Jhore description and understanding

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Jhore description and understanding

Postby L`aquera on Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:16 am

Name: Jhore
Found where: The marshes
Size: Medium. 8 1/2 feet in length to five feet at the shoulders.

Description: Obviously this creature is of the lizard family but no lizard ever got this big. Long almost flat snout and wide nostrils make this lizard one of the best 'blood hounds' around. It can sniff down its prey which usually consists of smaller things then itself and its not picky, for over 15 miles. The tail however is long, thick and muscled. Heavily so with a large ball of muscle at the end. Presumably so that it can smack its prey and stun it if the talons of this beast that are two inches in length and strong or its long canines in that snout that jut below the bottom jaw don't get you first. Though it prefers to slap hard with its tail. The faintest whiff of blood will find this creature whomping along at a steady and durable pace that could potential outlast a horse but isn't as fast though only by a few mph. Coloration of scales is unique. Iridescent to dark dirty browns that still seem to cast a dull iridescent light. It does indeed however own ears, tall, very thin and fan outwards towards the tip. No doubt the stuff of ones nightmares to see this creature coming at you seemingly tireless. Its armored with thick scales that even a crystal blade has trouble cutting through and its steady rhythmic gait makes this a valuable land creature indeed. Eyes range from dark browns to golden and dark greens. It will eat.. anything, more like a garbage picker then most realize and it doesn't mind eating something thats left dead for a one day period. Why the marshes? It needs the constant coolness though doesn't need to live in water and can go for days without drinking it.

Abilities: Its keen scent is indeed a great ability to one of say a rangers needs for tracking. The smallest scent given to the creature and he can and will track you down almost tirelessly.

Disadvantages: The creature must stay cool at all times, it prefers the wooded areas to its marsh homelands and is usually found towards the west. Of late its food supply seems to have dried up and its coming closer and closer into contact with man and humanoids alike. The first to spot these creatures were the Goblins and.. few were left to tell the tale. While the creatures hold great prowess as hunters, they aren't all that bright either. Obviously if they are eating whatever gets set in front of their snouts, they can't be all that bright.

Special: If caught and tamed while still young, these creatures could be trained to take a saddle and be ridden across the land itself. However its motions are not smooth so rider be ware you could be rubbed off on a tree or simply can't hold your seat so likely leather bindings will be needed to stay in place. The creature can be trained which makes its disposition semi-docile and yet if hungry enough, they can snap at their own riders.

These creatures however don't live long, likely because of its odd feeding habits of eating anything that gets to close to its snout. Ten years seems to be the max and they reach their full length and height by six months so hunters beware.

In Battle Only: If you use your Jhore in battle and chose to use your turn to have the Jhore 'charge' the opponent you would roll a common !clophyatk +10. When riding these creatures the rider is given a +4 to defense and a +1 to agility. However this is only while on the creature.
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Postby L`aquera on Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:35 am

The basic ruling on the Jhores life span, defense, attack will follow as:

1-4 Months old, 50 Life points
5-8 Months old, 60 Life points
9-12 Months old, 80 Life points

1-and up.. 100 life points.

The Jhore themselves have a natural scaled armor. They get a +10 to defense for that armor.

Defense of your Jhore
1-2 Months old, 1d15
3-4 Months old, 1d20
5-6 Months old, 1d50
7-8 Months old, 1d75
9-10 Months old, 1d80
11-12 Months old and up, 1d100
Plus their +10 added for that armor scale of theirs.

IF you chose to attack with your Jhore which unless you are riding him, it can only be in self defense. They Attack with either the slap of that muscled round ball at the end of their tails, which you would then roll at a:

1-2 Months old, 1d15
3-5 Months old, 1d25
6-8 Months old, 1d50
9-11 Months old, 1d75
12 and up, 1d90

It gets a natural +3 with that weapon on its tail.. considering it IS a weapon. No more no less no matter how old the creature gets. Thats to Hit. Its considered 'smashing' damage, like a large hammer.

The Bite is different but more deadly.

1-2 Months old, 1d10
3-5 Months old, 1d15
6-8 Months old, 1d30
9-11 Months old, 1d50
12 months and up, 1d65

The bite however is considered fast so while you roll, at the age of 9 Months and up, they get a +2 to hit with bite, the problem with the bite however doesn't come from those teeth, it comes from the saliva, which will create an infection that can only be cured by 'cure poison' from a Healer. The character would suffer just as they would from a poison dart. Yet semi different, they will lose 1 life every four hours the first day, if not treated. 2 life every three hours on the second day, if not treated. The arm or part that the Jhore bit will become smelly as if gangrene has set in.

They would be dead within a weeks time unless a healer sees to them and something you do need to tell them in OOC PM immediately before you have your Jhore attack with a bite and you would have to take a round out of combat to take off the Jhores muzzle since from the age of three months they should all be wearing muzzles when you take them out in public. And likely while you have them. But they only get this affect AFTER they are nine months old, real time.

OOC NOTE: Please be advised, that you and your Jhore, cannot attack in the same round. Either you attack, or the Jhore attacks, one or the other. You cannot order your Jhore to attack unless you are on your creature. It will only defend itself and attack while doing so, and it must be attacked first. If your Jhore is injured, a simple Healer can help fix him just as any other race out there. He doesn't need a special 'Vet' to do so.

Also Note that your Jhore, if killed, cannot be rezzed. They are not familiars you would simply have to get a new Jhore and start all over again.
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