Ranked General Skills List

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Ranked General Skills List

Postby Tamryn on Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:44 pm

Ranked General Skills: (Class Limited)

Crafting and Expertise Skills (bought using General Skill Points)

Questions, Comments, And Answers on Ranked Skills

All ranked general skills are broken down in levels of Mastery. For many this will simply indicate a level of training Which the person has achieved in their skill. For some, this may mean they are paid more, for work they do relevant to their skill, for others it will mean the ability to work with more difficult items or means. The skill levels are:

Novice - Someone new to their craft and skill. They have barely recieved any training.
Apprentice - Has spent time training and learning their craft, usually from a mentor.
Journeyman - This person is solid in the craft or ability. Able to do most tasks.
Expert - An expert excels at their skill. They can work with most all materials and mediums.
Master - A master is someone who has mastered their craft. No material or job is too difficult to accomplish or work with.

Use these as general guidelines and the specific skill will have more detailed with them.

Alchemy (Thief, Ranger, Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Magi, Healer, Artisan, Hierophant, Mist Raider, Necromancer)
Novice - Able to mix up simple herbs or create category 1 poisons.
Apprentice - Able to prepare slightly more complex herbs and create category 2 poisons.
Journeyman - Able to mix up almost any simple herb mixture and may create category 3 poisons.
Expert - Able to mix up simple blends and now able to create category 4 poisons.
Master - Able to mix up even the most complex herbal blends and apthecary potions and able to creat category 5 and 6 poisons.
(Disclaimer: All poison making and herbal mixing requires apoth or poison shop for the proper alchemy labs)

Architect (Any Class)
Novice - able to design simple hutlike structures.
Apprentice - able to design cabinlike structures.
Jouneyman - able to design stone cottages and homes.
Expert - able to design towers and keeps.
Master - able to design palaces and castles, their creations would be worthy of nobles or possibly even the Emperor himself.

Artist (Any Class)
Novice - This skills allows the use of charcoal to do basic drawings of people or places.
Apprentice - this levelt the artist begins using pencils and can do more complex sketches, the result looking very much more realistic.
Journeyman - skill user is now able to do more complex works of art using pen and water colors.
Expert - the artist can now begun to use oil pants and work to create paintings of landscapes and people.
Master - Can creatre with oils or any medium almost lifelike paintings and masterful images.

Baking/Candy-making (Any Class)
Novice - Able to mix up the dough for a simple bread.
Apprentice - the baker can now make several types of bread and some very simple sweets.
Journeyman - the baker can make most simple cakes and decorate them plainly. They are able to make some simple one ingredient sweets.
Expert - the baker can now make a variety of cakes with slightly more complex decorations and themes. They are able to make multiingredient candies, mixing flavors.
Master - no cake or confection is beyond them. They have turned baking and candymaking into art, able to fashion elaborate works of art and decoration in their baking.]

Body Arts (Any Class)
Novice - This use is a novice to the body arts, and are only able to safely do body painting.
Apprentice - Slightly more trained, they may do simple piercing and noncolored tattoos.
Journeyman - well trained, they can do all piercings and colored tattoos.
Expert - This artist can do even the most intricate of tattoos and some scarification.
Master - this artist can do complex scarification and brandings.

Brewing/Winemaking (Any Class)
Novice - the brewer is able to do simple distilling, and able to purify water for use in more intricate brews.
Apprentice - has learned how to brew basic ales.
Journeyman - the brewer is able to make a variety of ales and ciders and has begun to work with grapes for wines.
Expert - the brewer can now make simple whiskeys and can now make simple wines, knowing how to bottle his goods.
Master - has learned to distill, brew, and age his wares. He is aware of how time, heat and light affect his products. They are known for making the finest quality brews and wines.

Butcher(Any Class)
Novice - Able to bleed out kills brought in.
Apprentice - Able to make basic cuts to meats. Will rarely be trusted to carve finer bits.
Journeyman - able to cut up most beasts and seperate out the cuts properly.
Expert - able to make fine cuts of meat, good for serving at well to do or even noble tables. Quite knowledgable about all types of meat and how each bit tastes.
Master - able to do any cut of meat and knows all animals like the back of their hand can discuss tastes and textures and would be worthy of working in the palace.

Carpentry (Any Class)
Novice - given a design and tools, the character can construct a simple enclosure made of wooden poles or branches and skins.
Apprentice - given a design and tools, the character can construct rudimentary wooden structures, cabins and the like.
Jouneyman - given design and tools, the character can construct complex wooden shapes and form blocks from stone for building, though not decorative shapes. They can make thatched roofing.
Expert - Able to create simple stone structures, given a design, a tower or keep. Able to make a wooden shingled roof.
Master - this character is capable of creating a castle or even a palace from the designs given to them. They excel at decorative stonework and woodwork in their buildings.

Cartography (Any Class)
Novice - they know how to accurately read a simple map.
Apprentice - the player now knows enough to read basic maps and can create the most simple of maps.
Journeyman - Can read specialized and complex maps and may now create detailed basic maps.
Expert - the players knows enough to read specialized maps including topographical and terrain.
Master - the player may read and create maps of nearly any kind.

Ceramics and Pottery (All Classes)
Novice - able to make simple shaped bits of ceramic. Good for holding down paper.
Apprentice - slightly trained and can make simple plates and cups.
Journeyman - a practiced potter, they can make fine quality pottery and ceramic goods. mostly functional, but has started to learn to make decorative items.
Expert - They can make excellent quality pottery and ceramic goods fine enough for a nobles home, decorative as well as functional.
Master - can create pottery goods worthy of the Imperial palace, both decorative and functional.

Cooking (All Classes)
Novice - the cook knows enough, not to burn water.
Apprentice - may cook the most basic of dishes. Able to make simple soups and broths.
Journeyman - the cook knows how to make adequate simple dishes of a variety and type indigenous to their area.
Expert - the cook is now showing even greater proficiency. They have come to excel at all manner of local cuisine and know inherently the proper spices to use for making most dishes.
Master - has learned even many dishes of exotic nature and can now use spices from foreign areas in the preparation of their dishes as well as exotic cooking styles. No dish is beyond their skills and they can create food worthy of the Emperor himself.

Enchanting (Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Magi, Healer, All Elemental Mages, Priest/ess, Warrior-Mage, Hierophant, Necromancer, Seductress)
(Disclaimer: Having this skill does not allow you to do work on your own. You require the equipment and items that are only available through the Sorcerous Sanctuary, thus this skill can only be used IC as a member of said shop.)
Novice - able to do enchants up to +1 or do spells up to 3 slots.
Apprentice - able to do enchants up to +2 or spells up to 6 slots.
Journeyman - able to do enchants up to +3 or spells up to 9 slots.
Expert - able to do enchants up to +4 or spells up to 12 slots.
Master - able to do enchants up to +5 or spells up to 15 slots.

Dancing (All Classes)
Novice - As a Novice, the dancer is still learning the moves and thus can generally perform basic routines before a supportive crowd, or with a supportive partner. Organized troupes generally do not ask novices to perform, instead relegating them to ticket sales, serving duties and cleanup.

Apprentice - With the basic moves learned, the Apprentice's primary concern is stringing these together into an appealing display. Often, apprentices will perform background tasks, support roles, or other simple tasks during a performance. On their own, an apprentice dancer will be able to perform slightly more complex routines, and can generally hold their own when dancing with a partner.

Journeyman - The journeyman dancer knows the traditional aspects of their field as well as how to couple these moves into a fluid and natural performance. Their next task is to figure out how to improvise naturally. In a troupe, an expert might be called on to perform with other journeymen in support of a primary dancer, or may put on a filler act between star performers. Outside of a dance troupe, journeyman dancers can perform gracefully and naturally, and is usually enough to impress one's partner. Any routines they might perform, though, might lack for original flair.

Expert - An expert is a rising star. Having mastered the traditional moves and routines, the expert has acquired their own style and flavor, often putting personal touches into their routines. An expert can be counted on to mask their own missteps with grace and panache, and make any move seem natural.

Master - The dancer is now in the prime of their element. Each performance is a unique work of art that stirs the audience. Endurance and coordination are now worries long past. In mastering their art, the dancer has learned how to make those around them seem more graceful and skilled than they are, and inspire them to performances beyond their skill. In this, the Master Dancer has achieved true stardom, able to lift a team to greater heights than any could have achieved on their own. In formal settings, a master can lead and correct even the most obtuse of partners, turning what would otherwise have been an awkward display into a thing of beauty.

First Aid/Triage(Any Class)
Novice - Able to make a battlefield or emergency decision about whether the patient may be moved or not.
Apprentice - Able to sort out injured based on the simple symptoms of their ailments.
Journeyman - Able to staunch the flow of blood on a small wound or begin preparation of a body for rezzing.
Expert - Able to stabalize a rough wound on a person and keep them from dying immediately of blood loss. Able to apply bandages properly to simple wounds.
Master - Able to stabalize all forms of wounds, if not a healer themselves, able to work to help one. Able to completely prepare a corpse for rezzing.

Glassblower (Any Class)
Novice - able to blow simple glass geometric shapes. Squares, spheres, triangles and the like.
Apprentice - able to make more sweeping shapes and rudimentary glassware.
Journeyman - able to make fine quality glassware functional items.
Expert - able to make exceptional quality glassware and has begun to work with decorative glasswork.
Master - able blow beautiful glass decorative work.

Heraldry (All Classes)
Novice - know simple heraldic patterns.
Apprentice - knows detailed heraldic patterns and can tell you a bit about what a crest means.
Journeyman - knows the colors of a few local lords and could present them at court.
Expert - could tell you the colors and coat of arms of nearly every noble of note and present them publicly.
Master - can give a rousing introduction of any noble as well as knowing theirs and those loyal to thems personal crest. Also is aware of political affiliations between them.

Horsemanship (Warrior, Knight, Ranger, Layman, Paladin, Warlordr)
Novice - The novice can gallop comfortably for long periods, knowing how far he can push his horse and can easily stay atop it at a breakneck pace..
Apprentice - A rider can do some combat maneuvers from their mount. Can do simple grooming and know a small bit about horse pedigree.
Journeyman - A rider can do complex combat maneuvers from their mount. After spending much time they know a lot about horses and can choose good stock.
Expert - This seasoned level of horsemanship, the rider knows his mount, and can do any type of combat and some simple tricky maneuvers while mounted. Poor conditions such as bad weather do not stop the rider. This level will also allow the player to choose good breeding stock.
Master - the rider can ride his horse in even the most serious of conditions and be safe. He knows enough to raise and breed horses to coax the best stock from a line. He can tame even unruly mounts. He can even perform tricks and feats while riding. He can do complex tricky feats while riding.

Hunting/Trapping(Any Class)
Novice - able to set a simple snare
Apprentice - able to set simple snares and traps and hunt down smaller prey.
Journeyman - Able to set most snares and trap and able to hunt down medium sized prey.
Expert - able to set intricate traps and work hunt down larger prey, nearly bear sized.
Master - knows the way prey thinks and can hunt and trap nearly any form of creature given the right circumstance.

Instrument Maker (Any Class)
Novice - able to make rudimentary musical instruments.
Apprentice - able to make simple percussion instruments. Has begun to learn some about making reed and percussion instruments.
Journeyman- is now able to make fine quality percussion, reed and simple stringed instruments.
Expert - is able to make complex stringed instruments.
Master - is able to make complex versions of all instruments as well as put together metallic ones with pieces created by metal smiths.

Jeweler (Any Class)
Novice - able to appraise and work a gem out of the rock it is found with. May work with copper.
Apprentice - able to cut simple gems and do some etchings and engravings. May work with silver.
Journeyman - able to cut minor gems. Able to do more complex etchings and engravings. May work with gold.
Expert - able to cut major gems and work with platinum.
Master - able to cut exceptional quality gems and precious metals, excludes mithril or valecite.

Leather working (Any Class)
Novice - able to cure a hide and preserve it for work.
Apprentice - has learned to properly cut and can make simple leather items, belts and whips.
Journeyman - can make full pieces of clothing out of leather as well as usable items or good for other crafters to use.
Expert - able to make elaborate garments from leather.
Master - can make the finest of leather goods and items.

Metal smith (Any Class)
Novice - able to make simple items of pewter and copper, and bronze.
Apprentice - able to make tools and rudimentary weapons with iron. Able to make basic items from tin and silver.
Journeyman - Able to make most weapons and some pieces of armor from steel. May use gold in metal creations.
Expert - May work with platinum.
Master- Able to make masterwork pieces of armor and weapons. Required to learn working of valecite or mithril

Mithril smith (Any Class)
(Disclaimer: Mastery of Metal Smithing is required to begin learning this skill, including time spent with an IC Mentor or Quest.)
Novice - has learnt the common methods of mining the ore.
Apprentice - knowledge of the refining process.
Journeyman - can work the metal into basic armor and create simple items.
Expert - Can begin to teach other master metal-smiths the rudiments of mithril smithying. Can create complex items and armor, such as helms, chain mail, bowls and chalices
Master- Can create all weapons and armor

Navigation (Any Class)
Novice - the player can find his way between two ports on a large lake.
Apprentice - Can navigate rivers and knows water maps enough to find a safe passage down them.
Journeyman - Can navigate a boat under most normal conditions even in a sea sized body of water.
Expert - this person now has the ability to navigate their vessel under adverse conditions like light fog or a cloudy night. May make short oceanic hops.
Master - May navigate a vessel in any condition or weather on any size body of water.

Potionmaking (Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Magi, Healer, All Elemental Mages, Priest/ess, Warrior-Mage, Hierophant, Necromancer, Seductres)
(Disclaimer: Having this skill does not allow you to do work on your own. You require the equipment and items that are only available through the Sorcerous Sanctuary, thus this skill can only be used IC as a member of said shop.)
Novice - Able to create potions with up to 3 spell slots.
Apprentice - Able to create potions with up to 6 spell slots.
Journeyman - Able to create potions with up to 9 spell slots.
Expert - Able to create potions with up to 12 spell slots.
Master - Able to create potions with up to 15 spell slots.

Religious Ceremony(Priest, Druid, Cleric, Paladin, Necromancer, Hierophant, Shaman)
Novice - The devotee knows enough to work in the temple doing small tasks, but not of any real note.
Apprentice - The devotee knows enough to work as an acolyte in the temple and to perform simple rites and ceremonies, but not enough for a larger congregation.
Journeyman - The devotee knows enough to work as an low level priest for a temple. They can perform many rites and ceremonies.
Expert - the devotee can function as an upper echelon priest and can perform almost all rites and ceremonies.
Master - The player can function as a High Priest if they are so chosen. No rite or ceremony is beyond their ability to perform.

Scouting (Warrior, Knight, Ranger, Thief, Bard, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Magi, All Elemental Classes, Warrior-Mage, Mist Raider, Monk, Warlord, Necromancer, Seductress)
Novice - able to find a large group of individuals in a rather open location, such as a field, given their general location. They can then relay their rough position using landmarks to someone, but they may be noticed by the group.
Apprentice - able to find a large group of individuals in a lightly wooded area, given their general location. They can remain fairly inconspicuous and relay their rough position using landmarks to someone
Journeyman - able to find a small group of people in an heavily wooded environment, given their general location. They can remain inconspicuous and relay their position to someone on a map with a fair amount of accuracy and give a rough estimation of their numbers.
Expert - able to identify a single person within a small group in a heavily wooded environment, given their general location. They can remain inconspicuous and relay the group's size and set-up to someone.
Master - They can identify the leader of a very large group of persons from a distance in any environment, given their general location. They can remain entirely unnoticed given adequate cover and relay the group's numbers, set up, watch patrols and any other viable information about them to someone.

Scribe(Any Class)
Novice - Trained in writing, not just simple letters, but letters for others to read. The novice scribe, can transpose rudimentary text.
Apprentice - The scribe can transpose simple text and knows some small bit of calligraphy.
Journeyman - Able to create calligraphy on his own, and can transpose illuminations.
Expert - Able to create lovely flowing calligraphy and simple illuminations of their own devising.
Master - Able to craft the finest quality illuminations and make wonderful text of their own deivising.

Sculptor (Any Class)
Novice - the player may use wood to sculpt or whittle his shapes. The figures created will be plain shapes.
Apprentice - the sculptor has learned to use clay to create various interesting shapes, some quite lifelike.
Journeyman - The sculptor has begun to use stone to create his works. His statues are impressive and can bear the resemblance to real figures and people.
Expert - Player can now work with ice and his images bear lifelike qualities.
Master - Has begun to use casting of metals in their work and can make even those most complex sculptures.

Shipbuilding (Warrior, Ranger, Thief, Cleric, Druid, Shaman, Healer, Artisan, Layman, Earth Mage, Magi, Hierophant, Monk)
(Disclaimer: Having this skill does not allow you to do work on your own. You require the equipment and items that are only available through the Boat Works, thus this skill can only be used IC as a member of said shop.)
Novice - able to craft a simple canoe.
Apprentice - able to craft a simple two person sailboat.
Journeyman - able to craft larger single masted sailboats.
Expert - able to craft larger multi-masted merchant and fishing vessels, used for transporting large items or groups of people or things.
Master - can craft large multi-masted vessels capable for combat and transport. Of full naval quality.

Soldiering(Any Class)
Novice - This player has had some minimal formal training working in a unit with others. This rank would probably be considered a Recruit or Green Militiaman
Apprentice - Knows how to work in a unit with others and to perform certain functions that will be useful in assigned roles. This is most equivalent to a basic Grunt Soldier (Footman, Private, or Sailor)
Journeyman -The character is now a veteran of unit life, they know how to work with an organized guard or military unit to accomplish goals. An experienced Soldier, likely still a basic Soldier, but more able to keep others around her/him alive.
Expert - Can lead a small group of soldiers if the need arises. Knows how to set up watch rotations and patrols. This Rank will often assist the Sergeant, and can take over in an emergency. Most equivalent to Corporal.
Master - In times of war may be entrusted to lead a small squad into battle. Knows their unit and their capabilities. Will often be called upon to assist officers in the field. This rank is most equivalent to Sergeant, as they are called upon to lead and be the face of their squad.

Tailor (Any Class)
Novice - Able to spin animal hair or plant fibers to create thread.
Apprentice - has learned to create bolts of cloth upon a skein and can use them to make some rudimentary pieces of clothing.
Journeyman - is able to create whole outfits or and some basic tapestries.
Expert - able to create exceptional outfits and fine tapestries worth of a nobles hom. May work with silk.
Master - as a Master tailor the character may make any outfit the can concieve and create tapestries and rugs the worthy of the Imperial palace. They may work with spider silk.

Tending/Etiquette(Any Class) - A skill that is friend to all shopkeepers and those who tend to the needs of others, be it from a bathhouse attendant to a bartender.
Novice - the player has rudimentary knowledge of how to serve or tend to others needs.
Apprentice - the player knows the basics of tending to others in a professional manner, not as a slave, but as someone paid to.
Journeyman - the player can function well as a shopkeeper or to personally attend to another needs, be it as a bartender in other ways.
Expert - Beyond the basics of tending to another or working a shop, the players ia aware of many social and racial quirks, thus able to serve others in a more polished way.
Master - the ultimate server, host, attendant or tender. The player may work well, his skill and navigation through socially sticky atmospheres enough to make him known for those skills, often players of this skill level will be sought by nobles for their personal attendants when they are unable to find a slave of their own with comparable skills.

Valecite Smith (Any Class)
(Disclaimer: Mastery of Metal Smithing is required to begin learning this skill, including time spent with an IC Mentor or Quest.)
Novice - Knowledge of the mining and refining process.
Apprentice - able to make tools and rudimentary weapons.
Journeyman - able to make most weapons and some pieces of armour.
Expert - can make all armours and weapons of a very high quality. Can beging to teach other Master Metal-smiths the rudiments of working the metal.
Master- Able to make masterwork pieces of armor and weapons.

War Beast Riding (Any Class)
This covers all special beast whether for flying, ground, or water. RP is still required to bond with a new beast regardless of skill rank.
Novice - allows the rider to maintain position on the back of their beast and control it in simple combat formations either in the air, on the ground or in the water, whichever is appropriate for the beast.
Apprentice - allows the rider to perform combat formations within a squad and gives a +1 bonus to all attacks made by the beast or rider so long as the beast is being ridden or commanded by their owner. Spell casting restricted.
Journeyman - allows the rider to cast spells while riding their mount. Melee and ranged physical attacks gain a +3 bonus to include attacks made by the beast so long as it is commanded to do so by it's owner.
Expert- Near perfect synergy between master and beast allows for a +3 bonus to all defense while riding an owned beast..
Master - A master of war beast gains +5 to all attacks and defenses as well as being able to apply these bonuses to their own beast as well as beast they do not own.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby Ehlanna on Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:10 am

Update made - mithril smith and valecite smith hived out into separate skills, absolute requirement for quest/story to learn mithril smithying removed in lieu of ability of a character with the requisite sikll being able to ICly teach. Need to have Master level 'basic' Metal smith before being able to learn mithril or valecite.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby lyllamarie on Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:24 pm

update made - Scouting has been added, which can be utilized for pay-base raises when soldiering is used but not available to certain classes.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby lyllamarie on Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:46 pm

adding 'Mage' to 'Metal Crafting, Mithril Smithing and Valecite Smithing'

Changes to Jewelry Crafting, to remove the ability to work with Mithril at Master level, You 'must' take metal crafting then submit relevant Quest or be taught by a Master to learn either mithril or valecite for jewelry.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby lyllamarie on Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:40 pm

You'll notice most trade skills have been open to all classes.

a few disclaimers put in place, and some class changes, as well as definitions.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby Ishtori on Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:43 pm

I'd like to request that Alchemy becomes available for all classes since there is really no magical nature to the skill ans what it applies to. it also makes sence if you think that almost everyone with the first aid/triage skill will be more than likelly to know plants and their uses, also probably will make themselfs they own salves.

Just my thoughts on the mater.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby miyuka on Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:12 pm

Alchemy isn't listed for magical only classes.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby Ishtori on Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:18 am

Indeed it isn't, but should be available for every class none the less. Least from my perspective.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby Lilika on Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:37 pm

Firstly, I'd like to suggest a change to the Artisan class, since their class bonus is free access to ALL crafting skills... which now seems to be pretty much universal. So I'd like to suggest either double skills at first level, with 5 of them mandatorily being crafting skills, OR more preferably, give them bonus skill slots as they go up in level, similar to how mages get bonus spell slots, to represent that their focus isn't magic or strength of arms, but in practical skills.

Secondly, I'm a little disappointed that bards, who are supposed to be jacks of all trades, only have access to 1 skill (scouting) that's not a general skill that everyone has access to. Seems a little disjointed to me.

Finally, I'd like to suggest Candlemaking as a ranked skill, something similar to this perhaps?

Novice - Able to create basic hand dipped tapers from paraffin
Apprentice - Able to render fat into tallow, and create container and votive candles
Journeyman - Able to use beeswax to create candles of all shapes and colors
Expert - Able to mix scents and alchemy into the candles and double burn time
Master - Able to triple burn time and double luminescence level, as well as create self relighting, wind-proof candles
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby BartokSlayer on Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:59 pm

What is the difference between the ranked skill of Horsemanship and the unranked skill of horseback riding, particularly in the beginning?
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby Twerlinger on Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:10 pm

The way I read and see it. The unranked skill is for the plain day to day riding, that anyone can do. The Ranked Skill is more for those who are going to either be riding unfamiliar mounts like Mephos and Jhore, or liable to be heading into combat or doing tricks and motions with their horse, to show a level of training in their use of such things.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby Liale on Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:31 pm

Yeah, Twerlinger's got it. This came up a long time ago when the skills system was first implemented. Back then we used to have only a Horsemanship ranked skill, with nothing referencing it in the unranked skills list. Players pointed out that in a pre-automotive society, basic proficiency with riding horses would be an extremely common skill, while the ranked Horsemanship skill focused primarily on the use of horses in a military/warfare setting. The system was then tweaked to include Horseback Riding as an unranked skill. So the main distinction intended between the two is that Horseback Riding represents the most basic ability to use a horse to get from point A to point B, while Horsemanship was made with combat in mind. Not sure how any of it relates to Mephos and Jhores and the like; I don't remember hearing much about those mounts back then, which may be why the Horsemanship skill as currently written doesn't mention them.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby Amara on Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:18 pm

For the sake of things - I'll also add:

For the ranked skill of Horsemanship, you must be a: Warrior, Knight, Ranger, Layman, Paladin, or Warlord

And from the website: http://belariath.com/npcbeast.html

Jhore: If caught and tamed while still young, these creatures could be trained to take a saddle and be ridden across the land itself. However its motions are not smooth so rider be ware you could be rubbed off on a tree or simply can't hold your seat so likely leather bindings will be needed to stay in place. The creature can be trained which makes its disposition semi-docile and yet if hungry enough, they can snap at their own riders.

Mephos: Also it is possible to 'ride' these beasts once bonded and trained properly but one must be an expert in horsemanship or trained for six months of rp time in knowing how.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby PrettylittleToi on Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:11 pm

So, I got to thinking while working in the bath house the other night. The skill used for better pay in the bath house is tending, which would be great if the skill actually applied to the type of tending a bath house attendant performs. Now, that thought led me to thinking about the skills a bath house attendant would need. Things like knowing how to give a waxing, a shave. Knowing how to tend to hair and nails. Knowing how to give massages.

This led me to writing this to offer up for consideration. It's not just a ranked skill that bath house attendants could use - slaves and concubines could use this as well for their owners.


Novice: An understanding of the basic skills involved in bathing another - washing the body and hair, trimming nails, applying lotions and oils.

Apprentice: Able to perform manicures and pedicures. Knows basic massage techniques. Knows where to apply scents on the body. Can do simple hairstyles for others

Journeyman: Trained to shave men with straight razors. Knows how to give facials. Beginning to learn more advanced techniques for massages. Can perform waxing of arms, legs and backs. Is trained to give simple hair trims and more complex hairstyles. Knows how to apply cosmetics decently. Knows the basics of scents and how they work with the body.

Expert: Able to do more advanced waxing on the body (underarms, genitals). Knows how to give more advanced hair cuts to both men and women. Knows the pressure points of the body and how to use them to relax.

Master: Fully trained in the art of massage. Can cut and style hair into any style desired. Fully trained in skin care and cosmetics. Fully trained in perfumes and colognes. Fully trained in giving shaves with a straight razor.
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Re: Ranked General Skills List

Postby mozenwrathe on Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:48 pm

I would like to second Grooming as a Ranked General Skill.
As Massaging already exists in the Unranked General Skills list, I would make three amendments:
1) to remove Massaging as an Unranked General Skill, and
2) to call this skill Grooming and Massaging, and finally
3) for all those who have the Massaging Unranked General Skill to be able to switch to the first level of this one without any penalty.
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