Introducing Kisinia!

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Introducing Kisinia!

Postby Kisinie on Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:09 pm

Good evening, or good day. May I please introduce myself, a new traveler to the realm :)

As per what appears to be a tradition, here is my short bio :)

The life of a common peasant does not leave much in the way of learning the arts, and only a few seem to move away from the fields and cattle to truly explore their potential, and even when they do, they risk condemning themselves to an even greater state of poverty. Such is the case of this youthful human, carrying a simple lute and wearing the common hemp of a peasant's outfit. But, a smile still plays on her lips, as she stays determined to turn hardship into coin.

Her dreams of something more then fieldwork began when the tiny fingers of a barely aware child of five summers strummed her first note upon the lute of a deceased aunt, the angelic tune exciting her young mind. Her parents then considered it a passing fancy, but music and wit soon became more of an obsession, much to the detriment of the more practical community around her.

Eventually, the condemnations of being frivolous became too much, and threats to destroy her time worn, but beloved instruments, drove her off to seek out pleasanter folk, and a more appreciative audience. Still learning what powers music can hold, and becoming a student of the road, she found herself in the grand town of Beliarath, and this rather Lonely Inn, making a new chapter for her growing tale.
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Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:53 pm

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