RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Cangelosi on Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:09 pm

I had the privilege of playing with these characters many times, especially when I first started playing here in 2001. I think Morgan's early run-ins with Zan Roderick and Amber sort of shaped him into the slightly hedonistic bassid I play him as now, and I'd say it'll be hard to find another player just like him.

In Pace Resiquas, Amici
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Shogeton on Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:36 pm

Man, this is rough. He was one of those people you expect to always be around. When Shogeton was still new around here, I remember he stood with Marot when Mayalaya came in with the zombie Chirot claiming it to be Sheara. Shogeton pursued Mayalaya , but got blasted out of the sky by an ngry pyromancer and Marot caught him before he fell to his death. For the longest while, Shogeton had soemthing of a hero worship for Marot. Then later on, Marot was a bit more willing to get down and dirty than Shogeton, who preferred the direct approach in all things. And Shogeton had more confidence, so he saw him as equals. Shogeton and Marot were like a small Shearan police duo. Not always competent, but ever eager to get their man.

I'm gonna miss him.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby miyuka on Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:53 pm

And here I was bitching about him not showing up to play with Lemina. I had no idea such a terrible thing had transpired. I'll miss him and thank you for reporting this to us.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Keegan on Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:39 pm

Marot was always fun to rp with. you never know what he was going to do which made it a lot of fun. Made quest that he was in more intresting. he well be missed
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Isla on Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:48 pm

Well what can I say, I remember meeting Marot, the first time I had actually watched him play was during an ISA quest in which my char kory, formally elu, had managed to escape a band of slavers. She had ran into the group from the ISA and soon the normal craziness had ensued. All I can remember from that moment was was watching Marot getting into this.. I think it was a monster sized turtle, almost getting eaten and all I could think was wtf is wrong with that crazy bastard. We talked off and on from then and soon enough we found each other at odds in the Temple of Fire with him on Karram. He gave Isla fits even on that char, always arguing over silly things really, only to after she'd walked away to irritated and frustrated to speak anymore then he'd do something nice like bring her something to eat and things would go back to them talking again...

I hadn't even known he was sick until well into a discussion one day when I had poked him for a response and got back "Damn it woman, I'm clicking as fast as I can." We had a long discussion that night about it. It never occurred to me that I'd be actually sitting here thinking on these things and fighting back tears. I'm going to miss that crazy s.o.b.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Kaytoo on Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:17 pm

It took all of 5 minutes before I asked to PM the new player "Amber-Dusk" just a few short weeks after TLI opened to have a long talk with a clearly TLI etiquette ignorant and immature newbie, and it was simply one of THOUSANDS for both good and bad over the years......Along with some of the names you know there was also a "Richard Noggin" (one of Dani^Quik's old acquaintances), and a few others I simply can't recall it having been so long ago.

Though eventually he took play here a bit more seriously then Amber the catgirl running about screaching "fuck me then beat be", he always never took it all too seriously though TLI meant very much to him down deep. It was a true escape from the cruel confinements of his body, his mind clearly always sharp, and above all his sense of humor was most akin to my own then any other I've met on the web.

Besides the countless PM's just as many light as serious, aspects of play between Marc's characters and my own I remember most was;
* Amber was beaten more times by Kaytoo then I can count from pestering me IC to rape her (which I never did hehe)
* A character of his whos name I can't recall had a bad habit of always getting into combat with Kaytoo (usually 1 hit he was out). However, Kaytoo having been shaman (much different then now), one day used the ability to bring him back from the dead as a slave or more true to form a Zombie...So the day was spent with Kaytoo killing him, zombifi'ing him, sending his character to pester others who would kill him, then bringing him back to life to do it all again......He must of died 20x that day and the zombie act was priceless.
* Another character during the purges by Korgewrath spent some time in Korgewraths dungeons (at Marc's bequest). When I last spoke with him he was still laughing about being "water boarded" before the Gitmo made it fashionable.
* We had a long running joke about Marc being anally probed so much a Buick was lost up there, then the spelunking crew searching for it.
* It was also I who campaigned for Marc to finally become an OP this truly his world. If you don't think that gave me as much grief as it did joy you don't understand Marot :lol: However, wherein we all have vast options his recognition here you could see made a genuine point of personal growth happen feeling the responsibility.........In an odd way having watched his maturing here, and much of it via our discussions of things he would never be able to experience I always found it amazing how he grew and matured when he had the option not to. To what degree I felt a part of it, him letting me contribute between he and I........Though I truly saw in his time here OOC a boy become a man.

Countless bits of play and OOC that I'll always remember and ten fold that I've forgotten that will strike me when reminded by others words or actions.......and if you haven't noticed in the past I never comment in goodbyes, passings of those I knew of, and so on.......However I could truly mark my time here since 2001 with experiences and conversations with Marc more then most others and he truly touched me.

My most deep sincere prayers will be said for him to finally find the freedom that never left his mind or soul....and his brother and "Mr. Peanut" who he leaves behind.....My life better for having met him even if just online.

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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Eucep on Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:02 pm

I am at a loss for words, my mind reels at this news. I wasn't even aware of him even having any medical problems despite knowing him from the start.

I've always enjoyed him as an interesting and fun person who could like me be rather bull-headed. My character Eucep had built an interesting love/hate relationship with Marot as he pretty much was the opposite side for Eucep.

It's strange, he's a person I never met, but like with Aijen, Vasava and Naiya, I will never forget him.

With tears in my heart,

Marc Tuijtelaers
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Tawny on Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:13 pm

What can I say about Marot/ Marc...alot really. He was one of the frist ones I ever rped with in this game sooo many years ago. When I would get down...thinking I had had enough of this game back then, he would pm me and talk to me. Before I knew I had been talked into staying and giving the game just abit more time. Wow how long ago that was. We had our run ins and our disagreements but I guess if you knew Marc you pretty much were in for that kind of a ride. A wonderful ride I will miss dearly. I remember the last time he had been missing for a while and came back... I pmed him telling him I had been worried about him to which he replied..."wow I didnt know you cared so much". Now I hope he really did know how much I cared.
He was without a doubt the sweetest, kindest, most exasperating person I think I have every known. I will miss him dearly. The next time I hear thunder, I will smile knowing the Man up stairs is getting to know Marc very well.
I would say R.I.P but I dont think that would make him very happy. Instead I will say what he always told me sooo many years ago....Give them hell...they will respect you for it. See ya later my friend.

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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Shannah on Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:27 pm

...This struck me hard at first.

I have fond memories of several of your chars, Amber dusk, for one. My char Amelinda did have some very good rps and some very fun ones too.

Marc, You will be missed,
Sometimes you were quite annoying, or even a pain in the ass, both Ic and ooc, but you were also very much part of this place.
You could allways make one smile.
and you will be missed.
we, who are left to these two worlds, both this one and the real one, will be poorer without you.

I'll shed no tears though, because i think you would rather have us keep making this place, to that special place you, amongst others, were so much a part of making it to become.
We'll Rp on, and we'll party like it's 1999...

But, God, I am going to miss you.

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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Christine-Daae on Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:47 pm

He will be missed, he was a good rper and I enjoyed the roleplays that we had, Marot and CD had very interesting interactions, but they were fun, it's sad to hear of him passing and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and close friends.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Augustus on Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:20 am

A partner in crime, sometimes a punching bag. most of the time, a friend. All i can say is that ill miss you fartham... its saddening to think some of us never got the chance to say goodbye.


Goodbye Friend, until we see each other in that big tli in the sky.

Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Greywind on Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:19 am

That he died shocked and stunned me....

I knew that Marot was sick, that there was the very possible chance of him dying, but, somehow, I never believed it would actually happen. I still can't really grasp the concept of him not being around anymore.

Like others said, Marot could be the most obnoxious, most nervekilling person ever, and there were times when I clashed with him. Once especially hard a few years ago, and then recently during a quest line where he insisted on trying to kill the NPC that accompanied the team. In fact, I got so upset with his actions there, I went on hiatus with quests for a while, because I simply was too pissed off. Still, despite that all, Marot the person was someone I will find myself missing a lot... in the end he was often irrational, annoying, but more importantly a good, friendly guy at heart. TLI has lost more than a player. TLI has lost someone who helped shape its face, and his passing will leave a wound that will never really heal.

We're poorer for him being gone from our lives, and I will miss him a lot.

I will miss him calling my name when I enter OOC, and sporking him in turn...

So, last time I will ever use this.

* Greywind gets out the all mighty spork of doom and screams "from Hades heart I stabith thee!" and plunges it deep in to Marot's forehead.

*retires the Marot macro forever*

Thanks for enriching our lives, Marc.
I hope the guys up there in heaven know how blessed they are to have you around (and will know how to use aspirin when you drive em crazy).
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Stormbringer on Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:49 pm

As people have had time to reflect, I'll be creating a memorial page where any who wish can have something added. It can be words, picture, a poem, what you wish. Just send it to me as an email attachment and make sure to let me know your character name.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Sakkara on Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:35 pm

I knew Marot as Amber Dusk first way back in 2001, then as Zan, and many a fun Rp was had Sarai kidnapping his pet rabbit is the most memorable, and she still wears the clothing Amber gave her way back then.

Many an arguement was had with him and its a regret we never re established the releationship we had back when we started.

Rest well you crazy nut!
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Alta_Nova on Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:32 am

As I reflect on the long years being here, you get to see some of those special people that can make their character feel alive in the "Minds Eye". Marc always made Marot so believable and I have enjoyed the conversations both in IC and in private. So many emotions are going through me as I type this out, but instead of the one's of sorrow and sadness, I shall express that I am thankful to have known him and be part of his storyline here.

To Marot, as long as there is Belariath, there will always be a chirot known as "The BatMan", and he will be remembered by those who will keep him close in their minds.

And in their hearts.

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