The Exploration Quest

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Re: The Exploration Quest

Postby L`aquera on Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:48 am

Ame, Abby and Airy took time to study the Tree found within the temple, Airy, the cute little fae among them was tasked to write down all she could. There were 'scrolls' carved into the tree of many of the memories and thoughts of those that had passed and given over their souls to Gaea, shes managed to translate just a few and these are just a few she has managed;


Priest of Gaea, 10th year of our Ladies First celebration;

I have been a priest of Gaea for 10 years, since the beginning. I saw the first elves appear for trade only 8 months after the city was first formed. Priest to Dandrel Lord of Dethsiris, our great City. It will be great one day.

The shinning stores of gems we came across were a wonder until the mephos Malidra found took all our spare time. The creatures seem quite taken with them, often found crooning to their glory. She claims they told her that is what they are. Its possible for out of all us, Malidra was once a druid. Though we are often laughing at her.

We've set up a trade route and our first great Temple is being built. It shall reach high into the clouds and be remembered for the Ages in her Name.

My son is born! The King has promised he'll make him an heir if he has no son of his own.

I've grown sick, I can feel it invading my bones, wasting my life away before my eyes. The Healers claim its a sickness they cannot heal for it is one that eats away at the body and spreads. I've come to our newly created Temple to write of my last wishes and hope the Ritual we put in place for the Lawdris tree holds true as our Lady spoke to us.


Priest of Gaea

With our Ritual complete, the Tree has finally begun accepting our souls and our memories and is capable of using both in times of need to ease our own passing. We must give to the Tree that which was once us, our lives, our memories and our soul upon completion of our lives.

I'm very old now, I came here when the City was first being created and was hooked to worshipping soon after. I've served my time but because of the fall I took I realize my life will soon wane. I've lived long and happy and won't regret giving my soul to the Tree to keep.

I have had two beautiful daughters and lost my wife to a previous famine. I loved her dearly. They've moved on to marry very well here and I have few regrets, I will pass along the ritual of how we wove the Tree into our reality.

It was six of us, for four days and three nights we hungered, we thirst, we went without sleep, our prayers to the Mother, our Goddess, were in tune with all. We gave her small birds and several newly hatched mephos to have raised here at the Temple in sacrifice to our own souls. ~De tou lar besh. De tou lar floues. De tou lar mahtre`. ~ is our chant we repeat. Our life is the Tree. Our life is forever. Our life is Mothers. When the days are over, we each squeeze our blood into a cup and pour it into the waters to carry to the roots of the tree. Our mother then comes to us, Scoops us from our Mortal coil of life and takes us into her arms. We are bonded there after to her Tree.
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Re: The Exploration Quest

Postby L`aquera on Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:44 pm

Hurray! The Quest is over, I still feel like crap and again I apologize I wasn't at my best, however! There are a LOT of loose ends to wrangle up so let me get into that!

Next Week, Friday, 7PM Central time, there will be a special Mephos hatching for those that were in the quest. You know whom you are :D

Some of you haven't been paid yet! Catch me on today and we'll fix that quickly.

Some of you have maps and Tomes that do not pertain to the Empire and I need to know whom has what so we can get that knowledge out.

You have two Amahil prisoners, anytime someone wants to 'interrogate' them with a group? Let me know!

Last but not really least, I appreciate EVERYONE that took part in this long ass World changing event. I had a fun time reading, I mean, I really had a fun time of it watching all of your reactions. I'm starting a new Vanguard, already have a few folks that will be doing some exploration of their own. And includes,....... Ummm... otherstuff! I put Robert Blackwood in charge of it so give him a contact if you wish to be a part of something new for the Empress to be. I have realized I seriously enjoy the content of creating small quests and I'd like to get back into it and I thought this would be a great time to do with those that are a part of that Guard. You'll be paid like mercenaries really, per the job done. Its a nice bit of side cash for those that enjoy small quests, exploration, discovering new things and creatures. And maybe perhaps others might want to hire you as well. one never knows, Nobles certainly have jobs they don't mind having others do for them *wink wink*

Happy New Year, thanks for making the last months of it enjoyable for me :)
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Re: The Exploration Quest

Postby Kiki on Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:05 am

Thank you for the special Mephos hatchling event too! Lianna found it the second most fun thing. I'm sure you can guess what's the first. *smirks*
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