Research guidelines, a helpful post

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Research guidelines, a helpful post

Postby miyuka on Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:03 pm

Researching Spells and You:
So! You want to be a researcher! Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Step 1: The Literature Review
I know you have an idea and it is amazing. However, you do need to take a look at all the spells currently on the offing, as well as those currently being researched. I know this sounds like a daunting task, but you need to do this. No one said it would be easy. Now, once you have a good idea what spells are out there ask yourself the following questions:
* What spells are similar to my idea?
* How is my idea different from these existing, similar spells?
* Are there very similar spells in the sphere I am designing for?
* Are others researching similar spells?
* Where does my idea fit into the spell list?

Basically, this step is about making you knowledgeable about magic. This is an important first step, as the spheres are always under review by Dev, and there are other researchers doing what you are doing. You need to make sure that you are filling a gap in a sphere, and/or making a truly new and needed addition to the body of arcane works.
Okay? Good. On to...

Step 2: The Idea
Now that you know what is out there, it is time to take an unflinching, critical look at your idea. Be tough, be thorough, be rigorous, and be merciless. Others will be, and it is best for you to do it now so there is less you have to answer on the spot. First things first, though! Fill out a personal copy of the template found here:
Fill it out completely, please. If there are qualities you are not sure how you want to define, make note of it, talk to other researchers and/or Tower leadership, and then make a decision. You can always change your mind later. Keep in mind, you can research spells your character has no idea how to cast! See:
Now, that you have a rough draft down, here is an incomplete list of things to consider [with notes]:
* What sphere is this for?
[A simple question and something you should have answered on the template, but still good to think about and to be able to justify.]
* Is this a general spell or tower-specific? Which tower does it fit the best?
[Something to keep in mind.]
* What level character should have access to this spell? How many times must one take a class before they can get this spell?
[Taking a class opens some doors and closes others. Taking a class multiple times does the same. This can be a balancing point, so make sure your Fire Magex5 spell is worth taking Fire Mage five times for. At the same time, make sure that your spell is not too accessible for its power. After all, a Fire Magex1 should not be able to call a whirlwind of fire! Minimum level only really tells people how powerful the spell is intended to be. It should never be lower than the minimum number of levels to achieve the required class multiplicity. (i.e.: A spell that requires Fire Magex3 should not have a minimum level less than 20.) Minimum level does not provide much (if any) balance. Nevertheless, it should not make earlier spells completely obsolete, consider this for the next question.]
* Are the mechanics on my spell reasonably balanced?
[If your spell is simply a better version of Fire Bolt, why would anyone take Fire Bolt? The idea is to add to the game without subtracting from it. If your spell does more than a lower level spell does, make sure it has a non-trivial drawback. Make sure there is still a reason to cast the earlier spell. At the same time, try to make sure your idea still has merit. After all, not many will cast a spell that is worse than a lower level spell. This is difficult to do, and many people have differing opinions on how to accomplish this as well as what balance looks like. Expect Dev to look at this as well.]
* Is my idea truly unique? How?
[Your idea should not be a clone of another spell in the same sphere, and if it is from another sphere, make sure yours is different in some major way. You do not want to step on others' toes. It is good to be able to say what spells are similar and how they are different (as you already considered in step 1).]
* Does my idea fill a gap in the intended sphere? In what way?
[Also consider whether this is a gap that should be filled. Fire Sphere is short on defensive spells, it may be so for a reason.]
* What does my idea add to the game?
[This answer is very important. Spend time on it. This is your sales pitch.]
* How might someone exploit my idea? Is this intended? If not, how can I fix it?
[Dev will be looking at this. Make sure you have an idea of how it will happen and be transparent. Try to fix it before Dev or the Imperial Archmage sees it. Or, try to explain why the exploit is not really exploitation. You might not like how it is fixed if the exploit is deemed undesirable.]

These considerations are all important, but this is not a comprehensive list! Still, consider them and be able to answer them. Be able to support your assertions. You need to be able to justify your idea's validity should it be called into question. Now, with these things in mind, take a look at the rough draft you filled out earlier and make changes. If need be, write out your proposal. Answer these questions and include supporting information. Compare and contrast your idea, your spell to existing ones. Once you think you have everything and have put your spell through the wringer, it is time to move on to...

Step 3: Proposal
Contact the Imperial Archmage and submit the spell for consideration. Sounds simple. Hit send and walk away, right?
This is where you see if you prepared enough. They will have questions. Be polite. Assume this person has a ton on their plate and is having a tougher day than you. Have answers, or say, "I had not considered that, may I get back to you on that? Are there any more questions?" You are looking for feedback. If they say no to the idea, ask why (very politely). Ask if there are changes you can make that will make it acceptable. Try to find out if they are looking for something from you. Try to make sure you both are on the same page. Remember that what you intended to say doesn't matter, it is what they understand it to say that matters. You might have to tighten up language to convey your meaning properly (you explained it quite well, but they have a problem with what you are trying to do). Don't be shocked if you end up repeating Steps 2 and 3 several times. Keep at it. You are making a lasting change to the game and everyone wants it to be a good one. Accept whatever verdict they give with as much grace as possible and recall that they do actually want you to succeed too (this will likely be one of the harder parts).

Step 4: Begin Research
Now comes the long slog. You will spend at least one month doing this. Make sure you post the approved form of the spell in your research thread as well as the date research starts. Log your hours meticulously. Remember that if it isn't written down here, it did not happen! Full research rules are outlined here:

Step 5: Submit for Peer Review
Success! You rolled under your target number! Finally! Now the spell is entered into the books of the spheres, right?
Remember way up there when I said Dev would look at it? This is where that happens. For the most part, it will be out of your hands. Dev will pick and poke and prod at the spell. They might even take it for a test drive or three. They might have questions. Try to answer them to the best of your ability. As with Step 3, if you are not sure, ask for time to consider it, and then consider it. Answer as soon as possible. This step may take some time.

Step 6: HC Review
Once Dev has looked at it, and deemed it done, they submit it to the High Council for approval. The HC may kick it back to Dev to rework it. This may begin Step 5 all over.

Step 7: Approval
Still there? Awesome. Assuming your spell survived Steps 1-6, it will eventually arrive here. Now is when your spell joins the ranks of the existing spells. Now the community at large will have access to it, and now you'll be able to hear what the community at large thinks of your work. Brace yourself. It will likely be largely positive, but there will always be some negative. Remember that it is no longer just your idea. Many other hands have touched it. Many others' fingerprints are on the pen approving it. Recall that nothing is perfect, and that you made it. You got through this grueling process. Take pride in that, and let the criticism wash over you. If you feel it is valid, make note of it, and let the Imperial Archmage know so that Dev can evaluate it as needed. It is part of the world now. Besides, you've already begun work on your next idea, right?
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