Air Mages and Flight

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Air Mages and Flight

Postby Farvel on Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:36 pm

From the Air Mage racial page, under advantage, we have this:

Masters of the Skies
Air Mages are absolute masters of flight, outclassing even the winged races in some cases. Whereas most figures in flight would be forced to land in the face of rain, sleet or snow, an Air Mage can brave such conditions with ease, even able to fly in and out of dark and dangerous thunderstorms while coming out unscathed. Still, even they have limitations, more than a few having perished hot-shotting around Tornadoes or seeing if they could reach the eye of an approaching hurricane. If the air mage is not of a naturally flying race, the Fly spell is still required.

Yet unless I'm reading it wrong, since they need the fly spell, if fighting in the air they are still subject to the -10 STA per turn penalty if they're not of a naturally flying race, whereas these only take a -1 penalty. There's nothing in this that suggests anything about "outclassing even the winged races".

Air mages are masters of the air. It is the essence of who they are. They have the power to direct the wind, summon cyclones or thunderstorms, or even drain the very molecules in your lungs. They can in fact (those of Unigo at least) become air! Yet when it comes to actually fighting in the air they're no better than anyone else, really.

It seems reasonable that they should be at least as nimble in the air as a torian or a chirot, I think, even if they still need to learn to use magic to fly, and stamina drains should reflect this.
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Re: Air Mages and Flight

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:34 am

In part I would think that outclassing even the winged races is covered by the ability to weather thunderstorms, which your average winged creature would find virtually impossible. That said, I could see halving the stamina drain. Of course that begs the question of whether a winged air mage shouldn’t also get an advantage over and above being winged.
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Re: Air Mages and Flight

Postby Farvel on Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:02 am

So they can breeze through thunderstorms with ease, or snowstorms for that matter, but on the other hand, even a few rounds in the open air will leave them completely knackered? Seems like a strange contradiction to me.
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Re: Air Mages and Flight

Postby Akaton on Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:10 am

The honest real question..... Is it relevant? How often is mid-air combat a thing between people? Ive only really seen it on mephos. I mean watermages don't get bonuses in water or rather not have penalties. Thats strictly a merfolk thing. So does it really matter? Or just nitpicking because words used in a description don't match the mechanics? Cause you can honestly look most anywhere on the site and find that.
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Re: Air Mages and Flight

Postby Farvel on Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:30 am

Akaton wrote:The honest real question..... Is it relevant? How often is mid-air combat a thing between people? Ive only really seen it on mephos. I mean watermages don't get bonuses in water or rather not have penalties. Thats strictly a merfolk thing. So does it really matter? Or just nitpicking because words used in a description don't match the mechanics? Cause you can honestly look most anywhere on the site and find that.

No, not really much relevant, just something I found strange when dangling through the site. And since, you know, this is the section for
Questions and Suggestions
Races, Classes and Skills
I thought it an appropriate place to mention it.

If someone decides to change something, ok, if they decide it's WAD or it's simply not important enough to bother, fine as well. It's not a big deal, just putting the idea out there because, well, last time I checked, the Suggestions section is for people to make suggestions, is it not?

Seriously, what is it about this board and people automatically taking any discussion on game mechanics as if it's a personal attack against their honour and dignity? :roll:
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Re: Air Mages and Flight

Postby L`aquera on Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:33 am

I didn't see him making a personal attack, he asked a question and you are rather aggressive with the tude. I know I don't have to remind anyone what happens if its not nipped in the bud, right? :D Frankly, I agree... Its a pretty minor nitpick of word usage rather then real issue of combat.
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Re: Air Mages and Flight

Postby Balard on Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:52 am

Flight isn't really needed, it seems to me that passage of wording is more of a out of battle effect, now if you wanted to create a IoP or something powerful to enable you to fly using 1 or 2 stamina, then i am sure that would work.
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Re: Air Mages and Flight

Postby miyuka on Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:34 pm

You are confusing an RP advantage with an In combat advantage. That is all.
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