char idea - need thoughts

Questions and suggestions relating to the playing of individual characters rather than the game world

Moderators: Ehlanna, Stormbringer

char idea - need thoughts

Postby lotaneth on Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:07 pm

i have been thinking of kinda transplanting a char of mine from antoher rp [startign him fresh here] basically takign my human gor char and bringing him to TLI...not sure how i could do this so need ideas and thoughts thanks

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Re: char idea - need thoughts

Postby ashelea jade on Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:53 am

thats easy .. just make the char.. Talon or Talynn as i play him here is a very old char of mine from a book i've been writing on and off.. i didn't have to change much to work his background and story in.. my suggestion is to just dive right into it
ashelea jade
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Re: char idea - need thoughts

Postby Keaira on Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:57 am

Two of my three characters came from other games. The nice thing about an already formed character is they have a background you've already played out. There's none of that awkward trying to let the character make itself, its already there. I think it makes for great role play.

One warning though, if your character is rather strong in the other game, remember they are going to be starting over here with hardly any strength. This can also be a fun point to bring in an event that changes their life, driving them to Nathanlion.

I think it made it a bit easier for me to transition to TLI by having a character I'd played before. I already knew her nuances, and how she'd react to certain situations. I actually don't think I changed anything about either of the character's backgrounds. I changed one character's name, but that was because someone in the game already had a similar name and I wanted to avoid too much confusion.

I agree with ashelea, defiantly go for it.
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