A message for Greywind about a new poison to be found

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A message for Greywind about a new poison to be found

Postby MidniteFym on Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:43 pm

I am here in St Eva on expedition and I came across something interesting today while I was out exploring the city and doing a bit of shopping. There is a woman here that runs a little poison shop much like your own but on a smaller scale her name is Anya and her shop is call Emporium Poisons. She gave me a poison to try unlike any other. Now I do confess I have yet to try it and test its effects but from what the woman described to me I thought you might be interested. The concoction is called Triktel. Anya told me that is is the perfect rape drug. A full does will make the victim feels relaxed and lay and in effect very happy. She described it to have much the same effects as this delightful fruit grown locally here called the murmur fruit that makes you hear voices. According to her description Everything around the victim becomes more vivid and the color brighten, She said that the person under the influence of Triktel could swear the very wind, water and mountain are talking to them. The one side effect she mentioned was that the body temperature of the person taking it raises slightly and she recommended its used near a body of water. She explained the effects last an hour then wear off. Due to the happy relaxed state it places the victim in it makes the drug perfect for rape she explained not that I condone such things but i know your shop is always looking for new things and I thought this might be of interest to you. I am sending a simular letter to Twerlinger for the apothecary so if your interested and happen to be in St. Eva look Anya up and maybe you can make a trade the people here are quite fond of trades i am sure you will be able to come to some arrangement.
Sincerely Naidra
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