Legends of Belariath

Roleplaying Help

Desdaemona Commands

Along with keeping the Inn's accounts and slaves in line, Desdaemona also functions as the supervisor for many functions in IRC. Upon a character's registration and Op-approval, it is a good idea to login with her (use the command '/msg Desdaemona !login <password> [character name]' - see below for details of use). This 'logging in' allows Des to keep track of a character for advancement purposes and allows access to a list of commands related to the world of TLI. The list of commands Desdaemona responds to are below.

Please note...

Parameters where we specify <...> in commands means you substute the <...> with the suggested information. An example would be '!login <password>' would instead be '!login thisismypassword', '!login 12345', or similar. As they are part of the parameter example, do not enter the < or > signs either.

Parameters in [...] function just like <...> with the difference being they are optional. Using the !login command as an example again. '!login <...> [Character name]' can be replaced with '!login 12345 JimBob', or you can use '!login 12345' and Des will log you in using your IRC nick if both password and nick matches the registered character's password and name.

Many commands can only be used while logged in, such commands are marked by an asterisk (*) sign.

Some commands have multiple ways to be used, like !choose or !choice can be used for the same command, these variations (if any) will be listed at the end of the command's description.

Finally, some commands can only be done in private messages with Desdaemona (/msg Desdaemona <command>), used in the public IRC channels that Desdaemona oversees, with a few that can be done in either. These commands will be listed as 'private', 'public', or 'either' respectively.

Links to different command lists:

Login | General | List | Character Information | Fairy Mail | Monetary | Slavery and Slave Owner |Item Related | Combat | Real Estate | Voting | IC Game

Login Commands
Type Command Explanation
private !login <password> [character name] Logs you into Desdaemona. [character name] is optional and only needed when your IRC nick does not match your character name
private* !logout Logs you out!
private !ghost <password> <character name> In case of breakdown in communication you may use this command to force Desdaemona to relinquish login information so that you can login again
private* !voice This will voice you in all logged in channels when Desdaemona does not.
General Commands
Type Command Explanation
either !help Gets information on the channel, as well as some of the functions Desdaemona provides
public* !r #d# [+/-#] Rolls dice and displays totals: the first number (#) is the number of dice to roll, the second number (#) is the number of sides per die. The roll can be modified with an optional bonus(+) or negative(-) number (the final #). For example '!r 2d6' would roll two six-sided dice.
public* !rstat <stat> [+/-#] [@#%] [comment] Where <stat> is 3-letter abbrevation of 'STR'ength, 'INT'elligence, 'AGI'lity, 'RES'istance, 'STA'mina, or 'LIF'e, with an optional flat modifier (+/- number (#)), percentage modifier (@ number (#) %), or both (flat MUST be used before percentage in this case), with an optional comment to explain reason for roll.
public* !choose <option 1> [option 2] [option 3] [etc...] Have Desdaemona choose one of the listed options. Listed commands must be either a single word or put between quotes ("like this") Normally a minimum of two options is required but there are some 'shortcut' commands available. These commands are 'channel' (choose one of the IC channels), 'race' (choose one of the playable races), 'class' (choose one of the base classes), 'player' (choose one of the nicks in the channel command is used in).
Command Variations: '!choice' can be used instead of '!choose'.
public* !weight <option 1(weight 1)> <option 2(weight 2)> [option 3(<weight 3>)] [etc...] Functions like the '!choose' command above, with weighting to make one option more likely to be chosen. If options are given in single words the weight numbering can follow immediately, otherwise the option AND weight must be given in quotes " ". The weight numbers must be in parenthesis '( )' to calculate. An example for this command with a choice of 'left' or 'right' with the left option being three times more likely to be chosen: '!weight "Go left(3)" "Go Right(1)"' or '!weight left(3) right(1)'.
public* !question "<question to ask>" <choice 1> <choice 2> [choice 3] [etc...] Functions like the '!choose' command above, with the reason for the choice being the 'question to ask'. Example: '!question "Does this dress reveal too much?" "Yes it does" "Of course not"'
either !weather Shows information on the weather, including when it was set and by whom
either !tli-state Shows information on any quest or storyline that is an ongoing event, along with when set and by whom.
Command Variations: '!tli-quest' can be used instead of '!tli-state'
either !tli-info Shows information that can also normally be found on the Message Board - mainly upcoming event
either* !time Response will provide you with the current time as shown on the Message Board.
private* !timer add <#> <message> Create a timer of 'number (#)' days duration, with a maximum time of 90 days and minimum of 9 hours (see variations below).
Command variations: #w, #d, #h, or a combination of the three can be used to set the timer to 'number (#)' 'w'eeks, 'd'ays, and 'h'ours. Minimum timer duration is 9 hours. No spaces can be between the weeks/days/hours, and they must be listed in that order. Examples: 1w, 1w4d, 1w20h, 1w3d13h, 6d, 2d5h, 20h.
private* !timer list Lists your current timers, when they started, how much time is left, when they will expire and their message.
private* !timer delete <#> Delete the numbered (#) timer, with the number being that as supplied from the !timer list command.
private* !news check Shows if there are new entries for News and Events.
private* !news list Shows a List of current News and Events
private* !news read <#> Command to read the numbered (#) listing for News, with # being the entry number as shown by !news list
private* !news add <subject - max 20 chars> <Fuller Description> Add an event or news
private* !news edit # <subject - max 20 chars> <Fuller Description> Edit your Entry for News, with # being the entry number as shown by !news list.
List Commands
Type Command Explanation
private* !list commands Gives a link to the page containing commands for Desdaemona, as well as a link to changes and new commands that may not be listed.
private* !list active Provides a list of all the IC channels and how many logged in nicks are within each channel.
Command Variations: 'activity' can be used instead of 'active'.
private* !list class <class name> Shows basic information about the specified class.
private* !list race <race name> Lists some information about the specified race.
private* !list strmod Lists what races have special modifiers to their STR stat for equipment, and what the modifier is.
private* !list stats Provides a list on what stats are used for which dice rolls in combat.
private* !list weapon <item> Lists information, such as price, required equipment slots, and description of given weapon 'item'.
private* !list armor <item> Lists information, such as price, required equipment slots, and description of given armor 'item'.
private* !list spell <spell name> Shows basic information about the specified spell.
private* !list spheres Lists the various spell spheres.
private* !list sphere <sphere name> Shows basic information about the specified spell sphere.
either* !list abbr <text> Will list any 'abbreviations or acronyms' found with <text> in them. Most of these will be taken from payroll information, so a !list abbr NB will tell you that is The Naked Bird.
private* !list employers Lists all current payrolls and their abbreviations.
private* !list employees for <ABBREV> Lists all employees on given 'ABBREV' payroll.
private* !list owners of <ABBREV> Lists owners, managers and assistant managers of given payroll 'ABBREV'
Character Informational Commands
Type Command Explanation
either !rsc <character name> Asks for the race, sex and class only of the named character.
private !whois <character name> Asks for a description of the named character.
public* !fullname <IRC nick> Used to find out the full character name linked to a nick that is both logged in and is in the same channel that the command is used in.
either !webdesc <character name> Asks for a link to the named character's sheet on the website. A logged in IRC nick can be used is used instead, which will provide the link to the sheet of whatever character that nick is logged in to.
either !desc <character name> Asks for a description of the named character.
either* !fulldesc <character name> Asks for the full, non-truncated description of the named character.
either !backg <character name> Asks for the background of the named character.
either* !fullbackg <character name> Asks for the full, non-truncated background of the named character.
either !notes <character name> Asks for miscellaneous note informtion about the character.
either !pro <character name> Asks for the profession of the named character.
either !stats [character name] Asks for the stats of the named character. Will default to yourself if [character name] is omitted and you are logged in.
either !spells [character name] Asks for a list of spells known by the named character. Will default to yourself if [character name ] is omitted and you are logged in.
either !equip [character name] Asks for a list of equipment carried by the named character. Will default to yourself if [character name] is omitted and you are logged in.
either !last <character> Returns the last time the specified character logged in. Although it is an 'either' command, please try and use it in 'private mode'.
private* !namecheck "<name>" Looks for and lists names similar to the given 'name', minimum of 3 characters must be given for this command to work.
private* !slots Shows how many equipment slots you have and how they are used.
private* !slots list The '!slots' command above, with even further information on what is taking how many slots.
private* !iworkat Shows what payrolls your character works for, if any, and in what position(s).
private* !ican Shows what you are authorised to do, normally in the way of selling things.
private* !resign <payroll> When you want to quit your IC job. Doesn't work for Real Life yet, sorry!
public* !races For IC channels only, will supply a list of races in that particular channel, the information is returned via the /notice message queue. 'by race' or 'by name' can be added after '!races' to have the list be grouped by races, or listed by character name alphabetically with name being default behaviour.
either* !addnote "<note>" Adds 'note' to the notes section on your character's page.
Fairy Mail Commands
Type Command Explanation
private* !mail new To list (with correct # numbers for read and delete) only new (unread) mails in your inbox.
private* !mail info Informs you how many fairy mails you have, and how many of which are unread.
private* !mail list Shows your Fairy Mail inbox, with listing numbers, date and time recieved, who sent the mail and a brief reading of the contents.
private* !mail from <name> Functions like the '!mail list' command above, but filters list to show mail sent by 'name', if there are any.
private* !mail recent [#] Functions like the '!mail list' command above, but filters list to show mail sent within the past 'number (#)' days. Defaults to past 7 days if no number is given.
private* !mail read <#> Reads the numbered (#) Fairy Mail, the number to use can be found with the '!mail list' command.
private* !mail delete <#> Deletes the numbered (#) Fairy Mail from your inbox, the number to use can be found with the '!mail list' command.
private* !mail send "<character name>" <Message> Sends a Fairy Mail to character name. Note that you must use the full character name and it must be in between quotes. Example: '!mail send "John Doe" Welcome to Belariath!'
private* !mail reply <#> Reply to the numbered (#) Fairy Mail already read from your inbox.
private* !mail check "<char name>" Lets you know if the named recipient has checked any mail you have sent to them. Note that the quotes are needed.
private* !mail recall Will recall (i.e., delete) any mail sent by you in last 5 minutes which has not yet been read. Managers, yes this DOES also work on mass mails!
Monetary Commands
Type Command Explanation
private* !balance Reports the amount of money in mehrial and copper your character has on their person and saved in the bank.
public* !money sub <#>mhl [#cop] Subtract the specified amount (#) from a character's purse.
public* !money give <nick> <#>mhl [#cop] Give the specified amount (#) to the specified IRC nick. The target nick must be logged in.
public* !bank deposit <#>mhl Deposit the specified amount (#) into a character's bank account. (only available in #TLI-Town)
public* !bank withdraw <#>mhl Withdraw the specified amount (#) from a character's bank account. (only available in #TLI-Town)
public* !bank convert Convert your copper coins to mehrial, ratio is 100copper to 1mehrial. (only available in #TLI-Town)
Slavery and Slave Owner Commands
Type Command Explanation
private* !collar check <collar-tag> Shows to whom the specified slave collar tag is registered.
private* !myslaves Shows a list of all the slaves you have collared and when the collaring was done. In addition it will show if you have any registered collar tags
private* !enslaved Shows who, if anyone, owns your collar and when it was done
private* !collar check <ABBREV> Shows who the 'ABBREV' collar tag is registered to, if anyone. Remember to leave out the braces ({}) or vertical bars (||) when using this command as they represent if the person is a slave or concubine respectively and are not part of the ABBREViation itself.
Item-related Commands
Type Command Explanation
Practically all items in-game fall under one of two categories, equipment which use '!item' commands and shopitems which use '!shopitem' commands. These two categories use different commands, so if you are struggling to hand your sword over to someone, make certain you are using the command meant for the item category. An '!equip' command can help you figure out which items are considered equipment and which are shopitem, and those few that are neither.
either* !item give <nick> <item name> Gives the specified <item name> to <nick>
either* !item destroy <item name> Removes the specified <item name> from your equipment list
public* !itemuse <item name> Note the lack of space in the command!!! For an <item name> with a use count this will lower count by one, and if this leaves zero, remove the <item name> from your equipment list
All !shopitem commands can be started with either !shopitem or !shopitems. They are treated equally by Des.
either* !shopitem find <word> Searches for the given 'word' for matching items or items that are close to, if items are found will list who sells them and what their listing number for sales and the '!shopitem display' command is.
either* !shopitem display <shopitem> Displays information about the named 'shopitem' such as its cost in mehrials and description. If known one can use the shopitem's listing number instead of name.
either* !shopitem shopsells <ABBREV> Gives a full listing of what the given store ABBREViation sells. So '!shopitem shopsells GS' will list all of the General Store's inventory.
either* !shopitem myitem [shopitem] [from ABBR] [type CATEGORY] Provides a list of the shopitems your character owns as well as the shopitem's unique ID number (UID), their description and enchantments (if any). [shopitem] can be used as a filter to narrow the search to specific items such as mithril rings. Alternatively, you can use 'from <ABBR>' to narrow your search to items from a specific store or 'type <CATEGORY> to only show items from the given category. Examples:'!shopitem myitems from GS' will list all items you own from the GS, the General Store, or '!shopitem myitems type CLOTHING' will list all your clothing items. Categories can be found from a store's price listings on the website.
Command Variations: 'myitems' can be used instead of 'myitem'.
either* !shopitem give <Nick> <shopitem> [descriptor] Gives to logged-in 'Nick' the listed 'shopitem' in your possession. 'shopitem' can be given as either the item's Unique ID Number if known (be sure to leave out the hashmark (#)!), or the name of the item itself. If you have multiples of the same item and use the shopitem name method, you can put one or more words of the shopitem's description into the 'descriptor' field to make certain you give that specific item.
public* !shopitem destroy <shopitem> [descriptor] Destroys the listed shopitem in your possession. 'shopitem' can be given as either the item's Unique ID Number if known (be sure to leave out the hashmark (#)!), or the name of the item itself. If you have multiples of the same item and use the shopitem name method, you can put one or more words of the shopitem's description into the 'descriptor' field to make certain you destroy that specific item.
Command Variations: 'drop' can be used instead of 'destroy'.
public* !shopitem show <shopitem> [descriptor] Posts in the channel (publically) the details of the listed 'shopitem' in your possession. Such details include the item's name, the UID number, description and enchantments (if any).'shopitem' can be given as either the item's Unique ID Number if known (be sure to leave out the hashmark (#)!), or the name of the item itself. If you have multiples of the same item and use the shopitem name method, you can put one or more words of the shopitem's description into the 'descriptor' field to make certain you destroy that specific item
either* !shopitem which <shopitem> Have Desdaemona PM you details of the given 'shopitem' in your possession. 'shopitem' can be given as either the item's Unique ID Number if known (be sure to leave out the hashmark (#)!), or the name of the item itself. If you have multiples of the same item and use the shopitem name method, you can put one or more words of the shopitem's description into the 'descriptor' field to make certain you get information for that specific item.
private* !relic <relic name> This will show the description of the specified <relic name>
either* !atklist It will show all available weapons in your equipment list, along with their attack value.
either* !deflist It will show all available armor in your equipment list, along with their defense value.
private* !myspells [spell name] This will display in Desdaemona a list of your characters spells and how many slots of that spell they possess. 'spell name' can be used to insert a specific spell to show more specific information of that spell as well as a link for even more information.
private* !spellcheck [spell name/id] To show what Spheres your character has access to. If supplied 'spell name/id' (if you know it) you will be told if you are allowed to have the spell and if not, why you can not.
Combat/Spell Commands
Type Command Explanation
Below is a summary/quick cheatsheet of the commands used for diced combat. Further rules and details on combat and commands for combat can be found at this link HERE.
public* !init [+/-#] [@#%] Performs a Combat Initiative Roll on behalf of the character. Optional modifiers of a flat bonus using + or - number (#), and/or percentage modifier using @number% (#) can be used. If you use both the flat modifier must be used before the percentage.
public* !clophyatk [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Close Physical Attack Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your attack. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !clophydef [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Close Physical Defence Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your defense. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !ranphyatk [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Ranged Physical Attack Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your attack. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !ranphydef [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Ranged Physical Defence Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your defense. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !clomagatk [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Close Magical Attack Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your attack. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !clomagdef [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Close Magical Defence Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your defense. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !ranmagatk [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Ranged Magical Attack Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your attack. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !ranmagdef [@#%] [+/-#] [Comment] Performs a Ranged Magical Defence Roll on behalf of the character - Modifiers can be a flat bonus or penalty number (#) and/or a percentage number (#) modifier to your defense. A comment to explain what the roll is for or just for flavour can be added after. Refrain from starting the comment with numbers or +, -, @ or % in your comments as those could potentially become part of the roll.
public* !combatdice <stat1> <stat2> [@#%] [+/-#] [comment] Performs a Combat Roll on behalf of the character, using the values given for 'stat1' and 'stat2'. These values can be either explicit numbers or a 3-letter abbreviation of the stats: str, int, agi or res. [@#%] denotes the number (#) percentage at which the result is modified, an example would be @50% or @130%. [+/-#] denotes an optional flat number (#) modifier with examples being +10 or -10. Finally, [comment] is an optional comment explaining the reason for the roll. If you use the Stat abbreviations you may also add an optional, per Stat, modifier, that can be the flat positive or negative (str+4), percentage (int@50%), or both (agi+3@75%). Note when you are applying per-stat modifiers there is no space between the stat and its modifiers, as putting in a space proceeds to the next step in the command.
Command Variations: '!cd' can be used instead of '!combatdice'.
public* !damage <atk roll> [def roll] [@#%] [+/-#] [@#%] [comment] Performs a damage roll based off of either 'atk roll', or the difference between 'atk roll' and 'def roll', with the maximum dice size in either case being 50. You may then give a percentage modifier (@ number (#) %) and/or flat modifier (+ or - number (#)), or both. Should you use percentage and flat the percentage modifier can be placed before OR after the flat modifier. It can not be both before and after.
Command Variations: '!dam' and '!dmg' can be used instead of '!damage'.
public* !evade Performs an evade roll for the character, showing how much stamina they regain that turn.
public* !qdice [atk] [#damage] An optional dice usable for quests. Default roll is a 10-sided dice roll for attack, should the attack roll be a 6 or higher another 10-sided dice is rolled for damage. [atk] can be used to change the 'to-hit' target to any number between 1 and 10 while [#damage] can be used to change the sides of the damage dice to 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 20. Note to use the damage modifier you must include the #, thus a d12 damage roll for qdice would be !qdice #12.
public* !cast <spell name> [#] Casts the named spell at number (#) slots, defaulting to 1 slot if no number is given. Will also perform the appropriate magic attack roll and tell what defense roll is required by any defenders from the attack.
public* !claw <nick 1> [nick 2] Compares the stats of the two given nicks and gives a percentage modifier for the stronger to use should they decide to use the optional combat dice handicap CLAW. If only one nick is given Desdaemona will compare 'nick 1' with the person issuing the command.
public* !cat <nick 1> [nick 2] Compares the stats of the two given nicks and gives bonus/penalty modifiers to the two characters to use in combat dice should they decide to use the optional handicap system CAT. If only one nick is given Desdaemona will compare 'nick 1' with the person issuing the command.
Real Estate Commands
Type Command Explanation
private* !reb iown Provides a list of properties you own, if any. This list will include location of property (Town, Out of Town, Valencia, etc..), the abbreviation for the property, any special titles for the property and if there is a mortgage on the property.
private* !reb display plot <ABBREV> Lists information about the specified plot or improvement. While not required you can put quotes ("") around 'ABBREV' or 'name'. For plots this information can be owner, price, improvements upon plot. Improvements will have the price, restrictions, a brief description of the improvement.
Command Variations: 'improvement' can be used instead of 'plot', doing so will provide information for the given improvement instead.
either* !mortgage list <ABBREV> Tells if there is an outstanding mortgage on supplied 'ABBREV' plot you own.
either* !mortgage pay <ABBREV> Provide a month's payment for 'ABBREV' plot's mortgage. You must own the property to pay for its mortgage and it is considered good practice to Roleplay out this monthly payment, even if it is with a NPC Real Estate agent.
either* !mortgage payoff <ABBREV> Pay off any outstanding balance on the mortgage for 'ABBREV' plot in one final payment.
Command Variations: 'clear' can be used instead of 'payoff'.
Voting Commands
Type Command Explanation
either* !vote for <character name> Registers your vote for the specified character. You MUST be in #TLI-Town to use this command, even if you use /msg Desdaemona !vote for. If you use the public form of the command !vote for you will, of course, be seen to cast your vote. If you use the private form, /msg Desdaemona !vote for then no-one but you will know how you voted.
public* !vote list Available only in #TLI-Town this shows you the list of available candidates for whom you can vote.
IC Game Commands
Type Command Explanation
This section is for unique commands used in certain IC actions and games. Examples can be interacting with the NPC bartender in the inn, performing a tarot card reading, or playing one of the IC games that have their own special rules and commands.
public* !fugly menu Fugly will tell you what food and drinks she knows how to serve. This command is to be used in the inn.
public* !fugly serve [food/drink] Fugly will serve the requested 'food/drink' if known, alternatively one can simply put in 'drink' for a random brew or 'food' for some generic food. This command is to be used in the inn.
public* !tarot [#] This command will provide a random selection of Tarot Cards, the number of which is based on adding a number (#) ranging from 1 to 5 after tarot. Command will default to a single tarot card if no number is given. Cards can be inverted or normal, and must be a shopitem in the players equipment list.
public* !runes [#] Will allow you to pick from number (#), ranging from 1 to 9, of the 24 Futhark runes. Defaults to 5 runes if no number is given.
public* !game start <nick1> <nick2> [Nick3] [etc...] Command to initiate a card game in the channel command is issued in with all listed 'nick's being the people participating in the game. Minimum of 2 players, maximum of 8. The person issuing the command is considered the game owner and should they leave themselves out of the listed nicks they will be the dealer for the duration of the game. Only one game can be running in a single channel at a time.
public* !game holdem Used after the '!game start' command to initiate a game of hold'em, dealing 2 cards to the players in the process. Usable only by the person who used the '!game start' command.
public* !game deal Used after the '!game start' command to deal five cards to the players. Usable only by the person who used the '!game start' command.
public* !game blackjack Used after the '!game start' command to initiate a game of blackjack, dealing 2 cards to the players in the process. Usable only by the person who used the '!game start' command.
public* !game flop Holdem only command, usable by dealer. Dealer will lay out three cards for the flop.
public* !game turn Holdem only command, usable by dealer. Dealer will lay out one card for the turn.
public* !game river Holdem only command, usable by dealer. Lays out one last card for the river, then lists the five cards laid out from the flop, turn and river.
public* !game hit Blackjack game only. Used to request another card from the dealer.
public* !game stick Blackjack game only. Used to end your turn, sticking with the cards you have now, assuming you had not busted before then.
public* !game show Game player command, used to show all cards in your hand.
public* !game display Used by the owner of the game to reveal the cards held in all players hands.
public* !game stop Game owner. Ends the current game and frees the channel for someone else to start a new game. Channel ops can also use this command in case the game owner forgets.
For brevity, all Greedy Pig commands below will be used with the '!pig' start, however for laughs and giggles the following can be used instead of '!pig' for the same effect. '!gpc' '!greedy' '!greed' '!porkchop' '!pork' '!piggy' '!bacon' '!ham'.
public* !pig help Provides a link to the rules for Greedy Pig
public* !pig new <score> <nick1> [nick2] [nick3] [etc...] Starts a new game of Greedy Pig in issued channel with the listed nicks. Minimum of 2 players, maximum of 8 with the person issuing the command automatically added if they do not list themself. 'score' is the target score to reach to win the game. Limit of one active game per channel.
Command Variations: 'begin' can be used instead of 'new'.
public* !pig newsh <score> <nick1> [nick2] [nick3] [etc...] Similar to the '!pig new' command above, only the resulting game will have extra flavour text removed during commands. Useful if a player is using a text-to-speech program or similar.
public* !pig roll Player command usable during their turn. Rolls a 6 sided die and if higher than 1 will add it to their total generated that turn. If a 1 is rolled turn automatically ends.
Command Variations: 'hit' and 'r' can be used instead of 'roll'.
public* !pig hold Player command usable during their turn. Ends your turn and 'banks' points made during your turn.
Command Variations: 'stand', 'stay', 'bank', and 'halt' can be used instead of 'hold'.
public* !pig score Display the current scores of every player in the game.
Command Variations: 'scores' can be used instead of 'score'
public* !pig remove <player> Used to remove the targetted 'player' from the game should they wish to leave or have disconnected with no signs of returning. While any player participating in the game can use this command it is quite poor play to issue it to remove someone to stop them from winning!
Command Variations: 'hoof', 'trotter', 'trot', 'boot', and 'kick' can be used instead of 'remove'.
public* !pig reset Used to end the current game before the target score is reached and free the channel for a new game of greedy pig.
Command Variations: 'gatwo' can be used instead of 'reset'.