Lexicon of NPC races/monsters

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Lexicon of NPC races/monsters

Postby Tamryn on Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:06 am

In efforts to further flesh out our world and to help our quest folks have a staple supply of beasties to heap upon us, we are going to be compiling a listing of npc races/monsters. We are opening up submissions to the players in general. You all can submit them here in this forum and we will look at each one and toss them through our dev process for evaluation and editing as needed. All submissions will likely not make it through to the final approved list, but we will look over them all. Things that each submisison should include about these npcs are a description, disposition, typical geopgraphical location found in, strengths and weaknesses. As long as it has these it is fine, they don't need to be as detailed as the race write ups.

Remember, we are not a vampire, werewolf or demonicly oriented game, so although a monster may have some of those aspects they shouldn't be those. Unique is fine as well as suggesting some fantasy staples, but remember we don't want to steal directly from other sources. I will post a sample of a simple proposal for you all to look at and model after.
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Postby Miliani on Tue May 01, 2007 6:16 pm


Description: The Yale is a four legged beast colour is a tawny brown or black. It is about the size of a horse; it looks much like a deer but has the lower jaws of a boar with its tusks. The Yale has movable horns that it can control. The Yale can move a single horn forward to use as in a lance like fashion, the other horn moves out of the way to protect it. If one horn is damaged in a fight it moves the other horn in to place to resume the attack.

Location: It usually found in the various forests but to the south.
Disposition: A calm creature unless its young or territory is in danger, then it is a force to be recond with. Enemy is the Basilisk.


A Girallon is a close relation to the gorilla they are large creatures that are highly aggressive and territorial. The main difference between a Girallon and a gorilla is that the Girallon has four arms, to the gorillas two. Girallons are white or pale gray in colour, about 8ft in height. Girallons attack anything that enter territory, they tend to live in small packs, with a dominant male been the packs leader.

Location: Found stalking in temperate forests, walking on their legs and two lower arms.
Disposition: Savage Beast who will not hesistate to burst out of the brush, pick up its victim and disappear into the trees again.

The Manticore is a vicious creature. The Manticore is a lion like creature that's head has some human likeness; it has a tail which is sometimes depicted as a tail of a scorpion or a tail that fires poisonous darts. The Manticore sometimes is depicted having leathery wings. The creature stalks through the forests in search of humans, it attacks first by using poison to render the victim immobile. After been immobilized the victim then can be devoured; bones, clothes, possessions the lot, so the Manticore leaves no trace. Manticore's can move around in prides and they kill for the sake of killing and leave there prey behind to be found.

Locations: Warm Marshes
Disposition: Vicious Creature that will leave nothing behind when devovering its prey.

The Thunderbird lives among the clouds in the sky. The Thunderbird is a monstrous sized bird that is so big it can take whales within its talons. When the Thunderbird beats it wings they crackle with lightening and rumble with thunder. Arrows of lightening flash from its eyes.

Location: Sky/Clouds
Disposition: Unknown due to the fact that many have ever lived to tell, but from what can be gathered, this bird is highly intelligent and can block out the sun with the mere expanse of its wings.

Alan are Half Human Half bird like creatures. They live within the forests and spend much of their time hanging upside down from trees. This is due to that they have the fingers on their feet and their hands have toes on. They are mischievous in nature but are friendly to humans and some legends refer to them bringing up children that have lost their parents.

Locations: The Forests
Disposition: Mischievous but friendly to humans. Friends to lost children

A Knocker is a type of Kobold. They live deep in mines and are good-natured spirits, which point out to miners where the rich veins are by using knocking sound, thus this is where they get the name. Although they are friendly spirits they like to play strange tricks on them. They change their faces to scare them or perform strange dances. The miners must leave part of their food for the Knockers or they become mad and that would be bad luck.

Locations: Mines and Caverns within the Mountains
Disposition: Mischievous and friendly spirits who enjoy playing games and tricks. However they can become angered if the 'trespasser' does not leave something for them.

Nightmares are undead horses they are one of the greatest aids to the undead. These are the bodies of great war-horses that are brought back to the unlife by necromantic powers. Nightmares unlike mortal horses have the ability to move through terrain that might be blocking their path they can move though walls and dense vegetation with ease.

Location: Graveyards and wherever Necromancers call them
Disposition: Fierce creatures that barely listen to the beings that call them from their enteral sleep. They assist the undead before falling back to a pile of bones.

The salamander is a small four legged dragon though it maybe small it is powerful. This little lizard like creature creatures body is so cold it extinguishes flames at will. Its also highly poisonous. Salamanders are said to live in volcanoes where the heat is great.

Location: Volcanoes or extremely hot fires
Disposition: Like all who live within fire or have the magic of fire flowing through them, they are quick to anger and even quicker to attack.
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The Varik

Postby Katie Valina on Tue May 22, 2007 9:59 pm

The Varik

A rather Xenophobic race that lives within the mountain regions of Nanthalion; the Varik are right at home in the cold. Standing upright at about eleven feet, these lumbering giants are powerful, yet gentle in nature; never starting fights but always finishing them.

Their bodies are covered in thick layers of white fur which acts as insulation, trapping moisture between the millions of tiny fibers protruding from its skin. However, sometimes they trap so much moisture that ice forms over their fur; a natural armor which the Varik use to protect themselves against the jaws of other predators which scavenge the vast hinterlands in search of food.

The Varik aren't too trusting of outsiders, though they won't really raise a hand against any trespassers unless they attack first. Still, despite all their power, they are still the victim of hunters and trappers, though anyone trying to capture a Varik would need the help of a reasonably skilled fire mage....
What color do you bleed?
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Postby Nia on Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:24 pm

Shining Eye

Description: Imagine a large floating hand facing you, a huge bloodred eye in the center of the palm staring at you and the fingers hanging down from it curling inward threatingly. It looks fat, sweaty and slimey and has a grayish colouration. This would be your average Shining Eye.

The hand flows over in what appears to be the head of a squid the more it preceeds to the back. The red eye of this creature emits a cone of blinding light, through which it sees - it is blind to anything which falls outside this cone. The eye itself appears to be throbbing with the creature's pulse, while the iris appears to be made from nerve cells more than anything else. The eyebeam constanly sweeps around to find new victims, but does so within the limits of a human eye.

The five 'fingers' this creature has end in various ways; the most left one only has only two digits and appears to hold a smaller closed eye. This eye only opens when the creature has spotted a prey and is thought to help it aim it's slime spray (explained further on). The next four have three digits, but end in a long, sharp talon, a strange mouth surrounded by three powerful tongues, another talon, and an open orivice which constantly secretes an adhesive slime, which this creature sprays over it's pray to immobilize it. Each 'finger' is rather fatty and slimey, just like the rest of the creature.

It is thought this creature was supposed to be some kind of guard. Of what or who is unknown, but it's behavior of constantly looking around, patrolling it's lair and investigating any sound which seems out of place certainly suggests a protective nature. A Shining Eye constantly floats in the air about three to five feet from the ground, and will do so even after it is killed.

Disposition: Agressive, fast, calculating and methodical. These creatures are intelligent enough to devise basic traps and tactics, and vicious enough to take on anyone they encounter.
Location: Mostly underground, but can be found anywhere if there is a sufficient lack of light (and this would include nights). They are generally solitary, but can be found in groups. It hates daylight, but is not harmed by it in any way.

Strengths: Can spray slime which immobilizes victims but leaves them well in the ability to defend themselves. The eyebeam of this creature can blind people for a small amount of time if looked in directly.
Weaknesses: Since the creature can only see what is actually within the cone of light it emits, it sees less and less the closer an object is to it - at point blank range, this creature is blind (provided you're NOT in contact with the eye beam). Taking out the central eye effectively kills it.
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Re: Lexicon of NPC races/monsters

Postby Pog on Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:50 pm


While not fit to be PCs I think kobold npcs should grace the land. They make good lackey's and fodder.
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Re: Lexicon of NPC races/monsters

Postby Durigon on Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:11 am

I took a little time hoping to Create a Dummy NP char and stats list that everyone could use to Make their play more exciting, I More then welcome Suggestions for other NP chars for use and hope this might be Implemented for all to enjoy. Here is what I came up with. I welcome thoughts from all. The Point of this Stat Tree is to Make Player vs NPC combat more valid. Including Stats, weapon and armor ability vs an actualOpponent with Stats, armor and weapons of their own rather then just simply RPing "I fought and killed such and such"

Often greedy men or women who are outcast from society and band together to form small groups or even communes. Often Lacking in training,

and poorly equipped, they are out to steal with they can and kill any who resist. commonly found in the forest, border lands and Other regions apart from

the town or cities

Weapons wielded: Daggers, clubs, hammers
Armor types used: Leather armor if any

str int agi res sta life at level 1. each new lvl adds 1 point to Str, agi, sta and life
4 0 3 1 4 5

Renegade soldiers

Angry men or women who have been either released from an army or have Deserted due to either disagreement or misconduct, considerably more

dangerous then bandits as they have some extent of military training as well as an Ax to grind.

Weapons wielded: daggers, long swords, Ninjato, short sword
Armor used : Leather armor, body plate, chain mail

str int agi res sta life
4 1 3 2 4 8 at level 1 each new lvl adds 2 to str 1 to agi and 1 to life alternating each lvl
adding 1 to int 1 to res and 1 to life

Goblin tribesmen
Weapons wielded: Dagger, Short sword, club, small sickle, flails
Armor types used: Leather armor if any

Hated by Civilization, They have come to hate Civilized people right back. weak minded and easily seduced or bribed into service by promises of power or riches, they travel in groups and can be a true scourge to any not strong enough to face them. What they lack in brute power they make up for in numbers and underhanded tricks. Especially the tribes Lead by another goblin found near Marshes and other places of refuge their tribes

have been driven to by those who hate them

str int agi res sta life at level one each new lvl adds 1 str 1 agi 1 sta and 1 life
2 1 4 7 5 5

Feral Ogres
Weapons wielded: clubs
armor types used: None

Male or female.. 3 things are certain about Ogres or Ogress. They are Big, Ugly and Dangerous. although not very smart they are very powerful

and often wield weapons such as large clubs or what ever else they might find laying around big and heavy enough to swing. NEVER take a fight

with an Ogre lightly, or it will be your last. Found in several regions as their low intellect causes them to wander without regard to danger

str int agi res sta life
6 1 1 2 9 9 at level one each new lvl adds 1 str 1 agi and 1 life alternating
each other lvl adds 1str 1 res and 1 sta

Cave and Rock trolls
Weapons wielded: Clubs, hammers, Scimitar, two handed swords
armor types worn: none

Big creatures to say the least and can grow as tall as 15 feet in height, massive and powerful, and usually more muscular then Ogres these are

VERY dangerous causing most of civilization to despise them. Though their intelligence is limited, they are also smarter then Ogres and tend to

carry more effective weapons as their race is capable of craftsmanship. They Dwell near mountains and other rough terained places and will

wander through forested areas as well in search of food so they can be found in many locations through out the empire

str int agi res sta life
6 1 1 2 8 8 at level 1 each new lvl adds 1 to str, agi, sta, and 1 to life

Feral wolfen
weapons wielded: none
Armor types used: none

They dwell in the forested regions of the Empire and possess great speed and strength as well as Claws and Sharp teeth, These wolfen have spent so long away from humanity or elfin kind they cannot speak Either of the Languages and are Not far apart from bears or wolfs in

temperament. Their predatory instincts, speed and hunting ability make them a danger to any who has no knowledge of combat.. Tread lightly around

their Dens

str int agi res sta life
5 1 4 2 8 7

Drunken Inn Patron
Weapons wielded: daggers,clubs, short swords
armor types: Leather or none

Every now and again you may suffer the misfortune of being harassed by one of these, Can be of any race, and each usually means trouble
although you might be able to fast talk or trick them into leaving you alone, Most commonly these idiots are just looking for a fight,
so should be landed dealing with one.. The others around you will likely as not consider it a favor should you deal them a proper beating.
take caution, alcohol can fuel uncommon courage (or stupidity) with out of place strength and pain tolerance

str int agi res sta life at level one. Adding 1 point to str, agi and life each new lvl
6 1 2 4 4 8

The Northern Clans
Weapons wielded: None preferred
Armor types used: Various types employed

are varied in a number of ways, but they are united in all the ways that matter. They are consumed with a need to destroy all elvin races and

to expand the reach of the Northern Clans. How to do so is what keeps them from uniting completely. encountered as their name describes in the

northern Regions of the lands

str int agi res sta life
4 1 3 2 4 8 at level 1 each new lvl adds 2 to str 1 to agi and 1 to life alternating each lvl
adding 1 to int 1 to res and 1 to life
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Re: Lexicon of NPC races/monsters

Postby Shoji on Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:12 pm

Durigon wrote:I took a little time hoping to Create a Dummy NP char and stats list that everyone could use to Make their play more exciting, I More then welcome Suggestions for other NP chars for use and hope this might be Implemented for all to enjoy. Here is what I came up with. I welcome thoughts from all. The Point of this Stat Tree is to Make Player vs NPC combat more valid. Including Stats, weapon and armor ability vs an actualOpponent with Stats, armor and weapons of their own rather then just simply RPing "I fought and killed such and such"

Often greedy men or women who are outcast from society and band together to form small groups or even communes. Often Lacking in training,

and poorly equipped, they are out to steal with they can and kill any who resist. commonly found in the forest, border lands and Other regions apart from

the town or cities

Weapons wielded: Daggers, clubs, hammers
Armor types used: Leather armor if any

str int agi res sta life at level 1. each new lvl adds 1 point to Str, agi, sta and life
4 0 3 1 4 5

Renegade soldiers

Angry men or women who have been either released from an army or have Deserted due to either disagreement or misconduct, considerably more

dangerous then bandits as they have some extent of military training as well as an Ax to grind.

Weapons wielded: daggers, long swords, Ninjato, short sword
Armor used : Leather armor, body plate, chain mail

str int agi res sta life
4 1 3 2 4 8 at level 1 each new lvl adds 2 to str 1 to agi and 1 to life alternating each lvl
adding 1 to int 1 to res and 1 to life

Goblin tribesmen
Weapons wielded: Dagger, Short sword, club, small sickle, flails
Armor types used: Leather armor if any

Hated by Civilization, They have come to hate Civilized people right back. weak minded and easily seduced or bribed into service by promises of power or riches, they travel in groups and can be a true scourge to any not strong enough to face them. What they lack in brute power they make up for in numbers and underhanded tricks. Especially the tribes Lead by another goblin found near Marshes and other places of refuge their tribes

have been driven to by those who hate them

str int agi res sta life at level one each new lvl adds 1 str 1 agi 1 sta and 1 life
2 1 4 7 5 5

Feral Ogres
Weapons wielded: clubs
armor types used: None

Male or female.. 3 things are certain about Ogres or Ogress. They are Big, Ugly and Dangerous. although not very smart they are very powerful

and often wield weapons such as large clubs or what ever else they might find laying around big and heavy enough to swing. NEVER take a fight

with an Ogre lightly, or it will be your last. Found in several regions as their low intellect causes them to wander without regard to danger

str int agi res sta life
6 1 1 2 9 9 at level one each new lvl adds 1 str 1 agi and 1 life alternating
each other lvl adds 1str 1 res and 1 sta

Cave and Rock trolls
Weapons wielded: Clubs, hammers, Scimitar, two handed swords
armor types worn: none

Big creatures to say the least and can grow as tall as 15 feet in height, massive and powerful, and usually more muscular then Ogres these are

VERY dangerous causing most of civilization to despise them. Though their intelligence is limited, they are also smarter then Ogres and tend to

carry more effective weapons as their race is capable of craftsmanship. They Dwell near mountains and other rough terained places and will

wander through forested areas as well in search of food so they can be found in many locations through out the empire

str int agi res sta life
6 1 1 2 8 8 at level 1 each new lvl adds 1 to str, agi, sta, and 1 to life

Feral wolfen
weapons wielded: none
Armor types used: none

They dwell in the forested regions of the Empire and possess great speed and strength as well as Claws and Sharp teeth, These wolfen have spent so long away from humanity or elfin kind they cannot speak Either of the Languages and are Not far apart from bears or wolfs in

temperament. Their predatory instincts, speed and hunting ability make them a danger to any who has no knowledge of combat.. Tread lightly around

their Dens

str int agi res sta life
5 1 4 2 8 7

Drunken Inn Patron
Weapons wielded: daggers,clubs, short swords
armor types: Leather or none

Every now and again you may suffer the misfortune of being harassed by one of these, Can be of any race, and each usually means trouble
although you might be able to fast talk or trick them into leaving you alone, Most commonly these idiots are just looking for a fight,
so should be landed dealing with one.. The others around you will likely as not consider it a favor should you deal them a proper beating.
take caution, alcohol can fuel uncommon courage (or stupidity) with out of place strength and pain tolerance

str int agi res sta life at level one. Adding 1 point to str, agi and life each new lvl
6 1 2 4 4 8

The Northern Clans
Weapons wielded: None preferred
Armor types used: Various types employed

are varied in a number of ways, but they are united in all the ways that matter. They are consumed with a need to destroy all elvin races and

to expand the reach of the Northern Clans. How to do so is what keeps them from uniting completely. encountered as their name describes in the

northern Regions of the lands

str int agi res sta life
4 1 3 2 4 8 at level 1 each new lvl adds 2 to str 1 to agi and 1 to life alternating each lvl
adding 1 to int 1 to res and 1 to life

I say these need to all have better stats...every PC at level 1 is 5x the man these things are just about, and that just makes it too simple. As well, I might leave off the northern clansmen...cause, if it comes to those that are PC's...that they're people are being killed for reason or not...gonna start issue.
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Re: Lexicon of NPC races/monsters

Postby miyuka on Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:39 am

or just leave it up to the person running whatever event these are for
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