My Characters' Debut RPs

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My Characters' Debut RPs

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:37 pm

Here is a thread where I'll show all my characters' debut RPs in Belariath... or at least the ones that survived a hard drive crash many years ago.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie Volopa's Debut RP: 7/20/06

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:50 pm

After a long day delivering clothes, potions and weapons across town, Callie Volopa relished the end of her working hours and looked forward to a nice, relaxing evening-- and maybe meeting an attractive man or woman and having a little fun. The red-furred, one-tailed vulpine woman wore a blue wraparound tunic, button-down undershirt, blue pants and panties with a hole cut out for her tail. As this was her first day apart from her tribe, she knew she needed somewhere to stay when she wasn't working. So she thought she might give the Lonely Inn a try. Walking in a way designed to be inconspicuous, she sits down at the bar and orders a hot cocoa.

Belson the door of the inn slammed inwards as the tall moriel made his presence felt and heard. As he moves within the door the aura of the dark paladin flared up. Dark feelings of dread and terror began to spread out from his being as he walked towards the door. The two toned irises of his eyes were replaced with a seething darkness. Moving to the bar he whispered a spell that swept him up and into the air about 2 feet above the bar. Letting the spell fade he dropped with a loud thump behind the bar

Callie raises an inquisitive eyebrow at Belson's display, as he planted himself behind the bar. Something about his appearance, however, spelled 'death' for her, and so she refrained from asking him if he was an employee here, or ordering a drink from him.

Callie Volopa turns to look at the gigantic black-furred wolven, and can't quite suppress a shudder. Her vulpine tribe's antipathy towards wolvens was well-documented, and the only other wolven she'd met, she'd grown to instantly dislike. Suddenly realizing that she was staring, she nervously chuckles and turns back to face the bar, hoping to cover it up.

Gravik wasn't a pup thank you… He was just a rash wolven that thought everything was beneath him...Proper in the ways a wolven should be and not consorting with things that should otherwise be used for wolvens purpose. If you where going to have a mate let it be a wolven as the blood needed to remain pure. His gaze would shift to Callie as he would growl at here his low gutteral voice speaking up next taking time to translate "Do you have a liking for pain?"

Callie looks embarrassed by Gravik's question, her eyes flittering over to him for just a moment, nervously... "N-- no... I'm sorry I stared." She sips at her hot cocoa, hoping that'll be the end of it...

Gravik would sneer at her his sharp white teeth shown in an expression of disgust "Regardless, You made a mistake toy...Kneel pressing your face to the ground and lick it and I will think nothing of it...If you hesitate I might derive a different task." He was in an odd mood for him not just striking out as he usually preferred.

Callie Volopa blanches at the request. "Kneel down and...? I respectfully decline," she says nervously, suddenly wishing she could crawl beneath the floor boards of this place-- perfectly aware that Gravik was darn near twice her size, and that no one in the room would lift a finger to defend her.

Gravik would sigh softly as he heard her words. His form rising off of the stool his hand then going to pick it up. He would rush towards her as he would then swing the stool over his head with both hands trying to hit her across the back. His voice wasn't heard as he did this action preferring to be silent during a fight.

Visdimor's eyes move to Gravik, suddenly wrenched from his own little world. Well, that's one way to do it.

Callie Volopa gasps at the speed of Gravik's movements-- before she could do anything to defend herself or pull out a weapon, he'd grabbed his stool and slammed it across her back, splitting the wood with a resounding "CRACK!" The vulpine girl slumped against the bar, eyes closed... but she wasn't unconscious. She trailed her hand up towards her mug, and flung the hot cocoa in what she hoped was Gravik's direction...

Gravik it burnt his flesh and would cause a growl from him but he had dealt with more pain then that without making a sound. It was rare for him to be unharmed as his ways were very violent. The stool remnants would just be tossed aside as his clawed hand would try to grasp her hair. If successful he would try to pull her down to the floor with her face first.

At the same moment Callie flung the cocoa-- a growl indicating that she'd been successful at that-- she rose up from her prone position on the bar, but again Gravik was too quick for her. He grabbed the fur at the back of her head, and began pulling her face down towards the floor. "Let-- go of me," she groaned, more from humiliation than actual pain.

Gravik would smile softly at her protests his guttural voice speaking up as her face was pressed against the ground "Lick the fucking ground toy." That was all he wanted he wasn't in the mood for more really his bed up stairs looking mighty tempting but he wasn't the type to back down.

Callie Volopa's humiliation only grew as the much-stronger Gravik pulled her face down into the floor. Goddamn bastard! Wolvens were always the same, always trying to take whatever they wanted from vulpines. But vulpines could fight back. Grabbing one of the broken legs of the bar stool, she swung it at him, aiming for the back of his left kneecap.

Gravik’s knee would buckle causing that leg to fall forward knee first up her form. He would just repeat himself through the pain uncaring about how much he had to deal with to get this simple task accomplished. She didn't seem to understand common even as well as he did so he would repeat it in a one word command: "Lick."

"Kiss... my ass!" Callie growled at him, muffled by the floor against her lips, as she swung the stool leg again, trying to slam it into the back of his *right* kneecap this time. Dammit, he may be bigger than she was, but she was not going to allow him to humiliate her like this...

Gravik he would be hit against his form brought to his knees he would just shake his head softly his hand released upon her head as he would rise slowly. He would try to step on her as he would move towards the stairs thinking that one wasn't even worth his time and he was too tired to deal with her.

Callie can see Gravik's large, black-furred bare foot coming down, and can only partially dodge it, as he ended up stepping on her leg with just his toes. Then he was headed for the stairs, and after lying there for a moment-- just to make sure it wasn't a trick-- Callie rose to her feet slowly, dusting off her tunic and trying to salvage her dignity.

Returning to her bar stool now, Callie chuckles nervously, hoping no one saw what just happened... but indeed, no one was even looking in her direction at the moment, so she felt a *little* better. "Wolven bastard," she growled under her breath, as she ordered another hot cocoa to replace the one she'd tossed in his face.

Bruce walked into the bar again, having just returned from the bath house smelling like roses. He hated it. "Stupid bitch should've told me what scent was what." Oh well... he was clean now. His ice-blue eyes scanned the room as he made his way to the bar to take a stool next to a vixen. He looks at her out of the corner of his eye as he flags down a tender.

Callie Volopa subtly casts a cleaning spell on herself as she strokes the back of her neck... feeling the dust and dirt on her face disappear from when the black-furred wolven pressed her face into the floor a moment ago. Smelling the scent of roses, she sniffed the air and turned to the human knight with a friendly, but puzzled, look on her face. "Um... I don't mean to be rude, but... is that sweet-smelling rose scent coming from you, Sir Knight?"

Bruce cast another side-long look at the vulpine before him. The last thing he had wanted was for someone to call attention to his scent. He turned to look at her, his piercing blue eyes meeting her green eyes. Gods it had been a long time since he had seen a Vulpine! He had forgotten how exotic they were. He finally smiled at her, "Yes it is. It was the first time I had seen a bar of soap in a long time. No one told me they were scented." He looked back at the bar as a mug of ale was delivered to him and picked it up, taking a deep drink.

Callie Volopa giggles at that. "They always seem to skim over the details, huh? People in general, I mean. It smells kinda nice, though," Callie assures him, taking a deep sniff of the air. "Unusual for a knight--" let alone a guy, but Callie didn't say that-- "but nice." She takes a sip of her hot cocoa.

Bruce grins at the vixen before turning to take another sip of his ale. He set his half-empty glass down and looked back at the vixen, pushing his blonde hair from his face. He stared at the vulpine for a few moments, the sight of her bringing back old memories long gone.

Callie sits looking towards the front of the bar, drinking her cocoa, unaware that the knight was staring at her for a moment. When she cast another sidelong glance at him, she realized it, and her tail curled slightly away from her back in a vulpine expression of a mild blush. Smiling sweetly, maybe a little nervously, she asked, "What?" It wasn't the demanding inquiry of "What the hell are you looking at?", but more the shy question of someone who knew she was being positively appraised.

Bruce smiles at her as his eyes roam up and down her form. "Oh... it's nothing. Just... Seeing a vulpine. It brings back a lot of memories. I haven't seen one of your kind, let alone a woman in 10 years." He looks back down into his mug, staring intently as if all the answers to life were held in that mug.

Callie Volopa raises an eyebrow at that. "You haven't seen a woman in ten years? Surely you're joking, right?" She could believe the not-having-seen-a-vulpine thing, anyway... herself, she hadn't seen someone of another species until about four years ago.

Bruce shakes his head and finally looks up at her from his mug and smiles sweetly at her, “I wish I were joking, my lady, but it really has been about 10 years.” He looks back at his mug and then at the green-eyed vulpine again, “But you, my lady, are a sight for sore eyes.”

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Callie promises him with a sweet smile, taking another sip of her hot cocoa as she allowed her eyes to look up and down the human knight. Though far, *far* from a virgin, Callie had never been with a non-vulpine before, and she was wondering what it might be like to slip those clothes off of him and...

Bruce smiled at the Vulpine. He remembered a time when he would have looked down upon her and told her to lick his boots clean. He had hated all races except the humans and the high elf-kind. Over the last 10 years though... he had changed his mind. He saw before her a beautiful creature who had just come on to him. He licked his lips as he looked back at her, looking at her the same way she was him. "What is your name, ma'am?"

"My name is Callie Volopa," she replied with a smile, not lost to the fact that the knight had just clearly licked his lips. Jeez, ten years with no female company would do that to someone... not that Callie thought she was unattractive, or anything. "Just struck out on my own away from my tribe yesterday... found a nice job as a courier in town."

Bruce looked her up and down as he listened to her, taking in as much as he could with her clothes on. "Very nice," he said in response to the declaration of a job. He looked back up at her with a smile. "I guess I'll need to get a job if I am to rent a room here."

Callie Volopa giggles softly. "I suppose *everyone* needs a job in order to, well, live, really," she said, "but if you're hard up for cash right now, maybe we could... share a room. And I could..." Callie brushed a finger up the knight's cheek. " you to vulpines, and women, too."

Bruce thought that this was too good to be true. This woman was offering herself to him and he couldn't figure out why. He merely stared at her in shock and then nodded his head, shivering slightly at her touch on his skin. It was the first kind touch he had felt in over 10 years, and it was amazing. Then it dawned on him that he hadn't introduced himself. "My name is Bruce... Bruce Y`tere and if you are serious about that offer, I would gladly accept it."

"I'm very serious, Bruce," Callie assured him, gazing into his soft eyes. "The vulpine... hee, reputation for hedonism is well-deserved, and I'm even more fun-loving than most." She leans in to softly kiss Bruce on the lips, breaking it very quickly. "Plus I've never been with a non-vulpine before, and I've always had a soft spot for humans..."

Bruce broke into a huge grin as the kiss was broken. This couldn't possibly be happening... but Bruce wasn't one to turn away an offer like this. He wanted it badly. "Well... good thing I am a human then. Shall we?" He turns to the bar and calls for the tender.

Holly emerges, "Can I help you?"

Bruce nods. “Yes... how much for a room for the evening?”

Leufious sipped at his newly acquired drink, glancing over at the others, smirking a little as they spoke.

Holly looks up at Bruce and at the vulpine and an understanding smile creeps across her face, "Well sir, we generally rent rooms out for the month at the cost of 10 nhl. A good deal as it includes all your meals and the use of the bath house.”

Bruce turns to Callie, "Well, how would you like to handle this?”

"I've got this," Callie says with a friendly smile, digging into her coin bag and setting 10 mhl on the bar. "That's more than fair, I think."

<Callie`Volopa> !money sub 10 mhl

Holly curtsies to the vixen, "Thank you ma'am. If you'll just sign your name in the book here," she says, sliding a registry book to them.

Callie Volopa nods, and writes "Callie Volopa" in rather impressive handwriting on the book, her eyes gazing over towards Bruce again when she was done.

Bruce hands the girl 10 mhl as well from his small stash, and signs his name to the book. "Keep my key safe till tomorrow. I'll get it then," he says. He turns to Callie as a key is handed to her, "I'm ready if you are he says as he turns toward the stairs leading up to the rooms.

<Bruce> !money sub 10 mhl

<Desdaemona> *transaction* Bruce Y`tere subtracted 10 mhl 0 cop

Holly hands Callie a key, "room 310" and nods at Bruce's instructions. As they leave, she quickly exits the inn through the back way, anxious to see her tree.

Callie Volopa grins. "Oh, I'm ready, Bruce," she said with a giggle, shyly taking the human's hand as they walked up the stairs towards room 310. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been *this* impulsive... it must've been five years ago after her soul-joining, when her hedonism was at an all-time high and she'd slept with darn near every guy her age in the tribe.

Bruce walked down the hall with Callie deep in thought. What could he say to something like this? They reached the door and Bruce gently took the key from Callie's hand and unlocked it. Opening the door, it was nearly pitch, black inside. He walked in and found the sand bowl and tongs, reaching into the sand with the tongs, he pulled out the hot coal buried under the powdery dirt and used it to light the candles he found in the room. Placing the coal in the sand again, he turned to see Callie in the doorway, her voluptuous figure silhouetted by the light outside the door. He reached out and grabbed one of her hands and pulled her into him for a fierce embrace followed by a passion fueled by 10 years of loneliness. He kicked the door shut as he kissed the vixen.

Callie stood in the doorway for a few moments, watching as Bruce lit candles around the room-- enough so they could see their bodies as the light flickered against them, but not so much that they were *flooded* in light, either. Her simple, soft smile welcomed him as he took her hand and pulled her close, her kiss soon matching his in passion and intensity. She let out a soft purr of delight as she heard the door slammed shut by his foot, and she took a moment to reach out with her hand and lock it.

Bruce still kissed her passionately, wanting to eat her up. It had been so long since he had felt anything like this. His hands slid around her waist and he picked her up, his biceps growing and coming stiff with her 110 pounds. He threw her against the door as he pressed himself over her and continued the kiss. His hands roamed freely and frantically as if he knew that this would come to an end any second. His hands trailed from her hips to her stomach, breasts, arms, neck, face, and back down, all with the same, quick, frantic nature. His kiss was desperate and he began tearing at her tunic.

"Hee, whoa, easy there Bruce," Callie murmured, even as she sighed, her body reacting quite well to the frantic kisses he was planting all over her body. "Wow, I know it's been ten years since you saw a woman, but... easy with the clothes there, sweetie," she said, giggling softly. "A few more seconds to take 'em off without ripping them won't hurt." She playfully beeps his nose.

Bruce steps back and quickly pulls off his shirt, displaying his well-defined chest and stomach, his muscles flex a little as he tries to control himself, "I'm sorry... It's just... and you're just... strip for me." He sits down on the bed and waits for her to comply, fiery lust contrasting with the ice blue of his eyes.

"I will," Callie says, "and I understand your eagerness. Heck, I'm *flattered* by it." As Bruce sat down, Callie slowly walked over so that she was about ten feet in front of him, just out of arms'-length. Her bare feet made no sound on the plush carpet. "Try'n relax, Bruce... and enjoy this moment... I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Her sweet smile turned seductive as her green eyes ran up and down his body hungrily, and she began slowly unbuttoning her blue tunic...

Bruce merely nodded at the vixen as he stared hungrily at her, taking her all in. He didn't realize it, but he was holding his breath as he leaned forward, supporting his muscular frame with elbows on knees. He smiled as he watched the vixen's fingers work every button loose. The large bulge in his pants had gone from semi-hard to rock solid in his pants as he anticipated Callie's clothes being removed. "Gods... you are beautiful!"

Callie smiles sweetly at that, her tail curling slightly away from her back in a vulpine expression similar to a blush. "Clearly you're a man of sophistication and taste," she murmured, her fingers continuing to delicately, teasingly unfasten each button. "I bet you can't wait to feel my naked body against yours, can you?"

Bruce sits up as a grin appears on his face. He begins undoing the lacing on his pants, but never looks away from the vixen. "No... I can't wait to press my body against yours. It's been so long. Don't tease me like this. You're killing me here!" He strips his pants off, now sitting there completely nude, his member stood proudly erect, the head wet with pre-cum.

Callie gasps softly at the sight of Bruce's well-toned, gloriously naked body as he sat down on the bed. And from the... looks of things... he desperately wanted her. But she continued to slowly strip for him, pulling off the tunic and tossing it onto the floor. Now she started working on the buttons on her white silk undershirt. "Shhh... just relax... no one ever heard of a knight with no self-control," she pointed out with a smile. She *did* manage to get her undershirt off faster than her tunic, though, and soon her bare breasts were exposed to his gaze.

Bruce licked his lips as his eyes wandered over the sight of her bare breasts exposed to him the furry globes looked gorgeous and he just wanted to reach out and touch them. He held back, but barely. He wanted to enjoy this. To see all of her. He just continued to watch, his member throbbing with desire.

"Masturbate for me-- but slowly," Callie requested, seeing how powerfully his slick-tipped shaft was throbbing for her. She placed her undershirt down on top of her tunic, and began slowly unsnapping the three snaps of her blue pants, pulling her tail out of its tail-hole and beginning to lower them.

Bruce nodded as his hand moved to his shaft. He ran his palm across the head, coating it in the liquid that seeped from the tip. He slid the palm down his throbbing shaft and closed around it. He gripped it lightly as he began to slide his hand up and down the member with long, slow strokes. Each stroke upward induced new droplets of the liquid while a stroke downward made him shiver with lust. His eyes continued to take her in, studying her intently with smoldering eyes. The skin around his cock was tight, the head large and purple as it was filled with blood. He needed release. All the while, his face stayed fixed, intent, but you could see it in those eyes...

Callie groans softly as she watches her human soon-to-be-lover stroking himself softly, spreading transparent pre-cum up and down his shaft. Keeping her sultry green pupil-less eyes on him, Callie asked, "Have you ever... been with a vulpine, Bruce?" Her pants were off now, and she pulled her tail into her panties as she began to slowly lower them, exposing her sex to the human...

Bruce shook his head as he watched the vulpine slide her panties down those sexy thighs. He moaned aloud as he felt a buildup deep in his groin. His hand was still moving slowly up and down his engorged manhood, but it took control. His finger kneaded it softly as he stroked it. "But you better quit it and get over here before I lose my mind."

"Aww," Callie says with a teasing grin, squatting down on the floor and then moving to her hands and knees, crawling over towards Bruce seductively. "It might be fun to watch you lose your mind... but if you insist." She crawled over to him and lifted her head up, taking his rock-solid, madly excited cock in hand... and then she guided to her lips, blowing softly on it, then licking it, and finally pushing it delicately into her mouth.

Bruce threw back his head and let out a loud, guttural groan as he felt Callie's vixen mouth receive his shaft. His hands went straight to her head and he began to press down as his fingers ran through the short hair on her head. "Grr... Callie take it all!"

Callie was planning on doing just that, as she began moving her head up and down his cock with expert, obviously well-practiced movements. As she did so, her right hand was also touching his cock, twisting upwards and downwards in rhythm with the movements of her mouth. She looked up into his eyes, her own emerald eyes clearly telling him how much she loved sucking his cock, as she increased the speed of her ministrations...

Bruce couldn't wait any longer. Placing pressure on her head he hunched over her as he exploded deep in her mouth, shooting load after load of hot seed into that vulpine maw. Bruce was breathing laboriously as he did so, letting out curses and profanities in three different languages. Finally letting the last of his seed shout into that sexy mouth, Bruce wasted no time. He pulled out of the vixen's mouth and stood up. Grabbing Callie by the shoulders, the human threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her, his member just as hard as before.

Callie moans excitedly, happily drinking up every last drop of Bruce's semen, which surprisingly tasted vaguely like... honey, of all things. She quickly swallowed, and grinned lustfully as Bruce grabbed her, tossed her on the bed and climbed onto her. "Mmm, what'cha... gonna do with me?" she teased.

Bruce didn't answer. Instead, he crawled down her body to look closely at her folds. He inhaled her scent, reveling in the smell. Finally, he cut his blue eyes up at Callie as he sunk a finger into her wet flower. Pulling it quickly out, he placed the tip of the finger in his mouth and smiled. It was very good. Giving her folds another lick, before climbing back on top of her, The head of his member planted on the lips of her nether region, "I intend on doing this." With that, he thrust his hips, his cock slipping into her wet folds.

"Ohhhh... Our Lady," Callie groaned in arousal as she felt Bruce touching her sex-- it was the vulpine equivalent of saying, "Ohh, gods." She giggled down at him when he sucked her juices from his finger, and when he climbed back atop her, she was more than wet enough for him. As he pushed inside her, Callie let out a gasp of delight, painting his face with kisses as their bodies joined...

Bruce sunk his cock deep into her and pulled back out again. He returned Callie's kisses with her own as his hands went to knead her breasts. He caught her mouth in his once again and they continued a kiss of fiery passion. He broke it quickly though, rather wanting to explore new territory. He pushed her head back as he rained kisses on her neck and chest working his way down to her breasts.

"Ohhh, Bruce... explore my body, baby," Callie groaned beneath him, her tail moving across to gently caress his left foot as her own hands trailed down his back. Her first time with a non-vulpine was as good as, if not better than, she could ever have imagined-- so what if they'd known each other only a few minutes?

Bruce continued to do exactly that. His lips reached her breasts and he sucked a nipple into his mouth, licking it and sucking on it. Her fur tickled a little, but it was a small price to pay for the pleasure he was getting out of it. He pressed his face into that perfect breast, feeling its warmth and softness. Meanwhile his hard member was pistoning in and out of Callie as fast as possible. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him as he continued assaulting her body.

"Ohhh... *man* you're such a great lover, Bruce," Callie groaned, shuddering against his touches and arching her back to push Bruce's face just a little closer to her breast. Her hips slammed against his with the same passion and force that he slammed into her with, excited to be here with him, doing such wonderful things...

Bruce met her thrusts with forceful ones of his own, "Thank you. I'm afraid I wouldn't be... kinda... out of... practice," he said between grunts and thrusts. He bit down lightly on her nipple as he picked up even more speed. He could feel it coming again and he wanted to make sure she would feel good. She broke off of her nipple and reached up to kiss her again, his hand reaching down to grind her little clitoris with his fingers as he fucked her. "I'm getting close, baby!"

Callie Volopa groaned excitedly, the sudden touching of her clit bringing her awfully close to the edge, too... "Unnnh... ohhh god I'm gonna come too... give it all to me, baby!" she cries, slamming her hips down even more vigorously than before as she tries to bring them both to the promised land...

Bruce couldn't hold it back any longer and with a final thrust, filled her with his semen once again. The explosion was just as strong before, but it took the rest of the energy he had. As load after load shot into the vixen, he could feel his strength sapping.

Callie cried out hungrily, the feel of Bruce coming inside her all she needed to push herself over the top as well. She continued bucking against him, and finally-- as the last of his semen poured into her vagina-- she began to coo softly, resting in his embrace as she slides him off of her, but still holds him close. "Can we... stay like this all through the night?" she asks him. "I'm not asking you to make any commitments at all; it wouldn't be fair to either one of us."

Bruce grabbed a blanket and wrapped both of them in it as he laid back beside her and pulled the vixen close. "Sure, Callie. I'd like that." He kissed her once again, a tender kiss of thanks and then laid his head beside hers and began to immediately fall to sleep.

Callie smiles sweetly, holding Bruce close to her and blowing out the candle nearest her side of the bed before she, too, drifts into sleep.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Erin Tarcata's debut, 4/16/10

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:05 pm

Erin Tarcata was about as bored as she'd ever been in her life. And considering she'd been alive for more than five centuries, that was saying something. Taking a sip of sweet tea at the bar in The Lonely Inn, the dual-tailed, ebony-furred vixen lightly brushes the fingers of her right hand against her tail-bases, wondering when she'd find the perfect person to become her new master. She'd been free for five years, due to the complete death of the family that had passed her from generation to generation. It had been a devastating loss for the vulpine, but her race was made of stern stuff; she'd learned to cope with the loss and not let it completely destroy her. But she'd learned in those five years that she wasn't much good on her own. Wearing only the black blouse, skirt and panties that she'd bought recently, and carrying a dagger for protection should anyone actually try to *hurt* her, she'd watched as no one had approached her, and everyone had gone about their business this night.

Div`Olin moves into the inn, looking around quietly. The moriel was, as always, immaculately garbed. Tall for his kind, meaning about six feet two inches, still towering above the vulpine. He projects an air of geniality and confidence. He looks around, not recognizing anyone...but if he had to meet someone new, the vulpine at the bar looked like the best option. He approaches her, smiling. "Good evening, my dear. What might your name be?"

Erin blinks lightly; she'd almost started to think she was invisible to everyone but the bartender. And even the bartender was starting to come less frequently, as if realizing she wasn't going to get anything stronger than sweet tea. "Good evening, sir," Erin says pleasantly, not quite meeting Div's eyes. Even though she was technically a free person, and had been for five years, she wished very much to be a slave again, and hadn't let herself get out of certain slave habits. "This one is called Erin Tarcata. Born a member of the Verlosi tribe; a slave most of her life and hoping to be so again one day." Erin lightly waves her twin tails behind her in a respectful, submissive gesture.

Div`Olin tilts his head slightly. Words like that, uttered in Nanthalion, usually precluded a group scramble and possible fisticuffs to see who could slap a collar on faster and drag the girl to the ISA. He hesitates, before deciding to test her words... "I...-may- be able to help you, then. Come with me, Erin of the Verlosi Tribe." He smiles, gesturing that she follow him to one of the curtained booths.

"Yes, sir," Erin replies, a small smile appearing on her lips as she follows Div towards the curtained booth that he had indicated. Maybe she simply should have been more obvious about what she wanted. She hadn't actually come out and told anyone what she was looking for, after all. Her right tail twitches lightly in anxiety, and she does her best to stifle it by smoothing out its fur with her right hand. Would Div be what she was looking for? Would he be a harsh taskmaster, an absolute demon? Or would he be someone who would take care of her as long as she met his needs? Erin had had masters and mistresses from all ends of the spectrum; she'd even once had a master who'd punished her by locking her inside a cage for six months. Another had tortured her almost to death on several occasions. What awaited her tonight?

Div`Olin was easily one of the kinder souls she was likely to meet. Firm when necessary, of course, but not unreasonable. He closes the curtain behind them both. "I already own one slave in this realm. What is your preference, in regards to sexual matters? Male, Female, or are you capable of affection towards either?" He asks quietly. It would make a slight difference, at least in how he handled this.

Erin was very open talking about her sexuality. She *was* a vulpine, after all, and she'd had sex with thousands of people in her life. "I have experience being owned by both males and females, sir." She considers thoughtfully. "All-in-all I consider myself bisexual, with a *slight* preference for males." 'Affection' wouldn't be quite the word she would use in the situation, though. She was capable of devotion, loyalty, support, compassion, guidance, obedience. Affection? She'd given up childish notions of love about 520 years ago.

[Missing a Div`olin post here.]

"Yes, sir. I have a total of 516 years' experience as a slave. I am trained in the sexual arts, as well as housekeeping and cleaning. I know basic first aid. I grew up on a farm, and have occasionally been asked to contribute in that department as well. When relieved of my duties for the day, I'm also a sculptor and astronomer." Div might notice that she didn't offer an opinion about how good she was at any of these things. They were just simple statements of fact. "The interest in arts and sciences, I believe, came about as a result of joining with my vulpine soul."

Div`Olin nods with only faint hesitation. He would have to ask Callie about that, at some point. "Well then, my dear, I have a proposal for you. Assuming you have a room here at the inn to stay, I will take you under my wing, to see how you would perform as my slave. If all goes well within the next week or two, then I will take you as my own." A...trial period, in other words. He outstretches one hand, lightly stroking her cheek.

Erin smiles and leans into the moriel's hand, saying, "Thank you, sir. I hope to prove myself worthy of having your collar upon my neck." She speaks very formally; she was indeed well-trained. She was completely up-front and guileless with Div; she wanted to prove herself on her own merits, or fail because of her own shortcomings. She didn't pretend to be anyone other than who she was. "Is there anything I can do for you at this moment?"

Div`Olin chuckles, nodding. "Yes. Come...sit on my lap." He instructs, sitting back and giving her a chance to obey him. This was the chance of a lifetime...vulpine slaves with her skills were -highly- prized...she would cost a fortune on any auction block from here to his own homeland.

"Yes, sir." She moves to obey, and then her right tail quirks a little bit. "Um, facing you, or facing away from you, sir?" She didn't want to disobey his very first order to her out of ignorance, and really, it could go either way. Facing him, they could kiss; he could feel her breasts up close, and so on. Facing away from him, he could check her out at his leisure.

Div`Olin grins. "Facing me, for now." He murmurs softly, adjusting his position to allow her to join him. As she does, his arms slip around her waist, leaning in a bit to kiss at her throat, inhaling her scent. His hands begin to roam her fur, partly for the pleasing feel of her fur underneath his fingertips, but also to explore her body.

"Yes, sir," Erin replies to his request; order, really, but it was a very pleasant order. Even though she'd probably *forgotten* more sex partners than the average human had ever had, she knows that nearly every time she shared her body with someone for the first time it was an experience. Sometimes the experiences had been rapturous; sometimes they'd been frightening; and a few had been boring. But if she had to guess, she was about to have a wonderful time. More important to her, though, was the time her *partner* had. So, as she sits on his lap and is caressed by the moriel's fingers, kissed, and her body's scent breathed in, she sighs contentedly, tracing her fingers and tails against his shoulders and hips, respectively.

Div`Olin purrs softly against her, getting quite comfortable as he wraps his arms about her frame. "Such a delightful vixen." He whispers approvingly, his hands slowly descending to wrap around her rump, squeezing slowly. As he kneads her fur, he lowers his lips to kiss at the swell of her breast. He was more than ready for her, yet he took his time, wanting her to get used to him.

"Thank you, sir, I endeavor to please," Erin says with a somewhat shy smile, letting out a soft gasp as her breast is kissed. Her flesh is very pliant and inviting beneath her jet-black fur. Placing both hands upon his shoulders, she slowly massages the muscles there, and grinds her hips just slightly against his, just enough to let him feel the treasure that was his if he wanted it. Then she moves one of her hands to the top of his head, gently threading her fingers through the moriel's hair.

Div`Olin nuzzles against her bosom, sighing happily as he cuddles the vulpine to his chest, still all smiles as he adjusts his hips to press to hers, thrusting upwards seemed he wanted that 'treasure trove' to be put to good use, now. He whispers his pleasure against her fur, hands still teasing her for all he was worth.

Erin begins tracing her lips against Div's neck now, going in slow, meticulous little patterns from collarbone to jawline, and then moving to the other side of his neck and tracing in the same way, only going in the opposite direction. As she does this, she continues slowly dry-humping him, not presuming that he wanted to take her right there and then. If she were his to do with as he pleased, it was his right to grant or deny sex to her. All she was interested in doing right now was giving him as much pleasure as possible. And of course, if she received pleasure in return, that was a nice benefit. For example, she was enjoying the exploratory way in which his hands were tracing along her curves, sifting through her fur. Idly she wonders if he'd ever been with a vulpine before; she knew that a lot of the non-furred species thought of them as being quite exotic. Lightly running her twin tails against his legs, she completes her lap around Div's neck, and kisses him on the lips softly.

Div`Olin had been with more than a few vulpines in this city...before coming here, his experiences had been quite limited when it came to her kind. But being with others had only amplified his appreciation for them...their passion, dedication, and warmth. He returns the kiss fully, lips pressing to hers before his tongue intrudes on her lips, his hands gripping her rump as he thrusts into her, taking her for his own in that moment, for the first time. He'd gasp, moaning a bit against her as he buries himself deeply within her folds...

Erin eagerly parts her lips for the moriel, allowing his tongue entry into her mouth even as hers enters his; meeting passion with equal passion; fire with fire. Her hands return to his shoulders as she realizes he's about to take her for the first time, and when he does, she groans into the kiss, her tails wrapping around Div's waist now as she feels his shaft within her. She hadn't mentioned this to him during their interview, but in the five years she'd been free, she hadn't had sex with anyone-- almost as if she felt unworthy of doing so until she found a new master. But it was coming back to her right away. Five hundred years of experience can't be washed away in just five years. Erin begins to ride him, but she keeps it slow for the time being, wanting to make sure this was what Div desired her to do.

Div`Olin seemed to be at a loss for words...but in a very good way. He kisses the foxling again, groaning softly as he sits back a bit, letting her ride him. He enjoys the pace, quite comfortable taking it easy, at least to start. As he bucks his hips against hers, he whispers to her.. "Mm...wonderful." He shudders, taking his time with her.

"I'm glad you enjoy me," Erin murmurs softly in Div's ear, her head alongside his. Sex was only one of many talents that made her well-suited to a life as a slave, though of course it was the first one people thought of when they considered taking a slave. And it was the only one men fought and killed for. Another thing occurs to her as well... as an elf, Div would have about the same long lifespan as vulpines. Maybe being enslaved by him would actually provide some semblance of stability. Human lives were so short, after all, that she'd been passed through something like twelve generations of the same family. Getting her mind back on the present-- knowing that she had to perform to Div's satisfaction if this was going to work at all-- Erin asks him, "Shall I remove my clothes for you, sir?" After all, he was humping her by simply moving her panties aside underneath her skirt.

Div`Olin moans quietly against her ears... "Yes, please do." So unfailingly polite, even wrapped in her arms. He thrusts again, before pulling back just enough to allow her to remove her clothes, helping as best he could, before lowering his lips to fasten on her breast. He groans with abandon, clutching her tightly as he teases her nipple with his tongue, matting down the fur around it, sighing pleasantly.

Erin wastes little time in doing so, pulling her shirt off over her head, kicking off her boots, and then taking gentle hold of her tails so she could pull them out of the tail-hole of her skirt. She removes it as well, along with her panties, pulling them down and kicking them behind her with her bare feet. In the process she had to briefly dislodge Div's shaft from her sex, but once she was naked again she slips him right back between her folds. Her tails curl lightly though, as she wonders whether she'd overstepped herself. Well, if she had, Div would tell her, no doubt, and she'd accept whatever punishment he felt was necessary and just. For the moment, though, he didn't seem interested in punishing her but in sheer pleasure, teasing her nipple with his tongue. "Unnnh, yesss, sir... have your way with me..." If the axiom held true that one could tell how a master/slave relationship would progress based on their first lovemaking, this might be the best one yet. Erin smiles a little quirkily, again chastising herself for forward-thinking. She couldn't help it; it was a racial thing.

Div`Olin was certainly growing enamored of this devoted little vulpine. She was everything he thought a quality slave should least, a well trained one. This certainly didn't harm his opinion of his dear Galendria at all, but it might give her a good example of how to behave, in time. He doesn't protest at being dislodged, but as she replaces him, he thrusts hard back into her, pushing between her legs and grunting, clutching her now-naked body against his own, setting his teeth lightly on her throat now, as if to claim dominance in a manner well known to her kind.

"Unnnnnh, yessss!" Erin gasps, at the delightful combination of being thrust into so powerfully and feeling Div's teeth on her neck. She recognizes the gesture immediately, and feels appropriately chastised. Allowing her legs and tails to go limp at the contact, her body language seems to tell him that yes, she does recognize that he's the master, and she the slave. Even if this *was* just a probationary period. They wanted to see how they'd interact with each other in that context, after all. Lightly tracing her fingers against the back of Div's neck, she bucks back against him with abandon, giving freely of herself.

Div`Olin growls, not in anger, as she would certainly be able to tell, but in the height of ardor...hips thrusting to hers once again, burying himself within the lovely slave-to-be's heat, panting quietly as he drives himself harder into her, already approaching his peak thanks to her skills. Despite the signs of dominance that he had displayed, his touch was still gentle in its own way. Firm, holding her in place for his attentions, but tenderly..he still wanted her to enjoy herself, that much was clear. He feels himself begin to stiffen...and of course, her being his prospective slave, he would finish within her.

Erin wouldn't expect him to finish any other way *but* inside her, but of course, the choice was his, not hers. As she was held in place, she closes her eyes, and allows the touch of her future master's hands and lips to pleasure her. She knew what he was doing-- he was close to reaching his apex, and he wanted to make sure she could reach it as well. Not everyone was so thoughtful, though she'd known several guys who liked to *think* they were. Erin's tails begin to lightly quiver against the moriel's legs as the heat builds within her...

Div`Olin smiles, pumping into her steadily, arousal pressing at her inner folds, every thrust rubbing against her clit, hands firmly clasped on her ass for the moment...using the grip for extra leverage as he goes deeper and harder than before, unable to hold back any longer as he prepares to finish...a brief groan her only warning as he slides within her one last time, going stiff and hard before exploding into joyful bliss, gasping and shuddering against her...filling her with her master's seed.

As Div starts pumping into her again, keeping a firm grip on her buttocks, Erin realizes that this is the stretch run, and her right hand grips just a little tighter against his shoulder, which provided leverage for the vixen as her future master took her passionately. Her left hand traces along the side of his neck, and she breathes in the scent of Div's musk, stronger in his passion, which enflamed her senses. Only a moment or two after she feels Div's shaft quiver and splooge inside her, Erin reaches her own orgasm, and in contrast to him, she lets the world know about it. "Ohhhh, yessssss, massssteeeerr!" she exclaims, calling him that for the first time, even if it wasn't technically true yet. She rides him for an additional few seconds, wanting to keep them at this level as long as she could.

Div`Olin bucks against her as he slowly comes down from his climax, shuddering and kissing at her throat, moaning delightedly. "Mmm...more fine performances like that and I certainly may be..." He kisses her lips a moment later, letting the embrace linger, smiling as he nuzzles softly against her cheek afterwards.

"May it be the first of many times between us," Erin says with a smile, a gesture that was a little less shy now than it had been before they'd made love. But then, they were a little more familiar with one another now. She rests lightly in his embrace, her fingers making light tap-tapping against his back. One, one, two, three, five, eight. Then she traces some concentric circles around his shoulder blades. Even though she *was* a lifelong slave, she was very intelligent, and always thinking about *something*. She didn't seem to be in any hurry to extricate herself from Div's embrace, though.

Div`Olin simply smiles as he begins to rub his hands up and down her spell uttered, her first clue that he was a magic-user at all...causing his hands to exude even more warmth than normal, providing a pleasant massage to the foxling before kissing the base of her ear. "It shall be, my dear." He promises her.

Erin grins brightly, excited that after five years of menial work, struggling to survive on her own and just barely making it, she has found a new home, and a new master. Of course, it would still be some time before he was legally allowed to collar her, and that time could either seal his desire to possess her forever, or totally screw things up. Damn it, she was doing it again. She sighs softly into Div's suddenly warm touch as he massages her and kisses her ear. "Is there anything I can do for you at this time, master? Perhaps, get you a drink?"

Div`Olin smiles softly at her. "That would be lovely, yes. Since you are serious about becoming my slave, soon I will have you meet my current slave, Galendria. She is...well, newly enslaved. It would be best to describe her as new to her duties. She is not rebellious, but so long as you show her respect and deference I doubt you would have any problem with her." He leans back, smiling.

Erin nods eagerly. "I look forward to meeting her, master. And of course I will show respect and deference to her, as she was your slave before myself." Tracing her fingers against Div's sides for just a moment, she says, "I'll go now to get a drink for you. What would you like, and may I get something for myself?" She hoped to learn as much as she could about her master's preferences as quickly as possible.

Div`Olin hums... "A glass of water...and yes, you may. Furthermore, you do not need to ask me that in the future, you are -always- allowed to see to your own thirst. I would not want you getting parched, mm?" Definitely not the sort to punish her, at least not with something that simple.

"Yes, master," Erin says, retrieving her skirt and shirt and slipping them on. before parting the curtain just long enough to exit the booth she'd been sharing with Div for the past 45 minutes or so. Heading over to the bar, the vulpine moves over towards Fugly, and respectfully asks for a fox lust and a glass of water. She already knew that Fugly mixed the most incredible fox lust; that was what she'd been drinking when Div approached her. After a minute or two the drinks are set down in front of her, and Erin smiles in appreciation, setting down a couple coins for Fugly before moving back into the booth and sitting alongside the moriel. "Glass of water for you," she says, handing it to him, "and I got a fox lust." She takes a sip, and her tails actually curl, it's so good. "Wow, where'd she learn to mix drinks like that?"

Div`Olin laughs softly. "No idea, but I've yet to make anything approaching that. You should know, I am employed in three places within the city. The inn, as a bartender… the Sorcerous Sanctuary, as a spell-seller, and the Silent Embrace. A...poison shop, really." No point in beating around the bush with her.

Erin nods at that, seemingly unperturbed by it... then, a horrifying thought occurs to her. "You wouldn't... ever ask me to poison someone, would you, master? Because I've never killed anyone before in my entire life, and I'd like to keep it that way..."

Scene paused.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Aimee Sarasine's debut, 7/9/09

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:06 pm

Ascalante` wanders the edge of a lake, his deep blue cloak like a cloud around him, the hood obscures his face. The Mariner moves silent as a wraith, his feet barely seem to contact the loathsome earth as he wanders seemingly aimlessly. Ascalante looks towards home across the lake… deep blue sea eyes reflect another blue, but this one no hue can do justice to for the soul of the mariner is blue with a deep emotion of loss and pain though his face seems carved of stone. He keeps moving not speaking or doing anything more than wandering.

Ascalante`` stops between the waterrline and the treeline looking east towards the place where the one he lvoed so vanmished to.. he didnt understand.. it was something hard to fathom why one would abandon their home to 'go home'.

Aubrey had been walking all too long and when she saw the big blue lake spread out before her, she gasped with joy running towards it. She couldn’t wait till she could feel the cool crisp water on her skin. she slowed up some when she saw someone standing at the water’s edge but she still reaches down taking off her sandals as she comes to a stop beside him "beautiful evening isn’t it sir" she smiles at him softly her long reddish pink hair cascading over her shoulders. the girl was dressed in a simple white sundress and stepped forward a few steps to dip her toes in the cool water of the lake sending ripples along its calm surface.

About fifty yards from the shore of the lake, on the same side that Ascalante was currently roaming, some lumber was arranged as if for a campfire, but the person who put the wood together was not there. However, she soon comes into view from the forest: A silver-furred, single-tailed vulpine woman with maroon hands, feet and tail-tips, wearing leather armor, brown leggings and boots, with a
dagger strapped to her left side, and carrying a dead opossum by its tail in her right hand. She doesn't smile, nor does she sway in any manner that could be considered feminine-- yet despite that, her aura had a certain husky attractiveness about it. Having not yet seen the human or human-form mermaid nearby, she sits down at the fire, and begins the slow process of skinning the meat for her dinner.

Aubrey smiles back at him "It’s better when its deep and cold…" She giggles softly and gives him a more concerned look content at the moment to just dip her feet into the water. "Are you alright sir… you seem.. sad if it’s my place to say so…" she blinked at him slightly taking him in "I am Aubrey sir… it’s nice to meet you."

Ascalante`` catches this movement… he would turn so both women stood in his line of sight… he doesnt seem threatened, not at all, simply guarded… it goes not change his basic demeanor at all. "well, its a long story but yes, there is a deep heavy sadness gripping my heart… my wife just left me," he says, turning away from them now unable to bear letting them see the ripples of emotion that tear through his visage like a knife.

Aubrey she steps forward towards him "oh sir .. i am so sorry is there anything this one can do to help.." she looked as if she might cry herself taking another soft step towards him reaching out to take ahold of his hands giving him a soft smile "you know what always makes me feel better... a nice long swim.. will you come with me?" she tilts her head to the side again looking up at his face.

I cannot.. My god has forsaken me when his Priestess did.. but thank you. * Ascalante says smiling a little. " I will be content to stand and watch you swim, perhaps it will ease my mind some.”

Aimee looks up towards the human's face as she belatedly spots him and the girl, and she's about to extend some brief sympathetic words before the girl beats Aimee to it. Truth be told, while Aimee was certainly sympathetic to people in pain, she couldn't muster up an *enormous* amount of sympathy for the man-- for starters, she didn't know him, and secondly, she herself had been married once, a marriage that had been *forcefully* ended when her husband and second litter of children had been murdered in front of her on that dark day, fifty-five years ago. She still had the nightmares, which would never go away if she lived to be 900. Aimee chuckles sardonically as the girl tries to cheer him up by... trying to seduce him...? Typical young person. When Ascalante declines, Aimee offers, "Sit with me then, if you'd like. I'd welcome company." Hers was a voice that matched her appearance: A deep alto, husky, not lyrical. But her body language was relatively friendly and absolutely non-threatening as she continues her task.

Ascalante`` would turn to Aimee`Sarasine a moment then looks to Aubrey. “I'll be sitting over there… when you are done please, come join us.” He says then with a small but formal bow he walks towards Aubrey. "Sure thing. Seems to me you are both new to these parts, though. So easily enamored with the stranger element of this place…”

Aubrey smiled and pulled on his arm a little "gods can not forsake the feeling the water brings.." she stood looking over at the vulpine girl in slight shock she hadn’t seen her there at all and it surprised her. She seemed to lose interest in the man in front of her focusing on the girl sitting by the fire. she had never seen anyone so.. fuzzy. she smiled sweetly at her "evening ma'am.. "

Ascalante`` doesn’t actually sit by the fire but away from it a good length-- a swirl of mist gives way why, he picks it up and shoos it aside but it seems to follow him like a stray dog: the Hydro-Knight was definitely one of a billion.

Aubrey looks at the two then back at the lake then back at the two. she seemed to not beable to deside where she wanted to go finally the lake won the internal battle that was raging in her mind "oh... alright... i'm going for a swim then.. both are welcome to join me if you wish.. " she peels off that white sundress then slipping out of her panties before sliding into the water completely naked.
The water changed her, her legs forming into a long tail with fins as the mermaid enjoyed the water

Aimee acknowledges Aubrey's salutation with a curt nod and the word "Vizhra," [Vulpani: "Greetings"] and then, as Aubrey strips naked, jumps into the lake and changes to mermaid form, Aimee replies to Ascalante's comment about-- ha!-- her relative inexperience. "Easily enamored? Hardly, my rowen'yajani friend." [Vulpani: "Short-lifer"] "One forest and lake looks much like any other. I go wherever the food goes." Aimee hardly reacts to Aubrey's nudity; she was a vulpine, after all, and they were among the most sexually liberal races on earth. Besides which, Aimee wasn't attracted to women. Continuing to skin the opossum, Aimee barely even looks at what she's doing; she was experienced enough in it that she can look at Ascalante while she does her work.

“Hmm. True but further west things are much rougher,” Ascalante says pulling out his pipe and lighting it. “300 miles west of here is…well, it’s a city unlike any in the Empire which is why it is capital I suppose.”

Aubrey takes a long refreshing swim staying under for longer than breath normally would allow. she was excited and happy she had been walking so long she felt as if she might dry out. when she had enough of the crisp cool water she pulled herself back on the shore her legs reforming from the tail to dangle in the water slightly before standing. She pulled a cloth from her bag she used to sleep on dry off with and many, many other things to dry herself off before redressing and rejoining the two by the fife her long hair still damp clinging to her shoulder and back.


"'Rougher.'" Aimee shakes her head very slightly, chuckles and smiles slightly, clearly amused by what an imperial citizen considered to be 'the mean streets'. She'd been to Nanthalion for the first time about two hundred years ago to celebrate a relative's wedding, and again about twenty years ago, and though the buildings and people had changed, and the borders had expanded, it was still, at its heart, just a city. The people there didn't live off the land like they had in her home village of Ilrino. They bought and traded for what they needed; hell, the food and drinks were included with the price of a room at the inn! Aimee considered Nanthalionians to be contented, lazy and dull. Finally, she opines, "No... *I* come from a rough part of the world. Imperials don't know what 'rough' *means*."

--New roleplay, with Kerianna--

The still air near the edge of the lake suddenly shifts, a slight breeze, a feel as if lightning were about to strike that would raise one's hairs - a moment later, seemingly from nowhere, a cocoon-like bubble of black energy shot through with purple lightning comes into being with a soft thud of displaced air. It whirls rapidly, but slows just as fast, separating into individual ribbons of shadow as it does so, each of which dissipate into the air like so much smoke to reveal the fire-maned sorceress, clad in a sultrily cut cheongsam, black with silvery floral accenting and gold edging, tight to show her body off to best effect and paired with white stockings with lacy tops and strappy black heeled sandals, a few pieces of jewelry glimmering against her creamy skin and that snug dress. She blinks, arching a brow and tilting her head a bit, plush crimson-stained lips pursing, one arm lifting to cross beneath her breasts to the opposite elbow, her other hand lifting to tap a manicured nail at her bottom lip as she gazes about...

An hour or so after meeting Ascalante and Aubrey, Aimee's meal of opossum meat, onaberries and water lay out before her, and she eats slowly, savoring each bite, wishing she had a little bit of pepper to season the meat with, but really, it wasn't all that bad. Opossum, like three-fourths of the animals she'd ever eaten, tasted more like chicken than anything else. The fireplace was crackling nicely, sharing its warmth, light and comfort, and the silver-furred, single-tailed vulpine sat cross-legged a few feet from it, eating her meal. As Kerianna appears out of nowhere, Aimee's lightning-fast hand is already on the hilt of the dagger at her left side, the opossum drumstick set back down on a simple clay plate. But she doesn't draw her weapon, or give any other sign of feeling threatened, being disturbed or for that matter even being surprised. Instead, she gives the elven woman a quick once-over, and comments, "Pata calin." [Vulpani: "Nice entrance."]

Kerianna turns emerald eyes to the vulpine woman at that, blinking a moment at the hand on her weapon, her own sword left home - she hadn't exactly intended on popping out into the middle of nowhere after all, but spell research does have its...peculiarities. "Only a few dozen miles off course." she replies with a little chuckle in the woman's language, her dialect rather more proper than necessary, particularly for her casual tone, but easily understandable. "At any rate, well met...I am Kerianna Anrithar." she says, sauntering a bit close and curtsying before the woman.

"Aimee Sarasiné," the vulpine introduces herself, her eyebrows raising just slightly in surprise that Kerianna knew Vulpani. She'd met only a handful of non-vulpines who had bothered to learn the language, outside of people who'd come to her village to trade. She continues the conversation in Vulpani, but using the commoners' dialect of Utara. "Come, sit and sup with me; I'd welcome company. And you don't have to address me in Roshara; I work for a living." Aimee chuckles lightly at that.

Kerianna blinks, blushing slightly and laughing softly, but giving a nod, moving to sit with Aimee. "Forgive me - I'm still learning the language." she says with a little chuckle, a quick breath of arcane words, a flick of fingers, and she lifts a piece of the animal - she can't tell what it is, never having been particularly trained in wilderness lore - with fingers of magic to her own slender digits. "And sorry to have dropped in unannounced like that." she adds, taking a small bite of the creature.

"No worries," Aimee replies casually; she'd removed her hand from her dagger shortly after Keri had introduced herself, and now had her left hand lifting her cup of water to her mouth. "To answer the first, you speak better Vulpani than most et'vulpine I've ever met," she says with a smirk, "and to answer the second, if you were many miles off course, it would naturally preclude the possibility of a... what would the humans call it... an RSVP." Aimee chuckles, taking a sip of the water, and then eating some berries.

Kerianna laughs and nods, floating a cup of water to herself as well and washing down another bite with a small sip. "Well thank you. And yes, I suppose it would." she says with a chuckle, a smirk. "It seems that trying to expand the area of the mana bubble before dimensionally shifting along the ambient ley lines makes precise targeting for a re-emergence onto the material plane rather more difficult than usual." she adds, another little laugh, a shake of her head, lifting a hand to hook a few errant strands of scarlet behind a tapered ear and not seeming to realize that one who doesn't spend their days toying with arcane energy probably wouldn't understand what she's talking about, at least beyond the general concept.

Halfway through the elf's explanation-- 'ambient ley lines' was about the precise point-- Aimee's expressive grey eyes seem to glaze over, the expression on her face flattening as well as her ears. Through her body and tail-language, one could see that Aimee was confused and a little annoyed. Kerianna seemed to be one of those people who was quite intelligent and didn't have any hesitation in showing off just *how* intelligent she was-- in other words, she fit the mold of the stereotypical mage. At least based on that one sentence; otherwise she seemed friendly enough. After a brief and awkward (but quite deliberate on the vulpine's part) pause, Aimee finally says, "I'll have to take your word for it. Your reality's about magic, physics and study. Mine's about hunting, hard physical work, and blankets." Then, realizing that her words came out harsher than she'd really intended, she amends, "I'm sorry."

Kerianna notices that body language after a moment, blushing a bit then at Aimee's words and biting her bottom lip lightly. "N-no, it's alright...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off as...pretentious..." she purrs, sighing a little. "I was just thinking out loud...I have...more difficulty with this sort of magic than others, at times. My inclinations lead me to shadow magic, you see, and...well, it's...less exact than pure arcane energy." she says, blushing a bit more but feeling she owes the woman an explanation. "I was -trying- to develop a method to teleport myself and a small group, rather than creating a temporary portal, but bubbles of shadowstuff react...strangely, when you try to stretch them too thin. I guess I still need some work if I'm going to surprise my wife with an impromptu getaway..." she says with a soft laugh, glancing away a moment.

Aimee still hears Keri say a few words that she doesn't understand, even though she *is* speaking Vulpani, but finally, the elven woman's last sentence comes, and Aimee can, at least, speak to that, chuckling before she does so. "Oh, I don't know; sounds like an interesting way to literally 'get away from it all.' Besides, your experiment could've gone worse: You could have teleported two hundred miles away from the nearest land, or into the middle of an active volcano."

Kerianna laughs at that and nods, grinning a bit then, almost playfully. "Oh, I have my ways to get out of things like that too. Just in case." she says, winking and taking another bite with a giggle. "So what brings you all the way out here?" she asks after a moment - she'd obviously appeared due to a magical mishap, but the vulpine self-admittedly isn't one for magic, after all...

Vulpines had so many more options to express emotion than most species, that Aimee couldn't help it when her ears laid back again at that question. "'All the way out here...' as opposed to where?" she asks, quite honestly. She wondered if Kerianna even really knew where exactly they were at this moment: about three hundred miles east of Nanthalion, in a large expanse of land known as the Deltivid Expanse, claimed by no nation or kingdom.

Kerianna blinks, tilting her head a little and glancing about for a moment before looking back to Aimee. "Well...out here in the wild...judging by the sun, I'd say a fair distance east of Nanthalion, which leads me to believe this is in the unclaimed lands where the maps aren't exactly meticulously updated." she says, shrugging a little. "As opposed to...well...a settlement, of one sort or another."

"Ah," Aimee says, reaching behind her back and unrolling a scroll of parchment, using the fire to light the lines drawn on it. Aimee uses one of her fingers to point to a specific point on the scroll, which displayed a map of the surrounding area, about a hundred miles in each direction (though the measurement actually *used* was kilometers), with an arrow on the western side of the map that reads, "To Nanthalion: 315 km." "Perhaps *your* maps aren't meticulously updated, but I carefully keep track of mine. It's sort of an occupational necessity."

Kerianna blinks, leaning in a bit to look the map over, eyes widening a bit. "Well very good." she says with a little laugh, grinning a bit, then letting her gaze rise to Aimee's eyes. "If you're out here often I suppose it would be. I don't come out this far very much, myself...well, not anymore anyway. I used to travel a lot, but always on trade routes...about the only time I go off them these days is to find some new secluded spot to spirit my wife off to, but I usually can find somewhere closer to home." she says with a little laugh - not to mention that she already knows areas to look to the north, where she spent several decades wandering from place to place as a minstrel.

"Where *do* you normally live?" Aimee asks; judging simply by the woman's demeanor she'd guess Nanthalion, or one of the capitals of another large nation. Aimee had visited four such nations herself, only one of which was on the map, and that, to the extreme far east. It was amazing how each nation's inhabitants seemed to believe their country was the center of the universe.

Kerianna smiles at the question, hand sweeping over the map toward the west...and leaving a shimmering extension of that parchment in its wake, extending to Nanthalion itself, the closer regions and the city's immediate surroundings not simple marks but an actual scale copy of the region. "I" she breathes, pointing to an impressive tower of white stone slightly northeast of the city, tucked away in the woods and low hills and shimmering as if in the moonlight. "Eldamar..."

"A tower of stone," Aimee says, looking it over-- and memorizing as much of Kerianna's map extension as she can, even though it probably wasn't strictly necessary. 315 kilometers wasn't exactly walking distance, after all. When she speaks again, after two minutes or so, her voice doesn't sound judgmental, but somewhat sad for her new friend. "Don't you ever feel the warm sun on your face, feel the grass beneath your feet, sleep out underneath the stars? Even the material your home is made from was never alive."

Kerianna blinks at that, tilting her head a little and chuckling softly. "Sometimes, when I feel like it. Though I prefer the cool wet sand of a beach in the moonlight." she says with a little grin. "Besides, the tower itself may be made of stone, but there's plenty of forest around it, and a wooden home isn't very practical when you're married to a pyromancer."

Aimee chuckles at that, and takes another sip of water. "No, I don't imagine it would be, at that." The vulpine keeps the map unrolled, even though she's not speaking; she's sitting and staring at it, continuing to absorb as much new information as she can-- which is a considerable amount. She had a natural talent for these sorts of things, and an ingrained curiosity about the world around her, even if she didn't have any use for actual urban life.

Kerianna laughs softly, sipping at her drink as well, then gesturing to the upper left corner of the map, where a shaded area surrounds a red dot. "What's that, if I might ask?" she says, head tilting curiously. "I've never seen anything like that on any of the maps of this region, but then as I said, the ones I've seen aren't particularly meticulously kept..."

Aimee tilts her head to see exactly what Kerianna is pointing at, then her eyes narrow, but not with anger towards her new friend-- anger towards the people whose territory was represented by that shaded region. "Ilrino," she says, her voice wavering just slightly, showing the deep emotion lying just beneath the vulpine's measured, experienced demeanor. "My home village. Or, at least, the area where it *used* to stand. And the shaded area represents the known territory of the people who destroyed it. I make routine reconnaissance trips to the area to see whenever they expand their borders. And they always *do* expand; they never contract."

Kerianna blinks confusedly at first, a slow nod given then at the vulpine's explanation, a soft sigh passing plush lips. "I'm sorry...I didn't know..." she breathes, reaching across to Aimee and laying a comforting hand on her arm. "Was it...recent...?" she asks, not sure what to say...she hates expansionistic regimes, no matter the country...hates the belief that might makes right...

Aimee's tail lowers to the ground in sorrow, her eyes seeming quite far away at the moment, lost in ghastly memories. Gently, she nods in response to Keri's question. "Fifty-five years ago," she replies. Which wasn't recent by human standards, but of course neither Aimee nor Kerianna was limited by such a narrow view of time. "And, heh... when I've told people about it, many assume that it was done by wolven, moriel, chirot, bright-wing Torians." The vulpine shakes her silver-furred head.

Kerianna nods softly, giving Aimee's forearm a soft squeeze. "I would guess humans..." she says softly - she's never known another race to be more expansionistic in as short a time...even goblins tend to raid and pillage but not hold territory. "But whoever it was, I'm sorry for your loss..."

Aimee's eyes widen in surprise at Kerianna's guess: She'd only met a handful of humans in her time, and while she found them, generally speaking, to be comparatively shallow and naïve, she hadn't met one whom she'd peg as having manifest destiny on his or her mind. "No," Aimee says, her lips curling with rage now, as her tail poofs up. "Fellow VULPINES did that."

Kerianna blinks at that, eyes widening - she doesn't know much about vulpines, admittedly, but all of them she's met have been...well, sweet. "Oh gods..." she breathes, swallowing softly and biting her bottom lip. "I...I'm so sorry..." That makes it even -worse-...not that wars within one's own race are unknown - far from it, but somehow it's all the more bitter when they happen...

Aimee's vehemence shows no signs of abating anytime soon. "And it was all over some minor, piddling RELIGIOUS difference! Who the hell *cares* how you worship The Lady?! What's she ever done for ME, anyway?!" Aimee takes a few deep, calming breaths, realizing she's close to tears or, worse, driving off her friend, and says, "I'm sorry. I'm one of the only vulpine atheists I've ever met. But it's hard to have faith in a goddess that nurtures your people and guides your footsteps when you've seen your husband tortured and beaten until I couldn't *recognize* him... watched as my sons were forced to rape my daughters... butchering them just long enough after the orgasm to make their last moments as shameful as possible... and then finally being raped countless times myself, beaten, and left for dead as my village burned all around me." Goddess, it was *all* coming back to her, now. One of the great blessings, or curses, of vulpines was their long memory. She literally couldn't see the present-day world right now; it was like she was watching a movie of these events inside her head. It hadn't been this intense in... years, apart from the actual nightmares she had.

Kerianna winces at Aimee's recounting, her eyes wetting at the thought...what would she do, if it had happened to her? She doesn't even know...she'd probably be dead after having tortured enough of them as horribly as she could think to that she was considered enough threat to put serious resources into eliminating... She gives a soft nod, swallowing and rising on her knees, leaning over to lightly wrap vineworked arms around the vulpine's shoulders and give her a soft hug. "That's horrible...just..." she trails off...such people shouldn't be allowed to live...should have their own cruelty magnified a hundredfold and turned back on them...

The feeling of another person's arms around her-- a once-familiar feeling that she hadn't had in too long-- brings Aimee back to the present, and her own arms, and tail, wrap around Kerianna. Then, amazingly considering her frame of mind a moment ago, she actually chuckles sardonically. "Jeez, Louise. What the heck am I doing-- *crying*?" She rolls her eyes at her own weakness. But it wasn't exactly as if there was anyone else to see it, nor had she had much company in the past four decades or so, no one to really vent to.

Kerianna gives the woman a soft squeeze, hand rising to gently stroke fingers through Aimee's hair, a little laugh of her own at the vulpine's words. "Everyone does,'s only natural, when you experience something...painful..." she says softly, another little squeeze given.

"Yeah," Aimee says, even as she manages to compose herself more fully. Gently pulling away from Kerianna's embrace, she takes another sip of water, and then dips her fingers into her cup, using the water to wash her face a little bit, around her eyes. "Anyway: That... devastation, that abomination, I would find out upon recovering, was one of a series of events that all occurred in the same week. The Otala Tribe decided they'd end the five-year war against our people, the Karalinka, by simply putting an end to the Karalinka entirely. Where my tribe once numbered in the tens of thousands, only about twenty of us-- *twenty!*-- were known to survive. Checking back with some of my tribesmates over the years, I'd estimate that number's back up to around seventy or so." Aimee chuckles sardonically again; it was a trademark of hers. "So we're making progress, I guess."

Kerianna nods slowly at that, sitting back on her heels and biting her bottom lip a little, her eyes turning harder then, a strange look on the friendly elf's face, the sort that sends chills down one's spine. "Have you begun planning their annihilation?" she asks, her voice soft, but hard, like silk-covered steel. "If they're that aggressive, there should be plenty of allies nearby to seek...the right ones, with the right weapons and the right commander, could see the Otala's end from their own bloodthirsty nature..."

Aimee recognizes the look on Kerianna's face; it was a look she'd seen in the mirror all-too-often in the years immediately following her people's downfall. "Heh. Planning their annihilation? Hardly. The Otala are far and away the most populous vulpine tribe that I know about, and I know about 17 of them. There are only seventy of us *left*, Kerianna, and... most of them aren't even at soul-joining age yet, to say nothing of fertility age. We Karalinka have no use for war... we just want to be allowed to *exist*." She pauses thoughtfully. "Besides, I killed upwards of thirty Otala in the aftermath of the genocide, and do you know what I came to eventually realize?" She locks eyes with Kerianna. "The dead will still be dead."

Kerianna nods slowly, her gaze holding Aimee's, shifting a little. "Yes, they will..." she says, sighing softly - she can't, and wouldn't, force anyone to follow such a path...but if they had killed -her- beloved, she'd see every one of them slowly skinned alive or die trying...and she'd enjoy doing it with her own hands. "So, tell me...why, if you don't seek vengeance, do you remain near them? There's a whole world out there to settle in..."

Aimee blinks, as if the thought had never occurred to her before-- or, more likely, as if the thought was anathema to her, which she reveals to be the more accurate interpretation when she replies. "This is our *home*, Kerianna. 'Since time immemorial have the Karalinka lived in the Deltivid Expanse, free from country, free from king, one with nature.'" She quoted a great leader of the Karalinka from ages past with her last sentence. "It seems to me that the *Otala* should be the ones to move out; *they're* the invaders. It may not be safe to live in any of our old villages again... nor is it safe to even congregate together for an extended period of time... but the Karalinka are *here*, Kerianna, and unless the Otala take the time to exterminate every last single one of us, we're not leaving."

Kerianna nods at that, another little sigh given. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean any disrespect. I've never felt a particular sense of...home...with any location." she says, biting her lip again. Oh, certainly, the Otala should be the ones to leave...but they're not going to without being forced. "But...don't you want to have somewhere you -can- be safe? Even if it's not here...wouldn't your people live better if they were able to come together? Forgive me...I know it's not my concern, seems like you'd be able to have a better life where your enemies aren't..."

Aimee waves her hand, which was palm-down, slightly from side to side when Kerianna said she meant no disrespect, as if to say, 'No offense taken.' Blowing air through her pursed lips, she replies to Kerianna's questions after the elf asks her questions. "Talking with some of my people over the years, there *have* been people suggesting the creation of a Karalinka'ka, so to speak--" [Vulpani: "home of the Karalinka"] Aimee shrugs a little bit. "But our people lived almost *entirely* in villages or small dwellings before the war, with only a handful of us living nomadically. So we were in nice little boxes on the map for the Otala to burn a hole through. We come by our antipathy for assembly quite honestly."

Kerianna nods at that, sighing again, shoulders slumping a bit. "I in lack of numbers..." she says unusual position, but not unheard of. "And you don't want to relocate within another country's borders because you'd be under someone else's authority." That she can understand...she wouldn't have settled where she did were it not for her wife and friends, after all.

"Right. A handful of my compatriots emigrated to Sturmstrulaise as refugees, desperately seeking the protection of someone-- *anyone*-- from the Damocles' sword that the Otala represent." Aimee shakes her head. "But to most of us, to submit to the authority of *any* governing body outside that of our tribal leaders is inconceivable. A couple hours after the fall of Ilrino, I was rescued by a small scouting party of chirot, and for two years I suffered from constant seizures, multiple personalities, occasional paralysis, panic attacks, nervous breakdowns... you name it. I... don't have much memory of those two years-- fortunately." Considering that the vulpine were among the minority of races that are capable of remembering their own birth, that was quite significant. "Eventually, they brought in a great healer to cure my physical maladies... the screwed-up chemistry of my brain, so to speak... and I was able to live on my own again, an option of which I availed myself within short order."

Kerianna nods at that, hand rising to rub at her neck, then run fingers back through her hair. "Well, I'm glad they were able to heal you in the end..." she says with a sad smile. "I suppose that, if such a life is what you've chosen given your situation, I can't fault wouldn't be my choice, but then I'm not you." she says, a slight laugh given, not much humor in that.

Scene paused.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Leo Varnado's Debut, 11/26/18

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:08 pm

Naomi would open the door to th einn an dstosp holding the door open long enough for ra`ash to fly in and up to th erafters. closing the door finally and he reyes adjusted to th elighting she would blink at th enumber of people then hurry to th ebar and behind it. puttingon her work tag and signing in she would turn towards the room at large andask "anyone need anything?"

Muzna nods her head graciously as Liel makes her excuses, perhaps realizing she had said too much. Itvwould be nice to meet the torian again sometime. With a soft sigh of regret, the high human stands and then heads to the bar, idly tossing the empty clay cup from hand to hand as she crosses the floor. A natural voyeur and eavesdropper, she gets a taste in passing of the conversation between the massive minoess and the relatively tiny human- still much larger than herself- and smiles to herself. “Heya Naomi,” She says, cheerily. “Same again?” She waggles the empty cup, hopefully.

Naomi-BT would smile to muzna then and get her a refill on herdirnk knowin gwhat the woman likes an dslidesitonto th ebarin front of her as she speaks to muzna "good day are you?" lookingaround as well asswivelingher ears ot catch any other orders.

Leo Varnado had been up and down the town of Nanthalion, and he hasn't found what he's looking for. The General Store didn't have it; nor did The Works. He was about to start getting *very* thorough, when his stomach started growling at him, and he headed back west. Had he seen an inn back here? Yes, he sees it now. Opening the door, Leo makes his way inside. The brown-skinned, single-tailed vulpine, who has orange fur on his ears and tail, makes his way towards the bar, the smell of beef stew propelling him forward. He's dressed in a green shirt that parts until about a third of the way down his chest, along with a pair of black trousers and black boots. "Good afternoon, good lady," he says to Naomi, smiling softly. The 20-year-old male bard is a gentleman.

Muzna slides onto the polished wooden bench by the bar which was quickly becoming her favorite. “Good, thanks. Got drunk, got laid, and now here I am again. Life is good.”

Naomi-BT chuckles at muzna and nods then sees leo enter the inn. moving towards him she smiles warmly and her excellenthearing can hear his grumblingstomach. smiling ot th evulpine sh etries out that first vulpine word that comes to mind that callie has tauhgt her as ageneral greeting "evala sir. how cani help you?"

Leo was about to order food and inquire about a room, but his natural vulpine curiosity takes immediate precedence. Eyebrows raised, he asks Naomi, "Enkashla Vulpani?" ["Do you speak Vulpani?"] He had not expected to hear his mother tongue spoken by a wolven.

Naomi-BT had been doing some studying an dchuckles as she gets the gistof what he asks and she replies in common now tho "i amlearning. sorry if i startled you. how may i help you? i am naomi."

Speaking Common, Leo replies, "No, ma'am; you didn't startle me at all. More like, you surprised and delighted me. I'm in need of food and shelter for the night. Maybe longer. I'm also hoping that there's a musical instrument shop around, and that you might be able to direct me to it. My guitar was stolen on my long journey here." Leo sounds very sad when he says that.

<+Naomi-BT> "i am sorry to hear about your guitar but there is a musical shop here in town. as for room and food i canhelp you with that. it is only 10mhl for a room. it includes all meals and drinks. as well as use of inn slaves and bathhouse outside." reaching under the bar she produces a log book fror the roomsand gets quill and ink as well "whatmight yoru name be?"

"It's Leo Varnado, ma'am," Leo replies to Naomi, taking a moment to spell it. He reaches back to lightly touch the tip of his tail in a nervous habit he hasn't quite kicked. His other hand goes to his coin pouch, and removes a 10-mhl coin from it. "May I ask *where* it's located in town? I swear I've been up and down the town of Nanthalion until my feet started hurting and stomach started grumbling."

Naomi-BT would writehis namein th ebook being careful of the spelling. turning the book for him to signnext to where she hadcarefully printed i teven as she givesdirections to th eshop. "please sing next to wherei printed yoru name. it is a pain trying ot wander town finding anythign.i think thatis the correct directions " chuckling then she waitsfor him to sign the book as she grabs akey

[Leo subs 10 mhl.]

Leo looks at the directions, and lifts the palm of his hand up to his face. "Oh! It didn't occur to me to think of Midvale as part of the town of Nanthalion. So all I need do is go through the portal? Okay." Leo removes his hand from his tail, and signs his name in the book. "Is that beef stew I'm smelling, Miss Naomi? I'd be glad of that. I haven't had any meat in the last three days. The stew, and some hot tea."

Naomi-BT nods as she collects the book and the money. puttign the book back under the counter then puttign the money in th ebar till box she smilesand goes ot get leo a fresh clean mug of tea "indeed it is i will get your aome. meantime here is your tea" settignth etea beforehimwihtth ecreamer, sugar andhoney as wellas a clean spoon before she heads intoth ekitchen.

Leo gives Naomi a nod of thanks as she gets him his tea, and he takes a gentle sip of it to evaluate it. A little too hot to drink right now, but he *does* add some honey to it. Taking the mug in his right hand, he wraps his left hand around it as well, to leech off some of the heat into his brown-skinned hands. He comes from a tropical climate, and had been in no way prepared for how *cold* it is here.

Naomi-BT would return fromthe kitchen soon enough andplaces a large steaming bowlof stew in front of leo. also givinghima clean spoon she smiles at leo and speaksin her soft voice "there you go leo. it'shot so be careful. i gotyou alarge boiwl asi fogured you wrerehungry enough.if you need anythign else please let me know"

"You were quite correct as to how hungry I am," Leo says with a brilliant smile. "Thank you, ma'am." Leo closes his eyes and stretches his arms across the bar counter for a moment to say a silent prayer to The Lady, and then he opens his eyes and begins to eat his stew. It's just as good as it smells.

Naomi-BT chuckles as sh estartsto miove away fromleo to lethimeat but sh equips tohimanyways "please just call me naomi" moving otth eback counter then she looksaround to seeif anyone needed anything.

"I will... Naomi," Leo replies. "Um, do you have a cloth napkin, by chance?" Leo takes another couple bites of his stew, delighted by the juicy meat, the big potatoes and carrots, and the subtle onions.

Naomi-BT would nod to leo and grab one froma stackof themnearby an dplaces itonthe bar nexttoleo "there you go. not many ask for them and i forget them"

Naomi-BT would then move back ion frontofmuzna andsmiles "need anothe r drink muzna?"

Muzna brushes the back of her mouth with her wrist, clearing the dregs of rum away. “ooh, yes please,” the high human murmurs, handing over her cup again, and smiling at Naomi.

"Thank you, Naomi," Leo says with a gentle smile, and he places his napkin in his lap. It's all he can do not to tear through his stew like a man possessed, but in vulpine culture, doing so is considered extremely rude to the chef. Besides, he doesn't want to make himself sick. When he's finished with his food, he leaves behind a 5-mhl coin for Naomi, and waves to her, before going up the stairs to find his room. After all the walking around today, he's very tired.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Sirocco's Debut, 10/13/13

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:09 pm

Kasiden{Nai} *The vulpine walks up towards the stairs of the tavern. His tail siwshing back and forth a moment before he moved inside and glances around before he moves to the bar.

Sirocco is sitting on a stool near the center of the bar, taking a bite of the chicken and vegetable stir-fry the cooks had put together for her. This particular bite had cherry tomato, onion, mushrooms and garlic in it. The 18-year-old Sheyka, new to Nanthalion, follows with a sip from her glass of moscato.

Every time she takes a bite or sip of something, she raises her mask up ever-so-slightly, just enough to reveal her mouth, before putting it back in place. Sirocco has eaten among outsiders enough times that she's doing this without even thinking about it. But Sheyka don't show their full faces to non-Sheyka. It simply isn't done.

Kasiden{Nai} yawns a moment stretching his arms a bit. He then lowers it moving across the room. He noticed it was rather quiet today and seem un bothered by it as he moved to the bar. He noticed a Shekya at the bar as well. He gives his usual smile and waves to her as he moved towards her, "Hello there."

Sensing someone approaching, Sirocco fully slides her mask down over her face. The white mask was painted with two green and two golden frogs, with each leg touching a leg of the adjacent frog, forming a pretty star pattern. She tugs on her braided hair a little nervously; she hasn't had much contact with non-Sheyka in her young, sheltered life, and didn't know which topics and body language were taboo to which cultures.

And as she looks over at Kasiden, she immediately realizes she's never even *seen* one of his species before. At least, not in person. She has, however, read biology texts on every sapient species known to exist, so she's quickly able to identify him.

"Hi," she says, a little uncertainly. "Vulpine, right?" A barrage of questions immediately pop into her head; somehow, she's able to prevent them from tumbling out of her mouth.

Kasiden{Nai} stops near by. His single orange tail moves back and forth swishing the air. He was looking up and down her a moment as he checked her out. The smile stayed on his face as he nods his head, "yes of course.. You have never seen one before? I take it you're new to the land."

Sirocco nods at that, saying, "I've only been in the empire a couple of weeks. This is my first trip to the inn; I generally stay around other Sheyka. And I saw very few outsiders at all growing up." Sirocco says the word 'outsiders' very casually, not putting the harsh 'us vs. them' emphasis on the word that someone more xenophobic than Sirocco might do.

"Which isn't to say I'm completely uneducated about the topic. I'm a healer, and have read books on every sapient species, just in case. I don't want to lose a patient because I lack basic knowledge of their anatomy and such." Realizing she's chattering, Sirocco makes a conscious decision to tuck her bottom lip into her mouth.

Kasiden{Nai} moves as he steps closer now leaning against the bar near her. He was still studying her finding her interesting a bit. He chuckles, "Well I guess you need to in order to be a healer... to find patients. I am Kas by the way."

"Sirocco is my name," the Sheyka replies. She tugs lightly on a braid and briefly turns away from Kasiden completely to take another couple bites of her stir fry, keeping her back to him so he can't peek at her face. She knows that even people who want to be respectful of Sheyka customs sometimes can't help themselves.

Having finished that portion, she replaces her mask and turns to face Kas again. "Pardon me for saying so," Sirocco says, not realizing she's about to commit a cultural faux pas, "but you seem like way too nice a guy to be collared. What'd you do?"

Kasiden{Nai} leans back a little a bit offended by the comment. He shook his head a moment as he leans over, "Well I am collared out of my own choice really .. but if you really want to know i am an artist."

"Collared... by *choice?*..." Sirocco scratches her chin, not sure she understands. "Hm. Among Sheyka, men who wear collars do so because they've brought shame and dishonor to our village. They choose to be collared rather than live their lives as exiles, and their days are spent at backbreaking manual labor. Lifting giant logs, digging trenches, building houses and such. That's... not the way it is here?" The Sheyka touches the heel of her right hand to her masked forehead in a deeply contrite apology. "Please forgive my presumption."

Kasiden{Nai} smile fades away a moment. He shrugs his shoulder, "I wanted to .. Something about my Mistress drew me to her and I wanted be near her.. So I chose it." *he shrugshis shioulders a moment, "I It doesn't matter though ... I am not from your village really."

Sirocco lowers her head slightly. "I really... didn't mean to offend you," she says sincerely. "I'm still, um... learning about life here in the larger world. But I *do* know how it feels to be drawn to someone. I felt the same way for years about my Persi." As if the very mention of his name made her want to drown her sorrows, Sirocco turns away from Kasiden and takes a rather liberal sip of her moscato. When she turns back to Kas, there's a glimmer of vulnerability in Sirocco's eyes that hadn't been there before.

Kasiden{Nai} shakes his head as his tail rests in his own lap a moment. He sighs a little but he then smiles a moment, "It is alright .. just would not try to draw attention to collars too much in a negatibve way." *he then tilts his head, "Who or what is Persi?"

Sirocco smiles lightly at Kasiden's eventual understanding and forgiveness, telling herself that she'd remember that this was not her culture, and apparently some men actually *choose* to be collared here. She still can't honestly say it makes a lot of sense to her, but proximity, time and intimacy are what ultimately bring understanding.

"Persi... my late husband. Well, fiance technically." She holds up a hand. "It's still... a little too raw right now to talk about the details. Suffice to say, that's why I'm here now, and not back in my village, happily pregnant and preparing our evening meal."

Kasiden{Nai} tilts his head and frowns a moment. He had a sad look, his tail moving back and forth a little as he does. He leans over and reaches to pat her hand softly reaching over, "Oh that is awful. .. I am sure it has been hard."

Sirocco doesn't recoil from Kasiden's comforting gesture; she just sighs and does another bite/spin into her veg stir fry. "Yes, well. The past is the past. Need to learn from my mistakes, move forward. That's part of why I moved here. Getting a fresh start in another Sheyka camp just outside of town. Still close enough to town to learn important things, grow as a person, et cetera, et cetera, and GODS why can't I stop talking?"

Kasiden{Nai} pets the top of her hand softly caressing it. He nods his head, "Well yea .. that is a good thing... You can find others to make you not think about it so much or more.. " *he smiles as his fingers are smooth to the back of her hand.

Sirocco nods lightly. "What's that charming human expression? 'Misery loves company'? Yes, a grief shared is a grief reduced. My father, my friends, they meant well, but... I just couldn't stay there. Everything reminded me of him. You know? So... fresh start." Sirocco waves over Fugly. "Miss? Coffee, please." Sirocco clears her throat, and casually pulls her hand away from the vulpine's. "Mm, sorry. A little wine goes a long way, I guess."

<Kasiden> "Well ... it does sometimes .. sometimes you just go with it and try to make it positive. " *he goes quiet a moment and nods his head and motions to the bar tender, "And a water for myself." *he glances over to her, "That is fine .. I think you should make a happy life here."

"I think I will," Sirocco says sincerely. "I wouldn't have moved here if I didn't have faith in *that*, anyway." Sirocco's coffee arrives, and she puts some cream and three sugars in it, taking a gentle sip of it and holding it in her hands afterward, simply enjoying the warmth of it. After a moment, she takes another sip. A moment ago, she'd finished the last of her food. She still has a little wine left, but she's resolved to drink no more.

Kasiden{Nai} smiles and nods patting her hand a moment before he slides his hand back over towards his body. He watches her a moment beore he leans in asking, "So now that you are here.. what else do you plan to do? I mean to make money and all?"

"Well, I have some modest healing ability," Sirocco says, "and from what I hear, if you stay inside the inn long enough, someone will *invariably* come running in seeking relief from their latest ill-advised violent escapade. I'd never deny treatment to a dying man on account of inability to pay, but... if I charged a fair price for my services, that would bring in a *little* bit of money.

"For the most part, though, I anticipate helping with the healing in the camp, maybe catching the eye of one of the men there. And then it'll be my husband's job to keep me clothed and sheltered, and my job to provide hearth and home."

Kasiden{Nai} nods his head, "Right .. I Guess that would work .. I know though they have some sort of place if you are running low on patients.. YOu might want to try that too . though I don't know too much of thise place in town."

"I... suppose," Sirocco says. She sways a little bit in her stool. "To be honest... a little tired and tipsy to come up with a plan right now." She sets a ten-mehrial coin down on the counter, and says, "Miss...? A room, please." She's handed the inn registry and signs her name on one of the lines.

Then the Sheyka looks over at Kasiden again. "I don't mean to impose, Kas, but would you mind helping me to my room? I'm a little less confident in my ability to... manage the stairs... than I'm comfortable with." Though he can't see it past the mask, Sirocco smiles a little lopsidedly. Yes, better to get her behind a locked door before someone takes advantage of her.

Kasiden{Nai} was easily as he stands up. He reaches over and moves to help her up, offering his arm. He seems to be studying her as he looks up and down her. He grips her as he moved leading her to and up the stairs as he moved up to the room.

Sirocco allows herself to be led up the stairs and to her room, rather unaware that Kasiden is looking her up and down. She is, however, aware of the pleasant firmness of his body and softness of his fur when she briefly leans on him. In any event, sex isn't on Sirocco's mind at the moment; the only two times she's had sex, it had been rape, and she was quite soured on the experience.

"Mm, that the door there? Thanks, Kas," she says. She mutters under her breath, "No more wine for *me* anytime soon."

Kasiden{Nai} would reach for the door helping her into the room. He gazed around the room taking note of it. He would shake his head and smiles, "Maybe I should help you to somewhere in teh room." *he moved leading her while his hand slides along around her brushing her breast.*

Without being cognizant of doing it, Sirocco moans slightly into the brushing of her breast, and she staggers a little bit in the general direction of the bed. "Maybe if you just tucked me into bed," she suggests. She falls, rather than sits, down onto the bed.

Kasiden{Nai} continued to move his fingers along as he caressed along her breasts moving back and forth along her nipples, teasing them just with the tip as he leads her towards the bed, "I would love to." *he moves to lay her down but he would end up laying down himself on top of her.

Sirocco tenses audibly at the feel of the vulpine's thickness pressing up against her, and flashbacks begin to run through her mind at a mile a minute. In her first sign of active resistance to this idea, the Sheyka shakes her head and murmurs weakly, "No... no, please, don't rape me again, Letho..." In her tipsy mind, she's comparing Kasiden to the person who raped her and killed her fiance. Not a good sign.

Kasiden{Nai} brings his hand back and stops a moment. He rolls off as he moves to lay next to her, "Wait wait .. I am not going to rape you .. I don't do that .. and second I will get in trouble with ISA if I did."

Sirocco nods lightly, her eyes getting quite droopy as she starts to fall asleep without another word. She'd never fallen asleep with a man in her bed before now, but her subconscious mind is now telling her that, though not as safe as sleeping next to Persi, at least she isn't in the danger she'd have been in falling asleep next to Letho.

Fade to black.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Idessa Holiday's Debut, 4/2/18

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:10 pm

Allivia-GS emerged from the back of the smile with a smile on her face, a quiet night the work was done.. why not spend a bit of time with the pups! Oh and the kits of course as well, heck even the pigs were rather cute! Still she could only dally for so long, there was afterall *some* work needing to get done and who knows.. perhaps a customer might arrive even at this time of night?

Three weeks after her husband's death, Idessa Holiday had finally been forced to leave her farm since she couldn't pay the mortgage anymore, and she'd had to sell off her cows and chickens to pay off her incurred debts. She'd known from the moment of Mark's diagnosis that her life would undergo drastic changes. But she has an idea of how to rebound and start a new life for herself. First stop was the bank to retrieve some money, and then she heads into the General Store.

[Idessa withdraws 100 mhl from the bank.]

Allivia-GS glances up towards the door as she hears the bell jingling a warm friendly smile upon thin lips as her eyes meet a face that she'd never seen before, a sort of paradox about her demeanor as she at once seemed the sort to smile and laugh and enjoy the brighter side of life and yet at the same time there seemed an undertone of sadness hiding just beside. She'd not pry of course that was the job of a bartender not a clerk, she seemed a friendly enough woman at first sight however and did hope that everything would be ok. "Good evening Miss welcome to the General Store" taking a slightly more professional demeanor herself although her expression never changes "how can I help you today?"

Idessa waves lightly at Allivia and speaks to her in a Valencian accent that she's never quite gotten rid of, even though she's lived her entire adult life here in Nathalion. "Good evening, dearie," she says, straightening up her posture a little bit and clasping her hands behind her back. "I'm in need of a good, strong horse, one suitable for carrying a wagon."

Allivia-GS couldn't help but wonder about the woman's accent, she'd never had an ear for such things but she could swear it sounded familiar even if she'd not heard it quite this pronounced before, still the torian would perk up to hear the woman's request.. she was rather fond of the horses kept at the shop and always preferred to see them go to a good owner whenever possible, and this woman seemed to be exactly that. "You've come
to the right place Miss!" stepping from behind the counter and offering her arm should the other choose to take it "We've quite the assortment from destriers to sumpters, it sounds to me like you'd be looking for a charger though.. of course whatever catches your eye!" making a point to keep her pace tied to the others as she led the woman towards the back of the shop and to the stables beyond.

Idessa chooses not to take Allivia's arm; she's a little on the old side but is still very physically fit. As they walk towards the stables, Idessa asks, "Why a charger overa destrierora sumpter? I'm just curious. My husband was better with horses than I am. I can ride them, all right, but I don't know from breeds."

Allivia-GS had meant to take a nice slow pace for the woman's benefit but for a moment there it almost seemed that she was struggling to keep up herself, the lady might be a bit older than the white wing but clearly still spry. "Well.." she might not have been an expert herself but her time both here and in the Thallis calvary had taught her a few things "chargers tend to be the strongest breed. Often used by the most armored of knights and warriors but as it happens they're also the best for pulling a wagon.. which I think they do tend to prefer over those nasty battles" a wink was offered along with her little quip but then she wouldn't be surprised if most of the steeds would say just that if they could speak. As the two exit via the back door the sun was already fading but thankfully there was just enough left to clearly see the horses trotting about, "Tell me Miss.. do you see any that you like?"

Idessa pats the muzzle of one of the snow-white male chargers, and looks into one of his eyes. "Yes, this is a good, strong horse," she says with a warm smile. "I think I'll take this one. And I'll call him... Philip, after my great-grandfather." Idessa strokes the horse's mane, and he whinnies softly.

Allivia-GS smiles at the chosen name and its meaning, "yes.. yes I think that this one will fit you and your needs quite well Miss" a quick glare given towards the stableboy to stop lazing about and ready the horse as she leads the woman back inside once more to complete their business. "And will you be needing a saddle for that? And I suppose a bridle and bit so that he can carry the wagon.." scarcely waiting for the woman to respond before dashing towards the aisles to fetch the needed items, if the woman was already equiped afterall she could simply put them back before closing.

"Yes please, dearie," Idessa says, and she leans in to speak to the horse that would soon be hers. Speaking sotto voce, she says, "We're going to turn each other's lives around, my darling horse. I might never make things the things they were, and Mark is gone and never coming back... but we'll take care of each other."

Allivia-GS had rather liked the sound of that the woman and her new horse forging a new path but those later words would bring a pause to her step that happy expression of hers softening.. it was a reality of life she knew, one day she and her wife would be wrinkled and grey and then one day.. no no she dare not even think of it. "I'm quite sure that the two of you will get along famously" quickly collecting the needed items to push away those earlier thoughts, bridle and bit in one hand as both arms wrap about a saddle that seemed just the right size.. the torian wasn't the strongest one around but she tried her best to hide the strain, just about to head to the counter when she spied a saddle blanket akwardly grabbing it between the fingers of her free hand, she was sure that Philip would appreciate it. Setting it all down atop the counter eyes meeting the woman's own knowing that she couldn't help the other's pain but at the least could empathize, "The little stableboy should be able to set all of this up.. and don't be giving him any coin, he gets played plenty for sitting on his rear! Let's see that will be.." adding the numbers in her head and then glancing once more towards the woman, it was quite a steep purchase and while she was sure that the other would be too proud to accept her assistance she simply couldn't help feeling that she ought to all the same.. surreptitiously reaching into her pocket to slip a few extra coins near the small lockbox, "one hundred twenty two mehrial Miss."

[01:05] <+Allivia-GS> !money give Idessa`Holiday 10 mhl
[01:05] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Allivia subtracted 10 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Idessa Holiday
[01:05] <+Allivia-GS> !shopitem sell Idessa`Holiday 921 100 mhl Snow-white male horse named Philip
[01:05] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Charger' to Idessa Holiday for 100 Mhl and 0 Copper
[01:05] <+Allivia-GS> !shopitem sell Idessa`Holiday 749 20 mhl
[01:05] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Horse Saddle' to Idessa Holiday for 20 Mhl and 0 Copper
[01:05] <+Allivia-GS> !shopitem sell Idessa`Holiday 760 4 mhl
[01:05] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Horse Blanket' to Idessa Holiday for 4 Mhl and 0 Copper
[01:05] <+Allivia-GS> !shopitem sell Idessa`Holiday 757 4 mhl
[01:05] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Horse Bridle' to Idessa Holiday for 4 Mhl and 0 Copper
[01:06] <+Allivia-GS> !shopitem sell Idessa`Holiday 758 4 mhl
[01:06] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Horse Bit' to Idessa Holiday for 4 Mhl and 0 Copper

Idessa pays the 122 mhl and says with a regretful frown, "I'm afraid I don't have enough to give you a proper tip right now. Things are very tight. But thank you just the same!" Idessa exits the GS and the stable boy gets everything set up for her. Idessa mounts Philip and heads for The Lonely Inn.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Tennibrook Balmossie's Debut, 4/4/20

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:12 pm

Dame Tennibrook Balmossie, astride her horse Vintino, makes her way at long last to The Lonely Inn, where her father had asked her, on his deathbed, to go to start a new life for herself. The 40-year-old nal'ri half-vulpine, with white fur only on her oversized ears and singular tail, is dressed in riding leathers and has a sword and shield strapped to her back. Upon reaching the horse stable, she dismounts and hands the reins off to a stable boy. "Please take good care of my mare," she says, and she hands him two mehrials for his service. Then she enters the inn to see what she can see.

Matwyn chuckled faintly "as for the empireand emporer.. i have only spoken with him a few times your far more likely to meet one of us nobels. and as long as you have soem skill and arn;t some peasent wench with a big knife, but an acctual warrior.. you should raise the ranks.. though you do fall through the cracks.. slaves have it fairly good here"

Tennibrook blinks as she sees two other vulpines already in the inn. She'd grown up mostly among humans and Drak Sen; the only strong vulpine influence in her life up to now had been her mother. And technically her father, though he was fuch'vulpine. She counts the number of tails Matwyn has... five! He's a Musha Villa! Rubbing the back of her neck nervously, she remembers her training and makes her way over to the bar. "Bartender, some house ale, please, and a menu."

Inara skipped into the inn, her long red hair coming down to her knees as it flowed behind her. As she entered, her sholders shrugged out of the light coat she was wearing, showing off a very light flowerly sun dress. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the coat onto a table as she stepped up to the bar. Her hand swipped a bottle of wine and a cork remover. With deft hands, she opened the bottle before pouring herself a glass.

Zhanna hums to herself quietly as she thinks upon Matwyn's words, though the shoulder rubbing shes receiving fromKumiko is also a cause for the sound. " join the empire and work hard to rise in the ranks would be a good sign of my abilities. It would certainly be a way to show....'him'....that I am worth something, even without 'his' estate to inherit." She would looks back and forth between the two vulpines sitting on either side of her and nods, "You two certainly are friendly and help. Is it a racial trait? Or am I just that lucky to have met you two?" Her eyes would flick over to the newest entry to the inn and smile at seeing that she looked some what vulpine.

Matwyn grinned a bit "all vulpines are sociable gregarious people, though you are a kind of lucky to be between me and kumiko here" he let his hand run along Zhannas back as well running nails lightly along the womans spine. he leaned into the woman hand upon back and theigh, he let go of her leg to lift his cider taking a slow pull. "but my knowledge is yours ask away miss.. " he asked unsure if she had introduced herself or not yet.

Inara brought the red wine to her ruby red lips, taking a soft sip, savoring the moment as her green eyes half closed. She took several deep breaths, her face lost in a memory.

Fugly comes over to Tennibrook with a mug of house ale, and the fox takes a gentle sip of it, swirling it around in her mouth before finding it adequate. Not the kind they served at Lord Ti'a'ha's table, but about as good as was served to knights in the field in his house.

Infernis was there in the Inn, being all quiet and plotting as per usual. But, unlike usual, he was increasingly bored and tick tick tick tick, something was about to go off.

<+Infernis> (*Attn: Inf is about to draw upon his Relic, which allows im to reach out and magically manipulate the emotions of all that he can see. In this case, he's about to drop what I like to call a Lust Bomb. All inhibitions are dialed down to a 1, and lust, hunger, aggression and submission are dialed up to a 10. Feel free to ignore it if you want. Otherwise, it will continue for as long you all stay in the scene, or 30 minutes after he leaves. *)

Infernis didn't need to say a word, but rather simply reached out with the spells trapped in the cracked ruby ring he wore and....people would see the room through different eyes. No fear, no anger, nothing but hunger and a simple disregard for previous inhibitions and fears and morality. Everyone within the main room would have this happen at roughly the same time.

Kumiko_Fujiwara blinked shaking her head as her eyes widened, her eyes glazing over as she bit her lip shivering. "i..."

Inara her eyes fluttered as she felt a wave of lust hit her. She slowly inhaled as her free hand slipped the shoulder straps from her dress, letting it fall. She stood fully naked, her breasts looking slightly large on her tiny frame. She was shorn between her legs. As she stepped out of the dress, she finished her wine in long gulp.

Tennibrook looks over at Inara in surprise as she suddenly strips out of her dress, leaving her nude to the vixen's eyes. "Well, I certainly heard rumors about this place but shuka triesta..." And then she deeply breathes in the effect of the Lust Bomb, and she smiles. "Well, when in Nanthalion, I suppose." She takes a big drought of her house ale, and moves over towards Inara. "Looking for a good time, lass?" she asks.

Inara sat the glass on a table that her hips swayed past as she walked closer to the only group she noticed. Her eyes flicked to Tenni, slowly taking her in as she walked up to the vulpine, she grapped the woman's face before her lips pressed into Tenni's own in response to the question. Need started to fill her soul as her hands started to move over Tenni's clothes, completely in the way to her now.

Theressa had just stepped into the Inn when she felt a rush of something overwash her..immediately bringing about an entirely different viewpoint about withholding her skillset and it's use.. No longer does it feel important to hold back on that but rather..amplify what she had just overtake her. Toes curling within her sandals, hands clenching at her sides..she scans the Inn with narrowed, searching gaze while sly smile forms across her lips..a tinge of dark blue light swirling within the base of her palms.. *Time to make something interesting* she tells herself while casting her Mask of Desire upon herself. As she slowly begins to step through the Inn, a lift of fingertips is done..directing her Unseen Hands towards the woman known as Inara who just uncovered herself entirely..rolling those *hands* over the woman's shoulders..along her back..then up through her scalp before dwindling away entirely as her other hand directs those same Unseen Hands towards yet another..raking those *fingertips* through cloth..along upper shoulders..down over her back..then leaving form as they reach upper curvature of that backside. The seductress feeling every single finger stroke through those hands as she ponders adding to those touches.

Tenni is wearing a brown leather vest over a white tunic, with black bra beneath; and a pair of leather pants over a pair of black panties, as well as brown riding boots and white socks. She has her sword and shield strapped to her back. Suddenly she finds she's wearing far too many clothes, as Inara kisses her. Tenni murrs into the kiss, returning it forcefully, prying Inara's lips apart with her tongue and exploring the inside of her mouth as her arms maneuver their way out of her vest.

Inara felt Theressa's hands brush across her bare shoulders, across her backside causing shivers to run across her spine. She let out a moan of pleasure into Tenni's mouth before she turned to draw whoever it was that had fondled her only to come up with empty air. She shrugged ever so slightly before her hands had to get Tenni's clothes well away from the other woman.

Tenni's not sure what's happening to her; she's usually more disciplined than this, but she *is* a vulpine, sworn to The Lady's service, and the First Tenet of triestan is to experience pleasure in all its forms. It's with that thought that Tennibrook gently lowers her shield and sword to the ground, careful not to step on them, and then she resumes kissing Inara, stroking the woman's bared shoulders.

Inara let out a soft sound as her hands slide up Tenni's back, drawing the woman into her as she started to walk the vulpine back, heading for the sofas. She takes two steps as she gasps "I need to taste you," her voice came out husky and full of need as she dropped to her knees before Tenni. Her hands slid up the other womans legs, before her nails slightly dug into the vulpine's ass as Inara had to taste the other woman three seconds ago.

Tenni is taken towards the couch, practically dragged, but the vixen doesn't hesitate in following the elf wherever she might wish to lead her. When Inara states her intentions, Tenni nods and says, "Do it." She undoes the button of her leather pants and pulls them down, along with her panties, leaving the creamy skin of her sex exposed. She has a tuft of white hair above her pussy.

Inara pressed her lips to Tenni's flesh, her tongue flicking out to Tenni's folds. She slowly started to explore before the need to taste more took her. She suckled slightly as she held the vulpine in place.

Tenni gasps and reaches her hands out to the sides of inara's head, gripping her red hair tightly as she feels the woman beginning to tenderly lick her down there. Tennibrook hadn't known what to expect on her first day in the inn, but this hadn't been it. No use denying her nature, though. She's a knight, but also a vulpine, and vulpines are well known for promiscuity, for good reason.

Inara_Saryn slid her tongue over Tenni's most flesh. Sucking a little harder as she drew the vulpine's clit between her teeth. She let her nails dig as she drew her hands across the bare backside.

"Ahhhh... fuck, yessss," Tennibrook groans, her toes curling inside her boots as she feels her clit lightly nibbled by the elf kneeling in front of her. The fox moves a hand to one of Inara's supple breasts and begins to stroke it, tweaking her nipple with her thumb.

Inara_Saryn let out a gasp of pleasure as she shifted, rising slightly to allow Tenni better access before she returned her mouth to the fox's sex.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Joanna Rossi's Debut, 3/19/20

Postby CallieO on Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:14 pm

Lawrence lumbered in from another's day of work, clothed in his usal leather armor with his sword and sheild slung on his waist and back respectivly. The half-breed had came in looking for something to parch his thirst that afternoon, knowing well that it wasn't quite the time to drink the evening away. Sliding on up towards the counter, the wolven would smile towards the goblin that stood behind the counter, giving a small grin before he'd say, "A cup of ale, something weak maybe even some hard cider."

A three-foot-tall black swan majestically soars in the sky above The Lonely Inn, and flutters down to behind one of the horse stables where she's not being observed. When she comes out from it, it's in the form of a Swan Maiden of deepest ebony, with black hair and robe, and red eyes, standing a little over six feet tall, with bare feet and purple toenails. Joanna Rossi imperiously pushes her hair out of her eyes and rubs her neck lightly before making her way into The Lonely Inn for the very first time. She's been flying for hours, and she can do with a drink and some entertainment. "I'll have a beer, doll," she says to Fugly behind the bar as she sits next to Lawrence and unapologetically looks him over from head to toe.

Halla{LI} notices the door open and then starts as she sees the two strangers come inside. The tall barbarian slave girl watches them warily, her bright green eyes turning from one to the other, seeing both of them approach the bar. Halla runs her dirty fingers through her unbound flame red hair, naked but for her brief leather loincloth and the knee-high boots of black leather with the uncomfortably high heels and of course, the tight metal slave collar bearing the mark of the Lonely Inn. she swallows, watching them intently to see if either of them have need of an Inn Slave, the expression on her face more wary and angry than would normally be expected from an Inn Slave.

Lawrence sat down and peered throughout the room before spotting a slave that seemed to have been bought by the Inn. Turning towards the wench, the man would grin as he motioned for her to come closer, wondering if she'd obey. Eventually, the wolven would hear the sound of the door behind him open; those white ears of his flickering at the noise of footfalls drawing near. Noting the new stranger that seemed to take the stool besides he'd smile lightly, turning his gaze from Halla and towards the fresh arrival. Giving the woman a once over, Lawrence was quite shocked to see the sleek ebony hue of the swan maiden staring right back at him. "Hello there, was there something on my face?" The wolven would give a curt nod towards the half-naked maiden, his silvery tail beginning to swish to and fro as it did when he was excited.

"Hm, no... not yet," Joanna replies. "Maybe me, in a few minutes." She winks at him, and when her beer arrives, she takes a long sip, feeling it fill up one of those hollow legs of hers. Beer always makes her pleasantly tipsy, but never too tipsy to fly. Joanna eyes the wolven's tail, remembering that its base is an erogenous zone for the tailed races.

Halla{LI} watches the wolfen warily, having had experience with their kind before. This one looks a little strange, but her eyes are drawn to that long swishing tail. she sees the clear gesture and she swallows, biting back an angry retort. Slowly, she walks towards the wolfen, her hips swaying as she takes careful steps in those high heels, stopping just before him, her arms moving automatically to behind her back, her back straightening, her full breasts thrust out. her gaze shifts to the strange woman but then back to the wolfen. "Yes, Master?" she says, stiffly.

Lawrence would raise a brow at the woman's words smiling lightly at the seductive tone that laced the swan-maiden's voice as he watched Fugly arrive with some hard apple cider. Taking the glass, the wolven would lean back upon his stool, precariously balancing himself upon it as he took a sip from the mug that was handed to him. "Mnn.. is that an invitation?" The knight would smirk, those hazel eyes glancing down at the delicious looking barbarian that had crawled up to the two of them in the midst of their coversation. "Mnn.. well, if it is, I have a good idea." The half-breed would pause glancing back at the darker woman and smiling. "Why don't the three of us go somewhere.. more secluded to have a bit of fun. hrm?"

"That's the best offer I've had all week," Joanna says, taking another long draught of her beer before setting it down and hungrily climbing into Lawrence's lap, giving him just enough warning to steady himself back upon it so he wouldn't fall. She aggressively presses her lips upon the wolven's, grinding her hips against his clothed manhood, already feeling how large it is. Yes, this would be just what she needs.

Halla{LI} looks at the two of them, the beautiful exotic woman and the powerful wolfen and her heart starts to beat a little faster, an unwelcome desire gripping her near-naked body. her nipples harden and her bare breasts quiver as she draws in a sharp breath. "Wh-whatever you wish, Master," she says, her voice as flat as she can manage. she looks to the woman and addresses her, "Mistress."

Lawrence growled kindly towards the barbarian as she presented herself in that fashion, his left hand moving down to idly pet and toy with the woman's bright, scarlet hair as he found the swan-maiden sitting and grinding against his lap in due time. Murring in delight, at the barbarian's assent, the knight would throw back his mug of cider before passing it down the wooden table towards Fugly, looking quite excited by the way his silver tail lashed to and fro. Finishing his beverage, the half-wolven would stand from his seat with Joanna in tow, his right arm slinging itself under the dark-skinned beauty as he got a firm grope of her plush rear. As he stood, Lawrence would smile down towards the slave and offer a hand, pulling her up if she'd take it before leading the trio towards his old room. It'd been quite a few moons since he'd last needed it; so, the space was spotless like the day he'd left it.

"That's the spirit," Joanna replies to Halla as she agrees to submit herself to their desires this afternoon, and after finishing her beer, Joanna allows herself to be carried upstairs by Lawrence, her bare toes curling lightly as she wraps an arm around the wolven's neck. It had been a couple weeks since she'd seen a bedroom, and for that matter, this is her first day in human form in the last five days. There really isn't much sign of sapient civilization in the general direction of where she came from.

Halla{LI} walks slowly after the wolfen and the strange woman, drawing in sharp breaths as she does, her high heels clicking on the wooden stairs as she slowly makes her way up the stairs. Nervously, she brushes her fingers through her unbound flame red hair, shivering, goosebumps forming all over her naked flesh.

Lawrence pushed past the door to his adobe and looked inside, noting that everything there seemed to be the way he had left it before his previous departure. Carraying the dark-skinned swan inside, the knight would place her upon the sheet covered bed, the bedding there seeming as good as new despite the days it was left vacant. From there, the male would turn his sights to the barbarian who seemed to be struggling, those keen ears listening into the red-head's raggad breathing as he'd lean in and press a hand against her right shoulder. "Nervous?", came the question, a light smirk plastured against the half-breed's lips before he'd lean in to place a kiss upon the woman's cheek. Still clothed, Lawrence would idly begin to undo his outer gear as he pressed the barbarian further into his embrace; seeking to move his passions towards the woman's lips as he slung away his sword which was tied to his leather buckle.

Joanna smiles and writhes against the sheets, opening up her robe to reveal her perfect, nude, coal-black body beneath; her C-cup breasts with pert pink nipples. She has on a necklace made of cord, containing seashells and blue stones she's collected, and her toenails are painted a lovely shade of purple. She curls her legs up slightly to present a pleasing form to Lawrence and Halla as the wolven tends to the barbarian.

Halla{LI} steps into the room, her heart racing faster, a thin veil of sweat across her nude body. she recalls the time when she was a strong, powerful barbarian bandit, able to ride or run for hours, but that was before she was enslaved, made to wear these heels and this collar. she starts as the wolfen presses himself against her, surprisingly gentle. He pulls her closer and her body squirms against him, her desire clearly rising unwelcomely into her body. her gaze turns and she sees the woman naked. her eyes widen and her desire rises more intently.

Lawrence growled lightly as he pressed his lips into the barbarian's, tasteing her tounge and her saliva as he pushed abit further into the heated embrace. Feeling the girl's cold sweat, the male would try his best to calm her down as he continued to disrobe, his sheild and tunic finding themselves tossed aside like his sword; leaving him only in his leather trousers. His right hand would snake down to explore every curve of the red-heads slender frame in time, those digits roaming down her supple breasts, and taut stomach, until it'd idly graze against the woman's exposed sex. As the knight continued his advances, he'd also push and pressure the woman closer to the ebony beauty laying in wait, pressing the slave down next to the maiden as he simply enjoyed the visage of their lovely, naked forms pressed against one another. Snarling as a wave of lust began to overtake him, Lawrence would remove the final piece of his clothing, tossing aside that constricting leather binding his girth before setting it free to the air.

When Halla's body is placed against her own, Joanna begins to pleasure her from behind, massaging the slave's shoulders and placing a gentle kiss on the base of her neck. Then she moves one hand to the valley between the barbarian's breasts and strokes there with delicate fingers, as her other hand fully peels off her own dark robe, leaving her fully nude to the delighted eyes of Lawrence. She looks up at the wolven as his manhood is freed from its binding, and stares at him with lustful eyes.

Halla{LI} surrenders to the kiss, moaning sounds coming from deep within her throat, her body squirming. her instinct is to retreat, to push away, to fight back but she dare not, knowing what could happen to her if she tries. With a gasp, her near naked body is pushed to one side, close against the strange woman. she feels the woman's hands roam over her, stroking her breasts, the soft flesh tender and responsive. "Ahhh!" she gasps aloud, her body arching. she can feel the strange woman touch her, feel her body and there is the wolfen. "Ah!" she pants. "Ah ah ah!"

Lawrence smiled as he watched the maiden beginning to tease and pleasure the barbarian, those hazel eyes glinting with lust and desire as he kneeled down on top of the bed. Moving closer, the wolven would seem to appreciate the sight before him as his fingers moved up the scarlet-haired, beauties legs, removing the silly looking heels that the slave was required to wear. Pulling each of those pumps off the red-head, the half-breed would soon find himself besides the pair, lurking behind the ebony swan-maiden as he planted kisses and nibbles along the woman's neck. Growling kindly, the knight wouldn't hesitate to grope the girl's plush rear, spreading those lovely cheeks with his fingers as he began to grind his hardened shaft between those dark, silken folds. Murring in delight, the man would continue his assault by moving his left hand up to grope at the woman's bosom, his right snaking below to grasp at the madien's hips before he'd push upwards with his hips, forcing the tip of his shaft to catch along the inner folds of the swan's delicious pussy.

Joanna goes back and forth between watching Halla squirm in her grasp, and eyeing Lawrence's movements as he makes his way alongside them. Finally he gets behind the Swan Maiden, and she can feel him pressing up against her womanly folds. She lets out a low moan of pleasure as she feels Lawrence beginning to enter her, and she leans her head forward to lightly nibble on the tender cartilage of Halla's left ear. One of her hands, the one that had just parted her own robe, now slides down the front of the barbarian's body, until it reaches Halla's crotch. Parting her legs slightly, she begins to run her thumb along the woman's clit, in little circles.

Halla{LI} lets the two of them do whatever they want, touching her, touching each other, leaving her squirming and gasping. For all her efforts to keep calm and still, she cannot control herself, especially when the strange woman slips fingers expertly inside her. her voluptuous body shudders and she makes a loud gasp. "Ah! Mistress!" the title comes from her automatically, drawn from her lips without her even thinking. her eyes half-closed, submitting to what they want with her.

Lawrence would groan in delight as he felt his hips clash against the maiden's dark skinned ass, those plush orbs pressing back against his lower torso as he tried to push deeper into those sinfully tight folds. Growling lowly, the knight would find himself pulling back out of the woman before him, enjoying the sensual tug of those silken depths which began to milk and tease his length. The sensations would bloom notes of pleasure along his frame the more he moved, settling the half-breed into a steady rhythm as he eyed the swan-maiden teasing and pleasing the barbarian lass within her arms. The cute coos of the red-head would reach the wolven's ears as he began to enjoy the ebony beauty, his hips moving ever faster the more pleasure echoed within his mind. Gasping his bliss, Lawrence would eagerly press his hands up to cup the maiden's breasts, teasing those luscious orbs as he kneaded those tender pillows under his deft fingers. Tugging and pulling along her darkened tips, the knight would growl in delight, taking pleasure from the two of them all at once.

Groaning as she starts to move with Lawrence inside her, Joanna lets out a gentle hiss of pleasure at the way the wolven is gripping her breasts, and she repeats the exact same motion with the one hand that's grasping Halla's breast. The other continues to molest her down below, as Joanna's toes stroke at Halla's Achilles tendons.

Halla{LI} feels the wolfen fucking the strange woman, her own body moving along with the thrusts, feeling herself to be little more than a distraction, a filler, but... the woman's hands over her, gripping her breast, stroking her pussy. "Ah... aaahhhhhhhh!!!!" her eyelashes flutter and she bites down hard on her lower lip to stifle a louder scream.

Lawrence simply enjoyed the woman's hot, tight depths as he started to slowly speed up his thrusts, a hand moving from her left breast down towards her crotch to gently tease the hidden jewel between her legs. Toying with the woman's outer folds, the knight would eventually venture upon the hood of the ebony beauty's clit, his digits slowly rubbing and peeling away the flesh hooding that small pleasure buzzer before they'd begin to attack the sensetitve nub mercilessly. The barbarian's squeals of delight would fill the room as Joanna continued to please the slave, lewd noises of their lovemaking soon cascading from below as the wolven ground his cock deep into the maiden's sex. Each time he hilted inside of those tight folds, his hips would clash with those dark cheeks, a lewd slapping noise resulting from the connection. For the knight, the pleasure would continue to build as he pounded his cock into the woman before him, his kisses turning into little love bites along the swan-maiden's throat as he felt his bliss building inside of his loins.

"Mmmm, I think... we've got a screamer here," Joanna teases, tightening her grip on Halla's breast and tweaking her nipple as she licks the barbarian's throat. She begins to quite deliberately squeeze tightly on Lawrence's cock within her folds, and then release, squeeze, and then release, for his pleasure and for her own. She gasps at the way his teeth rub against the back of her neck and make her body tremble.

Halla{LI} flushes in anger as she hears the woman's commant. A screamer? she should be insulted... she is insulted! But she is a slave and a free woman can call her whatever she wishes. she moans, crying out louder as her tender nipple is pinched. "Aaaggghhhhhhh!!!" she closes her eyes tightly, grinding against the two bodies.

Lawrence simply chuckled at the teasing remark before he'd toy with the ebony maiden's clit even more, circling that sensetitve nub and gently pinching the tender flesh there. However, as he did this all with a gentle hand, his hips would begin to rock faster back a fourth, slamming his hips into that plush rear as those tight lips began to squeeze down on his cock like a vice. Growling in pleasure, the knight found himself rutting faster and harder, those lewd 'slaps' from their conjoining flesh ringing out above the squeals of the barbarian slave as the man neared his edge. Snarling now, Lawrence would lean up and bite down upon the swan-maiden's ear, making a low noise of pleasure as his rod began to pulse and convulse deep within his lover's sex. Holding the woman close, the wolven would press his tip as deep as it'd go as the first few shots of his semen errupted from his tip, that hardened rod bent of filling her dark pussy to the brim with his seed.

Joanna murmurs in excitement as she feels her ear bitten, as if Lawrence is marking her, and when she feels his hot spunk shooting inside her, she gasps and loses it herself. Not nearly as loudly as Halla had; hence the gentle teasing that she'd given her. And she certainly hadn't meant to upset her. She's not aware, at this moment, that Halla was angry about she said, though. And at the moment, she's focused entirely on self, groaning as she clenches her pussy tightly against Lawrence and moves her hand up from Halla's breast to gently clasp against the front of her throat.

Halla{LI} hears the two of them moan and cry out, her won body quivering, so close to her own climax, but on the very edge, helpless and aroused and not yet allowed to cum, the collar feeling tight around her neck. A thin sheen of sweat glistens over her voluptuous body. her legs spread a little wider. she is so close... so close...

Lawrence smiled as he bottomed out inside that cozy, maiden cunt, feeling his orbs churn as the last few drops of his seed was poured into that tight ebony pussy, all the while her cumming cunt gripping around his shaft like a noose. Pulling out of those heated depths, the male would growl kindly before giving her plush ass a hard swat, watching the flesh jiggle lewdly as his white cream began to flow out of that well used hole. The contrast of her skin and his seed making for a stark comparison as the knight moved on from his lover towards the barbarian in front of her. Looking back, the half-breed would chuckle as he watched the woman continue to enjoy her post orgasmic bliss before he'd turn his attentions to the slave; noting that she seemed on edge by something. Growling in lust, the wolven would seem to be driven as his lusts continued to flare despite his first orgasm, his softened rod already beginning to harden at the state of the ruby-haired beauty as a hand would reach down to idly tweak at one of her puffy nipples. Knowing that the swan-maiden had worked her up quite a bit, the knight didn't feel the slightst bit guilty when he pressed down upon her, spreading her legs wide before hooking them upon his shoulders. In an instant, the horny male had shoved himself into another warm silken sleeve, the textures of the barbarain's vagina being worlds apart from the maiden he'd just parted with.

Joanna had sensed somehow that Halla hadn't quite reached her peak, and it had been the Swan Maiden's intention to make the barbarian moan for it, beg and squirm, but she hadn't communicated that to Lawrence, who had apparently had a different idea. He saw it as a case of 'one down, one to go'. And with minimal refractory period, he gets hard again and pushes his way inside Halla. Joanna grins wickedly and hovers over Lawrence, standing up on her tiptoes so that she can massage his broad, powerful shoulders from behind as he takes the hyped-up barbarian.

Halla{LI} sees what the wolfen intends about a moment before he enters her. she shakes her head, strands of flame red hair plastered to the sweat of her face. "Nooooo..." comes her cry but then he enters her, a hard thrust into her. "Aaaaaaaagggghhhhhh!!!" comes her cry, a wave of pleasure and pain sweeping through her. "Please!" comes her involuntary cry, no defiance remaining in her. "Please... let me cum!"

Lawrence felt the maiden's fingers gingerly run their way down his shoulders before he turned his head; watching the lovely, ebony skinned woman tending to his back as an idea came into his head. "Mnn.. why don't you go over and give this little lass a taste of yourself, I'm sure she'd appreciate our mixed flavors." The barbarian's cry would rip the man's attention as a wicked grin etched itself upon the knight's features, the sound of her pleas simply burning the man's ego as he loomed down upon the woman. Snarling in delight, the male's thrusts would begin to quicken as the girl squealed, making sure to bring the slave as much pleasure as he could by moving a hand lower to focus upon her sensetitve clit like the maiden had done before him. Running his fingers down along that bundle of nerves, Lawrence would try his hardest to tilt his trusts in a way it'd press against a more sensitive spot within the red-heads folds, searching with the tip of his rod as he plowed her silken depths with a hearty pace. "Go ahead and cum slave, this is why you're here right? To cum your brains out like a good girl."

"Ah, now *there's* a good idea," Joanna comments. She'd been briefly taken aback when Halla had said 'no' just before being penetrated, but the no had quickly turned into a yes, and then a 'please, let me cum'. Joanna proceeds to sit on Halla's face, kneeling with her knees on either side of her, the Swan Maiden's ass touching her own heels, and she leans up to exuberantly kiss Lawrence for the first time, taking the dominant role as she parts his lips with her tongue and explores the inside of his mouth.

Halla{LI} keeps moaning and squirming, panting for breath, barely able to control herself, the collar so tight around her neck. Then she sees the strange woman slide on top of her. The barbarian slave girl obeys, moving instinctively, extending her tongue and licking at the woman's pussy, tasting her arousal, tasting the wolfen's trace left on her.

Lawrence smiled lightly as he felt the maiden pressing her lips against his, more then happy to have a deeper taste of the ebony beauty as he felt that slippery tounge explore his lips. Growling lightly, the wolven would take this new sensation and begin to rock his hips all the more, the lewd noises of thier coitis beginning to round within the room as his hips battered against the barbarian's plush behind. Growling lewdly into the woman's kiss, the male would move his hands lower from the slave's knees, letting them rest along his shoulders as he got a hold of her hips. Digging down his fingers, the wolven would snarl as he'd secured his grip, and what followed would be a quick series of thrusts as he rammed himself into that silken vice. Knowing that his end was near, the half-breed would moan; drips of his pre-cum already filling the woman's love canal as his rod throbbed in excitment.

Joanna breaks the kiss as she senses that Lawrence is close to reaching his climax again. She already has a pretty good bead on what it looks like to see him come. She gasps and grabs hold of the back of Lawrence's neck with one hand, and Halla's left breast with her other hand, as she curls her bare, purple-painted toes tightly, feeling herself start to reach a conclusion at the tip of Halla's tongue.

Halla{LI} cannot help herself any longer, her tongue buried deeply in the woman's pussy, feeling the wolfen fuck her and that is the end for her. The voluptuous barbarian slave girl shudders and cums. Her cries are muffled by the weight of the woman's body but the reactions of her own body are clearly enough, the thrashing and quivering and the burning lust in her pussy.

[FTB Halla.]

Lawrence would snarl happily as he felt a hot wave of bliss wash over him, his hot seed escaping from his tip as he filled up the barbarian with his lusts. Growling in delight, the wolven would continue pumping the red-head with his cum as he leaned up to kiss the ebony maiden, nearly howling in delight. Before long, the male would sigh happily when his steam ebbed into a trickle, the post orgasmic glow buzzing his mind as he looked down at the unconcious woman below. "Mnn.. looks like it was a tad bit much for her, hrm? Well.. either way.. she was quite the treat."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

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