Masquerade Party!

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Masquerade Party!

Postby Sha`Ruse on Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:31 am

Sept 28th
2pm EST

Masquerade Party will take place at Traael's Keep, and it is an open recruitment for Thallis Castle and Port. If you have any skills, then Thallis will hire you!

There will be prizes for best mask and sexiest outfit. There will be games, food from the CVC catering service, and desserts from the Tempting Confections! (Prizes from the MMR, NB, GS, Tempting Confections, REB, and Body Arts.)
Describe your costume below if you want to participate with the sexiest costume and best Mask. There will be First place and Runners up.

Everyone is invited to come! The more the merrier! Plan on keeping the party going into late at night.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any.

Thank you and Have Fun!

Description of the Keep:

he masquerade ball is held at Traael's Keep. Inside the Keep, the rooms would be dressed up in brilliant reds and purples, the walls covered in rich blue draperies with the exception of the large clear windows filling the room with the afternoon light. Tall oil lamps stand ready to be lit when the dark falls, and chandeliers, ready for the lamplighters to wander about lighting them. The rooms where the ball takes place are obviously tended to, chairs set up in secluded corners for guests to take a break or relax from the throngs of party-goers. The courtyard was decorated well, the banners of Thallis proudly displayed to greet the guests. A side door from the ball room would lead to a more secluded part of the courtyard where guests would be treated to a smaller version of the ball, lights set up to banish the dark, a modest clear space to dance, and perhaps a small table of refreshments. The main ballroom, however, would exceed the decorations outside by a large margin. A long table set off to the side would hold a wealth of food and drink for the guests to help themselves, small tables set up against the walls would allow for those not dancing to relax and enjoy themselves. A small raised platform has been set up opposite the buffet table to hold the varied musicians that would play throughout the remainder of the day and well into night.
Mun of: Traael, Cameo, Lelay, Varis, Syn, Lyon
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Re: Masquerade Party!

Postby Sha`Ruse on Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:10 pm

Traael's Outfit:

Traael wears a dress made to both catch the eye, but still leave enough to the imagination. A short, red and black Yukata, with large wide sleeves starting a the elbow and ending at the wrist. The skirt ends mid thigh and contains a slit at the side. It shows a generous amount of clevage but not in any threat of popping out. Stockings make up the majority of her exposed legs, ending in high heeled shoes.


Mun of: Traael, Cameo, Lelay, Varis, Syn, Lyon
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Re: Masquerade Party!

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:28 pm

The Mercenary Abby will be participating!

(OOC: Thank you, Airy and Ammy, for helping out!)

Black strips of cloth cover the intimate areas while jewellery and sheer white satin flows around the wearer, highlighting the body in a mysterious flair with mithril gauntlets and decorative anklets to provide a striking look of strength and beauty


A blackened metal mask decorated in a Dethsiris-inspired design in silver, giving an air of foreign mystery

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Re: Masquerade Party!

Postby Hashmulan on Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:47 pm

Airy is in! Airy is in!

(OOC: Thank you, Abby and Amethine, for helping a fae out!)

Outfit: A small dress designed to look like two leaves sewn together that hugs the curves and form of the wearer. A chocker, armband, legband and anklet designed like vines complete the minimalistic outfit to resemble the fantasy tale Sexlebell.
Mask: A mask intricately detailed to be as complex as a butterfly's wing, made of gold coloured green and inlaid with silvery gems to fit an outfit with a green theme
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Re: Masquerade Party!

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:32 pm

Aurora will be there as well.. by orders of Risarah.. dressed in
Costumes (#52052) (Detail: Bunny costume with fuzzy ears black stockings and bowtie - and having been told to do her best to convince people to join Thallis ;)
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Re: Masquerade Party!

Postby Amethine on Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:48 pm

Amethine the Alchemikitty Healer is being dragged along too!

(OOC: Thanks Abby and Airy for helping a kitty!)

A long, white dress made of fine satin cut to accentuate feminine curves, with sheer black silk gloves and straps to accent the dress. The dress itself is outlined with gold and royal blue jewellery, with gold and blue ribbons to curl along the wearer's tail.


A mask made of gold fabric, decorated accented with bright blue and dark eyes to invoke a mysterious sense of foreign beauty, decorated with simple gemstones and a miniature cobra, all made of stiff silk.

Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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Re: Masquerade Party!

Postby Mojothegnome on Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:52 pm

Nell walked in simply radiating like she was a beam from the sun, or the wife to the god Helios. Her porcelain white skin was adorn with a suit of golden flakes. They covered every vital spot, but hugged all her curves and left little to the imagination, kissing down from her shoulders to her toes. Her platinum white hair was pulled back into a slick bun, adorn with a crown of golden feathers. Her mask was white, adorned with gold and feathers around the top.
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Re: Masquerade Party!

Postby Naomh on Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:57 pm

Celil, as she called herself, was a slim thing standing at 5'6", mostly catgirl in appearance the only sign of a mixed heritage was the fact she had four sleek tails swaying behind her. Sandy blonde hair, fur and matching large eyes, her outfit consisted of a Miyuka special, a white dress with detatched sleeves, trimmed in blue and red with red bows on the large sleeves and a lavender short skirt. Under the skirt may be seen silken panties of white with lavender trim and finally upon her feet were simple but nice sandals.

Her mask? A simple but nice kitsune-style wooden mask of white and blue

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