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Challenge of Honor

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:56 pm
by Viktor Corsarris
It seemed a new wind was blowing around the Arena as the necromancer had stepped slowly back into the place. The first thing he did was have runners post upon all the boards around town a simple Statement.

From now on the Arena will be issuing Challenges of Honor. Those who feel they have been slighted, maybe their property was taken or used. Maybe insult given. Was your slave raped and you seek retribution? Now under the watchful eye of the arena crowds you make seek honorable means to gain vengeance or satisfaction.

Starting today a Challenge of Honor can be placed from one Free Citizen to another to be fought in the Arena. Test your skills against those who have wronged you and be judged by the eyes of the people and the Gods and Goddess's above. The Challenge will be placed up by Arena staff on the boards around the Empire so that all eyes can see you wish to settle the issue once and for all.

ooc: Challenges can be made by any free person to another free person for satisfaction of slights within game rules. In the case of the rape or abuse of a slave or concubine the "rapist" must have been warned of potential consequences as per game rules. A fae mail, or message board PM must be sent to the person being challenged with link to challenge.. There will be no consequences for not accepting a challenge save that your character might be labeled a coward.