Legends of Belariath

Khristoph Maelese

The Journal of Khristoph Maelese: Day 19

Day 19

Blessed I am. Truly blessed.

I will attempt, to the best of my abilities, to properly record tonight's encounter. I know that no words will ever be able to document the emotions, the strength, the joy, the enrapturement, or the love that I feel for Caoimhe right now. What I have always felt. Now personified, now taken shape, made tangible, if for a few sweet, precious moments.

I took to the Inn before heading to town, hoping to see a few familiar faces. On the steps there, I met a pixie named Hazel - her formal name being Witch Hazel, but preferred I use the last name exclusively - who looked to be waiting for something. I greeted her, which she returned, and skipped into the Inn when I opened the door. Perhaps that was it; she needed the portal open.

Striding to the bar, I noticed Grunt was the keeper of the bar this afternoon. I asked for a pear cider, and the small one who had climbed a barstool requested something with bubbles. She was given a sarsaparilla - also known as root beer, of course - and we drank. She tipped forward too far, inserting herself into the glass, but unfortunately I was too caught up in my own thoughts to see her in this state. My mind was set on the anklet Mayalaya had mentioned before.

When she slept last eve, I gently made a measurement of her cannon with my grasp. Even now, I can still raise a hand and get the exact size perfectly. I made sure to trace it on paper as well, just in case. It was this partial oval that had caught my attention while the poor pixie was being rescued by others. A slave girl was quick to spare her an untimely dispatchment, and a sugar-water grave.

As silly as that may sound to one who reads this, it's still an end. I could not imagine departing this realm in such a way.

The girl offered to get Hazel a bowl instead, which she was promptly thanked for by the small one. I asked if she was fine, to which she replied that she was, if just a little clumsy. I had to feel for her there; there are times when my feet to not wish to interact with my orders. She asked if I was human, which I of course said yes to.

I finished my drink, and was about to leave, when the pixie asked of my destination. I told her of town, and that I would be getting a surprise for Caoimhe. I did not say her name only referring to her as a 'lovely lady'. That she is. Hazel seemed disappointed that I did not tell her what the surprise would be, but that's just as well. Upon asking me if my love was pretty, I did not waste a breath to reply that pretty wasn't the word. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Those would perhaps be more fitting, but even then, they pale in comparison to she, the sun in centaur form.

She didn't need anything in town, but tagged along, as she had never been there. I wondered if it would be condescending of me to carry her, but she did not mind. Together, we traveled to the General Store. Dante stepped out from the Healer's Guild as we passed, and opened the store. I introduced him to Hazel, and Hazel to the catboy. I knew exactly what I was going for.

The anklet.

I described it to Dante, who seemed a bit clueless. I fear he was spending too much time ogling the torian of his dreams - Mayalaya of course - and hadn't paid attention when she and Caoimhe were pointing out the fancy worked metal and stones. It didn't take him long to produce it, and it was even more than I hoped for.

It was indeed beveled, as it needed to be, the locking clasp left but the barest indentation when closed. I didn't wish my love uncomfortable, having some of her coat pinched or pulled if the hoop turned on her cannon. The emerald was not large, but still was masterfully cut, and seemed to catch the light just right on each facet. The outside of the ring had ivy, twisting and turning around itself, carved directly into it. Again, all very intricate, all very stunning.

I knew this would come with a high price, but I was willing to pay for this exquisite and luxurious craftsmanship. Dante had no idea what to charge, and so I offered him what I felt was fair, and if that wasn't enough, I would return with more. The catboy just smiled, telling me that this would be a secret, that it should be more than enough anyway.

Meanwhile, hazel seemed spellbound to the jewelry, her small mouth almost overflowing with saliva, her eyes wide to see the glimmers here and there from the gems and such. Dante seemed happy, but was also somewhat saddened. I knew he wished to be beside Mayalaya, but it seemed her eyes were for another. He has my deepest sympathies. I really shouldn't have carried on, to agitate him further for his lack of a love that loved him in return. I also purchased some candles, having an idea for the evening to come.

At some point, Hazel had found the section where they sell intimate gadgets. I had to leave, but Dante was nice enough to keep the pixie company. I exited, and headed straight for the cottage without delay. The first thing I did when I arrived there was to check for her presence. She was not there, and I was happy with this, for I wished to make the preparations for this evening in private. I removed the anklet from the satchel and placed it in my in sewn pocket, where I normally kept my blotter rags. Then I set up the candles I had purchased around the table. They would provide the atmosphere that I wished to create.

I only hoped she would be in a good mood this evening.

I entered her room for the second time, this time bringing in some candles, setting them here and there, almost strategically, but not quite. I took a moment to reflect, inhaling deeply of the air. It smelled of her, everything I had come to love. Joy sprang into my heart, and I couldn't help but spin in the center of her chambers, laughing softly at nothing at all, at least physically.

Still wondering what I would prepare for the evening meal - and knowing that I should make enough for Tyson and Kiriya - I began to hunt the kitchen for a recipe book, in case Caoimhe kept one. After a bit of searching, I discovered a tattered binding, containing some preparations that would deal with fish and eggs, along with some writings, comments, and the like. I had neither the time to fish, or visit the nests in the evening hours, so both styles of recipes were not possible. I also did not take advantage of reading the writings in the manuscript, as it would be impolite.

Potatoes and celery soup. The idea jumped to mind. The potatoes would make an excellent and creamy base, while the celery would add some color and crunch, as well as a good flavor. While I set the pot on to cook after I chopped and prepared, I went back to her room to arrange a fire that would burn the night through, not lighting it just yet.

Before going back to the kitchen, I took a look at my room. There, the bed was still well-made, and hadn't been touched in around a week. I smiled inwardly, knowing all the time was spent at my love's side, our bodies close together. I removed my cap and robe, and pulled off my pack and everything else that would not be necessary for the evening.

Flint and iron, necessary to light the candles and the hearth, stayed in my pocket. I fought down my feelings with practiced precision as I gave life to the wicks. They dripped slowly, showing they wouldn't melt quickly. Tonight would be perfect, I knew it. I sat at the table, after bringing the pot with the soup. The aroma was delicious, but with my thoughts churning and my stomach tied in knots, I wasn't the slightest bit hungry.

Caoimhe arrived, I heard her hooves on the porch outside. I slipped to the door, again, snuffing a goofy grin. I asked who it was, as if I did not know. The reply from her gentle voice came that it was she, Caoimhe. I opened the door, seeing her perk up as she smelled the concoction I had prepared, and I removed her pack. I couldn't help but press my cheek to her velvet coat as I did so, feeling her soft coat brush my whiskers. She made no outward appearance to the gesture, and moved to the table to gaze upon the setup.

She had with her a small bush in her pack, which I did not ask about, although was somewhat curious. Perhaps later I will find out its purpose. Caoimhe chanted, and the excess dirt and dust came free of her legs and hands. I hope the gesture was not for my sake; the earth did nothing to hinder her beauty.

The light from the candles was almost not needed; the very light from her smile and the one which shone from within her pupils lit the room in an instant flash. She said that I didn't need to go through such trouble, that the food smelled lovely, and that she liked the atmosphere. Oh, I tell you, I could have been pulled to the gods at that point, just to hear her tender words and see her smile like that. There was no need to touch her in that instant. I felt as close to her as if I had wrapped my arms at her sides and drawn her to my own body. I told her that it was no trouble, and it really was not, and that her smile alone was worth any trouble whatsoever.

I took a moment just to look her over once more. She wore the sweater again, slightly tattered, but still looked to be very warm. Her hair just a little over her right ear, and tucked behind her left. Her eyes, so hypnotic, so alluring, I could look into for hours and hours on end, and never become disenchanted.

I broke away momentarily to gather up some of Tyson's bread, and two mugs of pear cider. Upon returning, she had taken a place close to where I was to sit. Still, I did not require sustenance, but thought it would be rude if she was the only one partaking of the food. She may have also become unneedingly suspicious. I filled our bowls, broke the loaf in half, and set her mug before her. It wasn't bad, but my mind was not on the food.

We exchanged words as we ate, asking how Dante was after I had mentioned him. That Serra was now Caoimhe's new personal bodyguard, and that room and board were her payment, since she was saving up for equipment. An extra sword to anyone who would harm my love would be a wonderful addition, I think. I regaled on how she was quiet at the Inn, thinking how it was my presence that was the problem. She informed me that she was normally shy. She didn't seem to display this shyness when facing down danger, however. I think it would be to her benefit to borrow some of the steel she brings to the fray to general conversation as well.

Look, now, me giving advice on confidence. Ha, gods, save us all.

The moment was upon me, as I was unsure how to present the anklet. How romantic I wished it to be, how beautiful. It came out, more or less, that 'I got you something'. What an introduction to such a beautiful piece of jewelry. I felt like such a base moor. Her reaction was one of sheer surprise, as she almost dropped the mug to collect the bevelled ring. Her words soft, her eyes beginning to well up, everything was absolutely magical. I couldn't help but beam, the facade cast off like a great weight on my shoulders.

I didn't need to pretend. I was so excited, so enamored in her sight, so very wanting of her.

I clasped it to her left hind leg, where I had measured. Before I even set the clasp, I knew the fit would be correct. It was, after all, made just for her. Fighting back shivers, I locked it upon her cannon. Our eyes did not part in this entire exchange. I somehow even avoided tripping over my chair as I moved to place it upon her, asking her first, of course. After it was set, she gave the leg a gentle shake, to test the new weight, I believe. It was a bit thick, but her reaction seemed very, very favorable.

Her smiles alone made doing anything for her worthy. The impossible seemed worth attempting for to see the corners of her mouth rise, her eyes shine just-so, to set my heart afire. The gods be praised, she loved again. Why she had chosen me to bestow that soul-grasping gaze upon is beyond my comprehension, but I did not question it. It was certain that she would choose who she loved wisely. My only drawback was that she would not worry so quickly for my time in this realm, fearing that I would be visited by the Faceless Angel as well, just because she loved me.

Till now, our physical contact had been slight, but my desire for her began to overpower my senses. If I could just kiss her, it would bring me more resolve to keep my control. I rose from my position beside her, gliding to her front, and I whispered her name before leaning towards her, eyes closed. There was a pause, and I know it was less than a second, but at that moment, it felt like forever and a day had passed. I softly trembled, hoping that my lips would meet hers...

And they did. Our mouths parted slowly, to gently explore one another's once again. She stepped forward, and as she did, I clung to her, hands pulling a bit at her sweater. After a few precious moments like this, embracing with our lips and our bodies pressed together, I had to pull away to tell her that I was ready for her. There would be no fear from me, for her to show me the way that I could bring her pleasure, and she to pleasure me in return.

She did not answer. There was no need whatsoever. Her eyes... her haunting eyes told me she was ready to bring me to that place of complete contentment.

Caoimhe led me to her room, where I broke away from her touch to light all the candles around the room. They gave off that soft glow once more, the same one we left at the table. After all the candles were lit, the fire was last. It roared, consuming the logs it was fed. I stayed on one knee, turning to her, noticing in the new firelight that she had on the ice-blue blouse I had bought for her just days ago.

Thank you, gods. The more I think upon this night, the more I cannot stress how good you've been to me. This one is very unworthy, and will make sacrifice, fasting, and fervent prayer to you very soon.

My heart was already racing. Now it was thundering. She moved to my side, to gently rub my cheek. I nuzzled against it, savoring her affectionate gesture, rising slowly to my feet. Had this been the only time she had been shown such attention? I so dearly hope not. In a time where it was easy to snap one's fingers and demand instant gratification - and often receive it - I only hoped that what I was doing was not lost, that I was not the only one to go to such lengths to bring joy to a fair lady. Perhaps my methods seemed a bit mundane, but it seemed to have a profound effect on my love, who now had tears rolling down her cheeks.

I knew she was not in pain, as I knew I was not either. Why were we both crying? To feel only the purest of happiness, that could bring tears as well? She rubbed the back of my neck with her gentle hand, her eyes, feather-soft, demanded my attention to her lips once again. I was more than anxious to oblige, and soon, I felt her tongue pressing against mine as we kissed. My hands slid up her side, past her sweater, to dance across the silken blouse beneath.

I pulled away to ask her to lift her arms, so that I could remove the sweater, to see the garment beneath shimmer in the firelight, and her response was instant. I did so, unceremoniously tossing it to the floor. Her hands were quick to tug off my tunic, and after it, too, made its trip to the ground, they trailed back up my chest, where she laid several soft kisses upon my collarbone. Those kisses turned into a gentle tracing, using her tongue. I could have melted then, but I knew this was only the beginning, so I held myself together.

I need not go so much into detail past this point. Just know that what we shared was very, very much enjoyed. I only wish she would have allowed me to bring to her what she had brought to me. She said that females will feel a different way when brought over the edge, but she did not specify how. I came to know part of her body, taking great care to feel about her torso with my mouth after sliding the blouse to her waist. To know, to feel, to realize her body, just as she had promised I could, I did.

As I stated, I wished to bring a feeling similar to what I had felt to her, but after her gentle ministrations to my - well, lower regions, all she wished to do was to hold me and sleep. I complied, although my entire being ached to taste of her as well, as she had drank of me. I was more than satisfied, but if her wish was to cradle me and rest, then her will be done. Positioning my cheek to her stomach, feeling the weight of her bosom atop my head, we exchanged 'I love you's' until I felt her drop to sleep.

Slowly, I felt my own eyelids grow heavy, as the delicious feeling she had so lovingly bestowed upon me pulled its toll from my stamina. I listened to her breathe, one hand gently stroking her right foreleg she had draped across my waist, the other bent under her waist. She had asked me to stay with her. Why did she need to ask, even now, seeing how my very being quivered in her sight? As if there was some other option, another agenda I had planned after our intimate moment?

Time will tell if our moment will continue further, that I will get my chance to make her feel as she has made me feel this night. I'm glad I did not awaken her, but although her closeness warmed me internally, I was still quite chilled when the fire died suddenly, enough to bring me out of my deep slumber. After I returned the fire, I knew I had to put down to parchment what had transpired, lest it be lost in the moment.

How do I love thee, Caoimhe? Perhaps only the heavens above us all can bring measure to it. I know I cannot. Fear not, I will be in your embrace as soon as the ink dries.

My love, my life, my everything... That you are.