Drak Sen Reborn Project

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Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby Rei-Kai on Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:29 am

This is just the start. A first draft to look over and is focused primarily on their physical traits and characteristics. Will also suggest some class changes/additions when my brain finds the time to focus. Will start with just the breakdown of the four types.

Drak Sen

The Drahken Sentari, otherwise known as Drak Sen by mortal races, are beings born from the dreams of dragons to walk amongst the peoples of the world. To observe them, learn from them, and help to maintain order wherever they can. To stem the tide of Nightmare, that the dreams of the Great Ones may go undisturbed. They appearances may vary. Their height and characteristics reflective of the nature they were born unto by the four great elders, and who themselves attribute to each of the four seasons. However, each among the Drak Sen share the same distinguishing characteristics between them, regardless of the hue of their scales or the Dragon from whom they created from.

Among these would be the long muscular tails, sprouting from the base of the spine, just above the line of their bottom. These tails were rather flexible and covered entirely in scales reflective of their owners, though not so dexterous enough to do anything complicated, such as wielding a weapon. Still, they were strong and sturdy enough to be used as a weapon. Though not much more effective than ones fist or a good kick. The next trait they share would be scales themselves. Though reminiscent of a dragons, they are far, far smaller, and do not cover much of the Drak Sen's body at all. They share the same hue as the Drak Sen's tail and while seemingly harder than flesh and quite malleable as well, they cannot function as natural armor. If only due to their scarcity. After all, the Drak Sen were created with a more humanoid form to better interact with the various races of the world. They were not born to appear as monsters or be as monstrous as the Lords that dreamed them into being.

The next trait they share are the horns sprouting from atop their heads. However, the shape and size these take depend upon the nature of Each Drak Sen. Yet to be sure, they never grow to be too cumbersome. Unfortunately, those with larger horns tend to be incapable of wearing certain pieces of armor. Such as helms. As for the last trait, it is not completely shared among them all, for some were not born with such. Drak Sen may also possess wings wings resembling those of their Lords. Sometimes even a set of four. Yet others may possess none at all. Though not all Drak Sen are created equally in this regard, they all treat each other as equals, regardless of gender or lack-there-of. They are first, and foremost, servants of ther Dragons. Prejudice among their number does not exist. Save for the very rarest of occasions.


Metallic Scales:
Silver, Gold, Copper, Platinum
Thriving Season: Autumn

Notable Traits: Easily the most arrogant among their kind, those born with metallic scales are naturally drawn to objects and items that shine and glimmer, embodying the age-old stereotype of dragons coveting gold and treasures. They liken themselves to Nobility or those of higher standing among mortals, often adorning themselves in expensive jewels and articulated pieces of jewelry made from precious metals like gold and silver. An air of haughtiness usually surrounds them, though not all. Still, even others can come off as condescending to those they believe to be less fortunate than themselves, for having not been 'born' into such a wealthy mindset. Nor into such a body they consider the very definition of beauty.

Physical Characteristics: Aside from the hue of their scales, Metallic Drak Sen tend to share a similar height range and physical build as High Humans and High Elves, between 4'10" and 6'6" for the most part. The scales on their wings, if possessing of them, are a bit finer and flexible like woven metallic thread. While not capable of flight, they are capable of gliding short distances. Mostly as a means of showing off how their wings shimmer and shine when reflecting the light of the sun. They can also levitate for short periods, thanks to their nature, tapping into the land's magnetic field to, in essence, repel themselves from the ground. However, this lasts for a few minutes at best, and can only be performed a few times in a day. Making it little more than showboating.

The horns of these Drak Sen curve up a bit more when sprouting from their crown and can posses between two to four horns in the area along their heads between their ears, making it appear almost as if each of them was born wearing a crown as a sign of nobility and power. These horns also gleam with a metallic shine and are very hard, if not all that effective in battle.

Earthly Scales
Jasper, Agate, Quartz,
Thriving Season: Spring

Notable Traits: While consisting largely of males within their community, that is hardly an issue. These Drak Sen tend to be larger and more robust of figure, as well as more deeply mindful of the world of nature around them. Those of Earthly scales tend to be bothered by very few things in this world and are more dedicated to the craft of building, sculpture and the study of nature. They can also be stubborn and hardheaded in certain issues, being as immovable as mountains on these matters. Refusing to budge. They are resilient and enduring, yet also show a greater capacity for understanding and acceptance.

Physical Characteristics: Earthly Drak Sen are seen visibly larger than their counterparts in most cases, ranging anywhere from 6'5" to 8'0" tall. Their bodies are hard and built of sculpted muscle, visions of strength and resilience. Their scales often possess a duller luster to them, blending more with the surrounding earthy tones and natural colors of the forests and mountains. Their wings, if possessing any, are much heavier than those of their brethren. The scales of which are thicker and denser, making them ill-suited for even attempts at gliding, leaving the Earthly Draks inexorably earthbound.

Their tails are also notably thicker than the rest, matching with their broader frames and bodies, but also making them a bit less flexible. Handling small tools and items with them is impossible. The horns of these Draks tend to grow closer to the side of their temples, curving and curling inward, or curving back slightly over the top of the skull, notably thick themselves. This makes head adornments, such as helms, impossible. Though a well-made circlet may still work.

Bejeweled Scales
Emerald, Alexandrite, Red Diamond, Opal.
Thriving season: Winter

Notable Traits: Those of Bejeweled Scales are very free of mind and spirit, not bound to any single place. They are uplifted and uplifting, rising above the concerns of others, often not understanding that their words can sound arrogant or condescending, as they do not concern themselves in matters of emotion. Save for the emotions that drive their desire for excitement, joy and merriment. They seek pleasant conversation and pleasureful union. Dancing and music, and traveling the world from shining sea through clear skies. They move with a flowing grace that few can match, and are so flighty and whimsical, one might mistake them for nature spirits. To be bound to one place is to stagnate, and no Jeweled one would willingly stay still for too long, lest illness seep into their being.

Physical Characteristics: Jeweled ones are almost dazzling to behold. Their scales shine with a purity and clarity unseen in all their cousins, reflecting brilliant colors with a brightness and luminescence that cannot be matched. Jeweled Drak Sen are also the shortest among their kin, with slender, graceful figures and soft features. Even the males can appear so lovely and androgynous as to appear female from even a short distance away. If possessing of them, their wings have a delicate appearance to them. Their scales seeming so thing as to be nearly transparent, looking like thinly shaved crystals casting an assortment of colors as the sunlight shines through them. Their wings are thin enough to stretch and catch the currents of the air, allowing the Jeweled Ones to take fight, though not for very long distances, as the effort required is a bit more than that for other races. And yet they find boundless joy in this regardless.

Their tails are also much slimmer than that of their kin and much more flexible, though as a result, getting struck with one constitutes as little more than a stern slap. Yet thanks to this, their tails can be used to lift and use small items, or to carry a glass or maybe a set of keys. Nothing too heavy, mind you. As for their horns, theirs tend to be slimmer in some cases and sprout either to the side of their temple or closer to the middle of their forehead, and sometimes seen with four horns in all. Their tend to grow and follow the curve of their head behind the ears and along the scalp, appearing very smooth and giving a polished gleam to them. The pattern of their growth seeming to suggest the idea of reducing resistance when in the air or when diving into clear rivers and large lakes. Especially when the cool air makes their skin tingle in delight.

Mineral Scales
Onyx, Obsidian, Carnelian, Agate, Mercury
Thriving Season: Summer

Notable Traits: The Underearthed ones, sometimes referred to as Geode Born by the ancients, are ones with the greatest range of emotion among their brethren. More often than not exhibiting the darker, more negative feelings attributed to the mortal races. Yet they embrace them with a fervor unseen in most, as if each surge of emotion is proof of their own individual self. That tends to be one of their driving characteristics; the fulfillment of the self. So affected have they been by the nightmares of those living above the land, beneath the earth and sailing through the sky, that their tie to the great dragons is among the most tenuous. They still fulfill their mission to safeguard the world, but usually in a more brutal, sinister way, or ways in which they gain the most pleasure and satisfaction from.

Like a volcanic mountain, their emotions can simmer and lay dormant, allowing for agreeable discourse, before erupting explosively and with a fire that few can quench. They are easily the hardest to control as they tend to seek control of others for their own amusement and desires. They wish to experience everything this world can offer them. Whether it be the blackest pits of depression to the suffocating heights of the greatest pleasure. They seek it all to define and mold their own existence, and to leave their impression upon the world.

Physical Characteristics: One look upon the Underearthed ones, and one might find the first words to describe them as; "sinisterly beautiful". They are alluring and chilling to behold, their emotions naked and raw to all those that look upon them. Their figures can range from well-toned and athletic to full figured and naturally blessed. The light on their scales seems to almost flow like molten crystals. Their tails are smooth and more resemble that of their Metallic brethren as far as appearances go, though their has a much darker shine to them that cannot be dismissed. Their wings, if any, are also much the same. While they do not weigh them down, they do not allow for any kind of flight. Though they can, with a good upwind, permit them to glide somewhat for a short distance. Helpful when trying to avoid a fall.

As for their horns, well, their appear more angular and almost bonelike as they sprout from their crown. Of them all, those of the Mineral Scale may posses the broadest set of horns. They may have only two extending from their forehead, but can appear large and menacing. However, the greater the number of horns, the smaller they are, as if their total length is divided among them. They can possess anywhere from two to nine horns. Sometimes looking like a great-horned fiend, or an evil king with a crown of jagged fangs sprouting from his brow. Of course, even a single pair of horns could be quite short still. It would almost seem like each of the Mineral Drak Sen seek to define their own individuality even through the shape and number of their horns.

On Physical Characteristics
And yet, even these features are subject to the whim and desires of their creators, the Elder Dragons. There are always exception to the rules and the norm. And sometimes even, there is no norm to be had. Though many of the Dragons agree to a base mold by which to create them, there are still many who like to break that mold and adjust it from time to time, to see if these changes may affect the experiences of their offspring as they spread throughout the world and engage with the mortal races below.

Drakken Breath

Though Drak Sen are based upon and born from Dragons, they do not possess the unique qualities that dragons do. Namely their ability to breathe fire and other elements based upon their affinity. However, Drak Sen do possess a much less potent variation of this. It is, however, not all that useful when it comes to harming people with it and is more of an immitation. How this manifests is different for each type of Drak Sen. One thing about it is certain; It has a very short range of effect.

Metallic - Flash Burn: Those of Metallic Scales can retain within themselves metal dust and particules, combined with a small portion of alcohol when drunk, and can even ingest them if in small quantities. Their bodies separate these and are stored within a small are around the esophagus, as well as bonding to the outer layer of their teeth, making them a bit tougher to chip. When used, the Drak Sen will breathe sharply to expel the fine dust mixed with the alcohol and ignited by the Drak's teeth as one would when using a striking iron and flint stone. Doing this allows the Metallic One to release a small stream of fire for a second or two. This is usually used to light up something quickly, like parchment, candles or lanterns. Or maybe singe off someone's offending eyebrows.

If used in combat, it can temporarily blind an opponent by using the flames heat to flash dry a persons eyes, causing them irritation and affecting their retinas from the sudden heat and light. It cannot be sustained long enough to cause any actual physical harm and the targets sight would return quickly enough. It's combat modifier will only ever be +1

Earthly - Black Mortar: The lungs of Earthly Drak Sen filter and separate dust and dirt particles in the air and is stored separately within the body. These Drak Sen can eject this in conjunction with a special mucus created within their bodies to create a natural sticky and elastic paste. Those of Earthly Scales would use this in the construction of temporary or permanent homes, utilizing their self-made mortar to hold brick and stone together, or as part of art projects and other masonry work. Though it cannot be used repeatedly, it is certainly helpful when suitable materials are low.

If used in combat, it can temporarily blind a nearby opponet by firing a wad of this Black Mortar into the targets face. It will cause no damage and can be removed safely at the cost of a single turn. It's modifier will only ever be +1.

Bejeweled - Glitter Dust: The jeweled ones, whether through air or water, separate minerals and other particles, filtering through and storing them in a special sac between the lungs and throat where they are actually kept dry and broken down into miniature grains. When exhaled, it appears as a stream or cloud of fine granules, as if gems had been ground into a fine powder, and shine brilliantly in the light like a sparkling rainbow of hues and color. This is mostly performed for entertainment's sake or for even adding a special glaze to pottery work and the like. Or sometimes just for the sake of adding it to bath water so enjoy seeing it sparkle like jewels while they relax.

If used in combat, it can temporarily blind a nearby opponet by blowing this fine dust into their eyes, making it quite uncomfortable and generally requiring one to wash them out in order to get rid of it all. It will only affect the target for a brief period and cannot deal any damage. It only possesses an attack modifier of +1.

Mineral - Coal Smoke: Those of Mineral scales can filter and separate dust particles and like from the air they breathe and store it internally, much like their Metallic cousins. However, what they burn doesn't possess as much substance and instead comes out as a cloud of hot black smoke with wisps of embers left from the ignition process. This can most certainly blacken a surface and make it in need of cleaning or even be used as a distraction or means of escape. Sometimes it's even done unconsciously when a Mineral Drak gets made and just starts spewing smoke from their mouth and noses.

If used in combat it can temporarily blind and stun a single opponent by barring their vision with the smoke and making it hard to breathe. It does not last long however and cannot do any actual damage to the target. It's modifier in combat can only ever be +1.


Protective Scale
Level required: 5
Race required: Drak Sen, Sithian, Merfolk.
casting method: other
defending method: none

Description: Upon casting this spell, the user creates a protective shell over their exposed flesh. Multiplying into a layer of iridescent scales covering their body, to protect themselves from the harsh impact of blows and repel the vicious edge of blades seeking to rend their bodies. These scales are not natural, however, and are composed entirely of the casters magical energy. Requiring them to expend their power to maintain this defense and hope that their opponent will tire of swinging their weapon around before the caster's energy is depleted.

Mechanics: Spell adds +1 to Physical Defense per slot in the spell and requires 3sta per round to maintain after initial casting. Spell cannot be stacked upon other defense modifying Spells besides Physical Armor and Magical Armor. Ie: Cannot be cast alongside Leaf Armor, nor used with damage absorption spells such as Damage Shield and Spirit Barrier.

The Spell listed is for multiple races and only those that possess natural scales. It is reflective of effectiveness and use of similar spells such as Fur Armor and Leaf Armor, and exists primarily for cosmetic and RP reasons.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby Tehya on Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:48 pm

Would like to see one drawn up by one of our player artist. If someone could get with Rei it would be nice.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby DiasEesha on Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:39 am

Im personally all for this reborn project so far adding a bit more variance and uniqueness to this rather interesting race seems like a great idea and certainly the read has been more then apt to keep my opinion and interest rather high.

Actually in respects to Teyhas post if any artist wants to Ill be more then happy to give use of Dias' current reference picture to use as a template for the appearance of the new descriptions.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby Dragovar on Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:10 pm

Yes and double yes. This has pretty much everything I've ever wanted out of the Drak. The additional Variation would be greatly appreciated, I always have thought it strange a race created via Dreams, one of the most varied experiences you can have, had one of if not the strictist limits on physical appearance in the game.

As for art I'm fairly garbage but I could probably at least do a head outline and a few horn previews for each season.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby miyuka on Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:34 pm

it has strict limits on physical appearance due to OOC reasons AKA the creator of the game will only allow for so much.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby Rei-Kai on Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:18 am

miyuka wrote:it has strict limits on physical appearance due to OOC reasons AKA the creator of the game will only allow for so much.

And nothing being suggested will greatly effect this since he primarily just didn't want them looking like Dragons or D&D Dragonkin. Everything proposed, aside from the spitting and spell ideas, is purely cosmetic and doesn't change the functionality of the horns. Which is to say they have no function aside from being decorative. Also not really changing the number of scales on their bodies anyway. Just giving more body-type, color and horn variety. Which is something they should already have, to be honest.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby India on Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:46 am

I like it, think you did a good job. Kudos :)
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby Cangelosi on Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:40 am

I've always seen draks as those with patches of scales and skin interchanging, not so much like dragonkin as they are like elves with wings and tails. Still, this does clarify the looks issue very well.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby Archaon on Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:44 am

I honestly like the concept. More physical variety that doesn't affect them in drastic ways would provide a little more identity to the draks.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby DiasEesha on Wed May 13, 2020 7:15 pm

Reviving slightly because this honestly deserves a ton of attention, sure theres some things that need to be..refined but the elders and their children deserve a bit more reflection of their own unique and seperate stylings.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby Sanjin Koukyu on Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:05 am

As the Drak Sen are my first race (and in an effort to try show life on this forum), I have a few questions/suggestions?

Should we help develop the Elder Dragons as NPCs to help us better define the Drak Sen? I can't imagine there are many of them scattered throughout Belariath, perhaps four or five per scale type to give players a choice not only what type of scale they are, but where they come from? That way, we can have 'Dream kin', which is as close to siblings as Drak Sen are ever going to get, but not really. In the Biography I just wrote for Sanjin (which was for fun, seeing as level 5 is potentially far away), I created a Metallic Elder Dragon, naming her Kuri’suta-ru’dori’mu (because proper dragons have weird names). The name translates to Crystal Tears, mainly because she prefers the cold (which would fit in with the Autumnal Season that's been written). Here's part of the bio to help show what I mean in the next part, too (involving the Dream).

Kuri’suta-ru’dori’mu wanted this child to be wise, yet curious. Strong, yet pliant. From the heavens, the Dreamer pulled down the essence of the stars, staining the sky in the astral dust as if smearing oily paint across a canvas, from which the bones were forged. The stars symbolized the great expanse beyond the skies, drifting on forever, as would the limitless greed for knowledge of this Drak Sen. As fickle as a shimmering star could be, this Dreamer wanted her creation to have vast potential, but only if he worked for it, as the stars were forever out of reach.

We could also try and better develop 'the Dream'. Is it an Astral Realm only accessible to the Elder Dragons when they slumber? Is it a Blueprint of Belariath that was prior to civilization and the Empire (given how old dragons in general can be, the Elders must be incredibly old and might predate the Empire if Stormbringer/L'Aquera/Devs are allowing of such). Given the Dream doesn't function by the 'normal' laws of physics and magic, I felt it was agreeable to 'smear the stars across the sky'.

And finally, we have a 'Racial Spell Sphere', could we not create Drak Sen 'Breath weapons' rather than having it based on the scale type? I bring this up because in the current NPC Dragon writeup, it doesn't matter what color their scale is when it comes to their breath weapon. If that remains, should that also apply to Drak Sen rather than pigeonholing them into a single type of breath weapon? We could have Fire Breath, Ice Breath, etc. Elemental Advanced Mages would have to follow the same guidelines, of course, but it'd give the more melee oriented drak sen another 'magical attack'.

A few of my immediate ideas!


Since i'm still at the bottom of the post with no responses, I'll edit in additional thoughts instead of adding new posts to the list.

Comparing the scale list of the original write up to the revisions, I have to wonder why to the following:

Platinum to Metallics: Platinum looks almost identical to silver (or even Palladium). This feels like it's tacked on for the sake of numbers or maybe 'IC bragging rights' since platinum is considered a more precious metal? Unfortunately, I don't see any reason to add this when there'd be no real difference appearancewise between silver and platinum.

Naming conventions for Earthly Scales:
The original scales, at least two of them, were 'earthy' sounding, with pearl being the odd man out, but still making quasi sense as a 'down to earth' sort of color (IMO). By adding jasper, agate and quartz, they kind of sound like Bejeweled scales, since the precious stones are directly mentioned. Maybe we can find a halfway with Jade, Pearl and another similarly 'formed' mineral/material?

Bejeweled changes:
So the original three are the stereotypical 'Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald'. Makes perfect sense to me. The changes you suggested removed ruby and sapphire, but added 'Opal, Alexandrite, and Red Diamond'. In addition to adding an additional scale color (do there really need to be more than three per category? I understand options, but having too many can also be a detriment). Red Diamond is a more 'glittery' substitution for ruby while alexandrite is very pretty, but also runs a wide variety of colors. Like the previous two mentions, I feel the original three would be just fine to keep without adding more 'bloat'.

Mineral changes:
As minerals, their scales, from my feelings of reading through the description, were meant to be more 'fluid', especially with mercury and lava. While lava's not necessarily a mineral in and of itself, it was/is to be something of a marker of the deep places that these drak sen and their dragon elders stem from. In addition to adding two additional scales, up to five. As far as the appearance on scale, onyx and obsidian would be so minor that having both would seem excessive. And then there's the addition of two precious stones, that might be better suited for the 'Bejeweled' drak sen and removed the lava-type.

Final notes on the various scales: I'm not opposed to the idea of adding more types if they're uniform (so four for each, or five for each) and they make sense for the scale type. Mineral could add 'slate' or 'marble', for example, while adding... goodness, every precious metal beyond copper and gold just looks like a different shade of silver. Cobalt? It's considered a transition metal and can make some bright, brilliant blue scales. But I'm pretty happy with having just three options of scale-types while expanding on the horns/lore and perhaps adding some drak sen racial spells. But I'm totally open to rebuttals! I'd love some discourse on this.
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Re: Drak Sen Reborn Project

Postby miyuka on Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:25 pm

very late notification but at this time HC will not be following through with this revision. Ty for your time.
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