Farmers and Ranchers Ranked Skills Suggestions

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Farmers and Ranchers Ranked Skills Suggestions

Postby Kooky on Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:21 pm

Farmers and Ranchers are freelance only mechanic-wise. It's only recently that Entertainers finally got a ranked skill, even if it's only limited to dancing. With the new rules, I'm hoping that new Ranked Skills can get approvals, so that at the very least, Entertainers, Ranchers/Farmers and Massaging/Groomers have at least the chance and opportunity soldiers, crafters, weapons makers, armor makers, writers, researchers, work-mages and other profession castes have to make equal pay without being forced to work more hours.
Please note that the ***'s are just to make it a little easier to read via rank numbering.

Ranching (All Classes)
* Novice - The rancher knows the basics of animal care pertaining to tiny and small animals.
** Apprentice - The rancher knows the basics of animal care pertaining to medium animals and has begun to work on herding.
*** Journeyman - The rancher know the basics of animal care pertaining to large animals. They can herd animals and have begun training animals to aid them in their everyday tasks on the farm.
**** Expert - The rancher can now care for animals of all sizes on their farm. They have expanded with herding and raising animals to tend to tasks, and have begun aiding in their critters to be more self-sufficient regarding in & out come dusk and dawn.
***** Master - The rancher now has the experience to sustain their farm and livestock as a working community. Their animals are able to produce the best goods with their care and their herds are healthy, knowing the routine for the ranch life.

Farming (All Classes)
* Novice - The farmer knows the proper seasons for planting crops.
** Apprentice - The farmer knows how to properly cultivate the soil and recognize signs of weakness in the crops.
*** Journeyman - The farmer now knows tricks and methods of oil and spice powders to keep away hungry insects and has begun to experiment with adding nutrients to poor soil.
**** Expert - The farmer is able to keep most insects and critters away from their crops. They can not only recognize good from bad soil, but they have learned how to revitalize the land and cull fields through controlled burning.
***** Master - The farmer has now mastered the seasons and crops, able to produce the most bountiful of harvested yield for their efforts and experience.

Landscaping (All Classes)
* Novice - The landscaper knows which plants and flowers to mix and where to plant them based on color and sunlight requirements.
** Apprentice - The landscaper has began to work with hardscaping, using rocks, driftwood and logs to create interesting and appealing spaces.
*** Journeyman - The landscaper has begun to include trees and bushes, able to picture their look as they grow and accommodate for appeal in the meantime. They have also begun using brick and stone for walkways and decorative walls.
**** Expert - The landscaper had begun to weave their imagination into nature. This includes the trimming of and sculpting of bushes as well as the art of braiding trees and branches, manipulating them so that they will have a unique form when grown. The have also begun including small decorative ponds in their work.
***** Master - The landscaper is able to create and tend to the most beautiful of courtyards, even worthy of the Imperial Palace itself.
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