Illusion Rooms

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Illusion Rooms

Postby miyuka on Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:48 am

Training Purposes

The highly sophisticated magics within Unigo are capable of projecting realistic illusions within special rooms that were specifically designed for magical experiments and training. These rooms will continue to serve that purpose, but I feel as if they could use a bit more advertising and an explanation. So without further babbling.

The illusion rooms can only be run and operated by those who are attuned with the tower (in other words, those employed to the tower). Unigo, being the magical masterpiece that it is will know whom is who and despite how powerful a mage is, only those with such attunement can even begin to think about mastering the tower's magics.

The illusion rooms may be restricted as far as controller and operator but anyone can participate within the illusion so long as an operator is present to do so. The illusion rooms will not be used to live out some strange fantasy that you may have or desire. They will be used for combat and research scenarios only. Anything beyond this basic usage will have to be okay-ed by those in charge of the tower, that being either the Headmaster or Assistant Headmaster. The inside of each illusion room is warded by the tower's powerful magics so that the spells strewn about won't bring harm to the inside of the room, nor will they be able to break outside of the walls. The magic is able to absorb the spells that hit the ground, wall, and even the ceiling, which distributes the magic back into the tower itself.

So how does this all work? Well for starters, the Operator will have to be familiar with the combat system and more specifically, the !combatdice system. Why? because the operator is going to be in control of the illusion that the victi-err I mean the challenger will be facing. So lets break the system down into parts.

Challenge selection: What exactly you'll be fighting. It can be another person, or a monster, even something as legendary as a dragon, though you may want to have more challengers for such a feat. The challenge should be fitting for the person that will be fighting. In this phase, the operator will choose the stats of the challenge, that being Str, Int, Res, Sta, and HP. IT is to the discretion of the operator if they wish to OOCly reveal the HP of the current challenge. There can also be more than one challenge at a time (for instance 3 goblins attack!) and if so, the Operator needs to keep track of these totals. The Operator can choose to go stamina-less which means that both the challenge and the challenger will never have to worry about stamina costs.

Variable selection: So, you have what you are going to fight, now you need to decide where it is you are going to fight. Again what the surroundings look like is up to the imagination of the Operator. It can be inside a castle, inside a cave, a flight based fight in the sky, the deck of a ship, etc. Now where the variables come in, if one is chosen, is in the sense of either a debilitating effect, or a bonus to the individual challenger. There are numerous variables that could be listed so I will only list a few to give examples:

Debilitating Variables: Extreme heat: +2 to all stamina cost
Slippery conditions: 10% chance to slip and cause loss of turn
Poisoned room: loss of Hp each turn

Helpful Variables: Full moon: Bonus damage to all water spells
Underwater: + to all rolls for sea based beings.
Blessed: gain of HP each turn

Variables are not necessary during a session, but is an option that can add to the challenge. Variables can be as ridiculous or as tame or as non-existent as the operator likes. Under no circumstance should the Illusion room training be used to deliberately kill someone. The variables must be stated and agreed upon (OOCly) before the challenge may begin.

Combat Rules: as previously stated the !combatdice system will be in play for the operator (lazy challengers can still use !clophyatk system if they don't care for or don't have any extra stats). All normal combat rules apply with one exception.

Limiter: The Tower is equipped with a limiter that prevents those within from dying. Anyone dropped to 0 life is removed from the room and healed back to full HP and stamina. Up until that point, the injuries are very much real. For those wishing a true challenge, the limiter can be released (OOC consent must be given by all challengers and operator) and this will cause those involved with the fight to experience true death once 0 HP is reached.

The Operator can, if need be, participate in the challenge as well, but it must be stated that the limiter should never be taken off in such a scenario as serious damage can come from this should things go south for those within. Free Form and quest dice can also be used for this system but only if both Operator and all challengers agree to do so, otherwise, regular/combat dice rules must be enforced.

Who can be an Operator:
The head master, assistant head master, and head librarians of the towers have access to be full on operators. Anyone else will have to be given permission by the Head of the towers in order to be an operator of the tower and have full control of the illusion rooms. They will have to prove themselves that they are capable enough to handle this responsibility (ICly and OOCly knowing the systems involved). Anyone found abusing these positions and using them incorrectly will have their access removed. One must be at least level 10.

Research purposes:

This is obviously opened to researchers only. Once attuned to the tower, those who have full time research positions (assistants cannot use this feature) are able to use the illusion rooms to help in their creation of various spells, potions and enchantments. They are given limited access to the tower's powerful magics. What this means is that it is possible to work on spells that would normally be considered out of sphere thanks to the tower's magics. Outside of the tower and outside of the illusion room, the researcher obviously losses this ability. This also means that the researcher can use the illusion room to test his or her research either on one of the illusions or within controlled environments.

Please post any questions or comments here and if anything needs changing I'll add it to this initial write up so it'll always be relevant.
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