by L`aquera on Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:18 am
Kit finally hit the nail on the head. Something others were missing.
Also, there is no "Handle the OOC drama" In our handbook. I know, I wrote it. It, nowhere, says, in my manual. "Deal with ooc drama from the ooc room." I've no idea where that misconception came from. But now I bury thee.
Be all end all. I put down no ones thoughts thus far. What I do tell you, is the reality from the 'ops' mentality. I do not speak for them all. Nor will I. But I didn't just step into this decision. No player, asked me, to remove the OOC and even if they had? I would have laughed at them. I don't make choices lightly, I did not approach SB with "Can we close down the OOC?"
I did not delete Adonais helpful newbie thread. I am not the one behind the blurry photos of Nessie. I am not the one that made all those bigfoot tracks.
I am not the boogie man. Shame that, I might have been successful!
I'm a normal person, whose had enough of watching the Ops forum fill up with a bunch of nonsense and foolishness and I'm tired of feeding into it.
This is not your fault that I'm tired of it. Nor is it my own. This is what happens when a small group of people field things like "He called me stupid." "He was being a troll." "She won't talk to me now over something stupid and told so n so...." "I won't play with so n so and so n so is talking bad about me!"...... None of my ops, nor me, signed up to field these things. Yet these very things, were going on day in and day out. And we handled them. We were happy to help you, happy to champion you, happy to protect you. Happy to hug you and care about your emotions and take your abuse.
We turned into doormats. Accepting this should just be part of the job. It is not. Part. Of the. Job. Like it or not. Your drama, is not our job to handle. But we were doing it. And, all these little notes of hate you are leaving, is the thanks we get for it. We busted our asses for all of you, and the first chance you get, like naughty children, is to continue treading on our good will. And our good will, broke. Surprise!
No, it certainly was not all of you, I am not signaling 'all' of you out. MANY of you were a joy to be around. A plethora of fun and sweetness and I would have bled for those people and still would.
I think Tawny had it right in one post. We cared to much. It bit us in the ass. So now I had to turn and face the real issue of what to do. I no longer have the solution. But I did know, leaving the place up and running wasn't such a grand idea. And not just for me. Many of you have stated you didn't see the drama. I'm here to statisticly tell you, it was there. In droves. You didn't have to be privy to it. Many of you knew it was there that were involved. Many of you refuse to admit it. I don't mind. The reason you didn't know more then 70% of it wasn't there, was because we have to keep it to ourselves. YOUR privacy, was upheld. Yes. YOUR privacy. And for those that got into trouble? Of course they came back and acted as if nothing ever happened, and of course they told you it was all the Ops fault. Because they knew, we wouldn't say anything otherwise.
We upheld our part. To the point where several were severely annoyed with us because of it.
Well.. I made a decision based on all these things. I took to Stormbringer and the decision was made.
You all have very good opinions, it isn't my right to tell you if you are right or wrong. I'm simply telling you how it is from this end. Whether you like it, or not. I've been very upfront and honest and yes, I'm the token bitch op. But I'll tell you what. If anyone ever came to me with a real issue, I protected them with everything I had and made it right. Because, I cared. My ops, did this, because they cared. And I will no longer put up with watching them or me or SB and Ehl be trampled on. This was it. This was my move to wake you up.
In the end however, when I see these OOC channels opening and see the logs of whats going on, hear what is really being said? I wish them well. But there is no longer drama in TLI channels. And I would rather see happy RP people and help them, then see that drama come back. So there is no ultimatum folks. I'm not here to slap your hands and say "BAD PLAYER! BAD!" any longer. I'm very content to see people Role Playing, in far greater numbers then I've seen in four days previous when the OOC was closed.
Don't breath, don't think.. for I am the shadow that will forever over take you..