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Paladin and magic (divine)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:44 pm
by Isilindil
Just a thought that came to mind when reading the website once more:

Paladins, divine warriors, evolve from knights or clerics, and as we all probably agree we imagine them as stalwart figures donned in heavy, shining armor (or dark, menacing juggernauts on flipside of the coin!)

Now here comes the problem, as with current ruling gauntlets prevent all spellcasting, which means that effectively paladins, especially those that evolved from clerics, are unable to call the divine favors of their god while wearing the iconical heavy set of plates. In my opinion this should not be the case as I see there to be difference between the arcane and elemental magics, which are learned and mastered, to divine magic that is more of boon granted to one by their deity. A paladin should be able to channel his gods might even while armored to smite the disbelievers!

TL;DR : Divine spells should be castable while wearing gauntlets.

Re: Paladin and magic (divine)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:30 am
by Infernis
Agreed, this makes sense.

~Seal of Approval~