Legends of Belariath


Belson's Story: Chapter 2 - The Attack

I grew quickly and soon I was beginning to learn the ways of the guard for my mother was pregnant again and the seers and Kirva had told her the child out be a daughter this time so I was to be groomed to be her personal bodyguard. My Father took me to be his personal project. My father always fought with a spear in one hand and a large long sword in the other but I was not built like him I was built more for speed and agility rather that straight combat prowess. Never the less I learned to use a spear and long sword as my father taught me I practiced hour a day and normally went to bed with stiff leg muscles and aching arm muscles.

One day while I was prowling about the house our family occupied I moved to an over look I had found which was no more than a crack but it filtered the sounds from my mother's room up to any of those who would listen and I sat there listening that day to the sounds of my mother and father arguing below me. "They are coming. " I heard my father say.

" They would not dare challenge this house our standing in the eyes of the spider queen has not changed. We are to take out place as the ruling house in this city these promises I have directly from the dark lady herself. " my mother replied.

" You know I have always believed in the things I can see and then promptly cleave in two with my sword and I tell you house Dintien is coming and unless you kick start your guard with an appearance and a couple threats there is nothing we can do to stop them. " a loud smack was heard and then I heard my mothers voice boom up to me

" You dare defy me here in my own bed chambers!? " She said as I watched she walks over to my kneeling father and kneed him in the face and then lashed with another kick to his ribs. For some reason unbeknownst to me he wore not his armor and it was obvious to me my mother was stronger than she looked for with each kick I could hear a snap as a rib broke. She bent over him as she smiled into his face " Get out of my sight dog and crawl like the male you are. " I watched as my father crawled away from my mother and out the door. I ran back to my bedchambers and made myself fast asleep after seeing that.

The next morning I awoke to the sounds of rushing feet and trumpets blaring. I stood and walked to my window as I looked into the courtyard to see my mother's guard pitched in a desperate battle against the Dark Elf of the other house my father had spoken of. I saw him by the main gate standing tall even though I knew he was still hurt and then I watched as the champion of the attacking house stepped through the gate dispatching my father in a matter of moments. I turned and ran taking the gifts my father had given me my armor and my bow. I fled through the dark recesses of the manor house. As I rushed down I saw my mother on the steps below me I dared not run to her as I stood back watching her descend the steps as I moved quietly behind her until I cut off from her I stepped into a hidden passage and she continues on to the main gate. Through a spy hole in one of the walls I watched as the champion walking into the manor house saw my mother and moved towards her. Her two loyal bodyguards leaped to her defense but were cut down in mere moments. He advanced as my mother unleashed her spells at the man he seemed to absorb them his armor flashing red as he walked to her backhanding her knocking her into a wall and almost knocking her into unconsciousness. He reached down and ripped her dress from her and leaned down and snapped a round meal object around her neck and I saw it flash blue and then he picked the stunned Dark Elf up tossing her over his shoulder and walking back out the main gate. I rushed over to the door stepping through a secret entrance I saw the last of our guards cut down and then Champion lifted his sword in victory as a loud cry went up from his soldiers he walked into the masses of his soldiers and handed my mother off to be enjoyed for the soldiers own pleasures.

I watches horrified and then I kicked myself mentally and forced myself back into the hidden passageway I ran down it as fast as my legs would take me. At the other end I pushed the door open and then I heard behind me a pair of foot steps I spun as one of the soldiers rushed me. My bow lifted the bolt taking the man through his right eyes as I slipped out into the city looking up in the distance to see the manor house burning.