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Message to Gwyneth about the threats of the war

Postby MidniteFym on Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:45 am

Naidra finished her message to the Emperor and penned another to Gwyneth. Once finished she sealed it then sent it immediately off to her fellow healer

Dear Gwyn
I just got back from a mission south to procure goods for the empire while there. We encountered a scout and one of their scorpion beasts while we were securing the goods. The Ksir carry spears tipped in a poison I believe to be the same poison that the huge scorpion beasts have in their stingers. This is a nasty poison it makes the skin clammy and feel cold even as the body rages with fever, it dilates the eyes, causing disorientation, intense nausea, and makes the limbs tremble and shake. Being stung with it myself I felt like my throat was closing and my mind was fogged. Dowjin also got stung during the scuffle and he had a seizure before I could heal him. I feel there might be further complications with this poison but i can only tell you what I witnessed or felt myself. I have recommend to the Emperor that a high level healer be with the troops at all times should anyone be stung with this poison or effected by a poison dipped weapons of the enemy. If you would like to meet to discuss the effect further let me know. Gwyn I will be honest this is a nasty poison that brought me to my knees and left my mind muddles I almost didn't know I was poisoned. I am currently working on trying to procure a sample of the poison so maybe an antidote can be made if I can get my hands on some I will let you know immediately in the mean time be careful.
Your friend and Sis
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Re: Message to Gwyneth about the threats of the war

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:44 pm

Dear Miss Naidra,
gwyn has corresponded with the Emperor on this matter as well. she's putting together a team with the apothecary and the Silent Embrace to look into an herbal antidote, but that's going to require a sample before we can do much other than speculate. In the meantime, there are five healers of enough strength that gwyn would trust to combat such a poison; You, Miss Twilight, Miss Cymorill, laerel and herself. Master Tarin as well, but as of yet He is still not returned to Nanthalian. gwyn is also going to inquire with Miss Myra if there is a way to enchant or potion up a poison cure strong enough to be effective. gwyn believes in the interim it will be necessary to leave one healer capable of curing this poison in the main healer's tent, and send the rest out with those most likely to encounter the K'Sir. given that Laerel is the Emperor's property, tis probably best that she be held back in the tents, much as she will object. There is no point risking giving them such a hostage. Miss Twilight will likely be with the Vegan troops, gwyn is not certain where Miss Cymorill's natural loyalties lie. gwyn will serve where needed.

in service,
Your Friend,
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Re: Message to Gwyneth about the threats of the war

Postby MidniteFym on Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:04 pm

Dear Gwyn
count me in on being a healer on the front lines willing to help where I can. I will continue my search for a sample of the poison and hopefully we can great an antidote soon I am grateful that you have coordinated so well with the apothecary and the Silent embrace keep me posted on is Myra has any ideas please. I will let you know how my efforts go with procuring a sample.
Your friend
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Re: Message to Gwyneth about the threats of the war

Postby MidniteFym on Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:29 am

Naidra was at home when the little fae found her carring a package and a note. She pulled out some sweets offering the fae a treat while she looked inside the package a smile creeping on her lips. She would quickly pen a letter to the person who sent it then another to Gywn passing both to the fae with a tiny bag of pixie dust "now off with you and ke quick" she said looking at the vial now resting in her hand.

Dear Gywn
I have procured a sample of the Scorpion Venom let me know the soonest you can meet with me
your friend
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Re: Message to Gwyneth about the threats of the war

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:00 pm

gwyn lets the mail fae into the coolness of the tent, where she sweated and shivered at the same time, poor thing. one benefit of having Master Rayel bunking with her, she was one of the few in the desert with a real place to stay cool. she takes out paper and charcoal pencil to write a response.

Mistress Naidra,
Thank you for your quick effort in this. gwyn will be back to meet with you as soon as conditions here allow.

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Healers Needed for New Healing House in Valencia

Postby Lindor on Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:40 pm

In the main office, Elfmaiden scripted up the parchment, and then had it copied several times over with help from Markov. When completed, she made her rounds through the town, tacking up the announcement at the Inn, the Arena, and any shops in Nanthalion that would allow it. A copy was also tacked up in the foyer of the Healing House.

Workers and Healers Wanted

The Headmistress of the Healing House in Nanthalion has struck an accord with Lord Sogram of Valencia, who has agreed to begin the construction of a new Healing House in the Valencian shaman village of Midvale.

In the interim, a temporary location has been appointed at the old Viceroy’s house.

The Headmistress is currently looking for Healers who may be interested in manning the new location at the Viceroy’s House in Valencia.

And, when the time comes, overseeing the construction of the new Valencian Healing House, reporting progress back to Lindor in Nanthalion from time to time, and who would agree to care for the new House and any patients on a rotating basis.

Lord Sorgram has offered to provide lodging to healers in the local inn, or at his temple.

We are also looking for people to ship supplies to the new location.

Please inquire directly with Lord Sorgram to make arrangements.

Re: Healers Needed for New Healing House in Valencia

Postby Marren on Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:07 pm

Marren lives in Valencia, and would be thrilled to work the new location.
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Re: Healers Needed for New Healing House in Valencia

Postby Tehya on Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:40 pm

When I return to play having surgery on the 9th I'd like to have Topaz to work at the healing house and my character Ivy to work using her cherub ship to deliver supplies.
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Amethine Tawariell appointed as Assistant Head

Postby Lindor on Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:12 am

[2018-08-15 16:33:55] → Joined channel #tli-town
[2018-08-15 16:33:56] * Channel mode is +mnrt
[2018-08-15 16:33:56] * Channel timestamp is 1522994073
[2018-08-15 16:34:08] * Desdaemona set +v Lindor-HH
[2018-08-15 16:34:37] → Amethine joined (Ammeycat@Cute.Cookie.Shinobi)
[2018-08-15 16:34:38] * Desdaemona set +v Amethine
[2018-08-15 16:34:42] * Amethine → Amethine-HH
[2018-08-15 16:34:44] * Desdaemona set -v Amethine-HH
[2018-08-15 16:34:51] * Desdaemona set +v Amethine-HH
[2018-08-15 16:40:21] — Lindor-HH was in the library, relaxing. She had sent a fae out to Amethine some time ago, asking the Cat to come and join her. The Elfmaiden was wearing her simple white healer’s robe, hands folded in her lap. Her owl was perched on the back of that armchair, occasionally nuzzling the top of the elf’s head. She sighed softly.
[2018-08-15 16:46:18] — Amethine-HH wasted little time in coming over, she had been out in the forest gathering supplies that could be used in alchemy, but once she recieved the letter from the delightfully happy little fae, the catgirl finished filling one of her bottles with wild Sage leaves and started heading over to the Healing House. Eventually, her familiar, Ra-Vethine, swooped in through the back door and into 4<--|
[2018-08-15 16:46:18] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  the Library after one of the kitchen staff opened the door. Spotting Lindor, the raven fluttered down onto the table to announce her presence, tilting her head inquisitevly at the Elf before her. Amethine herself wasn't too far behind, and minutes later, she walked into the library with a 3"Heya Lindor! What's up? Did you need my help with something? Your letter wasn't really clear...". 4<--|
[2018-08-15 16:46:18] — Amethine-HH 4|--> . The catgirl was wearing, as always, her stained little dress, wrapped up in belts and straps hosting numerous pouches and bottles, with her thick hiking boots that have seen better days, there was the faint smell of nature about her. 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 16:50:14] — Lindor-HH arose from her chair as she heard the familiar sounds of Ravey and Ammey sweeping inside. As Catgirl entered the Library, the Elfmaiden was striding towards her, a smile on her face. “Amethine ... Welcome Home.” An odd greeting, perhaps, but there was a genuine warmth in it. “...I wanted to talk to you...” Soprano rasped.. her eyes drifting away to look over the Library as she turned about, beginning to stride through it... a hand
[2018-08-15 16:50:14] — Lindor-HH reached out, running fingertips over the bindings of dusty tomes. “You know, when I first arrived in Nanthalion, even though I had that room at the inn, I slept here... ate here... bathed here. I enjoyed the quiet of this House. It was empty most of the time, save for when the occasional patient would come in. I made it my home.” She turned around to face Amethine, that wistful smile fading slight. “But, a lot is changing for me. I
[2018-08-15 16:50:14] — Lindor-HH have some news...”
[2018-08-15 16:58:02] — Amethine-HH smiled warmly at Lindor, her eyebrow raising at her choice of words. Ravey watched from the table while Amethine glanced around the library when Lindor started talking about it so wistfully. The catgirl had came with her own, rather unrelated questions in mind but this had the sense that it was more important. 3"Uhm... well, I can see that, and it'd certainly be safer than the Inn. 4<--|
[2018-08-15 16:58:02] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 What's going on? Is something happening with the house?". The way she spoke about it gave Amethine the idea that something was going to happen to the old building, was it getting removed? Renovated? Her mind was racing at the implications, but waited patiently to see what Lindor's news was. 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 17:06:58] — Lindor-HH smiled brightly, and then loosed a little laugh. “Well. It seems that our recent adventure on my ship, has caught the attention of one of the Nobles.” And she shook her head, gazing wistfully through the window, but with a different sort of expression... one of excitement. Her eyes returned to Ammey. “Lady Dias Eesha, the air mage on the Elentari who helped us pick up such tremendous speed to overtake the pirate ship so quickly...
[2018-08-15 17:06:58] — Lindor-HH Well, she has recently been promoted to a minor Noble, and has asked me to act as Naval Captain for her fleet of ships. I will be working as a freelancer... a mercenary, I suppose. And going on long voyages to the farthest reaches of Belariath.” Elf studied Ammey’s face now, as she took those slow steps closer, white robe fluttering softly with each step.. “..I will be away... for long stretches of time. The Healing House will need...
[2018-08-15 17:06:58] — Lindor-HH another Headmistress. Someone who will love the House, and watch over it,” Elfmaiden began to cross the room again, slowly nearing Ammey, “..Someone with a true Healer’s heart... who will honor the legacy and traditions that came before...” Lindor came to a half before Amethine, gazing evenly at her in that soft way. “And, after spending some time getting to know you and watching you ... in healing situations, in battle situations...
[2018-08-15 17:06:58] — Lindor-HH I find you my first choice in candidates. I trust you, Amethine... And I cannot say that about many people. And, well... I just cannot think of anyone else who might care for this old place as much as I have. Oh, I am not going away forever! But, I need help... I need an Assistant Headmistress. What do you say? Oh, please say yes... I cannot think of anyone better for the job.”
[2018-08-15 17:22:01] — Amethine-HH raised her eyebrow again at the word "Noble's", she had little trust in them after encountering some... but this did seem like a good opportunity for Lindor, who did have her own ship. 3"So... kinda like what Abby does then? Wait but..." Amethine was starting to piece the clues together, and then Lindor confirmed her fears. She was effectively leaving! She was about to protest, to 4<--|
[2018-08-15 17:22:01] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  shelfishly argue that she wanted Lindor here, Lindor was always here! It wouldn't feel right without her! But Lindor continued talking and then Amethine's eyes widened at her proposal, she was never great at recieving praise for her work as a Healer but this was, well, not exactly something Amethine could just brush off. Was there really any bigger praise Lindor could have given her? The 4<--|
[2018-08-15 17:22:01] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  catgirl stands there, mouth agape for a short while as her mind thinks furiously, eventually coming to the conclusion that she couldn't make Lindor stay anymore than Lindor could stop her from learning more about Healing and Alchemy. So, Amethine gulps, and shakily responds 3"I... well, I'd do anything to help you and this place Lindor. Of course I'll accept!". 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 17:27:35] — Lindor-HH breathed a sigh of relief, her shoulders visibly relaxing as she fell forward a step.. slender arms enveloping Amethine in a warm hug, pressing her close to the elf’s soft breasts. Chin fell to her shoulder, a peach-scented breath issued out on a sigh, “...Ah... thank you... I know what you must be thinking now, that it won’t be the same without me...” Hands gently curled to Ammey’s shoulders as Lindor drew back a little to look at her
[2018-08-15 17:27:35] — Lindor-HH with those kindly eyes. “I felt the same when my Teacher, gwyneth left. She was one of the original founders of this House... and to me, it wasn’t the same without her, either. But I stayed anyway, and built something new here... to honor her... I know that, when she drifts by to peek in the windows, she is satisfied that her life’s work continues, in a new life. And I will feel the same, as you give it new life... as you bring your own
[2018-08-15 17:27:35] — Lindor-HH flavor into it. Now then...!” And with a big smile, she released Ammey, striding off into the kitchen, “it really isn’t hard. I just need to show you a few things I may have not shown you yet. Beyond the herb garden out back, and off to the northeast corner of the yard, there is a hot spring with a bath house built over it... Our private bath house. Good for relaxing the muscles of a recovering patient. There is also a large stable
[2018-08-15 17:27:35] — Lindor-HH for horses...” Just minor details, the Elf didn’t even bother leaving the House to point them out, “But you can go see them later, for yourself. More importantly, I must talk to you a bit about the laboratory, and the offices, and the Anchored Savior Room...” And Lindor pressed on through the library, into the foyer, and began down the long hall, passing by an exam rooms... glancing over her shoulder at Ammey now and again, leaving a
[2018-08-15 17:27:35] — Lindor-HH space for breath if the girl had any questions or further comments before Lindor continued.
[2018-08-15 17:38:35] — Amethine-HH hugged Lindor back tightly, her head smooshed right into that bosom with a faint peach smell in her nostrils, she quite liked the Elf lady, and felt that she hadn't been here long enough to deserve such praises, but Lindor's kind words started to get to her a little bit, and when they parted she was smiling with rather watery eyes. 3"Gee Lindor... I, I dunno what to say... I guess all 4<--|
[2018-08-15 17:38:35] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 I can say is that I'll do my best to honor both you and Gwyneth." Amethine had already explored what Lindor described once or twice, so wasn't too surprised that Lindor skipped actually showing them. She hurried along behind Lindor however, 3"So... wasn't there already an assistant headmistress? Or was that office empty...?". It was the only question she had at the moment, she was 4<--|
[2018-08-15 17:38:35] — Amethine-HH 4|--> . saving her other thoughts for until after Lindor had shown her around the more sensitive areas. 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 17:53:44] — Lindor-HH halted before the managerial offices near the end of the hall, and turned to Amethine...smiled warmly to see the Catgirl tearing up... A thumb pressed to her cheek to wipe that little tear away. “...I know it is hard to see yourself now, because you are young and inexperienced. But, let us just say that I see your potential... And I see who you will be someday. And I have faith in that.” She reached into her pocket, producing a few keys.
[2018-08-15 17:53:44] — Lindor-HH “...I had hired another Assistant Headmistress recently, but she has not given much attention to the House. While I do like the Halfling Penny, and think highly of her, I fear the girl has ideas of building her own legacies elsewhere, rather than supporting this one. And I need someone who will focus a bit of their energy and attention here, from time to time.” She unlocked the Assistant Manager’s office door, and then gave the key to
[2018-08-15 17:53:44] — Lindor-HH Amethine, with a smile. “Now then... the actual responsibilities, are actually quite few...” Elf wandered into that little office, late afternoon sun streaming softly through its singular window... a modest desk, and chair, a few more chairs strewn about for guests. On the desk, she had left a large tome. Quill and inkpot stood by it. “This is the Ledger that I keep... of all the Healers whom I have met, who have expressed their interest
[2018-08-15 17:53:44] — Lindor-HH in offering their Healing Services under our roof... I try to keep it current. You don’t have to look at it every day, or even every week... But, from time to time, try to get an idea of who is still around, and who you haven’t seen in quite some time. I also log those who volunteer for the House... For example, Markov, has offered to blend some medicines for the House in our Laboratory here, as well as generally attend to the House...
[2018-08-15 17:53:44] — Lindor-HH welcome guests, change the linens, and things like that.” Elf pointed to the entry in the book, to give Ammey an idea of what she meant. “There are no paychecks... we are no longer funded in that way. But Healers, and even mundane healers with Mastery in First Aid and Triage, may charge for their services on a per-patient basis, if they so choose. Many choose to simply do it out of the kindness of their hearts.”
[2018-08-15 18:13:45] — Amethine-HH could only smile as Lindor wipes her tear. She really did feel inexperienced in this, she couldn't even bring someone back from death! But she couldn't bring herself to try and argue that, all she could do was humbly accept Lindor's praises and faith in her abilities. When Lindor described Penny, the catgirl nodded solemnly. 3"That's a shame about Penny... but I definitely feel dedicated 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:13:45] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 to the art of Healing, moreso than I am to Alchemy and Potioncraft.". She was about to follow Lindor into the office after it was opened, but then Lindor gave her the key to it and that threw Amethine off guard. She'd never actually unlocked a door before outside of an Inn room she had rented, and only just now was it really sinking in for Amethine that she was stepping into a role of 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:13:45] — Amethine-HH 4|--> . manager, of responsibility. The catgirl gripped the key tightly and followed after Lindor with a smile, she would have to get used to the sight of the little office, it was hers now afterall. As lindor described the ledger, Amethine silently listened, paying attention to Lindor before moving to inspect the big book herself, lifting the pages a little to explore some of the older entries 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:13:45] — Amethine-HH 4|--> . for a couple of seconds. 3"I know I've been waiving fee's and stuff recently, the amount of Vulpine's and their friends who've been in recently... I just couldn't even entertain the thought of charging them for them going through something so horrid. Any who insisted I only charged them the absolute minimum to cover the costs of things like Agrimony and Flairen that were used." Amethine 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:13:45] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  then looked about the little office just as Ravey flapped on in and landed on the desk, looking around as well. 3"Might get you a little perch or something for you Ravey... would you like that?". The bird looked at the catgirl and hopped from side to side, before walking about the desk to explore more. 3"I'll... take that as a "yes" then." 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 18:18:19] <Lindor-HH> “Ah, a perch for Ravey! You know, she could use Bubo’s perch in the foyer, if you like. For a long time, I would leave Bubo there to watch the door for me, while I was in other parts of the House. If someone came in badly injured, he could alert me to their presence... I could see them through his eyes.” Elf smiled, reaching out and petting the raven gently. “But then, I know how you like to have her near you sometimes. Yes, find a perch for
[2018-08-15 18:18:19] <Lindor-HH> her for your office, too.” Lindor took a deep breath... “...I suppose there is little else for me to show you... The Healer’s bunks are just one door over... You may sleep there any time... You may live here if you wish. There really is not much for you to do, Amethine. When gwyneth passed this on to me, I knew less, had less healing ability, than you do even now... But what I did have, was persistence and determination. In the end, that is all
[2018-08-15 18:18:19] <Lindor-HH> that really counts. And you have plenty of that.” Lindor grinned, and clapped a hand softly to Ammey’s shoulder. Now then... I cannot remember, but Have I ever shown you the Anchored Savior Room?”
[2018-08-15 18:28:35] — Amethine-HH smiled at Ravey when the suggestion was made for her to use Bubo's in the foyer, and after gently nuzzling into Lindor's hand affectionately at the petting, the raven took off, flapping out of the room. 3"I remember seeing Bubo there actually... that's a really good idea. I don't think we'd mind that, we'd still be in the same building afterall.". At the deep breath, Amethine reached 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:28:35] — Amethine-HH 4|--> . out to grip Lindor's arm and giving it a soft squeeze, being slightly too short to go for the shoulder comfortably. This couldn't be easy for Lindor to do. 3"Well, I feel at least a little better if you were less experienced than I am now." Amethine let go when her own shoulder was clasped, and she tilted her head to think. 3"No... I don't think so, not personally. I've read about it 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:28:35] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 and I showed it to Abby and Airy once when I saw it was unlocked... it's always been locked tight on other occasions. I guess I've just never had the chance to ask you about it.." 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 18:40:07] — Lindor-HH was trembling a little... it was... a lifetime... a legacy... that she was (sort of) leaving behind. Maybe telling herself, she could come back at any time! But knowing deep in her heart that she had grown past it... And it was just holding her back now. It was time to move on to other ventures. Now it was Lindor’s turn to hold back tears... the pale violet eyes going a little glassy with wet, lips trembling slight. She steeled herself,
[2018-08-15 18:40:07] — Lindor-HH and with a nod, continued on down that little hall... passing the laboratory. “The lab is there... that is where we blend our medicines, the ones that stay here in the House for all to use.” She was sure Ammey knew this already. “Markov has been so kindly offering his services in there, keeping us well stocked.” Lindor produced another key, and unlocked the final door. She then handed this to Amethine with a knowing little grin,
[2018-08-15 18:40:07] — Lindor-HH before pushing that vast door open upon the darkened room. Sconce lights threw their glow from the walls, glimmering light along the brazier of Healing Waters. There was a holy feeling about this room. A sacred feeling. Lindor wandered in, lifting her eyes to it... the shelves lining the walls, well stocked with herbal blends, bandages, healing tools. Flasks of wine, cups, mortar and pestles. Several more healing cots, with stools and
[2018-08-15 18:40:07] — Lindor-HH chairs and tables beside them. “...Here is where we prepare bodies, and perform the resurrections. But more importantly, here is where is housed the Brazier of Healing Waters.” Lindor wandered up to it, touching the surface of the waters with her fingers. She grabbed a small vial from the shelf, and dipped it in, filling it... “When you obtain the Anchored Savior spell...” Continued, as she pressed a cork into the vial’s neck,
[2018-08-15 18:40:07] — Lindor-HH “...If you are ever in danger, and have a patient who you need to escape with, quickly, you may break the seal on this vial and spill the water, and you both will be instantly transported to this room.” Elf took a length of leather string, snipping it with a scissor, and threaded it around the vial, making a sort of necklace. “...When the Healers had our own Guild, this was given to each initiate. Should you ever have to spend your
[2018-08-15 18:40:07] — Lindor-HH waters, remember to replenish your vial here in the Brazier, for next time. The Brazier is always full.” With a smile, and if allowed, Lindor gently would place the necklace around Ammey’s neck, carefully tying it off at the back.
[2018-08-15 18:56:10] — Amethine-HH was holding herself back as well, before Nanthalion Amethine didn't have any friends or allies, relying on herself for everything. This was the first time in her life she was forced to accept that she had to say farewell to somebody she called friend, made especially more profound by the figurative passing of the torch. As they passed the lab, Amethine gave it a mere glance, she had 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:56:10] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  most certainly been in there a number of times. Amethine took this other key from Lindor, it was difficult but welcome at the same time, a very strange sensation of not wanting things to change, and excitement that things were changing. Amethine had only peeked in last time, but now she fully entered the Anchored Savior room, looking around wistfully. A soft 3"Wow..." escaping her naturally 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:56:10] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  pink lips, 3"I feel... at peace in here, there's an air of serenity... I feel, safe. Is that deliberate?". Amethine stepped forwards a little to peer at the brazier herself, not getting any closer. Amethine nodded knowingly as Lindor described the spell, she had studied it before, and had a fairly okay grasp on how it worked. 3"Yes the water's blessed or something, isn't it? The magic 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:56:10] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 within activating only when the healer in question is is truly in their heart putting someone else's need above their own in times of crisis. I hope I never have to use it when I do learn it.". Amethine smiled and happily let Lindor place the vial around her neck, then lifted it up to look at it in the soft light before resting it back against her chest and looking back up at Lindor with 4<--|
[2018-08-15 18:56:10] — Amethine-HH 4|--> . a warm smile and rather watery eyes. 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 19:08:42] — Lindor-HH placed a palm against Ammey’s cheek. “‘Tis not goodbye forever, dear girl. I will be always be near, and watching. You can always send me a fae, if you need a little advice, or just want to talk, or truly need me for something... I imagine I’d leave that ship in a heartbeat, if the Healing House truly could not get on without me... But I have complete faith that you will carry on just fine. And I will be back someday. This was the
[2018-08-15 19:08:42] — Lindor-HH most important ritual, actually...” That hand slipped off of Ammey’s cheek and fingertips carefully turned over the vial on her throat, admiring the little shadow it cast between collarbones. “...Should the right moment arise, I want you to do this for other Healers... give them this... Tell them what I have told you... Show them this room. It is for you, for them, for US.” Hand dropped to her side, her gaze drifting around it, a deep
[2018-08-15 19:08:42] — Lindor-HH breath drawn.. “Yes, it feels this way on purpose. This room is special... Warded... None may enter it, not even those very powerful Dark Forces who can walk through walls... It is, truly a safe place...” Lindor turned, then, fetching something else down from the shelf. It appeared to be a scroll, much like one would find at the Sorcerer’s Sanctuary. Wrapped in a little purple ribbon. “...I have been saving this for you, for this
[2018-08-15 19:08:42] — Lindor-HH moment. The time is right, and I want you to have it. The Anchored Savior spell has saved me more times than I can count... It is truly the Healer’s best ally in times of trouble. Here... take it...” Lindor softly pressed that scroll into Amethine’s hands.
[2018-08-15 19:20:21] — Amethine-HH merely stood there, silently watching with a warm, sad little smile on her face. She leaned in slightly to Lindor's touch, welcoming the caress. Her tail softly swished to and fro, but otherwise the catgirl was quite still. Amethine took the offered scroll with an air of surprise, but then Lindor explained what it was and Amethine clutched the scroll tightly to herself. 3"Lindor... 4<--|
[2018-08-15 19:20:21] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 I..." She didn't really know what to say, 3"I promise, I will. I'll do my best to make sure this place outlives me, and hopefully this spell will help ensure that means longer than a few months." Amethine couldn't handle the emotions running through her, so she just had to break the mood in the only way she could. Awkward topic changes. 3"I know this isn't goodbye, not forever. Because 4<--|
[2018-08-15 19:20:21] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 I still need to ask you about what happened at the Inn!" Amethine then offered a playful smirk, hoping to shock the Elf a little, maybe even bring forth a smile of happiness and not wistfulness. 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 19:25:20] — Lindor-HH was feeling rather relieved and pleased about all of it, really...The elf feeling extremely confident in Amethine’s dedication and ability to healing work. But when Catgirl changed the subject like that, Elf lofted brows incredulously.... Peach lips twisting into a little smirk as she moved to take a seat on one of those healing cots. “mm... yes? What about it?” Drawled the high elf, glancing up at Ammey and then down at the floor as
[2018-08-15 19:25:20] — Lindor-HH she carefully reclined, soon laying out over that cot... a forearm pressed to her brow, as she loosed a breath toward the ceiling through pursed lips.
[2018-08-15 19:36:20] — Amethine-HH got the smile she wanted! Sort of, that smirk held secrets she felt... though the way Lindor relaxed back into the cot disarmed the catgirl somewhat. Amethine walked up to Lindor and squatted next to the cot so that she was more or less level with Lindor's head. 3"Well... I was just curious is all... I've never seen you like that before with someone. And... well... you were hardly secretive 4<--|
[2018-08-15 19:36:20] — Amethine-HH 4|--> 3 about it!" Amethine didn't sound accusing, or aggressive in the slightest, if anything she was curious. She herself was slowly opening up more and more about amorous activities, and to see Lindor, who was effectively the catgirl's role model for Healers, sexually tease and humiliate someone like that was... curious to say the least. Amethine felt the woman could have done a lot more to 4<--|
[2018-08-15 19:36:20] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  get out of Lindor's grasp if she truly wanted to, so it raised the question if such things were actually enjoyable. Amethine knew the final farewell was coming up, it had to be, but at least for now they could chat like nothing was changing, helping solidify the point that Lindor wasn't gone for good, at least in Amethine's mind. Sure, the conversation topic was a little different than 4<--|
[2018-08-15 19:36:20] — Amethine-HH 4|-->  usual, but that wasn't the point! 17<<=|
[2018-08-15 19:40:53] * Lindor-HH → Lindor
[2018-08-15 19:40:55] * Desdaemona set -v Lindor
[2018-08-15 19:41:02] * Desdaemona set +v Lindor
[2018-08-15 19:41:06] — Lindor arm slipped overtop of her head, falling limp against the pillow, fingers dangling slight in the air, over the edge of the cot. Wealth of fresh curls pooled beneath her head, slipping silkily to dangle over the side... eyes drifted closed, long lashes casting spiderleg shadows over pale cheeks. “...A person is like a prism... Each facet of it casting the world in a different light... There are many sides of me that I had not seen until
[2018-08-15 19:41:06] — Lindor recently... new faces emerging...” And one of them, is the face of Lindor Tindomerel, Naval Captain and adventurer... One that needed further exploring.. while Lindor the Healer was fading into the background. “...There are facets of you, too... that you will discover in time...” Maybe another day, Lindor would play with Amethine in this way... but for now, she seemed very tired... her voice coming out in mumbles and whispers, trailing away
[2018-08-15 19:41:06] — Lindor into a soft, ladylike snore... The Elfmaiden soon slumbering peacefully there in the Healer’s Sanctum... her consciousness fading to black. ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈
[2018-08-15 19:41:14] *
[2018-08-15 19:41:14] * Socket closed

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