Legends of Belariath

Alta Nova

The Dark Torian and the Uber Fae

When I first met Gwen, she was badly beaten, and abused. A newcomer from to these lands, the Cordet fae did not know how violent mortal kind could be. I took her in and tended her wounds not knowing all along that the Great Wheel had started to move. With great reservation that I took Gwen and became an Otomo Ishkar, which means mistress or “Slaver” in common tongues. At first I decided to use my military training and treat her as one who would treat a subordinate, but with softer tones, figuring that most of the wee folk had simple minds. Thankfully, I was proven wrong.

Gwen has a high level of intellect, able to grasp complex levels of thoughts and communications. Her cheerful personality and outlook on things are quite rare on these lands, making my stoic outlook on life more bearable to live. The more I found myself talking to her, the more I was talking to a friend instead of a servant. My concerns grew on her survival in this aggressive realm where only the strong survives. We made sure that she got work at the Healers Guild and then together we became guild members for the House of Unigo.

We then started working out together in the fields of combat and warfare but how do you train in the arts of war to one who cannot kill? I explained to her about protecting oneself for defense and that we would work together as a team. Together we designed my battle pack; a heavily leathered pouch with metal plates riveted on the outside. Inside the pack there are small wooden rails and leather straps for her tiny feet. Additional padding as well as foot and hand rests placed on the shoulders of my leather armor so that Gwen can ride with me wherever I go.

Our spells complement each other. Using my body as cover she uses her stun bolt to distract the enemy with great efficiency. If I am wounded in battle, she slaps a heal spell on my person so I can continue the conflict at hand. If I grow tired in combat because of the stress of using my magic, she gives me stamina. We work as a team in combat. Gwen keeps the enemy off guard with her stun bolts while I go into hand to hand or to deliver a powerful long-range attack.

Our dedication to each other is the sole reason we survived the onslaught of a dark elven lead, goblin raid that swept into our town. They set fire to the inn. Smoke and chaos was everywhere. I was in the rafters trying to give fire support to my friends when I was taken by surprised by a powerful Water Mage from below. I felt the ice shard punch through my defenses, hitting my rib cage. The smoke and heat was becoming unbearable. I was hit again and again those terrible shards ripping into my body. The dark elf was taking his time, savoring his apparent victory. He was enjoying the carnage being inflicted by him as he continued to cast his terrible spells on to me. The situation was critical. I was starting to lose consciousness.

We both knew that it would be only moments before I fell, but as long as I was still had breath, I would deny him of an easy victory. With the last of my strength, I moved to place my injured self to one of the main post beams so I can get out of his line of fire. As I made my move, my little Gwen popped out of her backpack and as a distraction fired with her stun bolt at his general area. Gwen’s action was something that the Water Mage did not expect as he briefly moved for cover. This gave us precious time for Gwen to cure some of my wounds.

In the mind's eye, the combat seems to lasts for hours instead of minutes. Chaos ensued all around. Screams of violence and the sounds of the wounded lingered around us, as the arcane battle of mystical power raged between two determined foes. In the end, it came down to whom had the stamina and the will to win. The dark elf could not rest while my little one was feeding me stamina with her spells. His end came not from an arcane bolt, but with my hands as I stuck him down with my flail. The once mighty Water Mage now lies broken on the ground in front of us. Gwen and I were able to make our escape from the fires in the inn and to avoid any additional attacks from the goblin horde.

Her love and devotion has shown from the start our relationship. She has accepted me for what I am and what I shall be. I have grown to love my little one whom I affectionately call her my “ Uber Fae” as she is no longer a weak and frail being. Gwen is now as strong as any of the newcomers that arrive daily to our town. I am proud of her achievements; of how we are able to adapt to each other, and of the bond that goes beyond the collar that she wears.

She has truly stolen my heart.

And when the time comes when I must die in battle or out of old age, Gwen will have her freedom as well as all that is mine that I have gathered throughout my life. The lands, the monies that we saved, will be hers. I know she will grieve for me when my time comes, knowing that others I know will not.

To die alone is one of the worst things that one known as “The Dark Torian” can face. But I know in my heart that my little one, who loves me so, has saved me from that fate. My spirit, the driving force of my existence, is at peace.

I know I have not written much about myself in this letter. This story is more about her than I, for I know that I will be forgotten. The memories of me will dim and fade away, for I am cursed by my own kind. I am cursed for being different.

But what must not be forgotten are the love and the devotion that one gives to another, regardless on how one looks, or how one is perceived by their peers.

This is a story about one little fae, who gave her love, to one such as the likes of me.