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The thief class and lack of advanced classes

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:47 pm
by Asirer
Hi, I know I am new here, but as I was looking over the various classes it seems the thief skill really gets the short end of the stick when it comes to the advanced classes. I did notice there is Mist Rider which makes sense in the description, but then there is Monk and Necromancer. Neither of those two make much sense as a thief isn't known for temperance and aren't inclined to the types of magic that accompanies a Necromancer. What I did notice though and thought I would suggest is making seductress an advanced class available to thieves. It would fit nicely as any good thief is a master manipulator. I was also thinking of something like Assassin or maybe Spy. Now Mist Rider seems to take the place of Assassin, but there isn't really anything for a shadow knowledge collecting character and I feel Spy would be a good addition to have and for the Empire to use to gain valuable information from rival nations or even keep an eye on its own noble class.

Thanks for your attention to this issue and thanks for the time.


Re: The thief class and lack of advanced classes

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:49 am
by Adonai
we had certain advanced classes in the past we got rid of them, assassin was it for thief; the reason we got rid of it? Because it is an aspect of a thief. kinda like spying as well. but in truth, it would be best to stay a thief atm at least if you want to steal and the like.