Legends of Belariath


A Princess's Dream

Katrina retired for the night in a state of high excitement, for the next day was her eighteenth birthday. Not only was there to be a formal ball in honor of her coming of age, she was also to be officially presented to court as the heir designate by her father. She tried to stand still as her maid, Matilda, unlaced the bodice of her dress, but couldn’t help herself as she fidgeted happily. Matilda smiled at her young ward as her aged fingers struggled with the knots of the bodice. Finally done, Matilda pulled the laces loose and slipped the dress from Katrina’s shoulders. Katrina absently stepped out of the dress as it pooled at her feet, her mind on autopilot as her thoughts went to the upcoming ball. She shivered in delightful anticipation as she daydreamed about being swept off her feet by the dashing Count Amerson, her naive thoughts going no further than stolen, chaste kisses on the balcony. Matilda removed Katrina’s under-dress and slip, leaving her standing naked. She smiled as she saw Katrina’s nipples stiffen, despite the warmth of the night and guessed, almost correctly, what thoughts were passing through the mind of her charge.

Matilda pulled a nightdress over Katrina’s head and had to tug her gently over to the chair in front of the dressing table. Smiling softly, Katrina sat automatically. The maid picked up a silver backed brush and started to brush Katrina’s long blonde hair. The familiar and gentle caressing of her hair made Katrina sigh and relax. After a hundred strokes her hair was shining and the princess was now ready, at least physically, for bed. She stood without prompting and walked on slippered feet to her four-poster bed. Kicking off her slippers she slid under the covers. Matilda bent and kissed her forehead, “sleep well Katrina”. Katrina looked up at her maid, “I don’t know if I can sleep - I’m so excited.” Matilda chuckled, “if you don’t sleep my girl, then you’ll drop off during the ball, and then what will the Count do?” Katrina blushed, and then laughed, “you know me so well Matilda, I can have no secrets from you.” Matilda blew out the candle on the bedside table, casting the bed into flickering shadows from the candelabra on the dressing table, “sleep child, close your eyes now”. Katrina giggled at the oft-repeated phrase from her childhood, “yes Miss.”

Matilda picked up the candelabra and left the room, pulling the door closed behind her, leaving Katrina alone. Once the maid had left, some of the happiness bled from her face as she wondered whether the dream would visit her tonight. What had started as a pleasant, occasional dream from her early teens had later become more frequent, and more recently a lot darker in nature. Initially just a brief, tantalizing glimpse of perfect, sylvan woods, it slowly evolved into walks through beautiful woods, dappled in shadows. As she turned sixteen the dream showed her the most wondrous creature she had ever beheld - a pure snow white horse with a single spiraled golden horn on it’s forehead. At first just teasing views of the animal through the undergrowth was all she could see, but she just knew in her heart that this was no normal creature of the forest. She began to hope that, each night as she slipped into sleep, the dream would once more cast its spell over her heart and soul. As the months passed the dream, indeed, did return more and more frequently, often twice a week, each night she could see more and more of the unicorn. Just three months ago, the dream had led her, once more, through the forest to the glade where the unicorn drank at a babbling stream. This time, however, she was able to get to the edge of the glade and part the undergrowth to gaze fully upon the creature. As she gazed in rapture upon it’s perfect form her soul ached to be able to wander out into the glade and wrap her arms about the sleek neck and stroke, what she knew would be, it’s soft hair. Up until now the dream had ended with her just a few yards from the edge of the clearing, and she yearned to have the dream continue, just a few minutes longer, but it would always fade. Waking after the dream had been a slow and pleasurable experience, tempered with the longing of her innocent soul to be able to meet the unicorn in the flesh. In the last month, however, as she parted the undergrowth, her heart exulting, the unicorn would lift it’s head, startled, and start to run almost directly away from her. Now, upon waking, she was left with a faint feeling of dread. How could such a gentle and beautiful creature be scared of a mere girl? Was there something else that was causing the unicorn to panic?

As Katrina lay in her bed, nestling under the soft covers, the stress of the day drained from her: all the excitement that had been building from the final choice of her ball gown, to sneaking into the kitchens to see what the master chef, Adolphous, was concocting, being chased away by laughing under-cooks brandishing dripping whisks so that she would not see the cake. As the adrenaline left her body a feeling of tiredness swept over her and with no time to even wonder if she would dream tonight she slipped into a light sleep. Some hours later the dream returned.

Sunlight shone through the leaves, casting rippling shadows on the forest floor, dappling the slender trunks of the trees. In her dream Katrina’s heart soared as she skipped happily through the forest. Birds sung sweetly and the small creatures of the forest peeked out from behind leaves and over tree trunks, silently seeming to welcome her presence amongst them. As is often the case with dreams, all she could think of was the moment, but knowing that something marvelous lay just ahead. Her heart beat faster as she neared the edge of the glade and could once more make out the white shape that stood there. Closer and closer, now treading carefully so as not to alarm the lovely creature, slowly pushing aside the undergrowth she saw, as for the first time, the unicorn in all its glory. Her soul took flight as she drank in the sight of the pure white creature, gasping softly as she realized that it was in fact a unicorn, not just a particularly fine horse. She hesitated at the line of trees, mere inches of undergrowth between her and the open forest floor. The unicorn stood, head bent to drink at a stream that burbled and chattered happily as it swept over the rocks and pebbles on it’s bed.

Just as a feeling of dread swept through her, the unicorn gave a start and lifted it’s head and looked at the line of trees surrounding the peaceful clearing. It’s gaze swept past Katrina and stopped, seeming to stare at a point some few yards from her position. With a snort and whinny it turned and started to bolt for the opposite edge of the glade. Heart sinking, Katrina watched as the unicorn almost made it to safety. Disbelief left her stunned into silence, rooted to the spot, as black arrows seemed to magically sprout from it’s flank and neck. The forest, and the creatures within, appeared to give a collective sigh and groan as a sudden gust of wind rattled branches and soft cries rang out. As the eddy of wind died away the forest sunk into ominous silence. The unicorn staggered and fell to it’s knees and then slumped. It’s legs gave a final kick as it dropped to it’s side, the brilliant light of it’s amber eyes dimming and ultimately dying as they seemed to lock onto her own, sending a silent plea to her, as the once beautiful creature breathed its last.

Katrina drew in a deep breath and prepared to scream in despair, to let her heart give wordless voice to her feelings, and hatred for the vile creatures that could destroy such a magnificent beast. As the undergrowth to her left rustled quietly she bit back the scream with difficulty and watched the perpetrators of the despicable act ghost out in the clearing on silent feet. To begin with she couldn’t believe her eyes - these were Elves! A group of four Elves, plainly recognizable through their lithe forms and pointed ears, approached the dead unicorn. Whispering amongst themselves as they knocked fresh arrows to their longbows they surveyed the trees ringing the glade. Katrina shrunk back as their eyes passed her thinly screened position and she bit her lip and moaned as she saw the dark visages of the Drow. Two of the Drow stood guard as the others knelt by the unicorn and started to gut it with wickedly barbed knives. They cut off strips of meat and placed them in sacks. Katrina moaned, not only had they killed the unicorn, they were going to eat its flesh. Unable to help herself the scream rose, unbidden, from deep inside her and a wail full of despair and heart’s loss echoed around the forest. The Drow all turned to face in her direction and one squinted and pointing spoke in quiet tone to his companions. The two dark Elves that were standing rapidly raised their bows and aiming straight at her drew the bowstrings back and let fly. Time slowed for Katrina and she could see the black arrows creeping through the air at her. Unable to move all she could do was to stare in horror at the barbed tips of the arrows as they got closer and closer and closer ...

With a shriek, Katrina awoke. She sat bolt upright in her bed, trembling in fear and panic, expecting to feel the arrows pierce her flesh at any moment. As moments passed and the subtle night noises of the castle penetrated past the pounding of her heart she slowly relaxed. She brushed away the tears that were running freely down her cheeks. Minutes passed until finally her heart was beating more or less normally. The room was still in darkness with no subtle tinge of light at the curtains at her windows, so she knew it was still deep in the night. A strange feeling passed through her. Somehow she knew that this wasn’t just a dream, it was a premonition. Sometime, somewhere, a unicorn was going to die a horrible death to satisfy the perverted lusts of a group of Drow. Without thought she pulled back the covers and slipped out of bed. Padding on silent feet she groped her way through her dark bedroom to her wardrobe. Her fingers brushed across fine linens and silks before stopping at the feel of supple leather. She pulled the riding clothes out of the wardrobe and slipped the leather trousers on under her nightdress. Reaching forward again her hand found the belt with its scabbard and dagger. Dragging her nightdress off she tied the belt around her waist and shifted the scabbard to a comfortable position. Ideally she wanted a cotton shirt to go under her riding jacket and she hesitated a moment before deciding it would take too much time to find a shirt in the darkness, just by touch alone. Katrina put on the leather jacket and fumbled with the laces. All she needed now was a pair of boots. Her feet silent on the deep carpet, Katrina made her way over to the shoe rack, biting back an oath as her toe stubbed against a foot stool. By touch she found the pair of boots she wanted and, by a process of elimination, managed to get them on the right feet.

She was now prepared to leave - but how to get out of the castle without being noticed? She bit her lip as she realized that she would have to cut her trademark long blonde hair off. Drawing the dagger she bent her head to one side and scooped her long tresses up at the nape of her neck and brought the dagger up. Her hand paused as the blade touched the cascade of flowing hair. Steeling herself she sawed through the hair, her hand trembling, hacking off years of growth. One she had finished she carefully lay the precious bundle on her bed and returned the dagger to it’s sheath. Her course was now set, the cutting of her hair being the point of no return. There was no way she would now be able to attend the ball with her hair in the state it was, even the Royal hairdresser would be hard-pressed to salvage anything.

Katrina crossed her room, and opened the door into her lounge. Carefully inching forward, hands outstretched, feet sliding slowly in front of her, Katrina wove her way through the chairs and tables to the door that led to the corridor outside her room. Once there she only had to run the gauntlet of the patrols and any poor servant on an errand for their master or mistress at this late hour or, she thought, was it early? Only pondering on how long it was until first light for a moment she cracked the door open and bent her head to listen for the telltale jingle of chain mail, or the quieter patter of servants. A quiet metallic clinking told her that a guard was nearby and she froze as she listened intently. She pushed the door closed when the noise suddenly became louder as guard turned into the corridor. Taking a deep breath Katrina waited as the sound of the guard approached her door. She let her breath out in a soft sigh of relief as the guard swept by on his rounds. Waiting a moment until the sound receded, she opened the door and slipped out into the corridor. Turning right to head away from the guard, Katrina slowly and quietly made her way through the castle, glad for the illumination from the torches set in cressets.

On her way to the main entrance hall she had to duck for cover only the once, when a servant nearly took her by surprise. Katrina was just getting ready to bolt through the dining hall when the soft ringing of a chalice falling over announced a momentarily clumsy servant was about to enter from the kitchens. Looking around frantically in the gloom Katrina made out one of the guard alcoves just a few feet away from her. She slipped quickly into the niche and pressed her back against the wall, pushing herself deep in the shadowy recess. Silently cursing whatever cruel taskmaster had demanded a drink at this time she waited for the servant to appear, and then, hopefully, pass her by, oblivious to the fact that a princess of the realm was within feet of them. The door from the kitchens opened and a young servant girl was briefly silhouetted against the glow from the kitchens holding a tray with a bottle of wine and a chalice on its side. The girl righted the chalice and marched, no more than four feet away, past Katrina’s hiding place. When she heard the door leading to the guests sleeping quarters close Katrina pushed herself out of the alcove, shivering with the pent-up tension of her furtive skulking and the close call.

Katrina took long slow breaths for a minute to calm her frazzled nerves before pushing herself out of her protective niche. Passing through the rest of the rest of the castle went without hitch and she soon found herself standing against the wall of the keep, staring across the courtyard at the stables. The sound of jingling mail from the guards posted at the main gates echoed softly across the courtyard to Katrina’s ears. She frowned as her naive hopes of finding the guards asleep evaporated. Gone also was her hope of riding her bay mare, Shadow. There was no way she would be able to saddle Shadow quietly enough to avoid calling unwanted attention to herself. Katrina’s brow furrowed as she thought desperately to find some way of getting outside the curtain wall that protected the keep and its residents. Needing to do something more than just stand, she started walking carefully around the keep, a hand trailing over the harsh stone walls. Just after turning the northern corner inspiration struck. In front of her was her salvation - a cart that had brought fresh vegetable for the feast to be held in her honor. Looking round intently she could just about make out the guards patrolling on the high walls as they passed between the crenellations. Softly counting to herself Katrina timed the passage of the patrol, and at what she prayed was the right time she dashed across the courtyard and crouched by the side of the cart. She waited, her blood pounding in her ears, certain that a guard passing 30 feet over her head would be able to hear. Minutes passed and no alarm was raised. Deeming it safe she crept to the back of the cart and climbed aboard. Groping around her hands found a ragged cloth cover and she quickly lay down and pulled it over her. She lay in back of the dark cart, tension leeching from her body, hoping that come daylight no-one would see her, or check the cart as it left.

Katrina started awake as the cart lurched, a scream dying on her lips as she remembered, barely in time, where she was. She mentally kicked herself, wondering how she had managed to fall asleep, and then continue to doze as the castle awoke around her. A faint tinge of light through the cloth let her know it was just beyond first light. The lack of hue and cry informed her that her absence had not yet been discovered, and she hoped that Matilda would not come to dress her for at least another hour or so. In that time she was sure that she would be able to leave the cart, un-noticed, for once she was found to be missing she knew that a troop of cavalry would be sent after anyone who had left the castle that day. The cart drew to a halt and she heard the driver trade idle banter with the guards, cursing the fact that despite the fact that his vegetables were being used his invitation to the feast and ball seemed to have gone missing. With a roar of laughter the guards sent the trader on his way, promising to let him know how the evening went when he returned the following week. With loud creaks the main gates were opened and the cart lurched out onto the rutted road.

Time passed slowly for Katrina, not aided by the tuneless singing of the trader. She tried to gauge how far the cart had traveled, but the jolting caused by the ruts in the road and the bursts of discordant song sliding into dum-de-dum’s conspired to distract her. Finally, enough was enough, and Katrina started edging quietly towards the tailgate of the cart. She felt her feet dangle in the air and drawing a deep breath Katrina quickly slid out of the cart. For a few seconds she stood blinking in the sudden light, waiting for someone to raise a shout of discovery. When nothing happened Katrina ducked to the side of the road and looked around to get her bearings. She grimaced when she realized she had exited the cart too soon, instead of actually being within the forest she was about a half mile short. Softly cursing the no-good, broken down nag that was pulling the cart Katrina started walking towards the trees. As she walked the cart slowly pulled ahead and eventually, just as she was half way to the forest, it disappeared round a slight bend in the road. Judging the time as an hour or so past dawn Katrina started jogging, expecting to hear the jingle of harness and chain from a troop of cavalry at any time. Once in the shade of the forest she slowed back to a walk and breathed a sigh of relief. Now, when the riders came, she would be able to dive into the undergrowth to hide, instead of trying to disappear behind a blade or two of grass.

It was a half hour later when she caught the first sounds of pursuit. Taking no chances she immediately ducked into the trees by the roadside and threaded her way past some dense shrubs to hide. Minutes later a troop of ten riders, displaying her family’s royal crest, came cantering along the road. They swept past, eyes searching the tree line. Katrina held still, not breathing, until the last rider had gone past. She stayed in cover for five minutes after the last echoing jingle had faded to let the riders disappear into the distance. Reasonably sure that she was, for the moment, safe from being found Katrina clambered back through the undergrowth to the side of the road. Almost as she soon as she was back on the road, she heard yet more commotion from in front of her. Katrina slipped behind a tree and risked a look. Coming down the road was a long procession of silk covered carts and uniformed riders. She recognized the blaze on the pennants as that of her cousin Cedric and realized that attempting to walk beside the road would be fraught with danger, as guests for the ball would be arriving for most of the day.

Her only option seemed to be to head deep into the forest and try to make her way that way. As she thought this she came to realize that which way she went didn’t really matter as she had no clue as to where she was going anyway. This, strangely, sent a feeling of calm through her, she would just walk and let the Gods decide her path. With a lighter heart she wended her way through the forest, away from the sounds of her guests and relatives, smiling despite the situation, at just what her father would be saying to the newly arrived celebrants: “sorry old chap, we seem to have mislaid our daughter”, or maybe “all the excitement has got to Katrina and she has a bad nose-bleed so won’t be attending her own birthday and inheritance party”.

Lost in thought she passed through the dim forest, unobserved save by the occasional squirrel and bird. After she had been walking for a few hours she started to regret her hurried departure. Despite the shade she was hot and thirsty, not to mention hungry. She started to look for berries and to listen for the sound of water. Her progress slowed dramatically as she peered through the undergrowth, searching for anything edible. A small blackberry bush provided her with a appetizer that only heightened her feelings of hunger. Stomach rumbling, she cast around looking for more. Her eye was caught by a flash of color and she slipped through a tangle of undergrowth towards the bush with the red berries. She was half way through the brush when she got tangled up in the thorny branches. Katrina pulled the branches away from her arms and legs, wincing as the sharp thorns dug through her leather tunic and breeches. She tried to push her way forward and gasped in pain as the thorns scrapped across her skin. Katrina looked behind her and decided to back out slowly and try to find another way to the berries. She took a pace back and shrieked at a sharp jab in her left buttock. Looking down she saw a long thorn imbedded in her. Biting her lip she pulled the thorn out with a trembling hand. Pushing the branch out of the way she managed to drag a thorn over her wrist, drawing blood. Katrina instinctively lifted her hand to suck at the wound, and screamed in agony and jerked forward as the branch whipped back. Sobbing in pain from the thorn in her buttock, she stumbled forward ignoring the lesser hurts as the thorns cut at her. Gritting her teeth she lifted her arms to protect her face and lurched into an agonizing run, trying to tear herself free. Thorns cut and ripped at her leather clad form, sounds of ripping leather mingling with her gasps and sobs.

At last she broke free of the grasping thorns and trembling in pain she sat down and hugged her knees until the pain subsided. Katrina stood and took stock of her wounds. She seemed to have cuts and punctures all over her body, her tunic had blood-flecked rents and scratch marks and her breeches were likewise affected. Scanning her body she was thankful she was alone as some of the rents in her tunic and breeches were large enough to show her firm, pale flesh. Deciding that she wasn’t going to bleed to death she walked over the bush and plucked a few crimson berries. She bit into a berry and smiled as the burst of tart flavor burst over her tongue. Greedily she devoured a few handfuls of the delicious fruit before becoming sated. The only problem now was her thirst, the berries, despite being succulent, had aggravated her thirst and her throat felt raw and dry. Taking another handful of berries against later need she continued on her way through the shadowed forest. By now it was past midday and the forest was hot and humid. Katrina stumbled on her meandering way, listening intently for the sounds of running water. By mid-afternoon her tongue felt like it was swelling in her mouth and her stomach was giving out ominous rumblings.

Almost delirious Katrina didn’t notice the soft chuckling of a brook until she was nearly on top of it. With a cry of relief she dashed forward and lay down on the bank and slaked her thirst in the cool water. Feeling much better now she had drunk she lay on her back on the forest floor and sunk into an exhausted sleep, lulled by the gentle babbling of the water and sweet bird song. She awoke just before nightfall with a cramped feeling in her stomach and an overwhelming urge to relieve herself. Frowning in distaste she plucked a few large leaves and looked for somewhere private. Selecting a gap between a large beech tree and some undergrowth she dropped her breeches and squatted. After she had cleaned herself she stood and was about to pull her breeches back up and go and wash her hands when a low voice reached her ears, “don’ worry none ‘bout dat girly.” Katrina gasped and her hands flew to her crotch to cover herself. She stared around frantically, looking for both the intruder and possible escape routes. A rumbling laugh drew her eyes to a patch of shadow that moved to reveal a Goblin staring lustfully at her, “heh, heh, li’l tease coverin’ yo’ sweet li’l pussy, Guznar gonna fill it good for yer.” With a low scream Katrina made a dash for it and promptly tripped over her breeches and landed face down in the mulch of the forest floor. “Oooh, nice ass too, you wan’ Guznar to fuck dat too girly? Long time since Guznar had such pritee ass.” Katrina sobbed and tried to scuttle forward and pull her breeches up, failing to accomplish either. The Goblin laughed evilly and ran forwards to stand between her scrambling legs. “Maybe if’n you be gud girly Guznar let you live, fuck you plen’y much, give Guznar strong sons.” Katrina tried to crawl away but the breeches around her ankles stooped her as they contacted the Goblins boots. Frantic with panic she didn’t register the sound of the Goblin unbuckling his breeches and pulling them down. Guznar bared his crooked and rotten teeth as he grinned, “Guznar please’ to see girly.” Katrina screamed as she felt the Goblin grab her hips and lift her up. “Please, no, d-don’t, let me be.” Guznar just laughed and pulled her back. A mournful wail rent the forest as Katrina felt something hard bump against her buttocks, “heh, hee, girly like it in ass do she? Guznar like fuck’n’ ass, Guznar goin’ fuck ass o’ girly, goin’ fill her wi’ Goblin seed, heh, heh, heh.” Katrina sobbed and moaned as she dangled in the Goblins hands. Guznar shifted his right hand to support Katrina’s so his left hand was free to hold his erect cock to guide it into the shrieking girls ass. As Katrina felt the cock nestle between her buttocks, pressing against the entrance to her anus her hand brushed against her belt. With a determined scream her hand flew to her dagger and, drawing it, she swept the razor sharp weapon up behind her. A new scream echoed around the forest, startling the birds from the trees. Guznar dropped Katrina and stumbled back, looking down in disbelief at the blood gushing from the stump of his amputated penis. “Girly .... cut .... Guznar.” The Goblin crashed to the ground, body twitching, as he went into shock and started the slow process of bleeding to death.

Katrina scrambled to her feet, tears running down her cheek and, after pulling her breeches, fled into the darkening forest. She was not sure how far she had run, nor for how long, until she came to a panting and shuddering halt, totally out of breath. Katrina leant against a tree and sobbed in reaction to the horrors of minutes before. Not only had she killed someone, she had almost been raped. Shuddering in revulsion at what had almost happened she vowed to take a long, long bathe the next time she found water, to wash the touch of the hideous creature from her skin. She looked at her blood-covered dagger and tried to drop it, but her fingers were locked around the handle in a death-grip. She used her left hand to pry open the fingers and watched it drop to the leaf-covered forest floor. Katrina turned and slowly slid down the truck of the tree and sat at its base. After a few moments her basic training kicked in and she picked up the dagger and plunged it into the ground to clean the blade before re-sheathing it.

Wondering what was happening back at the castle Katrina slipped into an unquiet sleep. The dream returned in full-force, the wonder of seeing the unicorn, turning to horror at its ignominious death and dismemberment, the abject terror of the jet black fletched arrows hurtling their slow-motion way straight at her heart. With a scream she awoke as she felt the arrow start to pierce her chest, scaring the inquisitive squirrel that was standing, it’s tail twitching, in her lap. For a moment the sight of the arrows and the feathery tail of the squirrel merged and she opened her mouth to scream again before she recognized the fleeing creature for what it was. Heart pounding she stood slowly and considered what to do now. She was hopelessly lost in the forest, with no way to know which way was home, even if she wanted to return there. Sighing she started plodding through the forest in a random direction. From the deep shadows and faintly brighter light to her left she reckoned that she was heading in a vaguely southerly direction - away from the castle, which lay somewhere to the north.

Stomach rumbling again, mouth dry she threaded her way through the trees and undergrowth before she stumbled onto a thin track. Katrina knelt and examined the ground, identifying the prints of deer. This, at least, would provide easier travel, and if she was lucky it would lead to water. She had been following the track for an hour or so before she noticed that she was reacting to turns in the track and over-hanging branches and roots under-foot before she was aware of them. Katrina stopped and looked around at the surrounding trees and thought hard, comparing the image to her recollections of her dream. She gasped in surprise as she thought she now knew where she was, at least in relation to the forest clearing. If she was correct, then only a half-mile or so ahead was the clearing with its laughing stream where the unicorn would be drinking. If she hurried, then maybe she could get there in time to scare the graceful creature away and save it from the predations of the band of Drow.

Hungry, thirsty, and tired, Katrina broke into a stumbling run, letting her mind deal with the obstructions in her way. After six or so minutes she had made her way down the track to the edge of the clearing. Slowing to a walk she ducked off the path and eased her tired body through the undergrowth to the edge of the clearing. Blinking sweat from her eyes she peered through the foliage and gasped in reverence. Standing in the center of the clearing was the unicorn, neck bent to drink at the stream. Was she in time? Heart both pounding and soaring she pushed through the undergrowth and entered the clearing, screaming at the unicorn, “run, run for your life.” As the unicorn raised it’s graceful head to look, seemingly, into her soul it whickered and trotted towards her. “No! You silly beast ... run!” Sobbing, she ran at the unicorn waving her arms, “run .... run.” From behind her Katrina heard the rustle of undergrowth and she knew what was about to happen. She veered to her right trying to interpose herself between the Drow and the unicorn, still waving her arms in an attempt to scare the unicorn away. In the silence of the forest, over the pounding of her heart, Katrina heard the thrum of a bowstring and in the inverse of her dream, imagined the arrows streaking through the air towards her back. With a moan of pain Katrina staggered as an arrow punched its way through her shoulder. She fell forward into the flank of the unicorn and her arm went around it’s neck to support herself. The unicorn turned it’s head to look deep into her eyes. She sobbed, “oh why didn’t you run, now they’ll kill you - Aaaaaargghhhhhh!” Katrina screamed in agony as another arrow pierced her thigh and all her weight hung from the arm draped over the neck of the unicorn. Over the pain she could hear the Drow advance into the clearing, knowing they were moving to flank the unicorn and fire their arrows into it’s innocent body, uncaring of stealth as their ambush had been sprung. The unicorn dropped to it’s knees and nuzzled Katrina with it’s soft lips. She sobbed in pain and tried to ignore the creature’s urging, “n-no, s-save yourself.”

Once again the unicorn nuzzled her, this time with more force. Groaning with the pain she slid her right leg over the unicorns back. Immediately it sprang to it’s hooves and charged at one group of the Drow, lowering it’s horn to threaten them with impalement. With muffled cries of panic the Drow split up and rolled clear of the rampaging unicorn. The noble beast gave a loud whinny of challenge and stormed between the Drow at a full gallop. Arrows hummed past Katrina’s as she clutched to the unicorns mane, bent over to present as small a target as possible. Within seconds the unicorn was weaving down the deer trail, the undergrowth and branches shrinking away from the speeding creature. After scant minutes the unicorn drew to a halt and once again kneeled. Shivering in pin and shock Katrina slipped off the beast’s back and screamed in pain as her leg collapsed under her. She lay on her side, clutching her leg and trembling, getting weak from blood loss. The unicorn stood and gazed at Katrina, it’s amber eyes full of compassion. It lowered it’s head and brushed it’s spiraled horn over the wound in Katrina’s shoulder. Katrina sucked in her breath at the sudden jolt of pain as the arrow shattered and slowly pulled its way out of her shoulder, the barbed tip dropping in front of her and the fletched tail behind her. It repeated the process with her leg wound, causing Katrina to bite her lip to stop herself screaming. Blood welled up from the wounds and she felt her eyes un-focus as she became light-headed. A gray blanket settled over her as she slipped into unconscious-ness.

When Katrina came round it was late afternoon, and she was lying in front of the castle walls in the warm sun. Without thinking she stood and gasped as she realized she couldn’t feel her wounds. Her fingers probed her shoulder and found the holes in her tunic where the arrow had entered and exited. Her breeches also had the distinctive rip of a barbed arrow amongst the more mundane tears from the thorns. With a sense of amazement she made her way to the main gates where the sergeant-at-arms greeted her arrival with a loud cry, “Princess! You’re safe!” Smiling at the stunned guard she just said, “tell my father I’m home would you?”