RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

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RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Lucien Valdres on Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:35 am

He'd found himself again, no longer as deeply wounded by a broken heart, yet that wasn't to say he didn't feel loss, hurt and loneliness still. But life had given him reasons enough to venture on the side of optimism, thus it was he strove to create stronger roots within Nanthalion. To do that he needed more coin than he could currently lay his hands on.

Having had good reason to avoid Unigo, despite his love of reading, widening his depth of knowledge. The Seductress Opal within having wrapped his head in a lustful haze while denying and degrading him, it was an experience he'd loathed, to have that control taken from him, to be brought to such a desperately aroused state without release.

Following on the heels of that encounter another who was far worse. Redheaded, confident, beautiful, akin to the women of his own lands. Yet cruel, manipulative, possessive. His attraction to her was hardly surprising at all. But when she'd used her whip, her crew as well to capture him, his physical strength and determination had stood for nothing.

Defiant, recklessly so he'd found the opening to throw himself overboard from the ship that bitch Ivy had him dragged too, barely surviving the ordeal as only the current washing him ashore had kept him from becoming another soul lost at sea.

Her smug grin and confidence that he couldn't elude her if she really chose to hunt him down, well that had been a long time ago now and he'd convinced himself she'd found another to torment, and better he was for it. It meant the docks had too long become a place he was reluctant to visit. He'd a slave and potentially others to take under his protection.

Might Makes Right, he well knew, but considered Ivy's methods to be cheating, his confidence bolstered since those events had happened had him convinced on a level playing field he could force that little bitch into a collar and make her suffer.

So it was, a message conveyed to him that a redhead had been captured and looked fitting for a collar made him overcome his gut instincts to stay away. He wanted revenge for the pain and humiliation wrought upon him.

Clad in steely resolve, his own whip wound, and threaded through his belt, he sought to discover whether that opportunity to turn the tables had presented itself. His silver hued eyes as he trod towards the address he'd written down were on any rapscallions or pathetic little curs he imagined she'd hire if this was other then it seemed to be.

Wearing simple attire, an open collared short sleeved white tunic,so his arms were free, brown leather pants, that hugged his muscular legs and firm rear, offering protection without constraining his movement. He resisted bearing more arms or heavier armour to such an encounter, refusing to show weakness, to try and compensate as if Ivy were worthy of being a threat still.

It would be different this time he vowed and he wasn't going to hold back, even if it meant beating her into submission and dunking her head into the foul, oil slickened, debris strewn waters of the harbour, the image making him grin. That would make her feel as pitiful as she deserved.
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Re: RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Tehya on Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:30 pm

"Character Ivy:

Her presence on her own ship was more menacing everyday as each crew member was punished severely for letting Amhairghen escape. Maybe it was just the fact he got under her skin because he challenged the beautiful redhead, and that would never be. Looking down at a nude shivering crew member with that wild red hair tousled down her back needing a good brushing, and green eyes sparkling, she spoke quite calmly,

"You will spread rumor near Amhairghen, once you find him of course, and you better hope for your sake he isn't in a shark's belly. The rumor will be that I have been captured in detail and placement. You may even lead him to the location in any way you find necessary. She picked up parchment to draw out a map and she motioned for Jakens to crawl over and take the map with his teeth. He must have resigned himself as she drew out a small whip and thrashed it against his nude back leaving light pink welts. She dared him to drop the map, but he did not.

His one reprieve was he would be separated from her and a relief of duties. He didn't know what her plans were, but it couldn't be good, not for Amhairghen at least. There was something about Ivy he didn't understand but after a brutal beating he would see her turn her back to him and she wrote something in a book that she kept locked away.

Someday he hoped a brave soul would expose what was in the book.

Upon his departure to plant the seed for Amhairghen, she took a bath, dressed herself in white underclothes after slashing them to make it look like she had been captured. Off she went to the small river dock cabin dragging an arm full of chains, her whip and a small dagger which she would hide beneath her. Some errant pieces of rope wrapped around her wrists for easy release and she took a much needed nap, and unbeknown to anyone she dreamed of Arhairghen, that bastard he was clever enough to escape her.

Stubborn as she was another member of her crew was directed to bring her food and drink for the time she waited, Three knocks would alert her to tell him to come in, if anyone else opened the door she would appear disheveled and tied. A wicked smile appeared on her soft pink lips as she imagined the shock on Amhairghen's face when she would break loose and face him to make him submit for his crime.

"Damn him I am losing money for everyday I am here."
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Re: RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Lucien Valdres on Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:14 am

Arriving at the allotted time and place ahead of time but this soon became well past it, so his feet became sore from pacing, his tongue parched from thirst and his temper short. Tiredness setting in as throughout he'd remained tense, on edge.

Finally a pitiful form, her beaten crewman approached, clad in rags and looking upon Amhairghen anxiously, while offering a water pouch that Amhairghen flatly refused despite having need of it. "So, explain yourself. Let me guess, you've caught her and now you and your ilk are too scared to know what to do with her, right?" Huffing, he smacked the hand again seeking to give him a drink away and scowled, kicking the man away. "I'm here for one thing and it isn't your scrawny little ass. Take me to her and if this turns out to be..a deception.." He hissed.

Anxiety creeping up on him when Jakens after a visible sigh of relief began to lead the way, heading along the waterfront and causing Amhairghen to relive choking on lungfuls of water he'd thought would lead to his demise, whenever his gaze swept towards the water. Blinkering himself, to gain a sense of calm, he began to instead feed his imagination of just what he'd do with Ivy.

A collar, was to simple, to easily removed, a brand, on her perfect ass or her pretty face he mused and thought the former would better humiliate the woman. Her crew? well he was quite sure they'd love a chance to take their frustrations out on her body, throughout these thoughts and others he tried to deny memories of how he'd responded to her, of how she'd degraded him while he'd been helpless to counter her torment.

There was no way he could walk away from this however, he had to cement his position and put to rest any lingering doubts he had about himself, any man broken hearted was vulnerable. Well that wasn't him now and he relished the upcoming opportunity to beat, use and enslave the pretty redhead.

Finally coming to a halt as Jakens himself did, before a rather nondescript structure, he finally at this point accepted and took a long mouthful from the water pouch he beckoned Jakens hand over. "You'll lock the door behind me, I want no-one disturbing me, and you'd better make sure the Imperial Guard are steered clear. I'll show you an Ivy you've never seen before.."

With that he pushed his way indoors and yet he made no show of noticing Ivy at all, instead taking his time to unwrap and place his whip on a table and closing his eyes in thought, until a smirk appeared and his reopened eyes swung towards the bed he saw Ivy apparently bound too.

"One of us is going to enjoy this very much, I'll not give you a prize for guessing who..." Stepping over towards where Ivy lay, his eyes filled with amusement, he reached out to lewdly grope at her luscious breasts through her torn attire. "Just think, after tonight anyone will be able to do as they want with this slutty body of yours, aren't you sorry now that you fucked with me? ...given up by your own men. Glare all you like sweetheart, this is funny..." Not gentle or gentlemanly in his snatching at her, he thought he had everything going his way and it was about time someone got to teach this uppity bitch a thing or two.
Lucien Valdres
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Re: RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Tehya on Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:31 pm

The longer she stayed in the small shed, with fake bound ties, and miserably hot, the more that red head temper reared. The fake tied ropes on her wrists itched and the small shed was making it even harder to breathe. It was bloody hot out, and inside the shed much worse. That made her wonder and the more she wished he would just be led in.

The longer she waited the more bitter her revenge became. The trouble was he was attractive to her, and it would be much easier if he repulsed her physically as well. There was a solution to that problem and all she had to do was think of Orlando. Those memories turned off any passionate thoughts and were like ice pricks to both her body and mind.

Having worked on the shed hinges making them rust by dousing them with salt water daily, made them loudly screech and become her alarm system in case he entered while she was asleep. The first screech of the hinges made her squirm on the floor and those lovely shaped thighs quivered in mock fear. She twisted and wrenched like she couldn't move.

It was finally him, and her hands looked to be weaponless.

"Help me jackass, someone threw me in here after stealing my supplies. You are supposed to be working, not letting them rob me."

Her tone softened and she wiggled on the floor inching her fingers around the small dagger. If he bent down she would fake a kiss of gratitude to his lips while trying to stab him. Figuring he was like the others he was better maimed so he couldn't leave 'Broken Dreams' and her.

It was going to be a busy time of the year shipping harvests, and she would rather have a captive worker, slave, and whipping post.

"Please kiss me."

She felt a sneer coming to her lips and she lowered her head so he wouldn't see it, waiting for the kiss so she could cut one of his fingers off. Nice sharp blade, do your job she thought.
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Re: RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Lucien Valdres on Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:25 pm

Of course he'd presumed she'd be on a bed, though it wasn't quite a bed that his issues with Ivy had began, it was the near unparalleled desire she awoken in him. She was everything women back home hadn't been and yet at the same time she had the same luscious red locks of hair, the flawless beauty that had quite taken his breathe away.

So it was on finding her knelt, apparently bound and baring her soft, smooth thighs that Amhairghen found his mind shifting from thoughts of violence to much more crude, base desires. As smart as he was, he was still a man and a half naked woman he'd imagined ravishing many times was almost within his grasp. Blissfully unaware that she had the means to stifle her natural reaction to him, while he'd not the same defences to draw upon, thus him having fallen silent was due to him mentally undressing the rest of her.

Locked within the small shed by his own command to those gathered outside, he could feel the cloying heat, more visibly see the shimmer it created upon Ivy's bared flesh. It disarmed him to be faced with such temptation and there was no question that while he didn't yet seek to partake of her lips, he'd be having -issues- due to his prolonged admiration.

Clearing his throat, mouth once again parched, he ground his teeth together in annoyance, he was used to having woman on their knees and pleading for things. But that wasn't Ivy or the Ivy he remembered who'd been fearless and cruel.

"I'm not one of your crew, girl. From what I saw of them, they have become just as pathetic as you are. Don't expect my pity, not with how you treated me. I've nothing good planned for you. But..hmm a kiss. Perhaps I just might, so you know I am capable of kindness, when it is earned.."

Taken in by her dishrevelled state, the slump of her head and shoulders, he stepped close enough to shove his fingers into her hair to yank her head back, only quick reflexes saved him from indeed losing a finger, when all turned out to not be as it seemed. Not even close to compressing his lips to hers, when she struck out. Blade slashing over his palm as he sought to drag that hand back from her, already seeping blood copiously through fingers that clenched to protect it.

Hissing in pain, he furiously kicked at her knee, managing to make his leg a follow up target, and he saw too late that he'd left himself open and vulnerable to receiving a more debilitating wound, the fog of arousal and that smug attitude of his quickly vanquished. Especially as she'd left him with one hand to counter her with, his less dominant left hand.
Lucien Valdres
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Re: RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Tehya on Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:23 pm

Thankfully he arrives; there was little time left to remained posed in the shed as if she had been assaulted. She only hoped he would fall into her trap and what a catch if it worked. There was one other man that she found enticing and he had given her the enchanted necklace to breathe underwater. He proved as despicable as Orlando, Mallick also disappeared. That sealed her final decision she would not share with anyone else why she behaves as she does.

He was reacting to her body, it was so clear to her. His longing was so apparent and she had a lucid moment to laugh out loud.

A kiss?

Was he serious?

She had to answer him. "Come closer I have been longing for this kiss you mention and it has been on my mind for months."

True enough, as he came closer her lips parted for the kiss and yet the sadistic side of her wanted to feel his bellow of pain when she attempted to sever his finger. The cold steel in her hand held that blade firmly and as he pressed his lips to hers she didn't suspect her vision to be blocked from seeing his fingers.

Instead slash of blade cut into his palm, and at the awkward angle of her hand the dagger made her fingers loosen from it and it fell to the shed's floor.

His hiss of pain and the metallic scent of blood made her smile and she jumped to her feet. Standing there with the fake ties falling to the ground her green eyes took in his appearance. Damn he was still appealing, and for moments she thought what to do.

"Undress! Take your clothes off slowly, and stop your hand from bleeding all over the floor." She didn't want the other ship owners that used this shed pinning any crimes to her name.

"When you are done meet me on ship, you have work to do. After you please me that is."

He was stronger than their past encounter, she could tell. He didn't stand their whining about his hand and that turned on a trouble light on in her mind. If he was strong in mind it was going to be a hard keeping him under her command, and she did have commands in mind.

Opening the shed door which gave its rusty shriek, she made sure he got an ample view of her body wearing nothing else but the wickedly sparse leather chemise.

Back she went to 'Broken Dreams' and as she stepped on deck her crew fled back to their duties.
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Re: RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Lucien Valdres on Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:05 am

As oblivious to Ivy's past as she was his, Amhairghen had changed over the years. Bitter hatred and anger towards those he couldn't touch had driven him to cruelly break and abuse numerous women, until Galendria. He'd treated her no different at first and it was falling for the High Elven he'd freed from her collar, who'd been akin to an ice queen emotionally that had left him exposed, hurt and vulnerable to predation when love for the most part was one sided.

If only he'd not met Ivy at that point, his recovery to being wholly the man he wanted to be would have been complete. Not getting to lay with someone he desired was not something Amhairghen had prior to meeting her and of course Opal who'd tormented a different way was accustomed to experiencing.

He'd barely laid eyes upon Ivy on his entry into the shed and that unsated longing for her had robbed him of as much caution as he should have shown. Her answer and beckoning for him to grace her supple lips with a kiss was in line with what he wanted and expected from women, thus he couldn't escape his true nature, a man who'd lived much of his life in recent years for hedonistic pursuits.

Paying for that foolish yearning for Ivy, blind luck meaning he wasn't robbed of a finger and he was well aware of that fact and that she'd undoubtably leave him scarred, for there was no call for a healer to ease the wound she'd inflicted.

Shocked to discover she'd been free all along, falling for her deception that by her own admission she'd been plotting to carry out for month's if the -kiss- was anything to go by. A man more prone to violence, like he'd used to be would have immediately tackled Ivy down, raped, beaten and robbed her of life. Amhairghen though hadn't the will to take another's life, to become a killer even to save himself.

More importantly there were those that loved him because of how and who he was to them and it was that which trapped him as much as anything. Quite apart from feeling weak if he simply obeyed Ivy's commands, yet if he left which she'd left him an opening to do he'd feel cowardly and he could still be hunted down by her and her crew. Least, he had the option to not have those prescious to him involved or aware that in plotting vengeance he'd walked into a trap he couldn't see a way out of.

Humiliated and angered at being addressed as one might a slave by her, still she had to taunt with words and an enticing view of her flesh that worsened the intolerable ache thudding through his loins. "You fucking bitch..I'm not property..." He hissed through his teeth as she left him alone to do what she'd bid of him and with a whole crew of men able to rise up in defence of Ivy on one hand which meant arriving at her ship anything other then naked and weaponless or putting at risk those he loved if he choose differently.

It left only one opening, one that had him carefully unbuckling his belt and tugging his pants down, shoving them down to his ankles, the dagger retrieved to be used to cut through the laces to his boots so he could more easily tug his feet from them, backing up against the table's edge upon which his whip lay. He deeply feared what would happen now, since he'd learned another harsh lesson which he couldn't repeat in almost dieing when trying to escape 'Broken Dreams' last time.

It didn't mean Amhairghen had let go of that resolve to make Ivy pay, he just didn't know how too and he lacked the sadism to inflict pain she possessed, that smile of hers when he'd let free that pained hiss, he shuddered even now, she was going to make him suffer and he didn't feel able to do a damn thing about it. Soon enough bereft of any clothing, his tunic hauled off and tossed to the floor, not before he'd cut strips from it to wrap and bind across his palm and tied to the back of his hand.

He stood, naked,aroused, sweating from the heat that made his muscular frame shimmer, though having no shame or self doubt in his form. He'd be the only man on board worth the attention of the only woman as far as he knew, arrogantly and likely hopefully wishing his duties she'd spoken of extended only to fucking the Captain of her ship senseless, but it was not a hope he had any faith in being so, not when the only pleasure he'd witnessed from her was in hurting him.

Thus it was he made his way to and onboard the 'Broken Dreams' already wishing he'd been smart enough to not under estimate Ivy's own need to punish him for his crimes towards her.
Lucien Valdres
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Re: RP for Ivy. (Amhairghen)

Postby Tehya on Sat Sep 08, 2018 8:05 pm

Becoming very quiet instead of celebrating she locked herself in her cabin. With a shaky hand she wrote in her book...Layne =Amhairghen September 8th equals one time. That was all she wrote and Ivy had great expectations to fill the page. Her hand ran over the thick ornate leather cover before she stuck it under a floorboard which looked like part of the floor. With a sigh of relief and the steaming hot tub that her crew member prepared made her undress slowly imagining him watching her, or maybe he was since she directed the crew to bring him to the cabin next to hers. Seeing the narrow tub prepared for her with lavender scented bubbles she sighed, it had been a long day. Ivy stepped in and slid down inside the scented bubbles.

Taking a deep breath she began to relax and those green eyes sparkled with excitement. The cabin next to hers had a port window on the inside wall, as well as an outside one, but the small window had the glass removed letting her see and hear the person inside if she wanted. Ivy had directed the crew to lead Amhairghen to the room when coming on ship. There would be a new set of clothes for him, and a soft robe. A pitcher of iced water and some unleavened bread coated with a salty butter on the tray.

Now was her time to remember his lips and hands on her body, and it was a delicious memory. It made her gasp with passion and her hand slid between her legs. The sound of the door opening in the cabin next to her made it more real and she let out a loud moan as her fingers orchestrated a memorable orgasm that he would hear or witness if he looked through the window. Jakens should have locked him inside pretending to protect him from her. If Jakens didn't obey there would be hell to pay.

"Oh yes there... mmmm just like last time... Your scent is still in my mind. Soon, yes soon. Take me, thrust deep inside me....hard ...mmmmm yes, now my Amhairghen, you are mine, mine. Yesssssss!"

Her one leg bent up and over the side of the tub while her fingers orchestrated small climaxes to follow. Once satiated she let out a long sigh of relief and began humming an old ballad that Orlando used to sing while sailing his bitch slave around, and making Ivy watch their every move. Even his sick love for that lowly slave, was something she never could understand. Squinting her eyes shut, and remembering how he had made her watch each and every time he fucked that bitch made her temper flare up.

Her body was satisfied for the time being and she glanced at the window to see if he had watched her satisfy herself. Having many plans for him she stood there toweling off her body. Wet red strands of hair clung to her back and when she turned facing the window an errant bubble clung to her waist and nipple which she toweled off slowly.

The bath felt so good after being locked in that small supply shed. Even so, after so many hours it made her ache with tiredness. Pulling back her duvet which did not look like her style, since it was white with small daisies on it... she snuggled in. Hugging it to her she curled up on her side and fell asleep immediately.
Sleep took her back to that safe place where she once functioned with a kind heart, where she lived happily dreaming of her life to be.

Be careful of your dreams, many times they become 'Broken Dreams' just like the name of her ship
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