Legends of Belariath

Gali Shuminta

Legend of Megil en'Agarlina Veldrin. (A Bards tale)

With in the confines of the Lonely Inn sits a cat-person male on a tall stool placed on stage and his clothing is vibrant with bright shades of color. A tail sways slowly from side to side as he looks out at the crowd gathered to hear him. He speaks his voice a light purring as he addresses these around him.” Welcome to my performance, I know many of you are awaiting songs, to aid you in the removal of thongs, however let me first tale a dale of betrayal darkness an death, I find it best to make the mood down before I get every one up in every meaning of the word. So we bring for the Legend of Megil en' Agarlina Veldrin, of for those who aren’t Elven the Blade of Crimson shadows.” There are many a tale centered on this blade, and many a name given to this blade. The Dark elves called Flesh ripper, Wolvens have called it Flame tail, and it was even rumored at one point to have been a Blade Given to cat-people by the goddess herself as an act of mercy in a time of great suffering and Pain, though scholar and historian alike will tell you that last is far from the troth, and though I am neither I will as well.” He looks around pondering if he’s caught every ones attention gray toned eyes glancing at most every one to see that a good portion of them were indeed interested in a sword their race had at some point heard of.

“Our tale begins not in the thoughts of the Great goddess of the cat-people, not in the halls of dwarfs, but in the heart of a Cat-woman known as Jessi Moonglow. It is said that Jessi was a pure breed cat-person, with a coat of fur a white as snow and eyes the color of polished sapphires, her form was every woman’s envy and every mans waking desire. It is said that she was the Chieftess of a clan of cat people then known as the Hengenma, a proud people of warriors and mages who were known for their attacks on towns and their refusal to allow even one of their brothers, or sisters to be taken off in to slavery. As you can surmise this means there were a lot of battles with slave traders and this clan and the clan was never overloaded with females or members due to the fact that their numbers were often cut short in massive battles with slave caravans or trading ports all to get one or two members of their clan back. I’d like to say more but that is a tale for another day.”

Another brief pause as Grey orbs glanced around the room some had lost interest due to the inclusion of a little history lesson about a clan yet a few cat-people had perked their ears in such an attentive manor that it did not seem so bad yet to loose to many meant loose of coin so with a shake of his head and a fixed frown of mystery he once more returns to the story at hand.

“ Jessi Moonglow though a ravishing beauty and mighty fighter desired one thing above all others and that my friends is power, the power to destroy her enemies, and slay those who dared to defy her will. Though Chieftess of the Hengenma, Jessi was never able to convince the blacksmiths of her tribe to forge a blade that would ensure her rule for many years to come, some say it was out of fear of her becoming much like the Elders who’s rule caused a massive war that left our race fractured and split to this very day, Jessi herself believed it was out of Jealousy and spite at her being the one to lead the clan. We will never know why they refused but the refusal caused Jessi to seek out other means of forging a powerful weapon and it is here that the dark elves make their entrance.”

Another pause as the Bards eyes wandered over the crowds slowly Irritation brewing on his face as he saw that more people were losing interest in his story, though a few cat-people were still lisoning it appeared that most of those now lisoning with intent were the morial he had just stated entering the story he Placed a smile on his face briefly before making a few choice cuts to the story and adding a little figment of detail here and there.

“ There was a battle between the elves and the dark elves, the magical devastation has not been seen nor heard of to this day, yet the scars of that great and grand battle remain on Gaia to this day if one knows where to look you can easily find them. In this time of war Jessi Sold her services and those of her most trusted warriors and husband as mercenaries, though they were never in the employment of any one side for very long due to the nature of High elves being high and mighty, and the Dark elves eventually making an attempt to place them all in a collar, yet despite this fact Jessi was known to favor the dark elves as they were willing and able to use any means at their disposable to achieve total victory. And Jessie witnessed such a truth when she was able to see one of their crafted war blades, its power was said to level a field in one swing killing friend and foe alike in a sea of chaos and blood that is best left un described… for those who are eating of course, and in return for this one mighty swing that killed a hundred with a single blow the life of the dark elf wielding it was made forfeit so as the blade slew others it also slew its wielder. Such acts rather than being seen as disturbing by Jessi Moonglow was in fact seen with Awe and glee. The cat-woman signing her band of mercenaries against their owe better judgment with the dark elves more often then not in the hungry desire to see their weapons of destruction and death. In the end the war ended with the dark elves gaining a foothold in several cities, though most will tell you that it never ended at all. Once there was no more coin to be had from the battlefield Jessi formulated a plan to have a blade of her own forged perhaps not as potent as the Grand blade that killed its own owner but still a thing of destruction that would make her unrivaled in her clan.”

The bard would look around once more and some that had turned away were now looking at him once more, a battle between two factions was always something to bring people in to a story, yet he had the distinct feeling that all the high elves and dark elves were throwing each other rather disdainful glances as if wishing nothing but harm at each other while now lisoning to his story, perhaps it was not the most wanted effect.. But at least they were lisoning. Taking a breath he would look to the crowd once more enjoying the attention for his tail as he spoke on.

“ Jessi once more returned to the under gloom, alone this time and sought out the then current Matron. There with in the darkness beneath the earth she made a pack that went against the very grain of her clan. The dark elves were to forge a blade to her exacting specifications and enchant it with the power to destroy and consume her enemies, and in return she would allow the misleading of scouting parties from her clan that would be found by the slavers of the under gloom. The deal might not have worked if not for the still fresh memory of what the warriors of her clan could do on the battle field, as well as Jesse’s assurance that while she was the most beautiful of females in her clan the females they came across would be more then attractive enough to gain a hefty price for their looks alone. A packet was made and the forging of Jesse’s blade was put in to action while Jessi herself made plans or the misleading of scouting parties filled with her oppositions to be handed over to the dark elves, with out theirs, or the clans knowing of course.”

Another pause for the bard and he smirked inside as he viewed the faces around him, the dark elves were paying far more attention then before, the cat-people.. Well only those who seemed more the type for honor were looking murderous, while those of a kitten mindset were looking simply interested. The high elves were paying attention is only because of the dark elves yet not a single chirot or torian seemed to have given a second glance the Wolvens well the few that appeared to be lisoning seemed more interested in the kittens then the actual story as they licked their lips watching them while throwing daring looks at the more dominating cats. The current situation was to be expected yet a few more quick changes to history and he would add a new twist here and there to attempt to grab the rest of the audience completely.

“Over the course of the following 4 months Jessi … shall we say gave wrong information to the scouting parties that were lead by those who might oppose her, and in that time a blade of black, and violet Mithril was forged with in the shadowed layers of Mount Thanon. When it was completed it was given to Jessi who took it and looked upon it. The blade was crafted in such detail that it looked a handle that released a tongue of liquid flame. It is said that Jessi was beside herself with the hunger to test the blade, however she would not be the first to wield its power, as on her way back she was attacked by a band of human thieves, and while she fought them off and managed to escape, they were able to confiscate the newly made blade and vanish in to the night. Enraged by the lose of her blade It is said Jessi was known to strike out at any one who crossed her path when she returned to the Forest in which her clan lived, and for a mouth and a half it was believed that no one was safe while with in her sight as she was looking for any one or thing to vent her aggravation until..”

The Bard once more paused and he reached out to take a Drink from a passing Tavern wench spanking her as he raised the mug to his lips and once more wet his pallet. His eyes gave a quick glance and he almost chuckled. The humans were now lisoning, most of which appeared to be brutes and thugs no doubt pondering if the blade was with some bandit’s lost treasure now. The cat’s and the elves were still lisoning yet the Wolvens were loosing interest and the winged ones still didn’t seem to care one way or the other, however a few had turned there head and appeared to be waiting for the conclusion with out appearing to. He sat down the mug and smacking his lips once more spoke on.

“ News does get to every one and after a month and a half of aggravation at her loss the news of a band of mercenaries wielding a sword of flame came to the ears of the Hengenma clan. Jessi snapped at the mentioning of it and she immediately attempted to gather up a party to go an retrieve the blade, however as before she was once more refused by the others of her tribe, seeing as they believed that there was no reason to go looking for humans or a blade that had nothing to do with them. It is at this point that the false tale of the Blade being hat wielded by Therisa Blackclaw comes from. For in his hunger to retrieve her blade she lied to her clan and told them that it matched the description of the blade their founder Therisa Black claw had been given by the Messenger of the Goddess of their people. As one might expect this changed everything. Those who had been unwilling to help in the retrieval were now in an uproar at the very notion that Therisa Black Claw’s blade had been removed from her grave and was being wielded by humans no less was an easy rallying point. Jessi was beside herself with the turnout of those who were to retrieve the blade and it is said she led them to march on the mercenary army, all of her people believing it an act of honor in the name of their Founder, while she saw it as the claiming of her handwork. This Act is known as the Reclaiming, or was by the Hengenma clan who are no longer of this earth, such a pity.Jessi lead her people through many a forest, village and town and if no for the fact that Cat-people are experts at stealth in the forest they might have had far more trouble with those they passed then they did as no kingdom that had been ruling would have liked an army of 1,500 strong moving through their lands. Jessi and the Army followed every fresh lead they came across concerning the Mercenary band paying coin, or dragging witnesses of in to the dark, to gain the information. Eventually they came upon the knowledge that the mercenary army was hired out by some warlord and was currently lagging siege to a fort in the west. They advanced in all manor of haste.”

The bar paused and took a breath. He had expected that people were losing interest but it was the opposite effect, many were now eagerly looking at him as if silently urging for more and the telling of the battle that would fallow. A small smile and a few plot twist thrown in once more and he knew he would have them all.

“ When they arrived on the field of battle between the lord of the fort’s forces and the Mercenary army they were at first seen as onlookers and their very appearance caused a small hold in the battle however as Jessi stepped forward she looked around at the field and was unable to find any sign of the blade she had come seeking. The rage of this fact threw her in to a rage and she bellowed forth a cry for the death of every one not of their race. Such a cry would have been questioned and even denied in more calm times, however the righteous furry of the Hengenma at their Founders grave being desecrated and ransacked overshadowed the thoughts of reason and they hurled themselves forward flowing like a wave of fur and metal on to the surprised fighters below. The Hengema’s numbers were not as vast as the two armies combined, however the two armies were fighting one another as well as the new cat-people and it is because of this that their attack was most potent. The battle was more along the lines of a slaughter as the Cat-people Released thousands of arrows over the heads of their brethren in to the eye sockets and bodies of the amassed two armies, Mages of every type hurled spells of their element forth dispersing large amounts of mercenaries and knights alike and then the waves of rangers armed with spear and blade and moving with such grace that their attacks seemed more a flash of fur then outright battle came forth lead by Jessi herself. The battle raged onward and there was no sign of the Blade that Jessie had had forged for her, she looked while deflecting blow and slaying foe until her gaze caught a large figure of fur carrying a blade of Flames. A cry of raw anger and hatred rose from her lips and those of her clan turned to see the image of a woven wielding the blade that they believed to have been their Founders. Now I don’t know if any of you know but The Hengenma are known for their hatred of most woven, this appears to stem from a long and developed cycle of Wolvens taking one of their clan and then being slaughtered and then in turn the Hengenma taking a wolven as a slave and then being slaughtered and so on and so forth. SO I’m sure you can imagine the sight of one carrying the blade… it is not an image I like to tell, however it is said that the Remaining mercenaries and human knights of the lord of the fort were thrown in to a state of terror at the cry that arose from the mouths of those cat-people. Indeed it is stated by more then a few people that Torians and their chirot slaves descended from the clouds in utter fear of some monstrous beast attacking the world below. The sight they saw was that of nine hundred cat-people slaying everything and anything in their path as they advanced on a wolven male who looked most bewildered at the sudden direction of the attack coming at him. His expression did not last long as he wielded the blade in defense of his life, however as he did not know what the blade truly was or its abilities he was taken down by a hail of arrows and three thrusting spears.”

The Bard closed his eyes and forced himself not to smile. The description of the battle was not the best as he despised gory and or bloody scenes in them self, however now every eye was turned on him even though they were also being cast around at the races they apposed. Wolvens were now looking rather put upon at the fact that even one of them had been killed by a cat-person. The dominating cats were looking smug and now throwing daring glances at the Wolvens; the kittens were awe struck as apparently a great many of them did not think they could take down a wolven. The humans were lisoning to a tale that was possibly somewhere in their history, the elves were still lisoning if only to spite one another, and the Torians and Chirots were now eyeing each other, the Chirots with a rather large level of loathing and the Torians a considering gaze yet still all were lisoning to the tale. Appearing to take a deep breath as if pained by what was to come the bard fixed his face with a sorrowful expression before he went on.

The Battle was ended, those remaining from the Mercenary, and knight armies neither bothering to fight one another, nor the armies of cat-people that were turning around and leaving with the acquired blade. It seems so sad really so much death and loss of life over one weapon. Many of you may be wondering why this should seem so sad? Because it does not end there no, in her hunger to make her power absolute Jessi Moonglow returned to the dark elves and had the blade bound to her in a ritual.. However the dark elves were not with out their own dark thoughts to add to such an act. They cursed the blade with a sensation of rage and hatred.. So the blade was now bond to Jessie yet it would whisper darkly in her mind demands for bloodshed and death, for that was how the dark elves would remove the Hengenma clan from the world not though a war that could be lost, but through their own member. Jessie eventually fell made due to the influence of the blade, and as a result it is said she slew more then half her clan with the retched blade before she was killed, not by Wolvens, not by elves, not by any other race but her own.. And her children no less. Now the blade itself was still believed to have been Therisa Blackclaw's, and because of that the next clan leader of the Hengenma wielded it, and the next and the next an the next, until the clan eventually sub come to darkness and destruction. What of the blade Megil en' Agarlina Veldrin? Many say that it was lost with the clan, however there is always a rumor that pops up here and there of a Blade of Liquid fire who’s flames are blade and when held it whispers dark desires to his owner. I believe the blade is still out there waiting for some one who can wield it properly.. Or to cause the death of another owner…”

The Bard lets his voice drift off and then bows his head pausing awaiting applause, only to hear none. He looks up and arches a brow as many of the patrons star at him as if expecting something grander or even another portion of the story like who has it. A small feeling of aggravation shows on the bards face as he holds out his hat.” Any coin for the telling of the tale…. No… not even a copper…. Fine!” Stuffing his hat back on his head he grumbles under his breath as he unpacks a lute and strums it with his fingers before calling out.” Well now how about a tune of a nymph and several sailors?” He starts to play a song with fast tempos and lewd lyrics, yet in the corner of the bar a Cat-man stands and moves towards the Inn’s exit, a small smile on his face as his right hand strokes a rapier resting in a black Mithril Sheath…