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Postby L`aquera on Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:08 am


Tall and lanky, lean of build and almost skeletal like. Their wings alone must reach over the 15 foot marker and are constantly wrapped about their figures like old leathery cloaks. The only difference in that kind of appearance is the talons that jut upwards and coil black and cracked in appearance at each junction of the wings. Their faces are not maws but rather a wrinkled seeming older man. The eyes are large, heavily lined; grey to near white coloration and some display the gold markings that fleck around the iris. The lips are thin, yet when pulled back into a grimace of dark satisfaction the teeth are not sharp but crookedly set and oddly spaced. Their tongues are purplish in hue and are rather long and well rounded. Almost fat in appearance. What hair is owned is stringy despite how clean these creatures are, from deep blacks to almost grey or silver depending on age. These beasts or foul of nature are indeed very clean. Fastidious about it as a matter of fact they bathe nearly twice or more a day. Perhaps it’s ritualistic but few argue with their needs on this subject.

The height is something different all in all, one can tell by the wings and the ears that jut above their heads seem paper thin and fan out at the tips that these once were Chirot, but the height of these creatures is from seven feet to a near breath taking eight feet in total. They tend to loom forward over their victims or those they rule. A curve to their back and almost hunch like if you will. Frail in body... but not in mind.

Their breath is fetid most oft for the creatures rarely bother with meat and contend themselves with a sweet fruit that’s native and somehow grows in this dense area of trees. Shaped much like a pear and yet its coloration is almost purplish black which might explain the coloration of their tongues. Heavy leaf like lettuce is another favorite and this is where the stench of their very breath seems to come from. They have it boiled and mingled with the fruits inner meaty pulp and spread such over thin crispy type bread. This alone makes up their meals and perhaps it might also have something to do with their intelligence, their sharp eye sight and keen hearing. Something that is exuded from the plant and worms its way into their frail forms to keep them going.

The wings themselves seem just as frail as those tall bodies and yet they can support the creatures as well as one other for it’s not just the length of them but the sheer width as they grow older. The normal age for death is somewhere around 400 years, the oldest documented was 416 years of age before he was actually killed in some ‘mining’ accident. Their fingers are longer then normal, tipped with sharp grubby seeming black talons and their feet as well have abnormal sharp talon like nails that likely are used when a higher perch is to be found.
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