The Need for a Knight?

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The Need for a Knight?

Postby Syndaddy on Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:15 am

Bear with me as I prepare my body and throw myself into the fray! Still new here, and trying to sort everything out, and come up with a solid character concept. I enjoy a bit of backstory, a solid workup, and depth. That being said, I am looking at creating a Knight. Race...still to be determined. I have some ideas, but it's debatable. My biggest question is...does anyone have need or want of a Knight? It'd help ease the transition a bit and give me an IC support as I get comfortable and learn the ins and outs around here. I'm perfectly fine with the Merc for Hire bit, but if there's anyone in control of the Noble Houses who would be interested, or anyone else in general who could use or would want the IC connection or tie, feel free to reply here, PM me, or whatever. I'm open to discussion and ideas. Also accepting further input.

Thanks! And Hope to See You Soon
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Re: The Need for a Knight?

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:02 am

First and foremost, welcome :)

With regards wanting a knight they are always needed I think. Certainly any House would take one - and there are plenty of those and are usually recruiting. You could also look to have your chap a squire to a more powerful character as well if you didn't fancy a House. Again, quite a few people are up for that for sure (has had several herself)

More generally, I find that my characters start growing once they have been IC a bit, and certainly neither of my two main gals have ended up now as anything like I imagined when they were created, so I suppose I would advise that having a back story is good for sure, but don't try to lock them down too much perhaps?

Anyway! Have fun and look forward to seeing you IC.
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Re: The Need for a Knight?

Postby Tehya on Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:38 pm

Welcome to the game. I suppose the Imperial Guard would be the place to play your knight. Wouldn't mind playing with you myself as I can see Tehya collaborating into a story-line with a knight.
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