The Savi'atar (a joint submission between Wade and me)

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The Savi'atar (a joint submission between Wade and me)

Postby CallieO on Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:32 pm

The Savi'atar of the Vulpine
(Tribe color: white)

Technically not a tribe but a group of Vulpine priest-warriors who are tasked with the handling and guarding of dangerous artifacts, items and lore. They were also guardians of the Vulpine clans, and intermediaries in inter-clan disputes (mostly over territory), and sworn to jail or kill any Run'ya Najaka they find. Long had been the tradition for such to exist, but before the coming of Stormbringer the knowledge was lost or forgotten; the Run'ya Najaka secretly and covertly destroyed any other record of them, elimimating them and almost erasing them from history, after the destruction of their orders' ancestral birthplace.

They are also tasked with the keeping of ancient lores, and they swear a kah'yoto Trieste (unbreakable vow to the Lady) to carry out good works on all peoples, but to vulpines and Fuch'vulpine specifically, and to guide them to her faith and her grace. Full blooded or any faithful Vulpines can join their ranks, but it is both a badge of honor and a badge of shame to become Savi'atar, one that requires great faith and fortitude to survive. Service as a Savi'atar if one is chosen, but one can petition the Lasy to join by way of her High Priest at the Temple. It can also be over at any time. Being whim to the will of the Goddess, she would decide the start, finish, and nature of ones service. Those who join come from all clans and walks of life.

They operate in small groups, without an actual leader but usually gravitating around a vulpine who has undergone a soul bonding; he or she is sometimes referred to as 'ro’shun' (tradition keeper) but usually refer to him/her and each other as 'tizha' (brother) or, in the case of addressing a female member, 'towa' (sister). It is this Ro'Shun who calls each to the task. The first Ro'Shun was a vulpine named Shima, born in Telbuk; a three tailed magess from the Karalinka tribe; she blazed a trail across the world. They say in legend, she gained her last two tails just hours before her death, defending a group of Et'vulpine pilgrims. Her devotion to her duty and her love of The Lady was renowned at the time, though the archives that existed were either destroyed by the Run'ya Najaka, or buried by volcanic cataclysm.

It is the former that were discovered by archaeologist Wade uth Matar in the ruined city of Telbuk, translated by Wade and Matwyn, the high Priestess of Trieste at the time, that revealed the 19,000 year history of the Savi'atar that was ended at the city of Telbuk 30,000 years ago. As stated the order was founded by Shima, who began her service by imprisoning several RN radicals in a cold forest prison on a mountain far from the people, but as time wore on several of these holding places were built and later abandoned, emptied of their prisoners when Telbuk was destroyed.

Further the records show only about 100 prisoners at the time, a time thats recorded to have no RN activity outside of those prisons as many were executed or killed in the attempt to capture them. When Telbuk fell they very quickly became emptied, the prisoners seeming to just vanish, and so hundreds of RN became thousands.

But it was foretold that one who was Fuch'vulpash'et (one of Vulpine nature but not of Vulpine birth) would return the tradition of the Savi'atar when the Run'ya Najaka roamed the world freely, and would restore a balance against the darkness and prevent Najaka's return by acting against his wishes of a Vulpine dominated world subjugating all others. This tradition would spread as the Run'ya Najaka spread and would not only oppose them but destroy them when required and lock away the rest, as it once was.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

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