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The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:52 pm
by Hokima Tesh-Rimon
Black acrid smoke wafted through the town. It clung to throats and would cause everything to smell of fire. That aroma was mixed with cooked meat, as it seemed a mass of creatures were being burned. As one traveled through town, panic reigned as the source of the burning was found. The General store was in flames, and people fought to save the buildings around it. No magic users had appeared to save the place, and so they were forced to use buckets. The general store itself seemed to be a lost cause as flames had started at the ceiling and moved down the walls.

The people nearby had witnessed to the fact that a dark-haired being with skin the color of bronze was seen leaving. He was tall, and his broad shoulders would tell some who he was. The man had done nothing to help, as he merely dragged the girl out of the shop before leaving other people to clean up the mess.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:12 pm
by Ray`el
Ray told the others watching Npcs what to spread.

"Due to the Efforts of Lady Aquera, Lady Eesha and Zully, the general store and its animals were saved. Ray showed up and helped alittle, but the powerful fire and water mages had already done much of the work." the moriel smiled as the criers went out and spread the new Nobles glory as well as the other hydromancers.

Anyone in the know would know the truth. the moriel was after all who he was. The Hydromancer.

he took a sip of his coffee, and went back to making sure all was taken care of.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:35 am
by Akaton
A letter written and delivered by hand to each noble and the imperial guard

Lords, Ladies and those in service to protecting this empire,

Earlier today the General Store was burnt down, thankfully myself, Lady Dias, Empress L`Aquera, and Lord Ray`el responded and kept the blaze from spreading. I started my investigation as I would with magic, and my connection allows me to speak to water. It showed me the events just after the blaze started, a man dragged out a torian female and threw her unconscious body away from the fire, then used paints to paint a message on her before fleeing the scene carrying his clothes and running nude from the scene. I believe this man should be brought in for questioning. I do not believe my word will be questioned about this, but should any think I may be falsifying this please I willing will submit to any magical means of seeking if i speak the truth. Now I do not know the name of the man in question but here is his physical description.......... I also plan on creating a magic ice statute in his likeness with a sign he is wanted for questioning right outside of the General Store. Also included is my artistic rendering of his likeness. (Master Artist: Included picture of Hokima hand drawn in charcoal pencil)

Thank you all,

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:17 pm
by Hokima Tesh-Rimon
((OOC: I realize you're using an elemental connection, but what body of water could have seen Hokima do this? It wasn't raining, and there are no large bodies of water around the general store. If you're using items inside of the general store, they may have seen some, but I doubt they saw the whole thing nor the fact that Hokima dragged a person out of the shop. Plus, the water in those things would have dried up due to a fire. It just seems a little power gamey to already know this information with minimal investigation. If it was the water that Ray`El called, it wouldn't have witnessed anything before it was called.))

((Edit: I was explained how this happened, and I retract my statement. I welcome the chaos, and it's why I made sure to describe Hokima fleeing the scene, and I'm ready to pay the consequences.))

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:59 pm
by L`aquera
(IC Response) If not for the bells and the alarms of watchful townsfolk? Few would have known until more buildings caught ablaze. It was quite late and one of the guards had the good sense to wake up the Empress. She'd spent most of her energy putting out the blaze along with the watermages she'd had called in order to snuff out what was left, of the General Store. Was she angry? This is an understatement. She'd kicked at the ashes once she could stand on her own and then finally got back upon her mephos to fly home. Home to the palace where she'd eaten a whole roasted chicken and crawled into bed smelling as if she'd been standing inside a furnace for a day.

The morning however found her almost as tired, a pinch to the ass of her handsome husband and she'd rolled out of the warm bed to pad for the bathing chambers, clean herself up and get dressed. Several things needed to happen but she started with writing a missive to the Real Estate office.

~I'm aware Twerlinger isn't exactly handy but to whom now takes care of the REB business;

Good day; or so one hopes. Last evening fire was set to the General store, whats left of it is ... very little. I'd like work started immediately upon receiving this, as a new store is in order. Unclear of the damage to the barns but this time make sure the stonework is shored up and I'll see about having a spell put on it and perhaps all stores to keep them from burning down again... The cost is of no concern. Quote me the price and it will be paid by this Empire as it is an Empire owned business. Of course, if completed very quickly, all workers that work upon it including the one that handles this business will receive an extra bonus of 600 meherial for your troubles.

Thank you so very much for your quickness on this matter,
Signed; Empress L`aquera

The second letter wrote and sent was to the Imperial Guard Commander, Balard.

~My dear Commander, I hope this finds you well with a slave for each hand. Unfortunately last night was rather chaotic. Someone set the General store on fire, all I have is a brief description from Zully. Please contact him, do a follow up, arrest the man and woman. I want them held until they can be questioned if not by our Esteemed Lord Scathien, then by myself and Lord Ray`El and Lady Miyuka.

Thank you for your speedy action in this matter, I hope it hasn't completely ruined your own day.

Signed; Empress L`aquera

(OOC) Hoki has been spoken to, he is more then aware of the consequences of his actions as I have also talked to the wonderful lady he'd been playing with. The amount of crap that happened last night in OOC will not continue. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and emotions but we will be handling it in an IC manner. No one and I mean no one knows IC'ly whom has burned down the store (YET!) but it will be rebuilt. Does this mean you can't buy anything from there? I'm afraid so. You will have to wait until it is rebuilt. I apologize to those this might inconvenience but try to not worry to much please. The rebuild will be Empire funded and anyone WILLING to help rebuild it to make it faster, speak with the REB and I will personally give you a lovely paycheck for the task.

Thank you for your patience.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:09 pm
by Ryke Masha
Upon any notices given calling for workers to help rebuild the general store there would be a note attached onto each flier stating "Any mmr employee who helps out in the rebuilding effort of the general store can count those hours for their work log- signed Joe manager of the mmr"

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:56 pm
by Serena
Theressa is who is handling all REB business now.

Current contents of plot 2A, the General Store plot:

<Desdaemona> Information on plot "2A":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: StormBringer
<Desdaemona> Location: Town Price: 250.00
<Desdaemona> StormBringer has paid 1225.00
<Desdaemona> Plot set to buyback: No
<Desdaemona> General Store - 1ac - 0/250
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#1864) Large Basement - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#1863) Large Shop - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> End of information

Large Shop with Living Quarters Above: 650 mhl; Full Basement +325 mhl (2-4 Bedrooms)

To rebuild the General Store as it was before the fire, it will cost 975 mhl. There is no specific rebuild time for a shop but given that it is brick and that a brick house requires three weeks to rebuild, one may be able to assume that a brick shop will take the same amount of time via normal construction processes. If different procedures are requested in order to expedite the rebuild, that very well may be possible as Theressa will have the construction crews consolidate their efforts and resources to prioritize it.

There are no barns/stables/corrals assigned to this plot but that can be taken care of. For town plots, barns are considered to be stalls at a common stable but an exception for the General Store can be made. Prices are as follows:
Wooden: 50 mhl per 2 horses
Stone: 100 mhl per 2 horses

As for those wishing to assist in the rebuild efforts of the General Store, see either Theressa, the REB manager or Naomi, the REB assistant manager. They will take names down and record dates/times worked.

Post an !time start and finish for your char: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=24063

OOCY: The cost for the rebuild of the General Store, along with the barn and corral, has been paid in full. Construction starts now and will be finished on July 1, 2020.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:20 pm
by Akaton
In light of what had happened Zully would post around town near the general store flyers

"Need Jewelry done while the General store is out of commission? I can help. Anyone that desires Jewelry made I, Zully, will make anything you want. Sadly I wont be able to add gemstones. All I require is you buy and bring the materials to craft it. I have my own tool kits so I will just need ingots of whatever metal you want. These can be purchased from The Works in town. If you are in need of this service please just send a fairy."

OOC stuff: If you want jewelry done just PM me or send a fairy mail. You just need to buy the ingots or mithril dust. Depending on complexity it could take a few days as with any specially ordered item.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:56 pm
by Tawny
Hannah went about posting a few notices about town herself.

To the customers of the General Store... As most know by now the Shop has burnt and if you had any special order in that you had not yet picked up as soon as the shop is rebuilt those orders will be taken care of. I am sure Empress L`aquera will see to it that the shop is rebuilt Post.haste. I do thank her in advance for the work she is seeing too to get it rebuilt. I also wish to thank any and all who helped put out the blaze and to Zully for saving the animals that he could. Thank you Lady Dias for taking care of the horses till the shop is rebuilt or until the barns are able to rehouse them.
The store Manager.... Hannah.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:17 pm
by miyuka
As it has been 3 weeks wiht no action (and quite frankly no reports in the proper IG secitons) I've cut Althia loose. 2 weeks is the standard wait time for a trial anyway. I don't think we should let the character sit in the jail any longer. IF there is an issue with his please let me know post haste.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:34 pm
by Fiona Sharora
After running into Hokima in the inn, Katipo has brought Hokima to the HeadQuarters of the Imperial Guard so he can be questioned.

*No animals were hurt in the capture of Hokima*

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:32 am
by miyuka
Please for the love of the dark goddess, IG related reports need to be put into the IG sections as reports. It's fine to post here in this forum but please please please also make your reports within the IG forum as well.

Re: The General Store Burns

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:48 am
by Fiona Sharora
After questioning Hokima in the events related to the fire, Katipo, the Imperial Guardswoman has kicked him out of the cells to find another place to sleep.