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The Vulpine Rite of Separation (Divorce)

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2022 2:24 am
by CallieO
The Vulpine Rite of Separation

When someone wishes to get a divorce, they may go to any Musha Villa or vulpine cleric and make the request. The cleric takes them before their altar, removes their current clothing, and replaces it with their worship robe. Both the cleric and the person requesting the divorce go barefoot. The cleric lights kinshosha incense and readies two vials of liapo water.

Most of the time, when vulpines pray, they pray with their heads held high, but on a solemn occasion such as this one, the cleric will pray looking down at the floor. They will lay out the request that's been made of them. Then the divorce-seeker will present their case to The Lady, holding nothing back.

After speaking their heartfelt words, both the cleric and the divorce-seeker will drink a vial of liapo water, and The Lady will speak to them inside their minds, giving the divorce permission to proceed.