Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby L`aquera on Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:52 pm

The Conclave meeting hadn't been a bust by any means, certainly the Empire had come across as strong, negotiators and clever. For the clans to the North, it was a winning situation. Gold, food that had slowly been coming in which was much needed for Winter and four ships promised. They had no idea which ships, no barbarian had ever sailed. At least among their clans. Understandably, those that had gone were probably silently laughing as it would force the Clans to come back to the Empire itself for advice and need of sailing large ships or at least, a crew. Which could force them back into another trade of goods, say a lovely 20%? They had manipulated a clan of many and come out, unscathed. Or, perhaps that is what some thought.

During negotiations however, there was one lone clan that was not, happy. Nor did they even pretend to be. Quietly, they had contacted a Norther pack of Wolven, thinking to start trade with them and perhaps get somewhere further then they had been, line their own pockets with further riches then any of the others and get ahead. The Empire had trumped this situation and set them back, not only were they humiliated in a room full of their own, but in front of the southern strangers that had always nipped at their heels. This was an unforgivable insult. An old chief had been killed by a single firebolt and having to chose a new chief had gone down very quickly. Soon they'd devised their own plans and separated into groups. They would have their revenge and gain back that which was lost. For because of a bad decision within conclave, they didn't even have the ship promised, instead, because of the death of their Chief, they were down gold and ship and food.

Not to soon after, reports of wolven shake downs in Valencia were being reported, though upon being asked, they weren't quite certain of features, what they were wearing, exactly what they wanted. Gossip was a powerful tool, but a thousand eyes can still get wrong what was actually seen in the moment, from panic to vague glimpses. Soon reports from farmers to paltry merchants were reaching the ears of Lord Sorgram and Lord Morgan Drakewing. What were they going to do about this? The theft of hard work over summer days and months now gone, slaves afraid to travel alone. Soon, before the night had waned, it was reported that a few women had gone missing.

In the Capitol, reports of a group or groups of, Barbarians had been spotted, some poking about Nanthalion proper, some by the Towers of Unigo and Umbara, a few roaming by Thallis. It had begun to unsettle a few while a few more thought it a welcome change to see such large handsome males wandering around. But it was an oddity, not to see barbarians themselves, but so many in one group. Their mood was jovial enough, especially with the women, but that too.. was beginning to change.

In the early morning a troop of Imperial guards ran across a lone camp sight, ransacked, nearly destroyed and not more then ten feet from the encampment was found a slaughtered elf. It wasn't of course the norm around here, but nor was it cause for alarm, not until another troop reported in that they too, had come across a small cabin with three that had lost their lives. Two elves, and one draksen.

Wings beating shattered day break over the Imperial Guard headquarters and soon the beat of their boots were heard over wood floorboards, door left to crash against the wall. "Commander! Commander! We might have a situation!" He was young of course, brash, only a few days into his training really so of course, everything was a situation.... It was of course, snickered at, at first.. it wasn't so amusing when they visited each sight.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Balard on Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:13 pm

The warlord would stand as he heard that they might have a situation and he got the information "Right, i want all the guards, every person on alert." he would tell the recruit to pen notes to Lord Scathien, Lady L`aquera, Lord Sorgram, Viceroy of Virelith Stormwind and he would be writing down what was said and what had been found at each of the sites "I want to know how far away from the campsite they could possibly get and where they maybe going next." he wanted information and quickly, he was going to start heading out to the sites and try to find what he could, the first one he was going to explore was the cabin and Balard would use one of the Imperial Guard Mephos to head towards the first destination, his first goal to find out which direction they came from and then where they were going.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby miyuka on Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:35 pm

First things first, Miyuka's priority was to make sure the towers were secured. They would not be shut down or closed but many more wards within Unigo would now be in place and warnings given to those to avoid certain areas to not trip these ward and risk death. Miyuka would leave things up to Amara and Archaon to take care of securing Umbara. In order to help with the investigation the IG was dealing with, Miyuka would order the powerful necromancers at both Towers that were available to try and use their magics to try and discern what clues they could from the dead. The same would go for the Shaman and the spirit magics, and lastly, Mages of the Arcane would be sent to each site to see if they could detect any kind of magical disturbances. Sure they were barbarians, but one should never underestimate the use of magic.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Azara on Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:12 pm

Tesan read the missive from her clan informing her of the incidents with the wolven in Valencia and that two female members of the clan were missing. As Warlord of Clan Silvercloud and Leader of the Sisterhood of Silvercloud warriors she knew where she needed to be. Penning a quick reply, she sent it on its way with a firm, but not harsh, word to the fae to deliver it quickly. Next, she sent notice to Lord Kir Trelander that she would be leaving immediately for her homeland for an undetermined amount of time. Letters were also sent to Lords Sorgram and Morgan Drakewing that she would be at their disposal as would be the Sisterhood. Finally, after a bit of thought, she sent a missive to the Lady.

My Lady L`aquera,

I will be leaving for Valencia as soon as this letter is in the hands of a fae. Two females from Clan Silvercloud are missing and I will be returning to my people to aid in the search of the missing and of those responsible. I have written to both Lord Sorgram and Lord Morgan Drakewing that I am at their disposal. With that being said, if you have need of me or the Sisterhood we will be ready and eager to answer your call.

Warlord of Clan Silvercloud
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Kanid on Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:37 pm

Word had reached the troll of course. His scouts and the various networks of Valencian irregulars that he employed, along with the cavalry had been out and about, and as soon as there had been the word of attacks and raided woodland camps, they had relayed information back to The Shield. Tagalog then had immediately bestirred himself. The female jhore was still as yet too young to ride, but with the aid of a bit of spider silk rope, and a rap on the nose whenever she took to chewing on it, he had soon had her out and about, as it was never too early to get her into the habit of working. He had taken her with him to investigate the camps that had been raided, thinking perhaps that this had simply been a resurgence of the highwaymen he had dealt with before, but as soon as he had seen the tracks, he knew otherwise. No, the humans were quite a bit larger than your average stock, at least from here. Some of them reaching just shy of seven feet if tracks were to be believed, and then there were the wolven. The previous crop of human-centric, elf hating highwayman, would never have been caught dead working with anything furred and snouted that walked like a man. No. It was time he sent word to the liege and the joiner.

He had returned home, and enlisted the aid his student, the slave kezhia, to put pen to his words, lest they need a parchment too large to be carried by a faeltte.

::For the Eyes of Lord Sorgram, the Dragon of Valencia, and his Senechal, the esteemed Lady Mckie, and their eyes alone::

Dispatch from the leader of the Valencia Dragoons...

There has been evidence of attacks and raids on several woodland camps within and around the Valley. Before writing to you I took it upon myself to go and investigate. I can say with authority that these attacks do not come from any of the highwaymen or roughians we have dealt with before, as the humans in question are quite a bit larger than we typically see, some reaching near seven feet judging by their tracks. Also there is the fact that the humans involved in these raids have been accompanied by wolven, which as you know, differs from previous methods. I would not presume to disrupt your dealings in the north, save to tell you that several elves and at least one "Dream" have been murdered. There is the possibility that you are safer for the time being. in the northern mountains, but of course, should heart over rule head and rush your return, I would only ask that you exercise great caution until you are once more on home soil. I did not sign on to repopulate a house whose lord and lady have left their heads to decorate some flea bag's den.

Ever Watchful,


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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Cangelosi on Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:27 pm

Morgannus Drakewing was not especially pleased with these reports. Apparently the meeting with the Northern Barbarians had taken place without him.due to some sort of oversight at best, outright sabotage of his communications at worse. He had long known about the tribes about Virelith. Hells, that's where the Moragan Hamr originated. Rather sad. If Kaytoo were around, or maybe even consulted, things might have not ended up like this. In either way, he had received word from Tesan. The two would most likely make plans together. His clansister Miyuka would make sure the magical towers were fortified.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Isla on Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:16 am

Isla read the letter three or four times from the bed she had been confined to after the head injury she had suffered. She cursed out in her elvish tongue before she pulled out some paper. She thought a moment, standing she pulled on a long sleeved dressing gown over her nightgown, settled into a seat and penned two letters, one to Tagalog, one to her family.

“My dearest Tagalog, Shield of Chaos,
Thank you for letting us know what is happening, we will be returning as soon as it is possible to do so but in the meantime please triple the patrols and go to my home, gather all the food from the gardens, my livestock, everything that is edible and drinkable and move it to the temple storehouse, people will need fed and given liquids. She considered, and continued. “My family is to be moved to the temple and placed in my personal rooms there, anyone seeking shelter should be given so until this has passed, please put guards at the portals and go to each family and barbarian clan within the area and offer them the food and sanctuary that will be needed, We will not see the valley become chaos at this time, find Meadow as well and move her to the temple, by force if needed at least until we are home. Thank you my friend.

Isla Mckie”

She sighed a moment, clearing her throat and took a fresh sheet of paper,

“My family,

Please make sure that all of the crops have been brought in, the animals ready to move and yourselves as well, I am sending Tagalog to escort all of you to the temple and my chambers there for safety. The food will be dispersed to the valley until we no longer can give and then we will find a way to continue to feed the people. Please see that this is done and I will be home as soon as I possibly can. I love you all, be safe, do not leave the property, make sure the gates are locked, Tagalog has a key to enter and when he does, make sure that all is ready to go. Be safe my loves, see you as soon as possible.


With that she stood and requested a fae, once the letters were sent she moved out of the room, still dizzy, still feeling weak but she needed to find both Sorgram and Stormwind, they probably were already apprized of the situation but just in case, she at least needed to tell them of what was happening and what she had said, at least she needed to tell Sorgram if nothing else. She sighed, moving carefully through the maze of halls until she found either one or both.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Ryke Masha on Thu Oct 05, 2017 6:56 am

Joe would be doing his normal works upon the mmr and look through the gear and checking quality before going to his office and checking out current trading routes for mmr outpost stores and ways to shorten them possibly. He would soon hear the door of the mmr open and what sounds like a group of men laughing. He would move out from his office looking at the group of barbarians looking around the shop which gave the vulpine a tad bit of concern as normally barbar's didnt travel together like this. Three to four of them is normal but it look like six or seven in total just standing at the front counter. He would offer a smile asking what they needed and the leader seem to want to know about the quality of the weapons and armor so Joe answered all the questions while keeping an eye on what the others were doing. After they left him seemed concerned and sends a message spell out to someone who he know could tell him if it was something or nothing.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Ray`el on Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:50 pm

Ray`el sat there were he was healing from his trip, Eyes sliding over reports from his guards as well as from his informants in the main lands.. His blue eyes narrowed. He ordered the captian of the guard to him, Rand for now. He wrote out a missive doubling the guards. And then looked out. Thallis had survived invasions, the undead.. twice. He looked out into the ocean. If they tried and invade, they would find this to be a not so fun place.
He stood from the bed were he was injured and moved to write the ember
“ Ember,
I have heard about the mainlands.. and we have some also here. I will be protecting the ports and trade routes, and there to help if you need a major force in turning them back. I will visit or write soon wuth more information or detials. . Ray”

he realized he should not lrave thallis, if thallis fell. that would be a hard time on empire being hits main port still. the northing ones still connected, but thallis was o main trade routes for food. he would have a river and coast to watch
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby DiasEesha on Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:31 pm

The Drak had become ever watchful after the meeting and hir own warnings about how the barbarians might decide to proceed, it wasn't a surprise when the news reached hir at all but it did bring a sigh. Hir tower thankfully had been completed and secured rather well so in that there was at least something of a safe haven for hir to provide. Still there was much to do it seemed and shi wasn't about to be idle in it. Ixen was sent out to keep eyes over the area and shi quickly turned the tower towards a state of readiness both for possible fighting and to bring in any trying to escape the fallout. Those things done shi took to hir office to start penning once again.

L`Aquera: I know this will find you quickly, I have dispatched what little I do have to keep eyes over the forest and the area around the tower, what I have found so far is a bit disconcerting, the roving bands are rather active though I doubt they've noticed Ixen and so far thanks to your wise thoughts with the tower have avoided direct confrontations with it for the time being. However, I am getting some rumors and reports here and there of small scale raiding of camps and the like. I also surmise that their targets are quite on purpose due to your blood and mine own considering that our kinds where the architects of their embarrassments. I would advise to have a special warning to all elven and drak blood to keep a special eye out and remain with any arms and armor available to them.

Scathien: First and foremost let me offer my most sincere gratitude for your aid with the barbarians during the conclave, I wish that this could be the only thing I write. However, it would seem that the barbarians are indeed operating under the basic premise that I had surmised. While in a sense this is a good thing, it does create the problems that I had spoke of before as well. Stay on guard, though I have no worry of your personal safety they may seek to harm what assets under your gaze that they can.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Amara on Thu Oct 05, 2017 6:55 pm

With word from the Arch Mage -and- seeing the barbarians outside, meandering on the lawn of Umbara with her own eyes - the kitten would alert Archaon, who was hidden away somewhere. The measures suggested by Yuka would be taken; more wards in place, Fae's sent out to the Necromancers of the Tower etc. On the hinge of the new trade agreement, Amara was puzzled why the barbs from the icy North would venture this way - surely, they'd know better than to start trouble.
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Naomh on Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:53 am

Oh the foxkit was furious. It took a lot to get the level-headed farmer turned noble worked up beyond a short snap or outburst, but this... this had her absolutely seething and boiling in rage. She had attempted to join the meetings, but a message made it to her just before they left for the follow-up and she had to abandon the meeting. She made herself and Thallis look bad on that, so there was issue one. The second issue was the contents of the message. An issue that has been bothering Thallis suddenly went full madness. A ship of suspicious persons was found, guards jumped and failed to catch them, then the fumbling guards got on their own vessel and went chasing after them... against orders. She had just wanted information but the fools thought it would be better to go against the commands and try and capture some of the pirates. Dumber'n a box of rocks. Almost as dumb as leaving such an important event to try and stop them even when it was obviously going to be way too late to do so.

Now there's word of barbarians wandering around, harmless so far but suspicious in behaviour, especially in the fringes. Her own personal farm was next to the forest and on the fringes of Thallis territory. As if pirates and idiotic or guards taking bribes wasn't enough. Lady... She had so much to do. At least her husband was on top of this one so she could focus on internal matters. Looking back to her group Naomh nodded and continued leading the way further down the southern coasts to finish the patrol. Looking for signs of their wayward vessel.

The new headmistress of Unigo swallows softly when she hears about the archmage adding new wards to Unigo and the reason why. Looks like she may be getting one of her first tests soon. She just hoped she was ready for it. Thank goodness there were beds in the towers, if something does happen she wanted to make certain she'll be there.

For now, Keani continued her own personal studies, mainly studying what she can about the tower and other things she'll need to know. There has been some trouble near the tower, she wanted to be ready in case it came again.

The dark torian frowned softly as the group of barbarians left. There were too many of them gathered around to be comfortable, and this wasn't the first time she's seen them, being able to fly as high as a torian had its advantages, and her familiar Raven was an excellent extra set of eyes as well. She didn't know much about such people admittedly, but she has heard and seen their superstitious suspicion involving magic. So she wrote a letter, addressing it to the Imperial Guard command.

To whom it may concern,
There has recently been suspicious activity around the magic towers involving groups of the more superstitious of magic breed of humans. Barbarians. I have witnessed them several times at Unigo or Umbara, and while they seem friendly and even jovial, their presence in such locations, with such numbers and with my understanding of their kind leaves me unsettled. Doubly so since the Sorcerous Sanctuary rests in between the two towers and is a far more exposed hub of magic. I understand if the guard is too busy to offer assistance, but if at all possible I would like a guardsman or two stationed here, just in case. I would rather not have to explain to Lady L about what happened to her store when a band of ruffians storms the place to cause those who embrace magic grief and found an easy target protected only by a lone clerk behind the counter.

Anaya - Manager of the Sorcerous Sanctuary
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby DiasEesha on Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:20 am

It was very late in the night for the Drak to pen anything and yet shi was compelled to do so many things where now bothering hir and had only grown worse due to the visit at the inn. It was with a fevered hand that shi wrote many copies of the same letter to be sent to every noble and person of import that shi was aware of.

Tidings to everyone;
Upon the passing night after the arenas first day of combat. I traveled to the inn to celebrate, this and of itself is not important however what happened is very much so. During my time there a group of barbarians bearing the markings of the northern tribes came in a sizable group. And while their mannerisms were about as expected for the most part it was what was lacking that causes me the greatest concern. They are seemingly working under our own laws and have a bit more knowledge of them then I would care to admit. Repetively commenting to the fact of might makes right within how we follow and live each day. This and of itself is cause for some concern but furthermore, they are actively using this guideline to bait our people into action and make their own actions appear to be perfectly within what we consider law and order. Even more disturbingly they were not combative for any real length of time a minor scuffle broke out started by Menhir making their reaction perfectly defensible. Ultimately I have come to the conclusion that they are far more serious a threat than originally anticipated and every opportunity must be made to keep ourselves from falling into this twisted game they've started. Additionally, though it is not beyond impossibility that they are this crafty and intelligent themselves I think that ultimately there is another one pulling the strings that knows us and our empire far too well for this all to be simple coincidences. I have taken it upon myself to attempt to follow the group for more information of what exactly is going on since they mentioned a leader, however, I do not know who it is. Finally, however, this does mean that we must, absolutely must, take a higher road and force them to play into our hands instead of the other way around. It is very likely they will not do anything particularly untoward if they're under the eyes of anyone in the empire while causing issues to inflame us into early action. Ultimately being able to call any retaliation against us by our own guiding principle.

With Concern;

Dias Eesha
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby Balard on Fri Oct 06, 2017 6:20 am

The warlord brought in whatever he could from the cabin and the campsite for evidence and he would eventually go over it, but first he had went to his office and he found a few notes, he went over the one he got from Anaya and he would begin to pen a reply to her.

To Anaya - Manager of the Sorcerors Sanctuary

I will send five guardsmen to each place you need them at, as soon as they attack or go to do something bad, then use the might of the tower and unleash all the horrors you can upon them, if you can capture one alive or all then that will be good too, but you will the guardsmen at hand to defend what you need.

Signed Balard - Commander of the Imperial Guard
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Re: Of Northern Barbarians, and Wolven

Postby L`aquera on Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:59 pm

Things were tense by the time morning rolled over the lands, the threatening storm had finally spilled it contents on the land but continued into day break. Winds were cold, rain even colder and leaves began falling at a more accelerated rate. It was perhaps to the chagrin of the guards on duty at the Head Quarters of the Imperial Guard, to see five rather large men enter into the compound and demand to speak to their commander.

What exactly were they to do but.. allow it? Well, to a point. They had just had orders to start patrolling and be stationed at shops because of these brutes and they were here?
"You'll have to wait here. Any aggressive moves will be taken as a threat and you will be brought in, under cuffs." The warning came stern but certainly the guards were a bit nervous at the size of these brutes and their snarly features. Uneasy, the guard turned on heel and marched into the office of the Commander, snapping a salute before quietly leaning in to let him know, there were barbarians waiting to speak with him.
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