Attention Bards and Craftspeople

Items of interest to bards, artisans and entertainers generally

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Attention Bards and Craftspeople

Postby Nicholas Shade on Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:00 pm

The true purpose of this posting is to update everybody on the status of the Guild of Signet and Song (GSS), membership in same, and so forth.

The GSS building was burned down by evil marauders in recent months, and with it's passing the formal organization of the GSS went by-by. That's right. No more formal organization that we all knew and loved as the GSS. No more inductions (and believe me, Nic will sorely *miss* those yummy GSS inductions!) No more taking a monthly 5 mhl out of your paycheck for Guild membership. No more shop requirements of GSS membership for its new hirelings. Its gone. Period. (le sigh)

What we now have is a need for a mechanism to promote the advancement of the arts and crafts. The one favored is the Mentor/apprentice system that's already in place by many. It will be a more rp-intensive endeavor for players to find appropriate teachers, and of course to rp that teaching. This thread is the place to post for teachers willing to train, prospective students posting their desire for training, and so forth.

IC, Nicholas has purchased the property on which the old GSS building stood. Its in the middle of town - remember? You can't miss it. He has built a house there and on the grounds is an ornate gazebo. It is there that the IC version of this board will reside. Feel free to post your availability as a teacher, needs of training as a student, crafts stuff for sale, and of course, the ladies are welcomed to leave their indecent proposals for Nic there as well.

With the upcomming advent of the Skills System, much of the functionality of the GSS skills/training levels will be made more uniform and the requirements for that skill clearer. Check out the new Class descriptions for a peek.

Till then, I'd love to see the players that have advanced arts/crafts skills make themselves readily available to teach the novices their craft. I know most of you already are anyways, but if you get a spare moment or two to take on yet another pupil...consider it, won't you?

And just as a disclaimer, neither Nicholas or his player have any commercial investment in TLI, the former GSS or any of its subsidiaries. Some exceptions apply, see the fine print for details, yada, yada. More seriously, I don't want this posting to insinuate that either I or Nic has any formal authority or standing in *any* of these matters - other than a real interest in promoting fun rp in the Mentor/apprentice system. It *really* is fun! I will try and keep up with Bardly/Craftsy stuff going on and answer what questions I can, either OOC (best as a PM - I don't tend to hang in the OOC channel much), or better yet, IC to Nic.
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Postby miyuka on Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:22 pm

Is this thing still going on? I have never seen any kind of RP for it, just curious
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Postby Nicholas Shade on Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:07 pm

Nic has been trying to pair teachers and students on an informal and per request basis IC. Usually he manages to steer folk in the proper direction. The MB portion isn't much used, it seems folks prefer to catch me in PM and then take their requests IC.
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Willing to teach

Postby Tehya on Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:46 pm

I have been taking on students, and usually teach them in the Inn. Nicholas sends some to me, but I haven't seen those I have agreed to teach.

I'm willing if you need help.
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Postby Aramis on Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:02 pm

Aramis is a master linguist, novelist, and he plays the violin and flute. He's usually willing to take on students.
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Postby miyuka on Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:16 am

I think something like this needs to be advertised more...or maybe I just need to pull my head out of my ass and pay more attention...I seriously had no idea such a thing was going on.
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Postby Philana on Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:30 am

Philana is a Master in Leatherworking and a Master furrier (as the two skills go hand in hand in most cases) she currently has an apprentice (in all things) so she is only able to take on one student if anyone wishes to learn the leatherworking trade, bere in mind however that both the character and player are very select in whome they interact with due to the fact she is a very difficult character to get along with.

The offer is open however, to any who wish to try their luck
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Postby Ariellia on Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:05 pm

Am assuming that since Ariellia is manager of the Siren's Call, she is Skilled in at least Master or Journey level in -all- instruments, and thus will be willing to take apprentices in those areas as well as in painting, sculpting, etc.
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Postby Dante_Greyson on Thu May 03, 2007 8:03 am

If i remember right im a Master of the Erotic Arts...
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Postby Allisa on Fri May 04, 2007 2:47 am

Ariellia wrote:Am assuming that since Ariellia is manager of the Siren's Call, she is Skilled in at least Master or Journey level in -all- instruments, and thus will be willing to take apprentices in those areas as well as in painting, sculpting, etc.

Hmmm, Allisa may have to look you up after she gets her special harp designed and made, as she has no idea how to play it. :)

Speaking of which, would you be the right person to speak with about special orders?
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Postby Simplicity on Sat May 05, 2007 2:29 pm

Special orders concerning?
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Postby Allisa on Thu May 10, 2007 1:50 am

Simplicity wrote:Special orders concerning?

Custom-made instruments
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Postby Christine-Daae on Thu May 10, 2007 6:41 am

CD at one point was master or whatever you call it at erotic dancing and singing.
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Postby Simplicity on Thu May 10, 2007 12:43 pm

Allisa: That would be Arie @ the Siren's Call, which is -now- in Valencia ^_^
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Re: Attention Bards and Craftspeople

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:53 pm

Volo has begun offering lessons in singing, whistling, and playing instruments of all sorts.
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