Legends of Belariath


Pterot Zaruismith - Moons, Blood, and Lightning - The Fantasy

*this is the poem Pterot Zaruismith actually wrote finally after ten years of working out how she felt about seeing the moon coloured ochre, with three strikes of lightning passing through it during one haunted evening. unsure of herself, Pterot waited until she felt the time was right to attempt putting her thoughts into words, and even so does she try to make it come across more dramatic and exotic. still, it always came back to her in a fashion similar to this - what would be her third attempt. the first two attempts looked far different, as each captured a different aspect of the storm and not the sight of the moon itself. now, this is not the absolutely finished edition of her work, as she has yet to be satisfied with it.*

what for this sight glistening down from heavens high into soul and heart of child young and scared yet do I feel comfort in your aura as without wrath do you gaze instead bathing me in your cool embrace

like swimming through silk are you tempting all my senses to weep leaving me breathless and blind yet do all I see and feel is you without fail heart pounding against my breast threatening to burst like dams swelling with rainwater

through you do three rivulets of light flow or do they flow before you as I see them crashing to earth would you watch them do the same plummeting into farmer's field causing them to light as bonfires do without control or limitations except for the downpour which descends even now around me

protected inside by wood and stone will cries and tears of wind spirits fall against the hard shelter inside which I do remain alone safe for now against the elements yet is it all in Gaea's passions this storm crosses my great-grandfather's fields and not up to my mother or sister

moon of blood and storms stroking my shivering spirit comforting me in time of fear warming my throat in time of frost child's fears being worn away like erosion of towering mountains blanketed in joyous solace until time ends of rainfall and sunrise comes for me again