Posted all around town

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Posted all around town

Postby Akaton on Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:57 pm

Posted everywhere

Wanted Alive
There was recently a trespasser upon the House of Fire. The name is not known but she looks like (insert description of Helliss) Anyone who brings this person alive and subdued to the House of Fire will be given a 1000mhl reward for their trouble. She is to be brought to me, Zully, directly. If I am unavailable she will be handed over to Elyssa Flamewing or Malevica. And to all who read this, I care not about the condition she is in upon arrival so long as she is still alive.

Zully, Seneschal of the House of Fire
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