The Arachne

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The Arachne

Postby DiasEesha on Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:39 am

This is my first venture into making a new race and I hope that Ive done well with it. Of course it like everything else I make is open for refinements. ... 5ihue1.jpg
This is the base reference Ive used in creating them I hope everyone enjoys. :D

Character Creation
Starter Classes: Warrior, Knight, Thief, Cleric, Healer, Shaman, Bard, Mage, Artisan, Entertainer, Layman
Advanced Classes: Warlord, Paladin, Warrior Mage, Mist Raider, Monk, Priest/ess, Fire Mage, Water Mage, Seductress
Starting Stats:
Basic Stats

Appearance: The first thing that most would notice about any Arachne is that they are fairly tall. The shortest of their kind a bit under six feet maybe and the tallest resting nearly 8 feet tall. It is surmised that this is to better spread out the weight of their kind though they certainly are not the heaviest of the races being a bit lighter then one would expect. These two features seem to go hand in hand to make their life above the cave floors easier. Secondly would be the clear chitinous forms on their arms and legs, and ones protruding from their back, especially in the way they end in hard points on hands and feet, making it far easier for them to climb and shift along the cave walls but all but keeping them from wearing boots at all [the spike would go through them or be extremely uncomfortable], and making them rather loathe to wear anything that's not flexible on hands. Most Arachne forgo any sort of hand coverings whatsoever. Outside of that the males tend to have toned lithe bodies while females seem to have rather strong curves to their form accented further by the hard shell that rests on their arms and legs. This is not to say that there isn't a deviance from such only the norm and its entirely possible that an Arachnes profession may encourage a bit heavier or leaner tone. What is constant though is the presence of their carapase and the extra limbs on their backs though the latter seems to be mostly for show outside of aiding them in climbing or balance one will never see an Arachne use them outside of those two reasons and its assumed they are not strong enough to hold one on their own. Color wise, the Arachnes hard shell can come in any shade one would see in nature from the deepest blacks to the brightest of blues and everything inbetween, eyes too seem to follow this pattern going from black to reds and golds with the rare silver, blue, or green tones showing at times. Some Arachne have patterns of two colors on them but this is uncommon and if they do its normally a color on top of pitch black. Ultimately all Arachne favor a very elegant and accented appearance when it comes to clothing picking out colors that either stand out or blend in with their chitinous forms they are fashionistas by any other name and will put a great deal of time and pride in making their visual presence a memorable one many Arachne decide to further enhance and accent their nature with sweeping and angular forms to their clothing. One will never know when they are speaking to and elder of the Arachne though, they do not fade nor seemingly age after becoming an adult and few will ever tell how many turnings they have recorded, all that is known is that they seem to be fairly long lived though to what extent remains a mystery.

Mannerisms: The Arachne themselves are quite a calm and quiet people, though they do indeed enjoy the world as much as any other race they do so with a keen sense of control and self honor that never sees them get too out of hand. They will never allow themselves to become drunkards, nor will they overindulge in vices instead they seem to take as eternal a path as the very stone they live within. Elegant by nature and beautiful of form they do enjoy adorning with fine cloth and interesting metalwork as well as tending and shining the hard chitin that covers their legs and arms. They are somewhat vain in their appearance and take great lengths to keep such pristine and perfect. Outside of their cities they are well spoken and seem to carry and odd natural grace though certainly it seems to carry a sinister nature as well. Arachne consider themselves to be much like their “allies” the Moriel. A gifted people granted strength from the dark.

Society: The Archane are for the most part a rather secretive people they don't allow outsiders into their homes very often if at all and are extremely guarded of the locations of their towns and cities. Their methods of building with the natural state of their caves and the absence of presence on the cave floors also makes them well adapted to hiding away on the off chance that someone does stumble upon one of their homes. The bottom of the sprawling “floating” cities is almost always coated black or whatever shade best hides away the fact that there is anything above those that do wander the caves. When it comes to interpersonal interactions they also see no difference between males or females both are seen as equals in all things and are allowed and encouraged to find whatever path they feel is best for them. It is just as common to meet a female warrior as it is to meet a male dancer and the Arachne celebrate their skills and talents with equal vigor. They are certainly a passionate people when it comes to the natural. Many have no qualms with being open with each other though outside relationships are looked at with a muted caution and perhaps a bit of curiosity. Though meetings and relationships with the Moriel that oft share territory with them seem to be accepted and at times sought after. This seems to be due to some running opinions of why the Arachne exist but no attempt to correct such has ever been made. They are however not an opulent race, they do not actively seek out gems or decorative metals instead allowing them to continue to form and leaving them in their natural state to further bring beauty to their homes without shaping them. They do however take of the more useful metals making tools weapons and armor from them to help strengthen their ranks and work when needed. They also see little use in making large displays of such when it comes to their festivals and celebrations. Though they certainly have their ways of enjoying things, they tend not to drink but seeing one with a pipe is quite common and during such events they become very ornate. Music and dance is very common and they seem to quite favor the latter at any point in time. If you where to ask one of them, they would claim there is no more graceful a race then they are, and indeed in their own way that might be entirely true. For if nothing else, when something calls for grace and poise the Arachne seem to take to it as easily as a spider takes to making webs.

Racial Interactions: The underground carries many secrets and oddities within the endless caves and tunnels deep below the surface of the world. People that never see the light, cities and kingdoms that go for hundreds of years without anyone even being aware of the mechanizations. Dark deals, and darker magics at times as well. Of course this is not all encompassing, there is much more that dwells in forgotten caves, ruins of old cities and civilizations gone the way of dust. The Arachne are such a race that not only dwells in such conditions but seems to thrive, while some may call them the sons and daughters of Kirva it has never been proven nor do the Arachne seem to care to correct it if it is indeed wrong. Instead they allow the mythos to pervade in front of them as a silent harbinger of their arrival and existence. It is likely this misconception that has made them close friends and compatriots of the Moriel that share the underground world and one that the Arachne seem more then happy to benefit from. Course, such a thing does seem at least on the surface to be mutual, the Moriel gaining a visual of their goddess' symbol and the form of a favored creature turned far more human. The Arachne of course gain influence and trade, as well as having a strong ally more oft then not when push comes to shove. Course, there are tensions as well between them and other races, often the Chirot and Arachne will bump heads over territory that both want to use mainly for the exact same reasons. That being the vaulted caves and access to prime resources for them to build their sprawling cities from the stone. Though they certainly do it in different ways, while the Chirot will carve out theirs the Arachne seem to favor using ropes and fabrics to create something akin to a sprawling web of pathways above the cave floor and floating buildings anchored from the ceiling and walls. Often the floor is used by them for cultivating food and making some attempts to encourage what animal life does exist within the cave systems to flourish, likely for convenience instead of necessitating the need to hunt. Though their relationship with the Chirot is certainly strained quite often they don't take an aggressive stance with them perhaps due to the Chirots already existing problems distracting them from being anything of a credible threat and often conflicts over territory as settled peacefully though perhaps not mutually beneficial. When it comes to the Moriel though their relationship seems to be rather strong, for the aforementioned reasons, its very rare that the two races will bicker or squabble over territory and the two seem to enjoy a rather strong trade agreement. The Arachne seemingly favoring any new textiles and such that the Moriel may find, gather, or take to further their own constructions and many Moriel find that befriending the Arachne can at times give them a stronger position of certain claims though that is, at best, a rumor. The most common form of interaction certainly is trade and the Arachne more oft then not will hand over the riches of the earth they come across to the Moriel to fashion into more useful things, its not that the Arachne cant but they seem to opt not to perhaps due to their unique dwellings and a rather clear disdane for anything that isnt flexible. Granted there are exceptions when it comes to the use of weapons and clearly so since they seem to favor curved blades with their warriors and anything that can give them an advantage in reach or distance. If one does see one of these people working with metals or other heavy materials its almost always within the confines of a Moriel settlement. Moving on from that though there is one conflict between races that is easily noted to be of a more visceral nature. The Arachne seem to find absolutely no favor nor tolerance for Dwarven kind, normally resorting to calling them destroyers and worse. The heavy hammers and picks that are oft used by the stocky race finds absolutely no favor with them and is often called disruptive and against the very nature of the underground world they call home. They find the Dwarves also to be completely inhospitable and ignorant of the damage that they cause to the natural cave systems and ecology and see their boisterous and bawdy nature as an affront to the quiet that the underground provides. When the two races do cross if its not by way of Moriel middle men the encounters tend to be aggressive and rather heated at best, down right deadly at worse. They do not negotiate nor will they tolerate any incursion into the territory by the endless drive for metals and gems, and while they do indeed provide the Moriel with such they find the Dwarven way of carving it out and displaying in opulence to be..well..distasteful.

Religion: Probably the most interesting part of the Arachne's existence is their religion, much like them its a rather quiet and muted thing often done well away within their floating cities above the cave floors though the calling of the religious is not beyond them its done much like everything else the Arachne seem to do. They do not practice any sort of sacrifice but seem to favor mediation with the presence of burning herbs and candles. When larger groups do gather for their important times it is much the same with the high priest leading the chanting, most often these also end with dancing of some sort most of the time recalling and recanting important times within the Arachne's existence. One of the most important times comes at the passing of winter into spring when the melting snow causes a glut within the water supplies that feed from the runoff and the blooming of extra life within the cave systems. The Arachne call this time the great awakening and it is the one time during the year that celebrations are more classical, their caves and citys chime with music and song and the heavy scent of smoked and burning herbs and plants. The few that have gotten to witness this time have commented on a heady feeling of calm and joy. This is also the time that the Arachne seem most accepting of enjoying others, course they already are known for enjoying each others company but most other races aren't entirely welcome. They also have a smaller celebration every year at the end of the fall when their race first met the Moriel and where able to start blossoming fully. Beyond that all that is known about their religion is that they tend to worship a figure they call the Under Mother or Dark Lady. The details of which are generally unknown though and none refer to her by name. Though, some Arachne also decide to worship Kirva the goddess of their closest and arguably only “allies” in the dark.

The Right of Passage: Little is actually known about this celebration of an Arachnes life but it certainly is a very very big deal when it comes about. An entire town, city, or the capital itself will stop for three days to prepare the returned one to move on from this world to the next to be brought to the mothers love and given new purpose. What is known is that the ritual involves two days of fasting by the entire city in prayer and meditation while herbs and such are burned to fill the caverns with their scent. On the third day all of the place the returned Arache called home line up along the caverns walls dancing and singing as the one that is to leave them is painted from head to toe and sent into the caverns, none ever come back from this journey and its assumed that there is a land of the dead that rests somewhere in the deeps.

Taboos: While the Arachne are more then apt to enjoy the world they live in as much as any other race they do seem to have some rather odd taboos and restrictions in their daily lives. The first of which is perhaps the most vital that none ever break. Arachne do not allow outsiders into their cities without permission from the council of the eight. When permission is given it is under the conditions set forth by the eight and breaking such is paramount to death for both visitor and their host. Secondly, seemingly by choice but Arachne do not partake in alcohol pretty much ever. Most of those that do have contact with them assume that this is because of their long running conflict with the Dwarves that seem to enjoy it far too much. Third, the Arachne will always answer the call of the Dark Lady when and if she ever does call, it is not so much a devotion to her but that the Dark Lady is considered to be the mother of the Arachne and coming to her defense or to press her will upon those that would ruin what she has helped build is paramount to the ultimate honor one can obtain. Lastly, when an Arachne reaches a certain age they are given the rights of passage, this is the last celebration that an Arachne will ever be involved in in their lifetime. No matter what the Arachne has done with their life, as long as they have survived to such an age they are granted this, none may interfere or stop them from doing so. The few times its ever been recorded that someone has they where found the next day swinging from the ceiling of a cave and the ritual continues as normal afterwards.

Politics and Hierarchy: The Arachne see all of them as equals in any position they may take or have, however that does not mean that there is not a structure among them. The first level of this is the seniors of each group be they warrior, hunter, craftsman, priest, scholar or healer. These are loose groupings of course where many workers may come under one of these great domains normally the seniors are a group of ten or so that have lived the longest or seen the most experience in their domain and most often those numbers are balanced five each or at least its attempted to be so. Most of the day to day operations run though these masters and never reaches any further however there are two groups that can oversee and guide the actions of the ten. Though is questioned why its ten most Arachne say its for balance of purpose. Above these ten are the grand masters a group of six that oversee each sections masters they are the wisest of their kind and represent each of the six major groups. Lastly is the eight blessed ones, these are not granted by experience alone but by devotion, experience, and a vote of the people. The eight represent the grand council and are drawn from every Arachne town and city without reservation to what their position use to be.

Slavery: The topic of slavery is an interesting one with the Arachne due to their secretive nature within the underground caverns and such that they call home. Though they certainly do no do anything to interfere with such bondings they do seem at least reticent to bring ones to their own dwellings. Or at least they did until their meeting with the Moriel. The Dark Elves instilled part of their cunning and desire for power into the Arachne and the practice has been catching on if only to make their lives easier. Most slaves are given berths near to the cave floors closer to where they will work and tend to the things that make Arachne life as it is possible. They also seem to serve as couriers and messangers when wanted, and of course being a people that do enjoy things in their own way it is not uncommon for an Arachne to take pleasure slaves as well. However, as it goes even slaves acceptance into the cities and towns is at the will of the council and can be an arduous process so most do not bother with bringing them within the cities themselves in short they make a second city against the cave walls for those they take and will come down to deal with them in whatever manners they wish. This practice seems to nearly be akin to a proving grounds for those that the Arachne wish to bring up into their dwellings as the only ones known to do so have already accepted their lot. Course, such slaves are also given a sort of status among the city folk. Those that are allowed into the actual city are called “the walkers” and are seen as being the best of the best of slaves within the Arachnes domain, such a title also brings more honor and prestige to their house.

Language: To outsiders the Arachnes normal speech is all but unintelligable they seem to use a series of sounds more then words to convey their ideas and such. Or at least thats how it sounds to an ear that cant pick up the nuances of it. Clicks, whistles, hisses, and warbles make up the vast most part of the language that the Arachne employ. Its certainly an interesting thing to listen to if one ever gets the chance to. Outside of their cities though they seem as apt to speak common and the Moriels tongue though they themselves seem to be slightly off when doing either carrying something of a ringing accent to it like listening to a chorus of bells behind their words. To some its enchanting to others its a grating scratching to the ears.

The Outside World: Formerly completely unknown to the Arachne their run ins with the other races have brought the knowledge of another world to the forefront of the Arachnes collective mind. While they have been completely reticent to allow others to infiltrate their world they have come to the realization that such complete isolation can no longer continue. Opinions are certainly mixed as to what to do ultimately about it but the influence of the Moriel has encouraged some to decide to take up their own arms and wills and forage out into a strange new world and see what new things may come from it. They however are not completely ignorant of how the world can work and those few that have come up so far have stayed within the small outposts near to the Moriels. If they do indeed to venture further is completely up to them now.


The Spiders Grace: Being rather light and well spread out with their tall forms the Arachne are quite adept at all sorts of feats of grace and balance able to climb up things that another race would stare at in disbelief or fly over if they had the ability. This is the only time that the Arachne will put any use into the limbs that grow from their back.

Tremor Sense: The sharp points at the end of the Arachnes hands and feet arent just for show they are incredibly sensitive to vibrations and can pick out movement from a decent distance away. The Moriel claim that one can never sneak up on an Arachne if this is true remains to be seen but they seem to be innately aware of people and things being around them.

Hard Shell: Unsurprisingly the hard chitin that form up most of the arms and legs of the Arachne is rather strong and able to take blows, its quite difficult to break this “armor” of sorts though it is a double edged sword for the Arachne themselves.


Molting: While not in the classic sense of the word they certainly do not shed an entire exoskeleton the hardened shells on the arms and legs of the Arachne can become damaged, and while it is possible to heal them it is a long and ardous process that often leave the affected area weaker and more vulnerable. As such most Arachne will instead retire to their home and bathe the area in a special blend of herbs that softens and allows them to shed the damaged layer and allow it to regrow anew. This does not regrow limbs at all however it does allow the Arachne to truly repair the damage done to them. The downside is that it takes an entire week for this process to complete naturally and it can not be rushed.

Rumbles of the Earth: While Arachne are seemingly in tune with the vibrations of the world and the creatures and things that create them they can become overwhelmed by such sensations as well. Large movements be it groups or creatures of sufficient size can cause an Arachne to freeze up while trying to process the sheer amount of it.

It scratches: Due to their hard plating on arms and legs the Arachne can not wear common foot or arm protectors nor can they wear plate mail due to the modifications it would require and the fact that it would not only create a horrible noise every time the chitin grinds against the metal but would cause gouging and cracking of their carapase.
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Re: The Arachne

Postby Xanetia on Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:08 pm

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Re: The Arachne

Postby miyuka on Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:37 pm

Nice write up, and a unique take on the usual spider people race. That being said, while not something that is being looked for in a playable race, it wouldn't be so bad as an NPC race for stories and quest.
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Re: The Arachne

Postby DiasEesha on Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:38 am

Id be thrilled to see them exist in any capacity at all. ^_^
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Re: The Arachne

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Sat Aug 25, 2018 2:08 am

As would I. It would give becca another "inferior" race to loathe.... =P~
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Re: The Arachne

Postby Balard on Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:46 pm

In the southern lands there is a write up of a race that is called K`sir, it's not much info though and when reading the post on the character you made, it made me remember the little bit of info.

There are also a race of nomadic beings called the K`sir that hide rather well in the desert. Lone and rare sightings of the K`sir report them to appear like giant scorpions, with the upper bodies of a human. For their size, they are swift and very silent in the desert. They do whatever it takes to strike with quick precision if they ever decide to raid bordering villages and towns, and they are generally an unfriendly race of beings that choose to kill first and ask questions later. Those along the coast are usually the most affected by the K`sir raids, though they have been spotted outside of the desert, but no more than a day’s distance.
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Re: The Arachne

Postby miyuka on Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:57 pm

We did battle with the K'sir when we were taking over the southern lands.
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Re: The Arachne

Postby Vladimir on Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:35 am

There exists within the game currently an NPC 'Half-Spider, Half-Moriel' race, cursed creations of the Moriel goddess... or at least there did?

I distinctly remember a 'Drider' race being on the page at some point or another, and some quest type deals involving them back in the day, but looking back now I can't seem to find anything on it.
Full fathom five thy father lies; of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, but doth suffer a sea- change into something rich and strange. Sea-Nymphs hourly ring his knell: Ding-dong, Hark! Now I hear them, - Ding-dong, Bell.
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Re: The Arachne

Postby Vladimir on Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:42 am

Perhaps they were removed around the time we stopped calling dark elves 'Drow' and transitioned to Moriel?
Full fathom five thy father lies; of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, but doth suffer a sea- change into something rich and strange. Sea-Nymphs hourly ring his knell: Ding-dong, Hark! Now I hear them, - Ding-dong, Bell.
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