this anymore.. But the jewelry crafting I still would like for her..
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Postby CatirenaD on Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:58 am

Hmm...skills. Lets see if I can do this right without makeing an ass of myself. After going over the long and rather wicked life of Catirena I would have to say that the skills she would asked to have grandfathered would be as thus.

Seamstress- Becasue for the longest time in her early years at the Inn she worked at the Naked Bird. So she is skilled in the creation of garments.

Dance- Because she was always danceing to the deligh of anyone who would watch her in the Inn with Alissia...even teaching some people from time to time.

I don't know what level I would say she has at it....but she's been at it for a while.

The other thing I wonder if would her time as an instructor at the Acadamy give her any skills? And i wounder if it could actully be called a skill if your good at tieing people up and useing clever devices to wicked ends?
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Postby Goldentiger on Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:35 pm

Three of my characters need to have skills grandfathered, andthose characters are: Irontail with hand-to-hand, and swordsmanship, and Rita Highlander Hitar, and Tina Swampcat Adams with swordsmanships as well.
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Postby Felicia Faerune on Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:29 pm

I would like to have master pottery grandfathered in. Fel was taught under Caila (Bryn's character) Under the old system and now can no longer use it. And I will give you lots of sex Ehlanna.....
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Postby Eucep on Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:01 pm

Tsunami has been a master in needlecraft tailoring, including leather working. But with her classes she wouldn't be able to do anything with leather.
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Postby Kalagoth on Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:48 pm

Under the new system, Kala would no longer have any of the skills that he has learned, due to being a Skald converted into a Necromancer. But given the years of time, roleplay, sweat and tears involved, I would like to have the following skills Grandfathered in, as none of the traditional Necromancer available skills are very interesting, nor do they tie in with his background and history within Belariath.

Master Instrument Crafter
--Was previously Master Instrument Crafter: Stringed, Journeyman: Percussion, Reeds, and Brass

Postby Twerlinger on Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:33 pm

Ok.. due to reset of character becuase of class changes, I would like to reinstate my petition for grandfathering of the Alchemy skill for Twerlinger, perhaps to Master level if applicable. He has spent time working in the apoth, both before and after my stint away from TLI.
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Postby Naiayur on Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:43 am

Wow, I really haven't been reading the message boards at all. Due to years of solo rp honing these skills for Naia I request them to be grandfathered in:

Tattoo (master)
Piercing (master)
Scarrification (master)
Branding (master)
All learned under Shaeya Asura while employed for a lengthly time through the BA

Lock pick (master)
Pickpocket (master)
Learned during her time as a theif from games debut.

First Aid (expert)
Learned through both the cleric class when healing was avialable and also through study of anatomy while under the assassin class while it was availble.

Religious Ceremony (master)
6 years a cleric and devote worshipper, what else can I say? She's been a servent to her goddess since the get go.

Tailing/ettiquette (expert)
As shocking as it sounds the woman's had nothing but service jobs from the inn to the bath house and the BA. Ask anyone she's waited on.. The woman's a professional :D

Scribe (expert)
Least I forget this, as Naia would have work in body art knowing script goes hand in hand with this though it is arguable.

Postby Odharnait on Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:44 pm

This is for people who, like Alta, who have been here a while and have things in acted that have been allowed at one time and are now generally not allowed, or not allowed for that character.

Such an example would be, Zingara has been a master musician and can craft and play MANY instruments and has for a long time. and now the Bard class was changed to "can only have one instrument for each time the class is taken" I would be able to request her skill with instruments to be grandfathered in because she was made played and well versed long before this rule was implemented.

Another example that IS real is if you notice, there is no way to purchase a 3rd story home, how ever there ARE a few 3 story homes on the REB list. Those are homes of players who were active, and are still active of when it WAS allowed to have a 3rd story.

does that help clear this up?
huh wha?
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Postby Majick on Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:31 pm

It would probably be best to ask for skills to be grandfathered in that you do not have access to anymore.

Everyone, I believe, has access to tattooing, piercing, etc.... You just need levels to get up to the Master level, which I believe you have Naia. And I also believe that all of those skills are combined into the one skill of Body Arts.

I also believe that First Aid can be taken by a cleric which you are, so there would be no need to have that grandfathered. The same can be said for Religious Ceremony and Scribe as Clerics and necromancers have access to those skills. So no need for grandfathering.

And again, anyone can take Tending/Etiquette is available to all classes. You just need to have enough levels.

So, Naia, your skills would be something like this:

Level 1: Body Artist (Novice)
Level 1: Body Artist (Apprentice)
Level 1: Body Artist (Journeyman)
Level 1: Body Artist (Expert)
Level 1: Body Artist (Master)
Level 2: Scribing (Novice)
Level 3: Scribing (Apprentice)
Level 4: Scribing (Journeyman)
Level 5: Scribing (Expert)
Level 6: Religious Ceremony (Novice)
Level 7: Religious Ceremony (Apprentice)
Level 8: Religious Ceremony (Journeyman)
Level 9: Religious Ceremony (Expert)
Level 10: Religious Ceremony (Master)
Level 11: Tending and Etiquette (Novice)
Level 12: Tending and Etiquette (Apprentice)
Level 13:Tending and Etiquette (Journeyman)
Level 14: Tending and Etiquette (Expert)

And so on and so forth untill you get to level 29. Don't forget to also make room for Languages and other little rp related skills as well. Above is simply an example and in no way is it attempting to tell you what you should do! Just an effort to help you understand.


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