Legends of Belariath


Belson and the Prison

The room spun as forced myself to my feet. One guard lay dead at my feet as I shook my head to clear the blood that flowed into my eyes from the cut above my left eye as I staggered to my feet and moves toward the door of the home I had let myself into. How the guards had seen me I really had no idea my only guess was that I had been sloppy when I entered in through a window in the upper reaches of the house. I stumbled towards the door of the place after palming the guards money pouch and slipping it inside my own. I prayed to whatever god might be listening that the guard had been alone getting off duty and heading to his favorite tavern and a warm wench for the evening but whatever god was listening had decided that this little dark elf had run out of luck on this night. I went to open the door and as I did it was slammed open hitting me full in the face and knocking me back sprawling me out on the floor of the house. When I could actually open my eyes and see anything I saw 2 large ogres wearing the armor of the guards as one bent down grabbing me by my neck and lifting me off the ground. " Where'd Horus? " one of them demanded of me his face close to mine and his breath stank of something I could not quite place at that moment. It was probably from the air loss due to the hand around my throat.

" Horus? " I managed to choke out around the ogre's grip on my throat and my feet dangling a good foot off the ground.

" Yes Horus the guard who came in here before us. " His companion said as he looks at me seeing no visible weapons my only one being the crossbow on my arm.

" I don't know " I croaked out around the hand " maybe in the other room " I jutted in my mind reeling from the lack of oxygen it was getting.

" I go check " one of them said as the other tossed me to the ground planting his foot on me as he nodded to the other. The other ogre walked into the adjacent room seeing the dead guard there he yelled and came back into the other room. " The little black elf has killed Horus. "

" I did what? oh he must have been that fellow that came into my house here without permission that I conked over the head. " I nodded though my chest felt like it was being squeezed in a vice as the ogre applied more weight to me.

" This is not your house stupid little pointy ear. This is the house of Horus who is a city guard. " It sneered at me as it said that and I felt my life slipping away. I just closed my mouth refusing to open it for them again as the chuckled slapping their knees with their hands at my attempt at a cover. " You do be a funny one elf I give you that but your also a murdered for which we should see you hanged from the gallows for. "

" But he is a dark elf ,brother, maybe we should take him and lock him in " the prison " you know how them pretty wenches love using a good elf. Especially one of these exotic dark elves. "

" Well I guess we could. I am sure Mistress Resol would enjoy having him there " At this they botch chuckled and nodded as one of them slammed his fist into my stomach knocking the air from me and the other kicked me in the side of the head which in turn sent me rolling to crash into the wall and there lay and remain unconscious for what amount of time I am not sure.

I awoke in total darkness as my eyes began to adjust I noticed that it wasn?t just my having been hit on the head that made me think I was in total darkness for I really was. I stood up and then let my eyes adjust a bit till I could make out where they had deposited me. I was in a small cell with a stack of straw in one corner and a couple of dishes sitting near the door one labeled " water " the other " food " as I looked down at my being I noticed for the first time that I was totally nude. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself and trying to think of a way tog et out of this situation though I could not think of one. I walked to the door testing the hinges finding them well secured and then walked around knocking on the walls to see if they were hollow which to my dismay they were not. I sat down in the darkness here to ponder the dilemma I had landed myself into when the door opened and I looked up to behold a dark elven woman step into the door way bearing a torch and looking to me. " On your feet now. " She stated bluntly. I smirked at her and then moved about a little getting a bit more comfy if that was possible. " Is that how you want it then? " she walked over to me and with a quickness belied by her on muscular stature slammed her fist against my cheek knocking me onto my side. I growled and still stubbornly refused to rise to my feet as she hit me again dazing me this time and then she reached down grabbing me by my neck and hauling me to my feet. I was literally dragged along through a myriad of corridors the likes of which I could never hope to remember at this point. I was brought to a room with 2 large guards standing out in front of it. I could not distinguish race as I was to quickly drug through a door and into a brightly lit room and shoved to the ground in front of a human woman sitting in a chair.

" So this is the new one that the 2 wan an be hunters brought in for me eh? " the human stood up from behind her desk walked over kicking me in the side with the toe of her boot " on your feet now. " I raised my head looking up at her and gave a defiant shake of me head as she saw that she began to chuckle. " I said up on your feet " she said as she delivered another sharp kick to my ribs as he I growled and shook my head at her again she kicked me in the chin knocking me onto my back. " ahhh I see he has spirit. " she smiled as she looks to the dark elven lady " we will soon break him of that won't we pet? "

" Yes mistress that we will " the dark elven woman walked over to me reaching down and grabbing my by my shoulders and hoisted me to my feet. She dragged me over to the desk and then kicked me into it turning it over with me falling on top of it which added insult to injury as my breath was expelled from me. She walks over picking me up again as she drug me over to the wall and slammed my back against it the back of my head connecting with the smooth stone. She reached above me snapping shackles into place to hold my wrists. The dark elven maiden looked me over and with a chuckle and called back to her mistress " he will make a fine one for the ladies pleasures madam well endowed and in good shape not like the last one those louts brought in. "

" I agree but which of use should use him first to see if he is even up to the task of pleasuring our ladies who pay well for their pleasures? " the mistress said as she walked over running her hand over my chest and down along my well toned abs.

" It is your choice mistress but if he fails to please you then what shall we do with him? " the dark elven female asked as she looked me over chuckling darkly.

" We shall do with him as we did with the others who failed..... kill them of course " She said with a dark look in my direction as she ran her hand down capturing my manhood and beginning to stroke it " I think I will try this one out. " she smiled as despite my unwillingness she brought me to full erection. She grinned and pulls off the loose robe she wore and walked over and righted the table and bent over it " bring him over my dear and make him do his duty. " The dark elven woman walked over and undid the shackles but not before slamming a fist into my stomach to make sure I did not fight back as I doubled over slightly she grabbed me and drug me over to the other woman and her lewdly displayed womanhood. I tried to resist but the dark elven woman was very strong which was not given away by her stature as she drug me over the other woman reached back spreading her nether lips wide as the dark elven female grabbed my manhood slamming it into the other woman. I growled and tried to resists but from what was a probable concussion I couldn?t the dark elven woman made me jerk my hips back and forth until I was coherent enough to do it on my own. I began to do it on my when I realized that resisting would just get me beaten more as I leaned over the human woman slightly and sped my hips back and forth inside her aid her moans of pleasure. I continued my "duty" until the lady orgasmed at which point I was pressed back by the dark elven woman so she could clean her mistress and then she moved over cleaning me of any fluids. The human woman stood up and looks back to me as she picked her robe up slipping it back on. "He will do well put him in cell number 5 her services his first customer in 30 minutes. "

" Yes mistress " she grabbed me roughly and drug me back through the corridors and up to a door opened it and tosses me inside and followed me in booting me in the lower back and knocking me to the floor " Get over there and sits on that bed " she said. I growled and spat at her which in turn earned me with a sharp kick to the jaw which set my head spinning as she picked me up throwing me onto the bed. "You perform your duty when the client arrives or I will slice you from gut to chin understand? "

"Oh I understand perfectly " I said as I roiled over and sat up and shook my head to clear it " and exactly what is my duty besides pleasuring these clients? " I asked.

" To do whatever they say you do " she smirked " I will stay here and watch this little session to make sure you perform to my mistresses expectation of you. " I only nodded and sat back to wait and I did not have long to wait. An elven female came and went with me performing my duties to better than expectations and the elven maid asked that I be here regular. This went on for more months than I really care to remember with the elven maid visiting me on an average of 3 times a week. Of course I had other visitors but the elven lady was the only one who took the time to talk to me instead of just using me like the others. We grew close and we formulated plans of escape where I would be hers and solely hers and no one else?s. The night came when it was time to perform this daring act of heroism on her part and she came to visit me as usual and I no longer had a guard I was considered broken because I acted that way so I would not be beaten as I was at first. She came we waited for quite a while talking in muted tones when we finally decided and moves to the door slipping out of it after she dressed me in the clothes she had brought in complete with a hooded robe. We walked out and by the guards on the door she nodded to them and smiled and said that her dark elf had pleased her as usual. We left the city then and hit the roads traveling from city to city. She never collared me and eventually tired of me and moved onto another me personally I continued on my way eventually ending up at the inn.